Fan Girl (32 page)

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Authors: Brandace Morrow

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When we get to the rooms, Deklan orders room service, and I go into the bathroom to start the concert ritual. There is a basket on the counter next to the sink. There are several different types of woodsy smelling soaps and salts, along with Kahlua chocolates, Deklan's favorite. There's a card in the middle of the arrangement so I flip it over and, since it's not sealed, I read it.

Thought you might like a little slice of heaven <3 Brittany.

What the—what?
“Deklan?” I call out.

He shows up a minute later, looking disappointed that I'm not naked already.

“What's up?” he asks.

I hold out the card for him. His eyebrows come together in confusion as he reads it, then looks to the basket. “Oh this is from my assistant. She always does this shit. Can you have a chocolate since it's got alcohol in it?” he asks as he starts rummaging through his gifts.

I'm blinking in confusion. So his assistant's name is Brittany, and she leaves him chocolates on his bathroom counter. Was she in here or did she have someone drop it off? Does she have a key? Have they ever been together? What does she look like and how can I not know?

“Babe? You getting in the shower?” Deklan asks me, jolting me out of my thoughts.

“Um, yeah. Yeah, I'm going.”

When I get out of the shower there's a rolling cart next to the little table by the window, and Deklan is leaning on the doorjamb of the front door talking to someone in the hall. Tying my robe tighter, I get closer to the door when Deklan laughs. The door isn't open wide, just enough for his shoulders to fit in the opening. “All right, I'll see you later. Thanks Britt.”

My back goes straight hearing him call her a nickname, the woman I now have a problem with. I call out, “Who is it, baby?”

He turns to me, and I catch a flash of bright red hair, taller than me and definitely female, before the door shuts.

“Hey, babe. You got anything on under that robe?” Deklan asks me in a low voice.

I look into his green eyes and study him. If he thinks he's getting anything from me after he was laughing with that chick, he's higher than Chimera's drummer.

“I'm good. Who was at the door?” I ask. He starts to gather me to him, but when I plant my feet and don't fall into his arms he leans back to study my face.

“That was my assistant. She just wanted to make sure I got the basket. She takes care of me,” he tries to tell me cautiously. But he said the wrong thing.

“I take care of you. She doesn't need to get you baskets of anything. Much less leave them in the bathroom with little notes that have hearts on them,” I tell him firmly.

Deklan's eyes are roaming my face before licking his lips. “Is this jealousy? You have nothing to worry about, but I'm thinking Jealous Ali is pretty damn hot.”

I shrug him off and go sit at the table. “Babe. Come on. You can't be mad at me. I haven't done anything. I'll tell her to not leave baskets anymore. I've told her that before, but maybe if she knows it bothers you, she'll quit.”

I pick up a yeast roll and take a bite, watching him watch me. “Thank you.”

He chuckles, digging in a basket for packets of butter. “If anything ever bothers you just tell me, babe. Don't get mad.”

“I did tell you,” I point out.

“You told me mad. But I still think Jealous Ali is hot. Do you want to come eat your dinner on my lap?” he asks hopefully. I throw my roll at his head, and he laughs.


Arriving at the concert an hour early, Deklan tells me since the metal band is playing that he's afraid of mosh pits, so Della and I will stand over in the blocked off sections by the sound crew. They are over on both sides of the stage and we take our spots, hiding our passes under our clothes so we don't draw attention. The mix of fans are more diverse than I've ever seen. There are people with cowboy hats sitting next to people with dreads and girls with low cut shirts carrying signs that sparkle.

Della leans closer to me and says quietly, “I hope no one gets hurt.”

I nod. These people don't mix. But if they are agreeable to come together for the charity, hopefully there will be no violence. That, and Chimera is going last, so people have the chance to leave before things get crazy.

There are several opening acts, all genres of music. There's an upcoming rapper that is really good, an English girl that is cute as a button, and a terrible young kid that can't sing and dance at the same time. The main acts start thirty minutes later. Danny Walsh comes out shaking his hips and twerking, singing about climbing on his tractor. We laugh as the girls go crazy. His energy is insane. He never stops running from one end of the stage to the other. He's got to be out of breath, but you can't tell it when he sings.

