Far as the Eye Can See (43 page)

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Authors: Robert Bausch

BOOK: Far as the Eye Can See
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On the Way Home


The Lives of Riley Chance


Almighty Me!


The White Rooster and Other Stories


A Hole in the Earth


The Gypsy Man


Out of Season

Copyright © 2014 by Robert Bausch


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Published by Bloomsbury USA, New York


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Bausch, Robert.

Far as the eye can see : a novel / Robert Bausch. — First U.S. edition.

pages cm

eISBN 978-1-62040-261-0

1.  Military deserters—Fiction. 2.  Swindlers and swindling—Fiction.  I. Title.

PS3552.A847F38 2014




First U.S. Edition 2014

The electronic edition published in November 2014


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