Falling to Pieces (13 page)

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Authors: Michelle Louise

BOOK: Falling to Pieces
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Sam’s hands
stop. He squeezes me tighter with one hand buried in my hair and kissed the top
of my head. “Son of a bitch,” he curses and I can feel his heart beat pick back
up again. “How did you not see what was going on?” He accuses Chad.

I place my
hands on Sam’s waist and attempt to push away, but he only holds me tighter.
This isn’t Chad’s fault, but before I can say as much Chad cuts me off.

“I ran into
the back for just a few minutes. This shit never happens at Penny’s. Fuck, man.
You don’t think I feel bad for this? I care about her too.”

I feel Sam
flinch at Chad’s last comment. Thinking the worse, I imagine. I want to explain
that it isn’t like that with Chad, but now is not the time.

“Who is this
Sean guy?” Sam asks, pulling my head back so he can see my face. Closing my
eyes, I shake my head back and forth not wanting to answer his question. He
stops my movement and strokes my cheeks with his thumbs. “It’s okay. Just tell
me.” He whispers.

Taking a step
back, I suddenly felt the need to put some space between Sam and I. This is not
something I was openly ready to talk about. My somewhat promiscuous behavior is
beginning to haunt my existence.

Not agreeing
with the newly created space, Sam wraps an arm around my waste and pulls me close
to his side.

Inhaling and
exhaling a deep breath I begin, keeping my sight engaged strictly on the beige
carpet, avoiding all eye contact. “He is a guy I hooked up with once. Last week
he approached Becka and I with a friend of his. I tried to politely blow him
off and it wasn’t sinking in, so my friend Dave came over and the guys left.
When he came up to me last night, I literally told him I wasn’t interested. Since
he still wasn’t getting it, I got up and fled to the bathroom.”
I look up from the floor and first
glance to Chad, who is standing tall with arms crossed and looking equal parts
pissed off and guilty. When I switch my gaze and look up to Sam’s face, his
expression matches the tension I was feeling against my side. Ragged breaths
were slowly seeping through his clenched jaw.

“When I get
my hands on that asshole, I will destroy him.” The tone of Sam’s voice makes me
nervous. Never, have I ever, seen him this way. The fist that isn’t ahold of me
is clenched so tight his knuckles are turning pale.

“You and me
both.” Chad states and Sam nods his head at him in understanding.

“We don’t
even know for sure what happened, guys. Let’s not go overboard.” I shrink back
a little at the glares of both the guys.
Wrong thing to say,

Sam’s intense
emerald stare sends bumps up my legs.

“Are you kidding
me?” he asks.

“Cheyenne, I
have witnessed you drink ten times that amount and be in more control of
yourself than that. The only explanation would be someone spiking your drink.
And now all signs point to that douche bag.” Chad adds.

“Fine, but
can we drop it for now
I am still tired and don’t
feel quite right. I just want to go home and crawl into my bed. Hopefully I can
sleep this shit away.” I bark at them, ready to end this conversation. As if I
don’t feel bad enough, the thought of Sean doing this to me was bringing me to
a new low.

Being in my own
bed sounds amazing right now, and I just want to close my eyes and deal with
all this mess with my head doesn’t feel like a bowling ball.

Could Sean really
be the kind of guy who would do something like that? Of course, I never thought
something along those lines would ever happen to me. Words spoken or at least thought
of by the majority of the female population. If I hadn’t already planned on
cleaning up my lifestyle, this was turning out to be quite the eye-opener.

“I’ll take
you home so you can rest, but we will discuss this later.” Sam squeezes my hip
and I nod my head.

I pull away
from him and walk to the hallway to pick up my bag where I dropped it earlier.

“Again, man.
I am sorry about everything.” Chad says and I turn to see the guys shake hands.

forgotten. As long as my girl is safe, then none of that matters. I appreciate
you looking out for her.”

Chad nods and
it’s impossible to miss the smirk on his face when Sam calls me his girl. I
walk over and hug Chad, thanking him again for everything he did for me.

