Fanning the Flames (Romance Firemen Series) (9 page)

BOOK: Fanning the Flames (Romance Firemen Series)
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But then I saw Anderson drive off. I thought that was strange that he’d leave you there alone.  Then I saw Nick drive out and I got really suspicious.”

He smiled ruefully, “And I
wanted to have a chat with him about his manners. I tried to flag him down and he nearly ran me over. Then I saw the smoke, and the rest, including my broken ankle, is history."

Cassie looked down, “I’m sorry to be so much trouble.”

“It’s all worth it” Brendan smiled and gently titled her head to look at him, “I’ll do anything for good chicken parmesan.”

Cassie smiled and looked down at his ankle.

“How do you know it’s broken?” she asked, teasing. “Isn’t it traditional to have an x-ray to figure that out?”

“You’re quite right,” Brendan said, grinning. “But it must be broken. I would never perform a heroic rescue and come out of it with just a sprain for my trouble. Sprains are for wimps.”

Cassie and Brendan were released from the hospital later that day, with a dozen stitches between them and a plaster cast on Brendan’s ankle. The break was a simple fracture, and he was expected to heal cleanly and completely within six weeks.

“I haven’t said thank you yet,” he said that evening, supervising Cassie’s first attempt at making strong, sweet, rum-laced tea.

“What for?” she asked, dropping a teabag into the pot.

“For getting me out of work for six weeks," he said, smiling at her.

“You’re welcome,” she replied, adding another teabag and pouring hot water over them. “But shouldn’t I be thanking you for, you know, getting me out of a burning building? Saving my life?”

He appeared to give the matter some thought, then shook his head. “Nah,” he said. “That's way less important than six weeks of not having to deal with people who can’t work  toasters without burning down kitchens.”

He hopped over to stand behind her and leaned one of his crutches against the counter, freeing his arm to wind it around her waist.

“I’m glad you’re safe,” he whispered, serious. “When I saw that fire, I was worried I was too late.”

“I’m just glad he’s been caught,” Cassie said with a shudder. It hadn’t taken the police long to catch up with Nick. One phone call to his father had stopped his access to any of the Mandeville assets, and his distinctive Town Car had been easy for the patrol cars to spot. 

Cassie splashed a liberal dose of rum into each mug, stirred in two heaping spoonfuls of sugar, and carried them to the living room. She and Brendan curled up together on the couch.

“Do you have enough pillows under your ankle?” she asked. “Is there anything else you need?”

“I’m great,” he said, putting his arm around her. “And lucky to have such a capable nurse. Especially at such a reasonable cost. There aren’t many nurses these days who will work for just room and board.”

“You’re honestly okay with me staying here until my place is ready?”

“No,” he replied, looking her in the eye. “I’d rather you stayed here even after your place is ready. I’d like you to stay here forever. I never want to be apart from you again, Cassie. I realized that when we stopped speaking. I knew it for certain when I thought Nick had hurt you.

I knew it when the paramedics had to ask us to let go of each other so they could treat us. When I go back to work, I want to know that I’ll be coming home to you. I love you, Cassie." He hesitated. "Will you stay?”

Heedless of their cuts, breaks, and bruises, Cassie climbed onto Brendan’s lap, took his face in her hands, and kissed him. “I love you too, Brendan. I’ll stay forever if you want me to.”

He slid a loose strand of hair from her face and cupped her cheek, placing gentle kisses on her forehead, eyelids, nose, lips – then Cassie’s phone vibrated in her pocket.

“Francine!” she cried, suddenly
remembering. “I bet that’s her!” She flipped the phone open.


Arrived safely in Krakow.

Thought u were gonna let me know u

had a smooth move! Text me, missy! Love ya!


“Dare you to tell her you’re here,” Brendan said, continuing to trace a line of kisses along her cheekbone.


Long story...I'm at Brendan’s.

Looks like I
’ll be staying here for a while!

Talk 2 u tomorrow!


She hit the power button, flipped the phone shut, and tossed it aside as she turned her full attention back to Brendan. It didn't take long until she was completely lost in the kisses of her handsome fire fighter.





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