Falling Into You (10 page)

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Authors: Maureen Smith

BOOK: Falling Into You
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“Well, well, well,” Vince intoned, polishing
off his sandwich and settling back in his chair. “Now we know why
the most popular dancer at the

Frank shook his head in disbelief. “I had no
idea those two had a thing going. Rossi always seemed above crossing the line
with his employees. I’ll be damned.”

Vince chuckled dryly. “And you wanted to push
her off on me.”

Frank grinned. “You’ll find out why in a

Sure enough, as they watched, Giselle knelt
between Rossi’s legs and unzipped his pants. They had a brief glimpse of the
club owner’s dick before most of it disappeared into the blonde’s wide, willing

Vince exclaimed under his breath.

Frank laughed. “Didn’t I tell you I heard
that Giselle gives the best head? Check out that technique.”

Vince grinned. “She’s not bad,” he allowed,
remembering the way Rebecca had deep-throated him in the freight elevator. He’d
been so aroused he nearly came in her mouth. It was, by far, the best blowjob
he’d ever received.

Remembering the erotic elevator encounter
only made him think about the rest of the time they’d spent together.


He’d promised himself one night with her, and
no more. He couldn’t afford to be distracted by thoughts of Rebecca Edmonds. He
needed to concentrate on ensnaring the mark, not becoming a mark himself.
Because there was no doubt in his mind that his desire for Rebecca could
quickly turn into obsession, the kind that left a man too dazed and confused to
know up from down. He’d already spent way too much time thinking about her,
wondering if she’d slept in that morning or gotten up early to walk to
Lexington Market to buy fresh peaches, as she’d mentioned last night. And try
as he might to deny it, he wanted to be with her, not holed up in this damp, chilly
trailer that reeked of mildew and stale coffee.

On this crisp fall day, he wanted to stroll
to the outdoor market with Rebecca and hold her basket as she poked and
squeezed her way through a colorful array of fresh, plump fruit. He wanted to
return to her apartment, share a laugh over steaming mugs of hot chocolate,
then slowly peel away her clothes and make love to her by the crackling

The bottom line was that he enjoyed her
company. Not only was she beautiful, but she was also smart, caring, had a
great sense of humor, and appealed to him on more levels than a man could ever
hope for. He enjoyed being with her, spending time with her.

He wanted more than one night.

“Hey, where are you going?” Frank demanded as
Vince abruptly rose from his chair.

“I just remembered something important I have
to do,” he said, shrugging into his battered leather jacket.


“It can’t wait any longer.” Vince paused,
then clapped a hand to his partner’s shoulder. “Go home to your girlfriend,
Frankie. It’s a beautiful day. Who wants to spend it cooped up inside a damn
trailer watching Rossi get a blowjob when you could be getting one of your

Flashing a wicked grin, Vince turned and
strode from the trailer without a backward glance.


* * *


“You know, when you showed up at my apartment
and asked me to go out on a date with you,” Rebecca said to Vince two hours
later, “this isn’t exactly what I had in mind.”

Vince, lounging beside her in the back of a
covered wagon filled with hay and pulled by a tractor, gave her a lazy smile.
“What did you have in mind?”

Rebecca laughed. “I’m not sure. Maybe
something indoors and a little more, uh, stationary.”

“Stationary’s boring,” Vince drawled, a
rakish glint in his eyes. “I like movement. And the more, the better.”

Rebecca’s belly quivered at the unmistakable
implication. She moistened her lips and watched his gaze follow the path of her
tongue. “Nothing wrong with movement,” she murmured. Especially not the kind of
movement he did inside her body.

Pushing aside the tantalizing thought, she
smiled. “Seriously though, Vince. I’ve never been on a hayride before, so this
was a wonderful surprise.”

As Rebecca spoke, she gazed through the wide
opening of the covered wagon, which offered breathtaking views of the scenic
countryside. Fall was in full bloom. A brilliant profusion of yellow, orange,
red and gold leaves covered the giant trees that flanked the hillside trail
they were following. The hayride concluded with hot apple cider and fresh-baked
pumpkin pie served at a privately owned farmhouse nestled on ten acres in
northern Baltimore County.

“It’s absolutely beautiful out here,” Rebecca
said appreciatively.

“You should see the view from where I’m
sitting,” Vince murmured, gazing at her in that way that turned her insides to

“I was talking about the scenery,” Rebecca
said with a teasing smile. “And stop looking at me like that.”

“Like what?”

“Like a hayride isn’t the only kind of ride
you have in mind.”

Vince gave a low, sexy chuckle.
“Well, now that you mention it…”

Rebecca laughed, easing away as he leaned
toward her. Not even her inner freak was adventurous enough to have sex out in
the open like this, where they could be discovered by their tour guide at any

“Spoilsport,” Vince grumbled good-naturedly.

Again Rebecca laughed.

She’d been thrilled to answer her door that
afternoon to find Vince standing there, putting to rest her secret fears about
never seeing him again. When he asked her out on a date, she couldn’t get
dressed fast enough.

Good thing he’d told her to wear something
warm and casual. The low-rise jeans and red cashmere sweater she’d chosen were
more appropriate for a fall hayride than a little black dress and high

She reached out and took his warm hand,
lacing her fingers through his as the wagon gently jostled them along. The late
afternoon air was crisp and cool, but inside the covered carriage they were
mostly insulated from the chill.

“Are you originally from Baltimore, Vince?” Rebecca
asked conversationally.

He shook his head. “Chicago. I applied for a
job here a few years after college.”

She nodded. “Why Baltimore?”

“One of my college buddies was from
Baltimore. He always talked about being homesick, so I came here to find out
what all the fuss was about.”