Sam laces his
fingers through mine and walks us out to his truck, carefully helping me inside
the car before walking to the driver’s side. He takes my hand again and doesn’t
let go the entire ride.

Safe. That is
how he always makes me feel.


across my bed, my hand searches through empty sheets. This spot had recently
been filled with a warm, sexy body but was now cold from his absence.

arriving at my apartment, I asked Sam to come inside and lay with me. I wasn’t
ready to sit alone and he was more than happy to oblige.

I didn’t have
the energy to change out of my clothes, but rather just slip out of my jeans
and crawl into the warm depths of my sheets. With my head against Sam’s chest,
my eyes fluttered closed, but the thoughts of the past twenty-four hours were
swarming. In that moment, feeling his heart beat on my cheek and listening to
the silence of our breathing, it was as if I was watching the bricks of a wall
fall one by one and my emotions came pouring from behind it. The tears flowed
down my cheeks as quiet sobs began to escape. I was so scared and embarrassed
that something like this could happen to me. I was a victim and it made me feel

Sam began to
tighten his grip and run his hand up and down my arm soothingly. He leaned in
to kiss my head and whispered that it would all be okay. It only took a brief
moment before my body drifted to sleep.
Safe in the arms of

Remembering I
am alone in my bed, I strain my ears to make out the muffled sounds I hear in
the living room. His deep voice is unmistakable and my
heart beat
increases, happy that he is still here. Other than the slightly lingering
headache, I feel ten times better after getting more sleep. However, I am still
not ready to deal with what happened last night and would prefer to go on
pretending it never actually happened. Which, technically…well, thankfully,
nothing really did happen.

gross, I decide a shower will definitely help boost my energy and snap me out
of this slumber. On my way to the bathroom, I stop at the dresser and grab a
pair of boy-shorts panties and the top t-shirt from my drawers.

The near
scalding hot water feels absolutely amazing as it cascades down my skin. I
could stand here all day. But since that is not an option, I allow myself a few
extra minutes after scrubbing the night away, just breathing in the steam. It
is amazing how much better one can feel after a hot shower.

Squeezing my
hair with the towel, I try to get most of the water out before fighting through
the knots and tangles. With it finally tame and pulled into a high bun, I
giggle as I pull the shirt over my head noticing it is the one that I stole
from Sam. I hadn’t yet washed it, afraid of losing his scent. It was a
masculine odor with hints of sandalwood and jasmine. Closing my eyes, I pulled
the chest of the material up to my nose and inhaled deeply. It was

I let out a
deep sigh and toss my towel into the hamper before walking back into my
bedroom. The vision of Sam
shirtless in my bed,
hands behind his head and feet crossed at the ankle was even more intoxicating
than his scent. I didn’t even hear him sneak back in.

“Hey, beauty,
you feeling better?” Sam asks, repositioning so he is now sitting against the

I take a seat
next to him, wanting to remain close. “Yeah, the sleep helped a lot and the
shower was much needed. What time is it?”

“It is close
to two-thirty,” he replied.

“Wow, really?
I slept that late? Even for me, that’s impressive. How long have you been
awake?” Though, looking at him, I can tell he didn’t actually get much sleep. The
green of his eyes was a different shade and lacked his normal energy.

“I didn’t
really sleep, I was kind of worried about you.” He says, rubbing the back of
his head and then reaching over to grab my hand. “Nice shirt. I used to have
one just like it.”

“Oh yeah?
It’s one of my favorites.” I reply bumping my shoulder against his and a smile
fills his face. “And please stop worrying about me. I am right here, and I am
fine. I promise.”

Sam gives me
look like I have lost my mind. “Cheyenne, we have no idea what that asshole
could have given you. And don’t get mad, but I called my mom.”

My head snaps
towards him as my eyes bulge nearly out of my head. “You what? Why would you do
that?” I try to pull my hand from his, but Sam refuses to release it.

