Fantasy Boyfriend (A Tattooed Bad Boy Romance) (6 page)

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"Luke!” I gasped. “We’re in a restaurant-"

He laughed, the sound rumbling low in his throat as he
continued to kiss me. I couldn't believe it. We were in a sushi restaurant and making
out on top of the table. Wouldn’t my friends just die if they knew what I was
doing? Me! I half expected the table to collapse beneath our weight, but it

Before I knew it, his hands were stroking my back,
cupping my buttocks, and then moving around toward my waistline. Of their own
volition, my hands wrapped around his shoulders, and I realized the fabric he
wore was definitely silk. Several seconds later, one of his warm hands enveloped
my right breast and my breathing grew harsh and erratic. He squeezed and gently
kneaded it, passing his thumb over my bra. My nipple responded in spite of the bra
and ached for his touch. The kiss deepened, his tongue entangling with mine,
and I was giving as well as I got. I didn’t know what came over me, and I don't
know what it was about Luke that encouraged me to break the rules and step
beyond my comfort zone and the boundaries I had always set for myself, but
there was something about him…

I heard the gasp from the doorway. My eyes darted open
and, looking over Luke's shoulder, gazed in horror at the waitress, her eyes
wide, her mouth opened in an “O” of surprise as she looked at where I lay on
the table, Luke half covering me with his own body. I could imagine the look on
my own face, but then the waitress just giggled, backed away, and closed the door.
I scrambled to the side, off the table, gently shoving Luke off of me.

my gosh
, oh my gosh,
oh my gosh," was all I could mutter as I rolled onto the floor and then my
knees in abject embarrassment. To my surprise, Luke only smiled and tilted his
head toward the door.

"Don't worry about her, she won't tell
anyone," he assured. "She's a friend of mine."

I stared at Luke, and then glanced at the door, trying
to rearrange my shirt to make sure that I looked presentable. My blood raced
through my veins. "Luke, I-"

"Come on," he said, standing and reaching
for his jacket, lying on the floor nearby. "Let's go for a ride."

My privates were on fire, my breasts tingling still
from the sensations his hands had elicited on my tender flesh, my blood
throbbing with desire, but I knew this was not the time or the place. I wasn't
sure if I should go with him anywhere, especially in the state I was in. Then I
reminded myself again – where's your sense of adventure, Jessica?



I was already hot with sexual tension and the
vibration of the bike underneath me did nothing to soothe my zinging nerves. It
had grown dark outside while we ate. I wasn't sure were going, and at this
point I didn't care. I just enjoyed the sensation of the bike rumbling beneath
me, the feel of Luke’s hips against the inside of my thighs, and his warmth as
I pressed myself close to his back, my arms wrapped tightly around his waist. I
still wore the sunglasses, just because I was afraid of getting a bug in my
eye. With the streetlights, it wasn’t hard to see. Before long, we made our way
out of the city streets and into a more rural area. Finally, as we headed off
up into the hills, he pulled over into an overlook. It was gorgeous, quiet,
dark, and private.

"I thought you might like the view from up
here," he commented as he shut down the bike.

I climbed off the bike and he followed suit. I pulled
off my helmet and he did the same, and we both placed the helmets on the seat
of the bike. I placed my sunglasses beside the helmet. Then, he reached for my
hand. I gave it to him. He led me toward a row of huge boulders that bordered
the turnout from the highway and the surrounding hillsides.

"I like coming up here sometimes, where I can see
the stars at night."

My hand felt warm and tingly in his, and I looked up
into the night sky, agreeing. We sat on one of the boulders and just stared up
into the night sky for a while. "A penny for your thoughts," I
finally said.

"I'll have to charge you more than a penny,"
he grinned.

"Seriously, Luke. I want to know more about you.”
I was curious how he had learned so many languages. Perhaps his father had been
a career military man. That would account for the different locations, but for
some reason, I doubted that was it. Was his father a businessman or a professor,
perhaps? “Why did you travel all over the world with your parents? What did
your parents do?"

