Read Falling, Freestyle Online

Authors: Vivian Arend

Falling, Freestyle (12 page)

BOOK: Falling, Freestyle
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Jack had to admit he was impressed—Kane didn’t hide himself as Dara strolled around him, one hand trailing over his skin.

“You were taunting me… You knew I couldn’t say anything in public so I think you owe me one. Or two.”

Kane grasped her fingers, trapping her palm against his ridged abdomen. “Damn climbing center. Derrick’s all balls and no brain. He could have waited until I got home to ask his questions but no…I didn’t mean to make you crazy.”

Dara leaned closer, glaring at him. Her threatening pose held for all of ten seconds before her face broke out into her usual brilliant smile. “Yes, you did, and I loved every minute of it.”

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes for a moment. “Guys, you are seriously rocking it in the ‘give Dara her fantasies’ department. But I’ve still got a request and I’m not sure how you’re going to take it.”

Jack leaned back on the wall, giving her a little space. “Try us.”

Dara took a deep breath. “I can’t complain about anything you’ve done, except—it’s pretty much been a lot of one-on-one stuff. I…”

Her cheeks were rosier than they’d been when they came in from the cold.

Kane tugged her back against his body and she purred. He slipped his hand over her belly, fingers wide as he nestled her against his naked skin. “You want us together?”

She hesitated, then nodded slowly. “Does that make me some kind of super-kinky girl? I get so damn hot when I read about it, and maybe the whole experience is one of those ‘better in fantasy than reality’, but…”

Jack paced closer, his cock aching hard. Even though he wanted to rush ahead, she needed them to slow down a little. They’d been racing through everything for the past couple days, and while they’d stopped to watch movies and eat, they hadn’t really talked about their actions.

Frankly, Jack had been deliberately avoiding any discussions. He didn’t want to talk about what they were doing, because that would mean acknowledging he was enjoying the whole situation way too much. Enjoying it, while simultaneously hating it. The more time passed, the more he’d held himself back, forcing himself to not call all the shots.

Taking a backseat in the bedroom wasn’t sitting well. He loved being with Dara more intimately, and other than occasionally wanting to rip Kane’s throat out, things were okay with his best bud. Heck, it was great that Kane had asked him to join in the little game in the cafeteria—and he was happy Dara had gotten a thrill out of it, but it wasn’t his style.

But these were his issues to deal with and this wasn’t about him. It was supposed to be about Dara, and her needs and fantasies. He’d been too busy dreaming about how things could be in the future, when it was only the two of them, that he’d steered clear of the one thing she’d really asked for.

Time to grow a set and put his ego aside.

Dara trembled under Kane’s hands. He stroked her gently, easing her back and nuzzling her neck. “You ever have anal sex?”

“Yes. Not for a while, but I tried it.”

“Did you like it?”

Dara nodded again, guilt written on her face.

Ah, shit.

“Dara, look at me.” Jack tugged her to the couch and sat her on his lap. He luxuriated in the soft skin under his hands. She cupped his face and dragged her fingers through his hair, scratching his scalp with his fingers and sending a shot of pure lust to his groin. “You don’t have to be embarrassed about liking something that gives you pleasure. Anal sex, oral sex—”

“Fooling around in public?”

“Did that bother you so much? I thought you enjoyed it.”

“I did, and that’s the trouble. I shouldn’t feel as hot and needy as I do from making a spectacle of myself.”

Jack schooled his expression. She didn’t need him laughing right now, but damn, if she and Kane weren’t two peas in a pod. “I’ll say it again, anything that gives you pleasure and doesn’t harm another—why should you feel guilty?”

She wrinkled her nose. “Because I spent too many years being told to be a good girl?”

He shook his head. “If you hurt someone, go ahead and feel guilty. But you didn’t, so enjoy the horniness it caused. And if you want to take both Kane and me on at once, I’m game. We’ll go slow, and see if we can match your fantasies. I don’t think there would be so many stories written about it if there wasn’t an inkling of truth in them. In fact, the thought makes me hot as anything.”

Dara turned to look at Kane. “What about you?”

He laughed as he moved to kneel at their side, and the sex-charged tone changed the tension in the room, as if he’d lit a stick of sexual dynamite.

“If you’re asking if I’m up for it, I think you can tell my answer.” Kane wrapped her hand around his cock and rocked his hips slowly.

