Family Drama 4 E-Book Bundle (23 page)

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‘You need more than that,' Derek said, looking at her with concern.

‘I had a big breakfast,' she lied. ‘Honestly, I'm not hungry.'

He shook his head doubtfully, but said no more, and as his meal was put him front of him, Pearl looked away as he ate. The clouds thickened, rain teeming down and beating against the widows of the small café as though trying to gain admittance.

‘I reckon we'll have to make our way home,' Derek said as he finished his meal and sipped his tea. ‘I can't see the weather brightening up.'

Pearl didn't mind. She had seen the sea, it was etched into her memory, and once again her fingers itched to paint. Derek paid for the meal and, head down against the driving rain and wind, they hurried to the railway station.

In the waiting room, a small fire burned in the hearth and they made for the nearest bench, hands in pockets as they huddled inside their coats. Fortunately they didn't have long to wait for a train back to London, the carriage empty as they climbed inside. As they sat down, Derek put his arm around her and Pearl sank against him, the smell of his damp clothes assailing her nostrils.

‘Shame about the weather, but at least you've seen the sea now.'

‘Yes, and it was wonderful,' Pearl said. She yawned, her eyes closed, and then she knew no more until they arrived at Clapham Junction.

‘Wake up, sleepy head, we're home.'

Pearl opened her eyes, for a moment bewildered, and then realising that she had slept for the whole journey, she stumbled to her feet. ‘Oh, Derek, I'm so sorry.'

‘Don't be daft, love. I think working the tables on your own in the café must be wearing you out.'

Derek took her arm as she alighted from the carriage, but as her feet touched the platform, she swayed.

‘I don't think this is just tiredness, Pearl. I think you've caught a chill or something. Come on, let's get you home.'

She knew Derek was right, but as the only waitress in the café they'd be in a terrible fix without her. Maybe Mo would have a couple of aspirins or something, and if she went straight to bed, she'd be all right in the morning.

Pearl did feel better the next morning, and though she couldn't face food, she felt strong enough to go to work.

The breakfast rush was almost over when a
woman came into the café, Bernie greeting her. ‘Hello, Madge, long time no see. How are you?'

‘I'm fine, and I've come about the job.'

‘Blimey, are you sure?'

‘Yeah, I've had enough of working evenings and weekends.'

‘Right, you'd better have a word with Dolly.'

Bernie went to the kitchen, whilst Pearl surreptitiously studied the woman. She looked to be in her mid-to-late forties, her eyes small, but bright. With short, coarse brown hair and a thin face, she reminded Pearl somewhat of a fierce terrier dog.

Dolly came bustling out of the kitchen, a smile on her face. ‘Madge, nice to see you. Bernie tells me that you're looking for a job.'

‘That's right.'

‘After being a silver service waitress, it'll be a bit of a comedown.'

‘All the functions are in the evening or at weekends. My boys are grown up now and I'd rather do day work.'

‘What about the money? I can't pay you what you're used to.'

‘With two of my lads at work, they're stumping up their keep. I don't mind taking a drop in wages.'

‘Well, if you're sure, Madge, the job's yours. It'll be nice to have you working here.'

‘Smashing, and if you like I'll start straight away.'

‘With only one waitress, it'd be a godsend.'
Dolly turned, beckoning Pearl to her side. ‘This is Madge Harding, my cousin.'

‘Hello,' Pearl said shyly.

‘Nice to meet you, love. Perhaps you could show me the ropes?'

‘I'd be pleased to.'

‘Right, I'll leave you to it,' Dolly said brusquely. ‘I've still got Gertie and Mo working for me, and once the tables are cleared we'll have a gossip over a cup of tea.'

As soon as Dolly was out of sight, Madge turned to Pearl again. ‘How do we split the tables?'

‘We split them in half, one section at this end, and the other nearest the kitchen.'

‘Well, as I'm the last in, I suppose I'll be doing this end.'

‘Er … well, no, not if you don't want to.'

‘Bless you, love, I don't mind. In fact it's only fair. Now, what else do I need to know?'

Pearl told Madge all she could think of, both women working happily together as they cleared the tables. Despite her fierce demeanour, Madge turned out to be a friendly soul, and when they took the stacks of crockery out to the kitchen, both Gertie and Mo greeted her with delight.

Dolly told Pearl to fetch them each a cup of tea, and when she returned it was to hear Madge saying, ‘That Pearl seems a nice girl, but where on earth did you find her? She talks like she's got a plum in her
mouth and certainly doesn't come from these parts.'

‘As she's right behind you, why don't you ask her yourself?' Gertie chuckled.

‘Gawd, sorry, ducks,' Madge said, her face red as she turned. ‘Well, at least I wasn't running you down. I'm a nosy old biddy and must admit I'm curious about where you hail from.'

‘I was brought up in an orphanage in Surrey.'

‘You poor kid. Don't you know who your parents are?'

‘No. I was left on the steps.'

‘Christ, that's awful. So you haven't any family at all?'

‘None that I know of.'

‘Where do you live now?'

‘I have a room in Mo's house.'

‘Yeah, and she's fast becoming one of the family. Her and my Emma are now as thick as thieves.'

‘That's nice,' Madge said. ‘What about you, Gertie? How are you doing these days?'

‘I ain't too bad, but my stomach still plays me up now and again.'

Dolly spoke, her voice sharp. ‘You and Mo are both Mrs Neverwells. You're never out of that doctor's surgery and he must be sick of the sight of the pair of you.'

‘Now then, Dolly, don't exaggerate,' Gertie protested.

‘I ain't, but enough gossip for now. You can get
on with that washing-up, and you, Mo, get back to the vegetables.'

