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” came the unanimous and simultaneous reply from Higher Recipient Truthkeeper, Ray and Clover.


     Sky shook his head in disbelief. Tears were streaming down his cheeks. His eyes were bloodshot red. His mouth was open but there were no words coming out of it.

     “So… so you mean to say that all those things about truth, justice and nature’s laws are actually real
” he said finally.

    “Of course
” came the unanimous reply from Higher Recipient Truthkeeper, Ray and Clover once again.


     Sky shook his head again. He just could not believe what the Receiver and his two colleagues were saying.

     “But that is not fair
How are we supposed to know about these things
” protested Sky.

     “Well, that is what Receptions are for, Minvian Proest
” Higher Recipient Truthkeeper pointed out.


     Sky shook his head yet again. How could this be

     “I do not understand
How do these Receptions know about these things to begin with
” questioned Sky.

     “Then listen carefully to me as I explain. In the beginning, neither humans nor any living beings had any understanding of anything. Who are we
Why are we here
What are we supposed to do
Where are we supposed to go
Who made us
So the wisest of the earliest man observed Nature and all its laws, hoping to discover its secrets and to uncover the truth and ultimately, to find answers to these questions. As time went by, they uncovered more and more information and with this, wisdom and knowledge is gained. Then these men died of old age. But their wisdom and knowledge led to their rebirths in higher, less miserable and more blissful forms of existence. Today, we call these forms of existence as angels and their realm is what we now call heaven. And further more, these angels later realised that every living soul in the universe were originally formed as angels; and that we have all sinned and deteriorated from our angelic forms to become humans and animals. What I am trying to say is that we were originally made clean, but we have stained ourselves with sin; and now we have been reduced to being humans and animals. So the logical conclusion is to undo what we have done. But how do we do that
Well, some of these angels had chosen to return to us to teach us about the wisdom and knowledge that they had gained, so that we may undo our sins, to learn to live in peace and harmony with each other and more importantly, with Nature. Consequently, by applying their teachings and harmonising with Nature, it is hoped that one day we too could join them in heaven. Of course, these angels who had returned to us are what we call prophets, messengers and so on. Then there are those who had reached even beyond heaven. And these men are who we call saints. These saints do pass their teachings down to us as well. And the knowledge and wisdom of the saints offers us guidance to achieve ‘cessation’. So we who receive the wisdom and teachings of prophets and saints are called Receivers; and the wisdom and knowledge that they had taught to us are called Receptions,” explained Truthkeeper, as Ray and Clover took out their medical kits and tended to the soot-covered children.


     Sky’s jaw dropped. His bloodshot eyes bulged in surprise. So even in his grief, they would sell him this ridiculous belief
They truly are heartless, or is it that it is he himself who is truly confused

     “If that is the case, then why are there so many different Receptions
Why are there so many different doctrines when there is only one Nature, therefore only
” questioned Sky.

     “That is because all the Receptions and founders of each Reception see and agree on that
that you have mentioned, but disagree on what is the best way to deal with this truth. What I am trying to say is that there is the one set of questions and all agree that there is the one and the same set of questions but they all came up with different answers to that very same set of questions. Whose answer is the best
No one knows
It is up to the individual to choose one of the answers offered. This is what is called ‘free will’. This is why there are so many Receptions in existence even though it is only one truth and one reality that we live in,” answered Higher Recipient Truthkeeper.


     Sky was beginning to see the sense in the Receiver’s words. But he needed more information.   

     “And so, what is the set of questions and what are the answers
” asked Sky.

     “The first question is ‘who are we
’ The answer is that we are an element of Nature, no different than earth, wind, water or fire; except that we have the capability to think and feel. It is this extra capability that makes us alive and distinguishes us from the other elements. Some Receptions call this element of what we are as ‘Mind’ while some call it as ‘Soul’. The difference between the two is a matter of opinion, not fact. So whether it is mind or soul that truly exist is irrelevant. The name of the element is irrelevant
The relevant point is that we ourselves
an element of Nature
And being an element of Nature, we are
of Nature and not separate from it. If Nature was a book, then we are just a page in this book. We are
a separate book altogether. Furthermore, a human being, or any living being altogether, exists as a combination of two materials. The first material is the mind, or the soul. The second material is the materiality, or the body. But bear in mind, the true person is the mind, or the soul; and
the materiality or the body. Why so
Because it is the mind, or soul, that continues on after death and is the keeper of our memories, thoughts and emotions. So our minds, or souls, are the true us; and our materiality, or our bodies, are just empty shells to be discarded when they no longer function,” explained Higher Recipient Truthkeeper.


