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Authors: Marissa Day

Fascinated (32 page)

BOOK: Fascinated
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“Do you like it, Alicia?” Edward’s hot breath brushed her temple and throat. “Does this please you?”

Alicia couldn’t answer. Both men were naked now, both cocks gloriously hard. Alicia was panting and she couldn’t stop herself. The dark haired man wrapped his hand around the golden haired man’s erection. They kissed and fondled each other—slowly, lovingly—making sure their audience saw it all.

Alicia heard a rustle of fabric. She felt Edward’s arms reach around her, taking firm hold of her waist to lift her up and moved her onto his lap. She could have resisted, but she didn’t. She kept her eyes on the performance unfolding while Edward’s hands stroked down to slip between her thighs. Gently but firmly, he pressed her legs open. It was wicked beyond measure to have him touching her, opening her, while the men on the stage took their delight in each other, but the sensuous heat it unbound within her was irresistible. Alicia moaned and she felt Edward’s smile as his lips kissed the back of her neck.

“That’s it, Alicia. Lean back. Enjoy them, as I am enjoying you.”

She obeyed. She couldn’t even consider any other course of action. She rested herself against the warm, familiar plane of Edward’s chest. He was hard and his erection pressed against the curve of her ass and the small of her back as he gathered up her skirts, bunching them about her thighs so her legs and pussy were naked for him and anyone else who might want to see. Her breath hitched and quickened as his hands urged her legs further apart until she was fully astride him.

On the stage, the dark-haired man had pushed the golden man back onto the bed and straddled him from the front. He had that thick cock in both hands and was rubbing it roughly. The golden man was shouting now, arcing his hips, urging his dark lover on.

Edward’s hands closed over her breasts and Alicia thought she’d die. He gave her not a minute to draw breath, just found her nipples and began to pinch and play and squeeze her breasts as roughly as the dark man on the stage played with his lover’s cock.

“Watch them, Alicia,” he commanded hoarsely. “Enjoy it.”

“They’ll hear…” she gasped.

He was smiling again, kissing her neck, his tongue lapping at the sensitive flesh there, and never once did his hands cease playing with her breasts. “I’ll make sure of it.”

On the stage, the dark haired man dipped his head. Oh, God, he was going to…going to…

The exact moment he wrapped his mouth around the golden man’s cock, Edward plunged his hand under her skirts to press against her pussy.

“So wet,” Edward growled. “It excites you to see two men rutting for your pleasure.” He slid one blunt finger between her folds, stroking up to press against her pulsing clit.

“Yes, yes,” Alicia panted. The dark haired man was sucking his lover deep and hard. The golden man threw his head back, gasping out in his pleasure, even as she was. In the darkness the other audience members panted, moaned and laughed in their own passion and delight. She was so hot. Her dress was an abomination to her and she longed to be naked. She couldn’t be any tighter around Edward’s busy fingers and she moaned again.

Edward shifted underneath her. In her haze of pleasure, she didn’t understand what was happening, but then she felt his naked
shaft pressing hot against her ass. Alicia cried out, half startled, half eager, as he reached between her legs to guide his cock to her entrance.

On the stage, the golden-haired man cried out. He was coming, coming hard, and he held his dark lover in place, forcing him to swallow his cock whole as his hips bucked wildly. And that dark-haired man liked it. He was hard too. She could see his cock, stiff and straight between his thighs, swollen with greed as he sucked the other dry.

Edward was inside her now. His whole, hard length was buried in her burning shaft. Alicia sighed and whimpered and he chuckled in her ear as his hands moved across her hips, stroked around her thighs, and then between them, returning to her throbbing clit.

“That’s my dear,” he murmured. “My dear, hot, wanton woman.”

