FALLING: The Negative Ion Series

BOOK: FALLING: The Negative Ion Series
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By Ryanne Anthony






© 2014 by Ryanne Anthony

All Rights Reserved



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For Samantha P., Samantha C. & Kirsten… the lovers of all things ‘bad boy.’


Table of Contents



Chapter One
- He’s So Sexy!

Chapter Two
- Whoa… Two?!

Chapter Three
- Celebration

- Kisses

Chapter Five

Make That a Double

Chapter Six

Only 125 Days Left

er Seven

75 Days to Go

Chapter E

Maybe this is for the Best

ter Nine

Chapter Ten

51 Days

Chapter Eleven
32 Days… and I Got What??

Chapter Twelve

Gray, Days 15 through 8

Chapter Thirteen

Black, A Week to Go

Chapter Fo


And Breathe… Just Breathe

apter Sixteen -
Too Late


Forrest, or Itsy as she’s called because of her size as a newborn, blinked back the tears welling in her eyes. Her throat burned and she tried hard to swallow the pain that was settling there. She had to be hearing wrong. No… no… this was not happening, she thought as she pushed her newly dyed black hair behind her ears.

“Okay, wait… let’s just breathe and--,”
Itsy started, then took a deep cleansing breath. She reached out and gripped the sides of Jaxen Malloy’s shirt, trying to pull him closer to her.

“Wait for what,
Kimber? I thought I was being clear. What is it you’re not understanding?” Jaxen asked with an impatient sigh as he tugged her hands away. “Seriously. What the fuck don’t you get?”

Tears poured down
Itsy’s face then. She stared at Jaxen, seeing the guy he was before they got together resurface. She thought he was changing, becoming a man who was actually caring about things other than his blunts and brews. And that damn motorcycle.

She thought he loved her.
He convinced her of it. Now this?

“You don’t love me anymore? Did I do something? Tell me, Red. Tell me so I can change into what you want! Please… just don’t… don’t do this to u
s!” Itsy sobbed. “I love you!”

sighed again and looked away from her tear stained face, his eyes closed as his own heart ached. Here it goes, he thought…

I don’t do love. You knew that in the beginning because among other things, Samantha repeatedly warned you. Well, I love things… my beer. My weed… giving tats… and riding my bike. I like banging on my drums and having a different bitch suck me off after every show or in my tat cubicle. Since I’ve been fucking around with you, that hasn’t happened. I miss it and I want it all back and I can’t have it if you’re sitting around at every measly gig I get, every tat I give, scaring off potential fuck buddies!”!”

let out a loud sob at his words, not believing she heard him correctly. She can’t be. This wasn’t really happening, not now. He loved her, damn it! He said so! What the fuck is this?

Just as she was about to shout that to him,
Jaxen lowered his six-foot-two frame to look into her eyes. He caught and held her gaze, his hazel-brown eyes coldly boring deep into her amber ones.

“Are you getting it now,
Kimber? I don’t want to be with you anymore. I got what I wanted and now I’m bored. I’ve already changed my cell number and I promise you will never get the new number.”

“Ready, baby?” A woman cooed to his left, her hand rubbing his chest
as she frowned at Itsy.

blinked then looked at the woman’s face and gasped. “Camille Hogan? You’re back with her? That’s the type of woman you want?”

“I’m not
anyone,” Jaxen smirked. “I want pussy. Pussy that will fuck me and do it right. I no longer have the time to teach you how to do that.” He turned to look at Camille with a wicked grin then kissed her in the dirtiest way, right on the mouth. “I bet you’d drop to your knees and suck me off in this parking lot right now, wouldn’t you?”

“Mmm… you know it, baby,”
Camille purred back, her hand rubbing his erection through his jeans. Slowly she reached inside and gripped him. “I’m ready right now,” Camille purred again, biting at his jaw.

felt her heart stop then. In front of me, her mind screamed.


We have a gig tonight, let’s not get me arrested. I’ve got the band’s van and you can take care of me in there. Go get naked and I’ll be along in a minute,” Jaxen grinned, chirping the remote on the black van with
Negative Ion
scrawled in creepy-looking white letters on the side.

kissed him on the neck and he swatted her ass as she hurried to the van. Itsy took a step back, her eyes wide and her mouth gaped. This was real. She and Jaxen were really over. And with only 7 days left in an imaginary countdown.

“I trusted you. You said…
” Itsy gasped. “You said you loved me!”

“I say what I have to in order to get what I want,”
Jaxen shrugged. “I’d never been with a virgin before. I got curious. Sue me. Look, I have to go. I hate to keep my dick waiting. Good luck in Cambridge and have a safe flight when you leave.”

reached out and smacked him with all the might her five-foot-seven frame could muster.

!” Itsy shouted in a choked cry then, blinded by tears, ran to her car. Shakily, she got inside and leaned against the wheel and cried her eyes out.

How could she have been so stupid? She fell for the oldest trick in the book, the same one her mother fell for. Now,
at 22, she was following in her mother’s footsteps, albeit 6 years older than her mother was at the time.

sobbed again when she thought of her mother. Shauna would not like what she would have to tell her, but she needed her mother now more than ever. And Itsy had a lot to think on now, including facing her mother’s pending disappointment at her latest news.

m pregnant, Red,” Itsy sobbed in her hands. “I’m pregnant!”

Chapter 1

He is Sooo Sexy!


I looked up from my book of English poets and frowned as I rubbed my forehead.

my friend Samantha Malloy asked, looking puzzled, then chuckled at me. “Are you getting a pain in your head from
I’ve a Pain in my Head
? I know I am.”

smiled briefly and shook my head. I sniffed repeatedly and frowned again.

is that smell, Sammi? It’s odd and messing with my head,” I asked.

concentrated a minute then looked at the clock and sighed. “It’s Jaxen and his band probably spraying something or lighting up that God-awful incense they worship. I knew it was a mistake to study here. How long before your mom finishes with her decorating?”

