Fantasy 03 - Double Fantasy (34 page)

Read Fantasy 03 - Double Fantasy Online

Authors: Cheryl Holt

Tags: #Historical

BOOK: Fantasy 03 - Double Fantasy
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"I won't ever leave. I tried it before, only to discover that everything I need is here with you."

She studied his solemn expression. He seemed truthful, and his promises sounded genuine. She could believe him or not, and she decided to believe him.

Who could say what the morrow would bring? They might be together for the next hundred years, or tragedy could strike the following morning. Wasn't it best to grab for every chance at happiness?

She was an optimist. She would hope for the hundred years, and she would work to make it a reality.

"Stay here, Jamie," she implored, pulling him to her. "Stay right here with me."

"I will," he vowed. "I always will."

"I need you."

"I need you more."

He hugged her till she couldn't breathe, and when he finally drew away, he was shivering.

"This room is cold as the dickens," he said.

"Yes, it is, and you hate the cold."

"Would it be too much to ask that we go over and snuggle under the quilts?"

"To do what... ?" As if she didn't know!

"To make love till next week. What would you suppose? I have some catching up to do."

He swooped her into his arms and walked to the bed.

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