His shirt is drenched with sweat, and he lifts it to wipe his forehead. The girls scream and he grins cheekily. Seriously, the guy is so cute.

When he gets off of the stage, there's a small intermission then Rolling Bridges comes on. Deklan holds the microphone on a stand and taps his foot to Tommy's drum beat. Della and I scream like everyone else in the audience, and we sing every word with our hands in the air until they feel too heavy to hold up. Even then we keep going, sweat streaming down our bodies, hair clinging to our necks and shoulders.

An hour and a half after RB begin, Della and I head backstage. My body is buzzing, after concert high in full effect. Passing Chimera on their way out of the green room, I lock eyes with the girl. I still don't know her freaking name. Fandy called her Popper. She's got on more platform heels and heavy eyeliner, black lipstick, and a corset. She pops her gum in my face, probably trying to be intimidating. But she doesn't scare me. I used to be the kid that was ignored. She does everything to stand out. I don't understand her, but she's still a baby. Eighteen? Psst, she doesn't even know who she is yet.

I stick my hand out brazenly. “I'm Ali Dawson. If you ever want some ink now that you're legal, come see me so you get it done right. Google Shell Distortion when you get a chance.” She looks at my hand with strange purple eyes that have to be contacts, then walks away without a word.

Turning back to the room I almost run into a freshly showered Danny Walsh, complete with little drops of water along his neck. I blink to clear my vision when he starts talking. “Ali, you're Ali Dawson? Dude. Epic. I want you to do my piece.”

I shake my head to clear it. Seriously, where's a towel? “Okay. Just call the shop. I'll let them know to set it up when you're free. They'll give you an email to send me any design ideas you have, and we can go from there.”

He holds his hand out for me to bump fists. When I raise my hand he taps mine before kissing my cheek and leaving the room.

Suddenly Deklan is filling my vision. “Ready to see Jealous Deklan?” he asks me with a clenched jaw.

I laugh a little shakily and peel the hair away from my face. Oh my God, I'm disgusting. “He's like a puppy, Deklan. Like a beagle or something.”

Deklan raises his eyebrows in disbelief. “I'm gonna call bullshit and require you to go upstairs with me right now so I can mark you as my territory.”

“No tattoos, right?” I ask him as he leads me out of the room I had barely entered, totally blowing off his bandmates.

“No, I was thinking more caveman than that. Maybe I'll just cum all over your body,” he growls in my ear, making my body break out in goose bumps.

“I'm down,” I tell him.

He pushes me lightly into an elevator. “You're damn right, you are.”


Chapter 34



The next month is hectic. I go to work, and my belly gets bigger. Once or twice a week, Deklan and I have brunch with Sarah or Dean, meeting about the house. I never do call Deklan’s assistant. She doesn't need to be in our lives any more than necessary. Della comes to L.A. once a week for brunch and craft time. We have dinner with Nola whenever everyone is available. Deklan has taken four trips to New York and Sashi moved in with Amy. I’m officially down to part-time and, though I love to work, I’m getting way more tired in the third trimester, so I’m thankful I have a chance to nap on some days. Danny winds up coming in two weeks after the concert and getting a bad ass rib piece. And he's still as hot as ever. Without his shirt, well.

I’ve done all the research online that I can about bottles, and made lists of what we need to get, but haven’t bought anything except a massive amount of clothes that is taking over the spare bedroom closet. One day I went to make a payment on my AmEx to be told the balance was zero. I knew it wasn’t, so I called Deklan and he said that since I wouldn’t take his money, he was supporting me a different way. Sweet, if frustrating. I still charge my card, though.

We posted the picture of us announcing the gender, and the media freaked again. We knew they would, but Deklan wants everything in the open. He thinks it will help later to keep crazy people from trying to break into the house or something if we don’t have big secrets.

For our Baby Moon we decide on Jumby Bay, Antigua. We fly out for a week and come home to our finished house. Dean has had to hire four contractors and a huge staff to get the jobs done in time. The main house, in-law suite, barn apartment, and recording studio all got their own head bosses. I heard he had employed more than one hundred construction workers to get everything done, ripping out old cabinets and tile, putting the hardwood floors in most of the house, laying down the concrete for the patio, and building the roof for it. It’s been a huge job, and the camera crew has been there through the whole thing.