His words made her groan. His fingers worked her relentlessly. On the stage, the men stretched out on their bed. The golden man measured his length against his dark haired lover and kissed him. As they embraced, their glistening cocks rubbed against each other—fast, and faster—like Edward’s fingers against her clit, like his cock inside her. Her hips rocked. She moaned. She didn’t care who heard. She didn’t even care who saw. The men on the stage rolled each other over, kissing and caressing and wrestling. They pumped each other’s hard, beautiful cocks, groaning in equal measures of pain and delight. Edward was holding her down, forcing her to fight him to move at all. He was so hard inside her. His cock felt so good and his fingers wouldn’t stop rubbing and rolling her clit.

“Yes, Alicia, yes. That’s it. That’s what you want.”

Onstage the men were coming for each other, calling out, begging for more. She was coming as well, coming on Edward’s gorgeous cock and against his merciless hand. He cried out through clenched teeth and bucked up underneath her, adding his pleasures to her own, to those the men on the stage and the gathering around them, and it went on and on as if it might never stop.


ut it did stop. Slowly, the pleasure eased and ebbed. The curtains of the stage fell closed, and Alicia melted back into Edward’s arms. Around them, the other audience members began to rise and make their way to the door, but Edward seemed in no hurry to leave. He just sighed and lifted and turned her, laying back on the loveseat with his legs up, so he cradled her full length. Alicia had neither the strength nor the desire to object, especially as Edward continued to lazily stroke her back and arms.

When she could find her voice again, Alicia asked, “How did you know?”

“I pay very close attention when you speak, Alicia.” Edward chuckled and drew his fingertips around the edge of her ear, pausing to fondle the lobe. It tickled and she squirmed and he chuckled again. “You told me what you wanted to see.”

“But I never said two

“No, that was a guess. But a good one, don’t you think?” He trailed his fingertips across her bare arm.

“Yes,” she breathed. “I never could have imagined it could feel so good.”

“Well.” Edward caressed her hips with a firm and exciting possessiveness. “We must see what we can do about that limited imagination of yours.” Wicked promise filled the words. Edward sat up, shifting her from his lap so he could stand and hold out his arm. If she ignored his rumpled clothing and tousled hair, and his trailing shirt tails, he looked the perfect gentleman. “Come with me.”

She stood. There was no one left but the servants, and they did not seem to be even aware of their presence, but instead went about the tasks of lighting candles and righting chairs. Her dress was an appalling ruin, and her hair dangled in elf locks around her shoulders, but the approval in Edward’s eyes shone so brightly, she could not bring herself to truly care.

“Where are we going now?” she asked as she threaded her arm through his.

“To the supper I promised you.” He pulled a key from his waistcoat pocket. “There is a room prepared for us.”

Edward led her across the salon to a pair of white doors. “Your Mrs. Hamilton is a most…accommodating hostess,” Alicia remarked.

“That she is.” Edward fitted the key in the lock and opened the doors with a flourish. “Here we are.”

The room on the other side was done in shades of blue and cream. Fresh flowers filled the vases and a good fire burned in the grate. A table had been laid for two in front of the hearth, and a variety of covered dishes sat on the sideboard.

There was also a wardrobe, and a bed. A very large bed, canopied and curtained in royal blue velvet. A luxurious blue silk
duvet had been turned down neatly to reveal crisp white sheets and piles of plump pillows.

“We are dining in the bedroom?” Alicia arched her brows.

Edward closed the door firmly behind them. “I think you’ll find it an enormously practical arrangement.” He removed his coat and hung it on the waiting stand. He also loosened his crumpled cravat and collar. “There’s a dressing gown for you over there. You’ll want to put that on.”

“I will?”

“Yes, Alicia. You will. Very much.”

Alicia felt her cheeks and her pussy begin to heat again. Edward’s gaze traveled up and down her entire body. He liked what had just happened. He liked having her on top of him while she watched those other men. He had wanted her then, and he wanted her now. Her own gaze traveled boldly to his tight breeches. He might stand cool and collected while giving her his impertinent directions, but Edward was already hard again. Alicia was seized with a desire to fall on her knees and rub her cheeks against the place where his cock pressed against his breeches. She would beg him to let her suck him, and fuck him. Just thinking about it lit fresh fires deep within her, and Edward knew it. He could see right through her, straight to her desire.