"You first," he said. "So, Jessica
Mallory from Billings, Montana, what's your history?"

I shrugged. "Not too exciting to tell," I
said. "I got awarded a scholarship and chose Boston U. I took basic
undergrad courses during my freshman and sophomore years, and now I’m taking more
advanced courses that will get me some kind of medical degree, although I'm not
quite sure which field I want to specialize in.” I paused, looking up at the
stars. He was right. You had to get out of the city and away from all the
lights to see the stars. Back home in Montana, I had often enjoyed wandering
outside at night to look up at the tens of thousands of stars up there and most
especially enjoyed looking at the Milky Way. I turned toward him. “What about
you? You don't seem to be advanced chemistry kind of guy."

"I don't?" he asked, an eyebrow lifted.

God, he looked wicked, and I was enthralled and
captivated by this enigma of a man. I wanted to know everything there was to
know about him, but then again, I guess it was the mystery of him that
captivated me so. If I knew more would I lose interest? "What are you
majoring in?"

He shrugged. "Haven't decided yet." He
looked back up at the stars. "What do your parents want you to do?"

I smiled, thinking about my parents. "Anything
that makes me happy," I said. "My mom's a registered nurse at one of
the hospitals in Billings, and my dad is a bank manager. They've never pushed
me to be one thing or another, but always told me to follow my heart, wherever
it leads me."

"And your heart is leading you into

I nodded. “I've always wanted to be in the medical
field, ever since I could remember. I remember when I was really little, I
wanted to be one of those people who looked into microscopes… I didn't know
what they were or what they did, but it certainly looked intriguing." I
turned to smile at him. "Then I wanted to be a nurse, like my mom, but I'm
not sure if that's the direction I want to go. I guess you could say I'm just
testing the waters this year, see what really captures my interest."

"And has anything captured your interest

I had a feeling he wasn't talking about my curriculum.
I grinned and shrugged. "Maybe." He stared at me for several moments,
and while I wanted to look away, I couldn't. His dark eyes gazed into my face,
as if trying to memorize every little detail.

"You're beautiful, you know that?"

I knew he was interested in me, but was it more than
just superficial? I decided to test the waters, so to speak. Casually, I slid
off the boulders we sat upon and began to meander toward the tree line. Would
he follow? He did. I smiled to myself. The moment we had disappeared into the
tree line, I was immediately captivated by the scent of pine, the rich loam of
the soil, and the primeval, primitive location. Even though lights and the
bustle of Boston shone down beneath us, up here it was quiet, much like it must
have been hundreds of years ago.

Several moments later, I sensed him close behind me. I
turned and took a step backward. My back brushed up against the knotty bark of a
pine tree. I watched as he stepped closer, slowly, his eyes riveted to mine. He
didn’t stop until his chest almost touched mine, his hands reaching up above my

"I'm not going to let you go until you do what I
want," he said, grinning.

His voice was not at all threatening, but sexy and
captivating. I got the distinct impression that if I had said no, he would have
backed away, but truth was, I didn't want to. I smiled, deciding to continue my
adventures. "And just what might that be?"

"You tell me," he said.

Then, he leaned closer, his lips meeting mine. I
couldn’t resist. My passion, which had been ignited at the sushi restaurant,
came back full force and then some. Without thinking, I opened my mouth,
swirled my tongue around his, while at the same time my hands reached for his
pants. I couldn't believe I was doing this, acting so bold, but moments later,
I unzipped his zipper and reached inside those leather pants, only to find that
he wasn't wearing any underwear. Almost immediately, his erection sprang
outward, freed from the constraints of his pants. I wrapped my hand
automatically around his penis, my breath coming faster, his tongue ravishing
mine. Suddenly, I realized that his hands had also been busy and my pants were
unbuttoned and unzipped. At that moment, the jeans were being shoved down my

I made a few movements, slipped off my shoes, and
quickly stepped out of one pant leg so that I could straddle his legs more
fully. Before I realized it, he had both hands on my breasts, his erection
pressed against my pubis. He kissed me, his lips hot and moist on my own, and
then he pulled slightly away. I groaned in protest until I felt his hands push
up my t-shirt and bra. His lips and tongue suckled first one nipple, then the
other. My back pressed hard against the tree, but I didn’t mind. Then, to my
vast surprise, he suddenly lifted his head, found my mouth again, and lifted me
off the ground.