Dara touched her other hand to his cheek. He nuzzled her fingers for a moment, kissing them softly. His tongue darted out and he licked her, his face shining with mischief. Dara laughed.

Kane winked. “I thought I heard something about fucking like bunnies in the hot tub. It’s getting cold in here. Shall we move the party to a warmer climate?”

Jack opened the balcony door, gliding ahead to pull the cover off the hot tub. Kane cradled her, his fingers caressing and teasing her skin as he brought her to the side of the pool.

Dara clung to his neck as he lowered her in, drawing his mouth against hers. As their tongues tangled a sense of déjà vu washed over her. It felt so right, so proper to be in Kane’s arms. A splash splattered heated droplets on her back seconds before Jack pressed his lips to her neck and bit down lightly.

Having him there was just as proper as Kane.

They twisted her between them, raining kisses on her face. Kane slipped into the water to add his hands and body to the erotic teasing. Her mind fogged as pleasure built within her—the fires stoked higher and higher with every brush of their fingertips. Every caress of their lips. Kane raised her slightly, his fingers exploring and teasing her sex. The chilled winter air floated over her wet breasts and her nipples hardened, a second before Jack latched onto one and sucked the peak into the heat of his mouth.

Another drag of his tongue over the tip. Another circle around her clit by Kane. She teetered on edge, waiting for the moment her body would follow her mind—it was already gone, lost in the pleasures her men provided.

Kane teased a finger down the crease of her ass, pausing to circle her anus. When he dipped his fingertip into the nerve-sensitive area she let out a moan. Jack seemed to take that as an order to increase his assault and suckled harder, one hand cupping a breast, one slipping down to rub her slit. She leaned helplessly on Kane and let the wave break over her.

“That’s a girl. Let go, we’ve got you.” Kane whispered in her ear, his hands gentle, his tone caring. Tears sprang to her eyes in spite of the pleasure drenching her soul.

She panted to regain her equilibrium. It was suddenly too much, too intimate. The long hard length of Kane’s body behind her, the tender touch of Jack before her, the heated expression on his face as he ate her up with his gaze.

Dara struggled to her feet and pulled away from them to sit on the edge of the tub, fanning her face and blowing hard.

Kane grinned at her. “Getting a little overheated, are you?”

A nod was all she could answer. She stared at him, the cut muscles of his abdomen glistening in the faint lights reflecting from the hill. The moisture clinging to his skin defined each ridge, each slope, and she wanted to run her tongue along them, consume him in one sitting.

A sharp crack rang out and she snapped her head to the right. Jack stood on a deck chair, a gleaming icicle in his hand. He reached overhead and added another foot-long spear to his collection, then another. He spoke over his shoulder.

“I think we can do something about the heat, sweetheart.”

Oh God.
The shiver racing over her skin had nothing to do with the temperature outside. She was so hot that melting with desire became a distinct possibility. Jack turned his brilliant smile on her as he climbed back into the hot tub, his collection of icy instruments of torture laid out in a row on the decking.

“Do you mind if I try one?” Kane reached past her to pick one up, the tip glistening with a droplet as the heat rising from the tub hit it.

“More than enough for us both, my good man.”

Dara laughed at Jack’s atrocious British accent. “You two are— Oh my…”

The words stuck in her throat. Kane slid the wet tip of his icicle down her torso with deliberate intent to drive her mad. He leaned over and sucked her nipple into his mouth, lashing it again and again with his tongue until it ached, fiery hot. When he stepped back and drew circles around the feverish tip, she thought the pleasure of it would set off an orgasm.

“That looks like fun. My turn.” Jack copied Kane’s actions and the pulse of desire shot from her breast to her sex, and she slipped a hand down to her aching clit.

“What do you mean ‘your turn’? If you hadn’t noticed, she’s got two.”

Jack laughed softly. “So she does.” He glanced at Kane for a second. “You okay with this?”

Kane nodded. “For Dara? Piece of cake.”

She forced her eyes to remain open to take in every second of their united attack. Jack wrapped an arm around her hips to lock her in position while Kane smoothed a hand up her thigh. His fingers inched closer to her needy sex, then she couldn’t see anything, or feel anything, but their mouths on her body.