“The robe, Alicia,” he ordered. “Now.”

She turned. At the back of the room stood a lady’s dressing table, with a large, very clear mirror. There was also a painted screen and another stand, where—as Edward had pointed out—there hung a pale, blue silk robe. But Alicia was certain he did not just want her to move behind the screen and dress. He wanted more from her, and she was sure she knew what it was.

Alicia placed herself directly in front of the mirror, and slowly,
she began to loosen her ruined walking dress. The mirror’s reflection showed Edward behind her. He watched with a smoldering gaze as she pulled down the sleeves of her dress and then the chemise beneath to bare her breasts. His gray eyes traveled back and forth, between her reflection and her body and she saw him slowly stroking his hand up and down his erection, a lazy, arrogant smile on his face. Alicia let her dress fall to the floor, and pushed down the chemise until it slid from her hips and puddled around her ankles. She was twice naked before him now, once in the mirror and once in reality.

Excited by the approval so evident in his gaze and his hard cock, Alicia slipped her fingers between her breasts. “I want you, Edward,” she whispered.

His hand stilled, and his smiled broadened. “Oh, you will have me, my dear. But not quite yet. Put your robe on, and let us eat some of this supper. I can promise you it will be excellent.” He pulled out a chair and waited behind it, grinning all the while. Now Alicia wanted nothing so much as to stamp her foot like a little girl, but she did not. Obedience to Edward’s commands, strange or frustrating as they might seem, had highly enjoyable results. She would be obedient now.

As he promised, the supper was excellent. There was a rich, creamy vichyssoise, and fresh green peas, a surprise for so late in the summer. These accompanied a roasted pheasant in a red wine sauce and boiled potatoes. For the sweet, there was a sugar topped cake as light as a cloud. All the while, Alicia was aware of the brush of cool silk against her naked breasts. Her nipples had hardened the moment she’d slipped it on, and they had not loosened since. She was aware, too, of how Edward’s nonchalance as he talked and ate increased the heated restlessness growing between
her thighs. But he was watching her closely. He wanted to see that she enjoyed her food, as much as he wanted to see how her breasts slid beneath the silk as she moved. How could he stand it? He was as hard as she was tight. He must be in pain. But he did not hurry. Instead, he urged her to second helpings, and refilled her wineglass and then her coffee cup. Twice.

But at last, she could not eat another bite. It was time to end this.

“Thank you, Edward,” she said, firmly pushing her plate away and blotting her lips on her napkin. “You were right. Everything really was excellent.”

“Good.” He drained his own cup and set it down. “I’m glad you’re satisfied.”

“Well…” Alicia let her lashes flutter bashfully.

“Well?” Edward’s brows arched.

“‘Satisfied’ would not be the word I’d choose.”

The arrogant grin spread itself across his face once more. “Wouldn’t it, you saucy miss?”

Alicia’s breath caught in her throat. She could no longer bear to simply sit here, with this table between them. She needed his touch, his mouth, his body. Now. She rose. Her breasts felt swollen and heavy as she moved toward him. “Please, Edward…”

“Now, now, my dear.” Edward reached out, and stroked the curve of her ass. The slide of the silk over her skin was maddening and she closed her eyes to better savor it. “We’re going to have a guest.”

Alicia’s eyes flew open again. “A guest?”

“Yes. In fact, I think I hear him outside now.”

While she gaped at him, Edward stood and walked back
to the doors. Alicia’s heart was pounding. He was grinning. He opened the door.

A young man entered. He was tall, dark and broad-shouldered, and clad in tight buckskins with—scandalously—nothing except an open waistcoat over his muscled chest. His bare feet sank into the plush carpet. He entered confidently, seemingly unaware of his state of undress. Or hers.

For a moment Alicia couldn’t understand what Edward might be thinking. Then she recognized their “guest.” This was the dark-haired man from the stage play. The one who had stripped down onstage and so shamelessly made passionate love to another man.

BOOK: Fascinated
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