“And what’s your verdict?”

“I like it here. But quite honestly, once
you’ve lived in one big city, you feel like you’ve lived in them all.”

Rebecca nodded. “I can see that.”

Vince smiled. “Of course, Baltimore has
something that no other city has. Something that puts it far above the rest.”

“What’s that?”


Rebecca smiled, her insides warming with
pleasure. “You really have a way with words, Mr. Gray.”

“I’m only speaking the truth. You’re an
amazing woman, Rebecca. I’m really glad I met you.”

Rebecca melted even more. “I’m glad, too.”

They smiled at each other.

“Don’t take this the wrong way,” Rebecca said
almost shyly, “but I didn’t think it was possible to meet someone like you at a
strip club.”

Vince looked amused. “Someone like me?”

“Yeah. You’re a great guy, and I guess I’ve
always had a negative perception of men who patronize strip clubs.” She bit her
lip sheepishly. “I know it’s wrong to feel that way about paying customers.”

Vince chuckled. “Shame on you.”

“I know.” Rebecca laughed. “I wish I could
say that working at The Sultan’s has changed my views, but it hasn’t. Getting
hit on by married men doesn’t exactly help.”

Vince frowned. “Has anyone ever come on too

“Not really.” She paused. “Well, there
that customer who summoned me to the
Platinum Suite and tried to seduce me.”

Vince grinned unabashedly. “The nerve.”

Rebecca laughed.

Vince wrapped an arm around her waist and
drew her closer to his side, sharing his body heat. Together they gazed out at
the beautiful passing scenery.

Rebecca sighed contentedly. “I love fall.
It’s my favorite season.”

“It just became mine,” Vince said.

Rebecca smiled at him.

Holding her gaze, he brought her hand to his
lips, murmuring idly, “So what about you, sweetheart? Where are you from?”

“I grew up nearby in Columbia.” Rebecca was
having a hard time concentrating with Vince’s soft, warm lips on her skin. She
wanted to feel his mouth on hers, and on her breasts and between her thighs.

She drew a shaky breath before continuing.
“When I complete my doctorate next year, I plan to apply for a faculty position
at Johns Hopkins right here in the city.”

“Mmm, very impressive.” Vince was now
trailing hot little kisses down the center of her palm, making her nerve
endings tingle. “I like a woman who knows what she wants out of life.”

Oh, she definitely knew what she wanted. And
right now, it had nothing to do with her career.

When Vince curved a hand around the nape of
her neck and pulled her closer, she didn’t protest. He slanted his head over
hers and kissed her, sliding the tip of his tongue across the seam of her lips.
She opened readily and touched her tongue to his, inviting him inside. He
accepted, exploring her mouth, thrusting and retreating in a carnally familiar
rhythm that made her moan softly.

Arousal was a low ache in her body, a
weakness in her knees. She reached down, sliding her hand across the front of
his jeans and molding her palm to the thick bulge of his erection.

With a husky groan of pleasure, Vince lifted
his head from her mouth and pressed his pelvis against her hand. “Damn, baby.
See what you do to me?”

A shiver of desire rippled through her.
Holding his gaze, she unzipped his jeans and reached inside his boxers. His
breath hissed out as her fingers closed around his hard, throbbing dick. The
feel of him in her hand made moisture leak from her pussy.

Vince groaned as she slowly caressed him,
running her hand up and down his engorged cock. Leaning back on his elbows, he
raised and lowered his hips in a sensual thrusting motion, urging her to stroke
him harder and faster.

She rubbed her thumb over the swollen head of
his dick until she felt the first trickle of precum. As Vince watched her
through heavy-lidded eyes, she brought her hand to her mouth and smeared his silky
juice across her parted lips, then slowly, provocatively, licked it off.

“Mmmm,” she purred. “I love the way you

Vince swore under his breath, low and
guttural, his eyes burning with raw hunger. Before Rebecca could lower her head
to take him into her mouth, he sat up, gripping her shoulders and pressing her
back until she was lying on the soft pile of hay.

He unbuckled her belt, unsnapped her jeans
and slid them down her legs, her silk panties and ankle boots quickly
following. He pressed his palm against the curve of her body, then stroked her
pulsing clit with one finger. She arched upward as a breathless moan escaped
from her throat.

Suddenly she didn’t give a damn whether the
tour guide knew what they were back there doing. All she knew was that she
wanted Vince, wanted him like no other man she’d ever wanted before. It was
amazing how he’d stripped away all her inhibitions in such a short amount of

He covered her with his body and crushed his
mouth to hers. Their tongues met and tangled hotly.

Breaking the erotic kiss, Vince fished out a
condom from his wallet, then shoved down his jeans and boxers. Breathlessly Rebecca
watched as he smoothed the latex over his erection and settled between her
thighs. She felt the hot length of his cock against her throbbing pussy and
spread her legs wide to welcome him, so aroused she was already on the verge of
coming apart.

Their gazes locked as he rose above her.
Grasping her hips, he lifted her slightly and filled her with one deep, back-arching
thrust. Rebecca bit her lip to stifle the sharp cry that rose in her
throat—just in case the driver could hear above the clatter of the wagon

They quickly found their rhythm, the gentle
rocking of the wagon fueling their passion. Vince reached between their bodies
and fingered her hard clit, and she gasped into his mouth. Her pussy clenched
for a moment, then began to spasm around his dick. As she came, her head went
back and her voice rang out with a rapturous moan she couldn’t contain.

Vince groaned and thrust harder and deeper
inside her, driving her to another blinding orgasm as he came, his powerful
body bucking against hers. This time they cried out together.

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