“I didn’t
know what else to do. You’re lucky I didn’t take you straight to a hospital and
get you checked out. Though we both know you have never let me take you. So, I needed
to know what to expect and what signs to look for. What if you would have
reacted badly to whatever it was and it caused damage or harm to your body. I
could never live with myself knowing I could have helped.”

“Sam, your
mom is going to hate me now. Couldn’t have called some poison control number or
something. Really, your mom?” I couldn’t believe he called his mom. She used to
be a big fan of mine, and now I can only imagine what she thinks of me.

“Relax, she
loves you Cheyenne and was just as worried as I was. This wasn’t your fault in
anyway and I never want to hear you say that.”

I inhale a
long breath and try to calm down. He was right. She was a saint and would pass
judgment on the situation. “So what did she say?” I ask, looking to the ceiling,
still pretending to be mad. I could be real stubborn when I wanted to.

knowing what was used, she couldn’t tell me much. I explained what happened based
on what little we knew and the timeline. She thought it was strange for you to
lose consciousness so quickly, but with your small size it wasn’t impossible. I
guess people are cooking up homemade shit these days, so it is hard to pinpoint
what it was exactly. She said the best thing for you would be to sleep it off,
like a bad hangover. So, I laid with most of the time, watching to make sure
you were still breathing.” He pauses and I bring my eyes down from the ceiling
to meet his. “I’m not a psycho, I promise. I just wanted to know you would be
okay. Cheyenne, I couldn’t ever survive losing you.” His head dropped down and
he broke our gaze.

The images of
Sawyer crying in Sam’s arms filled my mind. Sam was a first hand witness, just
as I was, of the deepest kind of loss.

Lifting his
chin, I press my lips to his, applying light pressure cautious of his cut. With
just one innocent kiss I feel the tension leaving his body and linger my lips
for a moment then gently press a kiss to his injury before pulling away.

“What was
that for?” Sam asks, smirking.

“I thought
you might need a reminder that I am fine.”

“I think I
may need more convincing.”

Before I get
a chance to ask what he means, Sam’s hands grip my waist and slide around my
backside gripping my cheeks. Swiftly, he lifts me in the air and brings me down
onto his lap leaving one leg on each of his sides. I brace myself with my hands
on his shoulders as his hands settle on top of my thighs. We spend an intense moment
with our eyes locked and I watch as his darken with desire. I have never wanted
anyone as much as I want Sam.

His grip
tightens on my thighs before he moves one hand to the back of my neck. My lips
part and my chest rises and falls with each heavy breath, causing his gaze to
fall to my heaving breasts that peek through the loose
The hand still on my thigh slides around to my back as he pulls me in close
until we are pressed together chest to chest. I lean forward prepared to press
my lips to his as he slowly pulls away, smiling. My brows furrow and I am on
the verge of losing my mind, as Sam crashes his mouth to mine, demanding
entrance. With my lips all
, they naturally welcome
his tongue.

My heart is
beating wild, fast and out of control, completely opposite of his slow and calm
I lower my hands to the hem
of his shirt, lifting it up and breaking our kiss as I pull it over his head. I
lower my gaze from the intense stare and take a moment to relish in the
perfection of Sam’s bare torso.

He repeats my
action and slowly lifts my shirt over my head and tosses it to the floor. Replacing
his hands on my sides, he glides them over my skin exploring every inch of my
upper body.

“You have the
softest, most beautiful skin.” He says placing small kisses on the tops of my

Bringing both
hands to my lower back, he dips into the waistband of my panties giving my ass
a tight squeeze as I naturally begin to move my hips into his lap. He returns
one hand to the back of my neck, wrapping my still damp hair around his fingers
and pulling my mouth to his. Sam’s warm, talented tongue devours my mouth, as
his other hand slides around down to the front of my panties. He teases me,
gliding his finger across the lace. My hips move at their own accord, dancing
with his touch as he gracefully gets in motion with my body and slips his hand
to the inside of the fabric. Our passionate kiss stifles the moan that
threatens to escape as he grazes over my sensitive flesh.

