Family Drama 4 E-Book Bundle (54 page)

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Mary Prior's niece sighed. ‘Nobody's coming yet.'

‘Good,' said Dottie happily. ‘It must be time to put the kettle on, Elsie.'

Peaches and Mary sat down at the table.

The wedding reception was being held in the marquee on Dr Fitzgerald's lawn. Caterers from some posh hotel in Brighton had handled all the food, but the women in the kitchen had been kept busy with unpacking and washing up the hired plates and glasses. Dottie had asked her next-door neighbour, Ann Pearce, to help out but she couldn't find anyone to look after the kids.

Dottie looked around contentedly. She loved being with her friends and nothing pleased her more than helping to make a day special for someone.

The wedding itself was at 2pm, and once the bride had set off for the church some of them took the opportunity to pop back home. Peaches had wanted to check that her little boy, Gary, was all right with his gran. Mary wanted to get her husband, Tom, some dinner and she took Elsie with her. Dottie stayed at the house: after last night's fiasco, she wasn't going to leave anything to chance.

As soon as the wedding party returned from the church, the waiters began handing round the drinks and some little fiddly bits they called
hors d'oeuvres
. Until everyone went into the
marquee for the meal, Peaches and Mary were kept busy with a steady stream of washing up.

The marquee had been set out with twelve tables, each with eight place settings. Each table was named after a precious stone – diamond, ruby, sapphire, amethyst, amber, opal, and so on – and in order to avoid family embarrassments, there was a strict seating plan. Guests were to eat their meal to the gentle sound of a string quartet.

The top table, at which the family wedding party sat, was tastefully decorated with huge vases of fresh flowers at the front, and the toastmaster was on hand to make sure that everything was done decently and in the correct order. Mariah Fitzgerald knew her daughter's wedding would be the talk of the golf club and county set for months to come, so Dr Fitzgerald and the best man would not be allowed to move until the toastmaster had given them their cue.

The catering company had a separate tent on the other side of the shrubbery where a small team of cooks was already busy producing the meal with all the efficiency of an army field kitchen. All the washing up was to be done in the house kitchen and the team of waiters and waitresses would bring in the dirty crockery. They would send it back to Bentalls once it had been washed and repacked in the various boxes.

Dottie gave her little team a piece from one of her cakes and they sat down for a well earned cup of tea. They had been friends since the war years when they had worked together on the farm. Their friendship had deepened when Mary was widowed. It was ironic that Able had gone all through the war, only to be killed on his motorbike near Lancing. Billy was only just over five at the time and Maureen three and Susan eighteen months. Dottie and Peaches pulled together to help Mary through.

‘Well, at least the rain held off,' Dottie said.

‘They say it'll clear up in time for the Carnival,' said Mary.

‘I could do with this,' said Peaches, sipping her tea. ‘I still don't feel much like eating in the morning.'

‘Not long now before the baby comes,' said Mary.

‘Seven weeks,' said Peaches leaning back and stroking her rounded tummy. ‘I can't wait to get into pretty dresses again.'

‘I bet it won't take you long either, you lucky devil,' Mary said good-naturedly. ‘I looked eight months gone before I even got pregnant. Five kids later and just look at me.' She wobbled her tummy. ‘Mary five bellies.' They all giggled.

‘And your Tom loves you just the way you are,' said Dottie, squeezing her shoulder as she leaned over the table with the sponge cake.

‘Our Freda is getting fat,' said Elsie. Her eyes shone like little black buttons and Dottie guessed this was the first time she'd been included in ‘grown-up' conversation.

‘I wouldn't say that when Freda's around,' Dottie cautioned with a gentle smile. ‘She'd be most upset.'

‘I can't wait for the wedding,' said Elsie.

‘Michael has certainly kept us waiting a long time,' Mary agreed.

‘But I wouldn't call him slow,' Peaches said, half under her breath. The baby kicked and she looked down at her stomach. ‘Ow, sweet pea, careful what you're doing with those boots of yours, will you?'

Elsie's eyes grew wide. ‘I didn't know babies had boo …'

‘It's hard to imagine Michael old enough to get married,' Dottie said quickly.

‘Come on, hen,' Mary laughed. ‘He's only two years younger than you!'