Madge winked at Pearl, the two of them going back to the dining room. ‘I see Dolly's as bossy as ever. I know we're related, but she still scares the shit out of me.'

‘And me,' Bernie called, ‘but if you don't want her to hear you, you'd best keep your voice down, Madge.'

The woman's head shot round, eyeing the kitchen door with fear, whilst both Pearl and Bernie broke out into laughter.

‘Only kidding,' Bernie spluttered.

‘Oh, you bugger,' Madge said, but she soon joined in the laugher. ‘Well,' she said, wiping eyes, which were wet with mirth, ‘at least it's going to be all right working with you two.'

Pearl placed the tray of cups on the counter, deciding that she already liked Madge, and though she'd miss the extra money in her wage packet, she was glad that the woman had applied for the job.

Madge turned out to be a comic and often had Pearl helpless with laughter. As a local she knew many of the costermongers, giving them as good as she got in light-hearted fun.

Nearly two weeks had passed, and the only problem was Pearl's continuing ill health. It was becoming a real concern.

When she got up on Friday morning she was once again feeling nauseous, and as she sat opposite Mo at the breakfast table, her food uneaten, the woman eyed her thoughtfully. She then dropped the bombshell.

‘Pearl, have you … well … have you been with Derek?'

‘Been with him? What do you mean?'

‘Er … have you slept with him?'

‘No, of course not.'

‘Blimey, that's a relief, and I'm sorry for being suspicious. I thought with you being sick in the mornings that you might be pregnant.'

Pearl's face stretched in surprise. ‘Pregnant! You think I'm having a baby?'

‘No, not now you've told me that haven't slept with Derek. I'm sorry, love, I should have known better. You're a good girl, but as I said, with you being sick and all …'

Pearl stared at Mo, her eyes transfixed with shock. She couldn't be – she just couldn't … Yes, she had missed once, but surely that didn't mean anything? Her mind tried to calculate dates, but so much had happened in such a short time that she'd lost track. She'd left her first bedsit, moved in with Connie and Derek for a while and then ended up here. Oh God … and as realisation dawned, Pearl's face drained of colour. It wasn't just one period she had missed – it was two. With
a gasp she stumbled to her feet and into the hall, taking the stairs two at a time as she fled to the sanctuary of her bedroom

No! Oh, no! She was pregnant. But it wasn't Derek's baby she was carrying.

Pearl was lying on her bed when Mo tapped gently on the door but, unable to face her, she buried her head in the pillow. She heard the door open, and hunched her shoulders.

‘Well, Pearl, from your reaction, I think I'm right after all. Come on, it ain't the end of the world. You're not the first girl to get herself pregnant before the wedding and I doubt you'll be the last. At least you're engaged to Derek and now you'll just have to get married as soon as possible. You ain't showing yet, so it won't be so bad.'

A sob rose in Pearl's chest. She had expected disgust, censure, but instead Mo was being so kind. What would her reaction be when she found out the truth?

‘Try to pull yourself together, love, or you'll be late for work. Have a chat with Derek as soon as you get the chance, and don't worry, I reckon he'll be as pleased as punch. Anyone can see that he thinks the world of you.'

Pearl gasped, her whole body shaking and, obviously bewildered, Mo continued to pat her back. The door opened again, Emma coming into the room.

‘What's going on?' she demanded. ‘What's the matter with Pearl?'

‘Shall I tell her, love?' Mo asked.

Pearl fought to bring herself under control, managing to nod her head in agreement, but couldn't look at Emma as Mo broke the news.

‘Pregnant!' she gasped. ‘Blimey, you soppy cow. Does Derek know?'

With another sob, Pearl shook her head. She would have to face Derek, but dreaded his reaction. She was carrying another man's child and there was no way he'd marry her now. Unable to put coherent thoughts in order, her mind raced. Connie would go mad too, and there was Dolly Dolby. What would she say when she found out that Kevin was the father?

Kevin! Kevin was the baby's father! Her stomach lurched. She had been denying her feelings for him for so long, but now that she was carrying his child they overwhelmed her. Despite the way he'd behaved – despite the flaws in his character – she was in love with him.

When Pearl finally dashed into the café she was half an hour late, but instead of giving her a reprimand, Bernie puffed out his cheeks in relief.

‘I was worried that you weren't going to show up. Madge is late too, and Dolly's in a right old state.'

‘I'm sorry,' Pearl told him, tying her apron hurriedly.

‘You don't look too good, girl, and you look like you've been crying.'

‘I … I'm fine.'

‘If you say so, but perhaps you're coming down with a cold.'

‘Yes, maybe,' she said, thankful for the excuse.

The morning rush had just started and Madge still hadn't arrived. Pearl took her first order through to the kitchen.

‘You look awful.' Dolly said.

‘I think I'm coming down with a cold.' Pearl was glad to grasp at Bernie's comment. Mo wasn't due in yet, but she dreaded her arrival. She'd promised not to say anything, but Pearl knew how much the woman loved a good gossip. There wouldn't be a chance to talk to Derek until her break, but if Mo opened her mouth the news would spread like wildfire. Please, God, she prayed, let him hear it from me.

Madge came into the kitchen.

‘Where have you been?' Dolly snapped.

‘Sorry, but I ain't feeling well. I've got an appointment at the doctor's but not until eleven thirty.'

‘You look all right to me.'

‘Have a heart, Dolly. When I woke up this morning I was in a terrible state, so wet with sweat that
I had to have a bath. I may be a bit late, but I still turned up for work.'

‘All right, don't go on about it, and get on with your work.' Dolly's eyes flicked to Pearl, ‘and that goes for you too.'

As they scuttled back into the dining room, Madge threw Pearl a wink. ‘Dolly missed her vocation. She should have been a bleeding sergeant major.'

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