It has been
so long since Sam has touched me like this and I don’t want it to end. I am so
afraid that I will open my eyes and he will no longer be here. That this will
all just be some drug-induced fantasy.

One finger
sinks inside my heat, gliding in and out before being joined by a second. My
hips continue to grind against his hand causing the heel of his palm to rub in
a way that makes my toes curl. Our kiss turns frantic with much more force than
before, both of our resolves breaking.

Releasing my
mouth from his hold, Sam tightens the grip on my hair, pulling back gently and
pressing his lips to my neck. Sucking and nipping, he makes his way down my
neck to my chest. I intake a sharp breath when his mouth latches onto my nipple
and his strokes turn harder and faster. My core clenches tightly, ready for

He shifts his
mouth to my other breast causing a heated sensation to run rapid through my
body. Slowing the movement of the two fingers inside me, he applies a steady
pressure against my front wall as his thumb rubs in circles.

My eyes
flutter shut and I can’t take it any longer, the pleasure is too intense. He
releases his mouth with a popping sound and a gasp escapes my lungs.

“I can feel
you tightening around my fingers. Are you close?” Sam asks, his breathing just
as heavy as mine.

I nod in
response because I am unable to form words to express what I want to say. He
lifts his lips in a confident smirk and applies enough pressure to push me over
the edge. I am hit with a release so strong that I bury my face against his neck
and bite down in order to drown out my moan. His rhythm slows as I clench
around him and my whole body shudders with aftershock spasms.

Sam wraps
both arms around my lower back and holds me tightly against him, our bare
chests pressed together and my arms wrapped around his neck.

I rest my
head on my arm, trying to get my breathing under control. After such an intense
orgasm it is quite a difficult feat, but totally worth it. Sam’s hardness is
pressed beneath me and I rub myself against him, causing his entire body to

“That is not
safe, little red.” Sam laughs, lifting by my hips and setting me back a few
inches on top of his thighs.

My hands run
up his jeans and they are halted just before reaching his button and zipper. I
lift my head, looking at Sam in question. “Why are you stopping me? That looks
painful.” I tease dropping my gaze to the bulge below.

“This was
about you, not me. You don’t need to worry about me.” Pulling my hands to his
mouth, he places sweet kisses to my knuckles.

“But I want
to.” With anyone else I wouldn’t argue, but with Sam, nothing is as satisfying
as watching him lose control and knowing that I was the one who did it. That is
why at this moment I am pouting because he won’t release the grip on my hands,
keeping me from what I want.

“You better
put that lip away.” Tugging on my hands, he pulls me closer, nipping on my
bottom lip. “We need to get you something to eat. I have a feeling you didn’t eat
last night and must be starving at this point.”

“You’re right,
I am starving and you are keeping me from putting you in my mouth.” I pull on
my hands but his hold is too strong for me.

Laughing, Sam
presses a kiss to my lips and each corner of my mouth. When he tries to move me
off of him, I encircle him with my arms around his neck and my legs locked at
his lower back. Clinging to him tightly, I refuse to let go which only triggers
more laughter. Swinging his legs over the side of the bed, Sam stands, holding
me up with one arm beneath my ass. He walks over to my dresser before setting me
down on my feet.

“First things
first, you need to put on some real clothes and then I am taking you out for

“You, sir,
are being a party pooper.” I open my drawers and pull out fresh dry panties and
a bra, before walking to my closet to grab my favorite skinny jeans and a tank

Turning back
around I watch disappointedly as Sam pulls his shirt over his head, covering
his sexy body.
Such a shame.
Our eyes meet and he
winks, catching me checking him out, which only frustrates me more. With an
audible huff, I turn, march into my bathroom and slam the door. It may be a
little overkill, but it felt good at the time and only caused Sam to laugh
harder, which I could hear even through the bathroom door.

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