She was right, but somehow, in Dottie's mind, Michael had always remained that gangly fourteen year old in short trousers who had followed them around on the farm. It was hard to believe he was almost twenty-five.

‘I can't wait to be a bridesmaid,' said Elsie.

‘It's very exciting, isn't it?' Dottie smiled. ‘I'm sure you'll look very pretty.'

‘Are you doing the dresses, Dottie?' Mary asked.

Dottie shook her head. ‘Not enough time.'

The older women gave her a knowing look and she blushed. She hadn't meant to say that and she hoped no one would draw attention to her remark in front of Elsie. She poured Peaches some more tea.

‘I think Freda will make Michael a lovely wife,' said Dottie.

‘Oh!' cried Peaches. ‘This little blighter is going to be another Stanley Matthews.'

‘Pretty lively, isn't he?' said Mary.

‘Can I feel?' asked Elsie.

Peaches took her hand and laid it over her bump.

‘What's it like, having a baby?' Elsie wondered.

‘I tell you what,' laughed Peaches. ‘I won't be doing this again.'

‘Why not?'

‘That's enough, Elsie,' her aunt scolded.

Elsie pouted and took her hand away.

‘Who did you say was looking after your Gary, hen?' asked Mary.

‘My mother,' said Peaches. ‘She can't get enough of him.'

‘Tom's got all mine,' grinned Mary. ‘That'll keep him out of mischief. At least you don't have to worry about who's going to look after the kids, Dottie.'

Dottie bit her lip. Oh, Mary … if only you knew how much that hurt …

‘Did I tell you?' she said, deliberately changing the subject. ‘I had a letter from Sylvie yesterday.' She took it out of her apron pocket and handed it to Peaches. ‘She's coming to Michael's wedding.'

Peaches clapped her hands. ‘Sylvie! Oh how lovely. She's so glamorous. I really didn't think she'd come, did you? We'll have
a grand time going over old times. Remember that time we put Sylvie's fox fur stole at the bottom of Charlie's bed?'

Dottie roared with laughter. ‘And he thought it was a rat!'

‘Jumped out of bed so fast he knocked the blinking jerry over,' Peaches shrieked.

‘Good job it wasn't full,' laughed Dottie.

‘Which one was Charlie?' asked Mary.

‘You remember Charlie,' said Dottie. ‘One of those boys billeted with Aunt Bessie and me. The one that went down with The Hood.'

‘Dear God, yes,' murmured Mary.

‘And is your Reg all right with her staying at yours?' Mary wanted to know.

‘Haven't asked him yet,' said Dottie. In truth she wasn't looking forward to broaching the subject.

Mary glanced over at Peaches and then at Dottie. ‘Why doesn't he ever bring you over to the Jolly Farmer, hen?'

Dottie felt her face colour. She never went with Reg because he said a woman's place was in the home. Mary's pointed remark had flustered her. She brushed some crumbs away from the table in an effort to hide how she was feeling. ‘I've never been one for the drink.'

‘But we have some grand sing-songs and a good natter,' Mary insisted.

Dottie took a bite of coffee cake and wiped the corner of her mouth with her finger. They'd obviously been talking about it. ‘I usually have something to do in the evenings,' she said. ‘You know how it is.'

‘You should come, Dottie,' said Peaches. ‘You don't have to be a boozer. I only ever drink lemonade.'

‘I can't think what you get up to at home,' Mary remarked to Dottie. ‘There's only you and him, and that house of yours is like a shiny pin.'

‘She does some lovely sewing, don't you, Dot,' said Peaches. ‘You ought to sell some of it.'

‘I do sometimes,' said Dottie.

‘Do you?'

Yes I do, thought Dottie. She was careful not to let Peaches see her secret smile. And one day she'd show them just what she could do. One day she'd surprise them all.

Mary leaned over and picked up the teapot again. ‘What are you doing next Saturday?' she asked, pouring herself a second cup.

‘Having a rest!' Dottie laughed. What were they up to? This sounded a bit like a kind-hearted conspiracy …

‘Tell you what,' cried Peaches. ‘Jack is taking Gary and me to the Littlehampton Carnival in the lorry. It's lovely there. Sandy beach for one thing. Nicer for the kids. Worthing and Brighton are all pebbles. Why don't we all go and make a day of it? You and Reg and your Tom, Mary. There's plenty of room. We can get all the kids in the back.'