When packing for Antigua, I made sure one of my carry-on bags was my camera. We’ve both become a little obsessed with taking pictures. A flower, the beach, Deklan sleeping—one of my favorite muses. Dean is using a lot of the pictures we’ve taken and putting them on our walls in the house.

I’ve had to get a whole new wardrobe, because I eventually couldn’t get my pants buttoned anymore. Now I’m in everything maternity. Well, except bras and undies.

To get to the hotel in Jumby Bay, we had to take a boat to another island. The first thing I notice when we get there is how quiet it is. All you can hear is the waves crashing on the shore with a soft shush sound. We’re led to our room by a young man who shows us that the walls of glass on two sides of our room fold back. Deklan and the boy do that so that the whole living room and bedroom is balmy, and the sea breeze is fluttering the curtains. We decide to have dinner in our room, because the flight wiped me out.

The next morning we start out with room service and yoga, then head to the beach. I’m living in maxi dresses right now, so when we get down to the beach, I pull off the black strapless maxi dress I have on to reveal the bikini with the turquoise bow that I wore in Paris.

Deklan settles in next to me and links our pinkies together. “You look just as sexy as the last time I saw you in that bikini.”

I scoff. “I don’t think so. I haven’t worn this since Paris, my love. Absolutely no way I look as sexy seven months pregnant as I did not showing at all.”

“Believe what you want. I know I’d do you in a second.”

I laugh. “You did me last night and this morning.”

He looks over and smirks behind his shades. “Like I said, I’d do you now. Just thinking about it is getting me worked up.” He glances around, and the beach is empty.

I look at his lap, and he is getting pretty excited. “You better go cool down in the water. I assume a waiter is going to come over here soon.”

“Shit.” He goes into the water, and when he’s in to the knee, he dives into the next wave.

I watch him do laps and snap a picture as he’s getting out. Seriously, the guy is too freaking hot. I’d do him, that’s for damn sure. He walks over to me and puts his hands on either arm of my lounge chair, dripping cold salt water all over me. I hold the camera out to the side so it doesn’t get wet and lift my head to him. He studies my lips for a second with his bright green eyes then looks up into my blues.

“You’d do me too, huh?”

I roll my eyes. “Uh, yeah. Duh.”

He chuckles and says, “Good, let’s go,” then pulls me up from my chair. I laugh as he drags me by the hand back to our room. He looks over his shoulder at me, laughing as he trips up the stairs of the deck. Pushing back the billowing white curtains, he guides me to the bed.

Once there I turn with my knees to the bed. Deklan’s eyes are shining lively, his cheeks tan, dark stubble that I know will make me shiver when it touches my skin. His teeth flash white as he notices me checking him out.
How can I not?
I lean forward and place a kiss on his chest, opening my mouth to taste the salt water on his skin. Lifting my hands, I press my fingers in his swim trunks and tug them off of his hips.

Leaning back, I look at what I’ve uncovered. He never disappoints. The thin line of hair from his belly button leads down and I sink to my knees, bringing Deklan’s erection close to my face. I move to the side as he stands still, watching me from his impressive height. Kissing along his hip at the smooth skin there, I suck at the point right before his trim hair starts. Deklan breathes in through his teeth as his thigh muscles tense, drawing my attention.

I open my mouth and run my tongue down along the ridged outline of the muscles there, then move to the other leg. “Ali,” Deklan warns me. I smile and move to his cock. Opening my mouth wide, he bobs on my lips before I lightly trap the tip of him in my teeth. He goes completely still, making me smile. Taking my tongue to his flesh, I replace the pressure from my bottom teeth and rub my tongue ring over the sensitive underside of him.

Pushing slightly against me, Deklan moves into my mouth and I cover my teeth with my lips, taking him as far as I can. Using my hands I cover the base of his dick with a protective finger over his piercing in the middle and get down to business. I lift his thick length and sink down farther on my knees to lick the underside before quickly sucking him back into mouth.

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