The next instant, he was inside me, his hard length
filling me, his breath coming harsh as he froze for a moment. I couldn't
believe how strong he was. Desire overwhelmed me and I wrapped my legs around
his hips. He held me pressed against a tree while he began to shove his penis
deeper, but not too fast. I had never had sex like this, and it was the most
amazing experience. My position and his strength allowed him to plunge deeply
upward, deep inside me, my pubis pressing against his. His mouth was
everywhere, on my lips, then my ear lobes, then at the crook of my neck. Before
he knew it, I felt the waves of ecstasy overcome me. Quicker than I thought
possible, I reached my pinnacle and nearly screamed out my orgasm.

He kept going. Panting, every nerve in my body
thrumming with waves of pleasure, I tried to catch my breath, my arms clutched
around his shoulders, hanging on for dear life. One of my legs dropped from
around his waist, and he crouched down slightly, allowing me to slide back down
the tree while I gasped for breath on shaky legs, every vein in my body
drumming with passion and excitement. I had not even caught my breath when he abruptly
pulled out of me, turned me around, and told me to hang onto the tree. I did,

The next thing I knew, he was entering me from behind.
Oh God. I was leaning slightly forward at the hips, my arms outstretched in
front of me and grasping the rough bark of the tree while he placed his hands
on either side of my hips and continued to pump steadily. One hand relinquished
its grip on my hip and reached upward underneath my shirt to cradle my breast. His
fingers began to tease and play with my nipple, gently squeezing, twisting, and
caressing until both my nipples were as hard as pebbles. My breath came in
harsh gasps as once again I felt the upward wave and surge of an orgasm coming.
I couldn't believe it. He seemed to sense my ecstasy and pumped harder, faster,
and deeper. Then, to my amazement, I experienced a second orgasm. That had
never happened before. Just as the drubbing sensations began to ease somewhat,
he pulled out. I almost moaned in disappointment, but then felt his semen
squirting against my lower back, hot streams of fluid that offered him the
release I had just experienced.

"Oh my God, oh my God," I gasped, riding the
waves of ecstasy until every nerve in my body seemed to be attuned to his

"Oh my God is right," he finally gasped.

Chapter 8

To say that I had never had sex like that was an
understatement. My body felt like a bowl full of Jell-O as we return to the
motorcycle and prepared for the ride home. Neither one of us said anything, but
I didn't mind. What kind of a comment could someone make after mind-blowing sex
like that?

I climbed on the bike behind Luke, leaning my body
against his back, my helmet resting against him the entire ride home. My hands
were wrapped around his waist, relishing his warmth, his strength, his solid
form. By the time we got back to my building, I was so relaxed I could've
fallen asleep. As the bike pulled up to the curb and rumbled to a stop, he sat upright
and removed his helmet. I quickly did the same and climbed off, standing near
the back end while he once again climbed off the bike and attached my
motorcycle helmet to the locking mechanism near the seat. His helmet rested on
the place that I had just vacated. He stared down at me, his eyes searching
mine, a strange expression on his face.

"What's the matter?" I asked. He wasn't
going to dump me now that I'd given him sex, was he?

He shook his head. "You captivate me, Jessica Mallory,"
he said. "I don't quite know how or why, but you do."