She squeaked as Kane nipped the side of her breast then soothed the spot with the softening icicle. Flashes of heat and icy cold followed, all over her body. Her breasts, her ribs. Kane’s finger finally reached her slit and she purred with satisfaction as he slid a digit into her.

“Yes. Oh, that feels so good.” She looked down and tensed. “Hang on a minute. Kane, you’re not really going to—?”

Jack grasped her hips tighter and kissed away her protest, locking his lips over hers. His tongue thrust into her mouth but she knew what was coming. Anticipating the moment—this was either the stupidest thing she’d ever done or the wildest.

Icy coldness brushed the sides of her labia. Kane swirled the tip of a new icicle between the layers of her sex, and melting water poured off her heated flesh. He stooped and replaced the cold with the heat of his mouth, driving his tongue into her sopping-wet depths and lapping eagerly. Hot, then cold, again and again. All the while Jack kissed her, made love to her mouth, locking his fingers in her hair and dragged their mouths together. Kane pushed the now blunt end of the ice into her and she cried out. Jack released her lips, staring down as Kane fucked her with the icicle.

“That is so incredibly hot.”

Dara bit her lip and squirmed. “Hot? I think we need to shove an icicle up your butt if you think it’s hot.”

Kane stopped with the frozen shaft buried in her body. He leaned forward slowly, maintaining intimate eye contact, and gave her clit a deliberate lick. “Up the butt, hey? We can arrange that if you’d like.”

Oh sweet Jesus, what had she done?

He suckled her clit with increasingly harder pulses, once again moving the icicle. Her body had melted the shaft away so there was barely enough to touch her passage. Kane abandoned the chunk of ice and simply ate hungrily at her sex. The discarded pieces of ice swirled on the water’s surface as they rapidly melted away.

“Shove over, Kane.” Jack cracked a new icicle in two, drawing the edges over her body, rotating it to melt the sharper sections into a new smooth-tipped surface. He stood for a moment and held it out to her. “Suck on the tip.”

Dara opened her mouth and let him slip it in. It was freezing against her tongue, flavourless. She would have far preferred to take his cock, or Kane’s, into her mouth. Her saliva moistened it and made the surface slick.

He pulled it from her mouth with a
. Kane increased the motions of his tongue against her clit as he twisted to the side to allow Jack more room. Jack pressed the ice back into her sex and she instantly came. Rocking hard, a quivering mass on the side of the hot tub. Jack’s strong arm supported her upright as she shook with her release.

Jack waited until she stilled before pulling her back into the water, arranging her over top of his body like a blanket. She breathed out a heavy sigh.

“That was incredible.”

“We’re not finished,” Kane warned.

Guilt rushed her. “You guys must be dying.”

Jack dropped a soothing kiss on her forehead. “We’re not done, but relax for a minute. Trust us?”

“Of course.”

He cupped her neck, massaging her shoulders, the tight sections of her upper body easing under his caress. Kane massaged her legs, pulling them into his lap as she sprawled belly down in the pool. Incredible attention, complete tenderness. She was going to break into tears at the emotions flowing through her.

Her best friends. Her lovers. How was she supposed to choose just one of them to go forward with after this weekend?

Kane lowered her legs and sat next to Jack, reaching over his friend’s torso to cup her cheek. “We don’t need to do anything more tonight. You skied like a banshee all day, and we’ve fooled around tons.”

Jack nodded his agreement. “Why don’t I go and make us dinner. We can rent a movie, have a few drinks. Just relax.”

Dara opened her mouth to protest. Kane spoke first. “I know it’s our last night here, but that doesn’t mean there’s an agenda.”

But there was. She squirmed off them to stand in the middle of the tub. Her gaze darted back and forth between them. Light Jack, dark Kane. Both smiling at her, both with heartfelt emotion showing in their eyes. Caring…even love?

Maybe she’d made the biggest mistake ever in even starting this weekend. Maybe when they went home she’d find their friendship would take a long time to repair. She didn’t know at all what tomorrow would bring. She was only certain of one thing.

She’d regret it forever if she didn’t take this opportunity to love them both.

“I want you. Please?”

Jack and Kane stood simultaneously. They didn’t look at each other, simply rose and held out their hands. She took Kane’s in her right, and Jack’s in her left, and let them lead her from the hot tub back into the house.

BOOK: Falling, Freestyle
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