I had no clue so I
shrugged. “It doesn’t help that she only has a few hours after work to do it and especially since she’s insisting on doing it all herself.”

! Now I smell it. Fucking marijuana! Seriously?!” Samantha shouted as she jumped off her bed. “
Jaxen’s band is smoking that stuff in the garage again! What happened to him getting his own place?!”

Malloy peeked her head in Samantha’s room and sniffed. A deep frown appeared on her beautiful face.

“Damn it! Why do I have to keep telling that boy about that stuff?” Sara sighs as she pulls out a cell from her pocket. “You two are polar opposites in every damn way! How the hell are you twins?”

“I think you lied, Mom,” Samantha grinned. “I think you cheated on Daddy and Jaxen actually has a different father. I don’t care if he does look exactly like Daddy. He has to have a different father.”

Sara smirked. “That’s still not funny,
Samantha. All three of my children have the same father, thank you. John! Jaxen and that band are smoking that stuff in the garage again! … You are? … Good!”

“Daddy must be on his way,”
Samantha grinned.

“Your father is
turning into the drive now,” Sara said as she went to the window. “Yep, there he is. Watch them scatter like roaches as soon as they see his car.”

Samantha and I crowded the window as a man’s muffled shouting voice sounded below us.

“Quick, open the window!”
Samantha giggled as she reached for the lock and Sara reached for the window. As soon as the window raised, John’s shouting came through loud and strong as the five members of the band scurried out of the garage.

John shouted.

“Seriously, John? Full name in front of the boys?
” Jaxen chuckled as a leggy red-head walked up to him. “Marnie, I’ll call you later, maybe. Keep it warm, just in case.”

The Marnie girl giggled and
tongue-kissed Jaxen’s mouth, right in front of his father. Then Jaxen gripped the girl’s bottom tightly as his hips ground suggestively into her.

I turned bright red and gasped at the two brazen people.
“God, that is so rude!”

“I know,”
Samantha murmured. “He is so disrespectful.”

Sara just shook
her head.

” John shouts as he separates the kissing bandits. “Young lady, please go home and put on real clothes. Surely your father takes an offense to you coming out in public undressed like this!”

Marnie was in a hot pink bikini top and
the shortest shorts I had ever seen and I almost hurled when she bent to pick up an adorable little white dog. My vision zoomed in. Wait… is she… Yep. This girl is on her period. Someone should introduce her to tampons if she’s going to wear
shorts during this time of the month.

Malloy, I can assure you my father doesn’t care what I’m in. I doubt if that asshole knows my name. Jaxen doesn’t and I’ve known him a lot longer and much better than I’ve ever known my father.”

Jaxen frowned. “Your name isn’t Marnie?”

She giggles
and smacks his chest in a flirty way. “Nope. And I’m not telling you what it is,” she giggles again as she walks down the driveway.

“Camille Hogan… neighborhood doorknob,”
Samantha murmurs.

” I murmured back, then frowned as I turn to my best friend. “I’m sorry, what does that mean?”

and Sara stared at me, completely confused.

Itsy, sweetie,” Sara sighed. “Do you know what a whore is?”

I had to smirk at that
. “Yes, Sara. Someone who gets paid for sex.”

“And do you know what sex is?
” Samantha giggled.

Samantha!” I smacked her shoulder, reddening again. “Of course I know. I’ve just never done it.”

Seriously! How naïve does she think I am?

“You should.
Oh, God, we need to work on you.
! MOM!” Samantha shouted, rubbing her arm. “What was that pinch for?”

“You leave her alone. There is nothing wrong with saving yourself for the right guy. It’s refreshing to hear a young lady isn’t willing to jump in a bed just because a hard dick
is in front of her.”

I think I purpled then and
turned away as Samantha gasped then laughed loudly.

! And second, that is so
why Parker and I have sex. I love him. He’s been the only one and I waited until I was 20, so give me some credit, okay?”

Sara nods. “Fine, I will. But leave
Itsy alone. If she wants to wait, then allow her. Don’t push her into doing something she will regret later.”

They did know
I was still in the room, right? Parker is my half-brother after all and this line of talk was beyond the ‘
Samantha threw out earlier.

Itsy, sweetie, you’re right to wait. There is no rush and you have your whole life ahead of you but if you die tomorrow without having sex, well then that’s fine, too. It’s not like it’s a requirement to get into Heaven or something. Besides, doing it with someone you love is far better than doing it for sport. Continue to keep your legs closed and your eyes in your books.”

Well, Sara realized
I was still there.

“Yeah, and if you get the urge, just use your fingers to get yourself off. Or the vibrating control on the shower head. Better yet, get a bullet and carry it in your purse. You never know when the urge will hit.”

And there’s the proof that Samantha knows it too.

!” John shouted at the top of his lungs.

Oh, shit.

“Oh, shit,” Samantha murmured. “Did Daddy hear that?”

Yes, he did,” Sara confirmed, failing at hiding a laugh.

We turned
back to the view downstairs and I gasped as I looked right into the amused, hooded hazel eyes of Jaxen William Malloy.

“You’re grounded, young lady!” John shouted to a giggling

“Daddy, you cannot ground a 22-

John snorted loudly.

“I don’t care whose brother he is, I’m going to kill Parker, apple-head!” Jaxen shouted. “I hope both of you have a black dress!!”

“You aren’t going to do anything,
baboon,” Samantha shouted back. “You try and I swear I will tell the cops where you keep your stash!”

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