I could've said the same thing about him, but I
didn't. I didn't want to seem like a pushover, regardless of the fact that I
had let them have sex with me, not once, but twice, with me so compliant that I
allowed him to flip and flop me around without any sense of self-consciousness.
Sex with Luke had been one of the most natural things I have ever done. My
parents might not have approved, but then again, I'm glad I had done it. It was
nice to know that there was a guy out there who was skilled enough to offer
pleasure before partaking of his own.

A moment later, he leaned toward me and kissed me. It
wasn't a passionate, sex-crazed kiss like we had experienced in the woods, but
a gentlemanly kiss, or at least that’s how I would describe it.

"I had a nice time tonight," he said.
"I hope you did, too."

I nodded. "I did. Thank you, Luke." To be
quite honest with myself, I didn't want the evening to end. At the same time, I
was a little bit chagrined that my first date with him had ended with sex. I
wasn't typically the kind of girl who appeared to be non-discriminating with
whom she slept. In a way, I wanted to somehow let him know that I wasn't a
slut, and certainly wasn't in the habit of dropping my pants for just anyone.
The problem was, I didn't know how to even bring up the topic. After all, it
wasn't as if I hadn't been completely willing, even anxious for such a

From the moment he kissed me at the sushi restaurant,
no, the moment he'd fed me my first bite of sushi with my eyes closed, I had
anticipated his touch. But his touch and his ability to satisfy me sexually was
mind-blowing. The fact that I had actually agreed to allow him to take such liberties
with me in the woods left me rather surprised, but at the same time, more than
a little self-satisfied.

I felt confused, conflicted. I wanted to say
something, suggest that perhaps we do this again sometime or some such silly
parting, but I didn't want to seem presumptuous. I guess in many ways, I still
considered myself rather old-fashioned, despite my earlier behavior. In the
books I read, it was the guy who pursued the girl, not typically the other way
around. Was Luke interested in me? Did he want to go out with me again? Or had
tonight been all he was looking for in the first place? A quick wham, bam,
thank you ma'am? I didn't like to think so, but at the same time, I still knew
very little about Luke Bradford.

"You okay?"

I was jolted out of my musings by the sound of his
voice. It looked like he was ready to leave, one hand resting on his motorcycle
helmet, the other reaching toward his handlebars. I nodded. "Yeah, I am,
Luke, and again, thank you for the wonderful evening. It was…an adventure."

He didn't say anything, so I looked at him a moment
more and then turned to make my way inside. I couldn't wait, not to tell my
friends, but to write in my diary about my evening. Just before I entered the
house, I glanced back over my shoulder and found him looking down at the
street. For a second, I felt a frisson of alarm surge through me. Was that it?
Would I ever see him again? Then he looked up and I saw the flash of his white
teeth as he smiled and lifted his hand in a gesture of farewell. For the umpteenth
time, I reflected on how handsome he was. I wondered if it was really possible
that Luke Bradford could possibly, impossibly, fit my criteria for that perfect

I waved goodbye and then opened the front door and
stepped inside. The house was dark. It was late, so I had no intention of
waking my friends, if they were even home from their dates. As I headed
upstairs, I realized I didn't really even want to talk to them, not now,
anyway. First, I needed to write in my diary. I quickly reached my room,
turning on the lights as I closed the door behind me and locked it. I pounced
on my bed, reaching across it for the bedside table. I pulled out my diary, opened
it, and turned to the page where I had my list of "must haves" when
it came to the perfect guy. Next to the requirement to be great in bed, I
crossed out the word
and wrote
in its place. Then, I checked
off that box.

I couldn't wait to see Luke again, my heart drumming
with excitement. It'd been a night of adventure for me. I had ridden a
motorcycle for the first time, eaten sushi for the first time, made out on a
table in the middle of the Japanese sushi restaurant, been caught, and then had
ridden off into the woods with him. I had experienced amazing sex for the first
time in my life, in two different ways. I should've been exhausted and
overwhelmed, but instead I felt alive, invigorated, and more anxious than ever
to know everything there was to know about Luke Bradford.

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