‘That sounds wonderful!' cried Mary. ‘My kids would love it. Are you sure?'

‘I don't think Reg …' Dottie began. She knew full well that Reg would prefer to spend a quiet day in the garden and then go down to the pub. She didn't mind because it left her free to work out how to do her greatest sewing challenge so far: Mariah Fitzgerald's curtains.

‘You leave Reg to me,' said Peaches firmly. ‘You're coming.'

‘Can I come too?' Elsie wanted to know.

‘Course you can,' said Peaches. ‘The more the merrier.'

‘I don't think you can, Elsie,' said Mary. ‘Your mum and dad are going to see your gran over in Small Dole next week. She told me as much when I asked if you could help out today.'

Elsie stuck her lip out and slid down her chair. ‘I hate it at Gran's,' she grumbled. ‘It's boring.'

Peaches had gone back to Sylvie's letter. “All the hard work …'?' she quoted.

‘Eh?' said Mary.

‘She says here, “I never stop thinking about you all and the fun we had on the farm and all that blinking hard work!” I seem to remember she spent more time on her back than she did digging.'

They all giggled.

‘My dad says Mum ought to do that,' said Elsie innocently. She was sitting at the opposite end of the table, her face covered in strawberry jam and cake crumbs.

‘But you haven't even got a garden,' said Mary walking round behind her to top up the teapot.

‘Not digging, Auntie! Lying on her back.'

Peaches choked on her tea as Mary made frantic gestures over the top of Elsie's head.

‘Dad said it would do her good to lie on her back every Sunday afternoon when we go to Sunday school,' Elsie went on innocently. ‘But Mum says she hasn't got the time.'

‘Lovely bit of sponge this, Dottie,' said Mary, struggling to regain her composure. ‘Elsie's really enjoying it, aren't you, lovey?'

‘Auntie, why are you laughing?'

‘What are you going to do with your ten bob, Elsie?' Dottie interrupted.

Elsie smiled. ‘When the summer comes, me mum's taking me over to me other granny's for a holerday,' she said. ‘She says I can keep the money for then.'

‘That's nice.'

‘She lives near Swanage,' Elsie was in full swing now. ‘I can go swimming in the sea.'

‘While your mum's lying on the beach?' muttered Peaches, starting them all off again. Desperately trying to keep a straight face herself, Dottie nudged her in the side. Elsie looked totally confused.

The door burst open and a waitress dumped a pile of dirty plates on the draining board.

‘Time to get started,' said Dottie standing to her feet and straightening her apron. ‘Get that cake and our cups off the table, will you, Elsie? We shall need all the space we can find now.'

The next hour was a frenzy of activity. The washing up seemed endless and they were hard pushed to find space for both the clean and dirty dishes.

At around four thirty, Elsie came running back. ‘They're all coming out!'

The women gathered by the back door to watch.

Josephine Fitzgerald looked amazing and very happy. Her dress, made of organza and lace, was in the latest style. The V-shaped bodice was covered with lace from neck to the end of the three-quarter length sleeves while the skirt was in two layers. The white organza underskirt reached the ground while the lace overskirt came as far as the knee. The whole dress was covered in tiny pearls. Dottie had studied it very carefully. She knew it had cost an absolute fortune, but with a little ingenuity she knew she could make one for less than quarter of the price.

Malcolm Deery looked even more of a chinless wonder than ever in his wedding suit but, Dottie decided, they were well matched. Josephine would lack for nothing. After a couple or three years, there would be nannies and christenings. In years to come, she'd become just like her mother, going to endless bridge parties, and playing golf. She'd buy her clothes from smart shops in Brighton or maybe go up to London to the swanky shops on Oxford Street and, if Malcolm's business did really well, Regent Street.

‘Ahh,' sighed Peaches. ‘Don't she look a picture?'

‘Must be coming in to get changed before they go off for the honeymoon,' said Mary.

Dottie didn't want to think about the conversation she'd had the night before. Had she betrayed that girl? She hoped not, but only time would tell.

‘Second wave of washing up will be on its way in a minute,' she said to her companions. ‘Better get back to work, girls.'

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