     Sky nodded his head. So he understood it as all living beings, humans included, are a part of Nature and not separate, independent, different or detached from it. He also understood that all living beings consist of a soul and a body, but it is the soul that is the real person and the body is just a container that keeps the soul inside it.

     “And what is the second question
” he asked.

     “The second question is ‘why are we here
’ Different Receptions offer different answers. Some Receptions believe that we are here to help Nature manage the other elements, and also ourselves, more smoothly. That is to say, that we are here to do a duty. The duty that we are supposed to do is to manage this world and to make smooth the interaction between all the elements. Nature will
try to seek equilibrium.
This is the true nature of Nature. Our function, to which we were created, is to facilitate this process, or in other words, to help Nature achieve equilibrium
Remember, this world was
not made
for us
We were made
this world
If this world is a garden, then our duty is to be the gardener who tends to this garden. But we are
of the garden, just merely a
in it. The Reception of Light and other Receptions like us, however, believe that there is
to this. We believe that besides being the gardener, we also have the duty of cleansing our minds, or souls, from
any and all
sins. So life is supposed to be a
process. We are here to purify ourselves and rid ourselves from all sins. If our minds or souls are like dirty clothes, then life is the process of scrubbing and washing of these dirty clothes and Receptions are the detergent that we use to wash these dirty clothes clean,” answered the Receiver.


     Sky nodded his head to show that he understood. So basically, what Higher Recipient Truthkeeper told him was that humans were created to take care of the world and at the same time, were required to clean up their own souls. The world does not belong to humans. Humans are just workers in the world, working for its true owner.

     “So what is the third question
” he asked.

     “The third question is ‘what are we supposed to do
’ The answer to that is firstly, to
all of Nature’s laws and
with them. We have to understand and comply with these laws so well that we actually resonate with them, be in total synchronisation with them. Secondly, after understanding and complying with these laws, we shall try to act as ‘lubricants’ to make smooth the execution of these natural laws and their related processes.  Nature will always achieve equilibrium in the end, but these are violent and radical processes that are sometimes wasteful and produce a lot of collateral damage. Our function is to make smooth this process. With the proper understanding of Nature’s intention and its laws, we are to take actions that will achieve the same result but with less violence and less collateral damage. Remember this
We must never go against Nature
” answered Higher Recipient Truthkeeper.


     Sky nodded yet again. So he understood it as that it was Nature that was the boss, not the humans. So humans must do what the boss says, not the other way around. And humans must try to help the boss achieve what the boss wants to achieve.

     “And the fourth question
” he asked.

     “The fourth question is ‘where we are supposed to go
’ The answer to this one is simple but varied. Some believe that we should all aim to go to heaven. This is our aim and this is our responsibility to achieve. And for those who believe in this doctrine, there are even two schools of thought. One is to go to heaven and be together with The Creator. Thus these people are known as those ‘who want to taste sugar’. The other is to go to heaven and merge our souls with The Creator himself. These people are known as those who ‘want to become sugar’. Receivers of Light and others like us, however, believe that Nature itself is The Creator, and that we should achieve the ‘void’, and thus be returned to our most basic and elemental state and be unified with Nature. Thus, we believe that we should ‘become sugar’ with Nature, because Nature
The Creator. Whichever of these answers that you decide to choose is up to you. However,
living beings, and particularly human beings, are allowed to choose to go against Nature and its laws, or to choose to be evil; as this will result in punishment in hell or at the very least, miserable births in the animal form, ghostly form or the demonic form,” explained the Receiver.


     Sky nodded his head again. So basically, humans are required to either go to heaven and be with The Creator, go to heaven and merge with The Creator, or achieve the void and merge with Nature because Nature is The Creator. And if they fail to do so, they will be severely punished.

     “And the last question
” he asked.

     “The last question is ‘who made us
’ Basically, what we are asking is, who is The Creator
There are various answers to this question and to a certain degree, the answers are a huge contrast to each other. Some Reception teaches that an omnipotent, all powerful being created Nature and everything in it, including us. Some Reception teaches that an omnipotent, all powerful being
from Nature and created us, but because he is the first to exist, he is called The Creator. The Receivers of Light believe that Nature itself is The Creator and that Nature had created several omnipotent, all powerful beings to ‘administrate’ all of creation. These omnipotent beings then created angels, humans and animals and hells to help make smooth the administration process. But certain angels became ‘troublemakers’ and traitors; and were cast out of heaven. These ‘outcasts’ were then known as demons. So which one is actually correct
Who is to say
No one really knows because no one saw how it actually happened
So in this sense, you are free to choose which of these answers you think is the most true and accurate, because no one can truly prove that their version
what actually happened,” explained the Receiver.

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