Falling For Sakura: A Secret Proposal (Part 1) (8 page)

BOOK: Falling For Sakura: A Secret Proposal (Part 1)
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“What is it?”

“Can you please take these to Chris? He’s up on the fourth floor,” she begged. Then she saw Sakura was about to ask why the wardrobe manager was up on the fourth floor and said, “Don’t even ask me that. That man’s logic is beyond me.”

“All right,” Sakura said. “I don’t mind.”

“Good,” Jane said, dumping another set of files into her arms. “Now hustle, my dear friend.”

Sakura laughed and took off out the door.

* * * * *



Chapter 6

Past Love



Melissa Williams couldn’t believe her luck when she saw the handsome young man with dark hair striding into the gallery. God, he literally took her breath away, and she really couldn’t take her eyes off him as he purposely headed toward her. There was that something about him that really fascinated her. She decided it was partially due to the way he was walking, with that easy and confident grace that told the world he wasn’t the type to be messed with, that he knew what his goal was and wouldn’t deter until he accomplished it. The aura she sensed from him was that of mystery and darkness, and it intrigued her even more, thrilling her to a new height.

This guy was the hard-to-catch type—the type that wouldn’t get into bed with her that easily. Then there was also the fact that he was way out of her league, but that made Melissa want him even more.

Her eyes gleamed with delight as he came toward her.
God, just look at the way he walks.
And his body?
She was sure beneath that expensive Armani suit was a body to die for, with toned, firm muscles and, yes, six-pack abs. Her blood trilled at the thought of her fingers brushing against those abs.

As he came closer, she wondered if he swam. His body sure did indicate so, even if it were just for pleasure.

He stopped in front of her at the counter. His face—strong and breathtakingly gorgeous—was impassive.
And those eyes of his.
They were deep, sharp with intelligence, and very intense. The color really fascinated her. It was a type she’d never seen before. The color of the moon on a stormy night. Especially when lightning strikes. It had that odd pale lavender reflecting within. A mauve grey.

He put one masculine hand on the counter, a hand that told her it could be turned into a passionate lover’s. The thought of that particular hand on her body made Melissa go hot. She sighed as she gazed at his hand, her mind wandering.

“I’m here to pick up a painting,” he said, his voice deep, which caused Melissa’s heart to flutter within her chest with delight.

Melissa smiled pleasantly, her cheeks blushing a perfect pink she was sure would attract any male’s attention. She licked her fuchsia lips, hoping to draw his attention there. No such luck though, as the young man darted his eyes to the paintings around the gallery instead.

So what?
He found Sakura Tanaka’s paintings way more interesting than her? Melissa wasn’t pleased about that and silently fumed. Was he to be another of the many men who came into this gallery only to see the pretty painter and buy her paintings? Was he to be another of the many men who paid no attention to her, the hot sales assistant?

Melissa was pissed.

“There’s only one painting to be picked up today,” she said, still eyeing the gorgeous dark-haired man with undisguised interest that practically screamed,
Please look at me. I’m begging you. I want you!

The man turned to her, his eyes dark and intense. Still unsmiling, he said, “I don’t have a lot of time. Please hurry.”

Melissa was taken aback.
for goodness sake’s! It was a bloody Saturday. What was he in such a hurry for? Obviously something very important, such as a party or something, considering the fact that he was dressed for one.
That suit would probably cost as much as her entire year of salary.

Melissa cleared her throat and said, “I’m sorry, sir, but I need confirmation of your identity.” She secretly smiled.
Now I get to know who you are, you hot thing.

“Is this some type of bar or something? Will a driver license do?” he asked, his dark brows rose.

Melissa blushed. “No sir, but we do get some weirdo coming in and claiming to have bought a painting but it was for someone else you see and, erm, naturally we don’t want that to happen again.”

“I see,” the man said. He took out a receipt from his pocket and gave it to her.

Melissa glanced at the receipt, recognized the client’s numbers, and gasped. “I’m sorry, sir, but you’re our regular.” She glanced up, her eyes large. So this was the man who had always bought Sakura’s photographs and paintings, eh?
He was totally hot. And Melissa was rather glad Sakura had already left for the day, and therefore, couldn’t meet this piece of dreamer.

“I’m not. I’m picking it up for my brother,” he said.

Melissa sighed with relief. Thank God, she thought, because that meant that he shouldn’t be back here to see Sakura. She grinned and said, “I’m sorry, sir, I do still
need to see your identification. Just to confirm, if you know what I mean.”

“Yeah,” he said, took his wallet out, and showed her his ID.

Melissa looked closely and said under her breath, “Darcy Princeton.” God, it suited him, she thought, and smiled pleasantly. “Thanks,” she said. ‘I’ll just go and get that painting now.” She headed over to the back of the gallery, making sure that her backside, which was nicely on display wearing the tight pencil skirt, swayed elegantly.

Darcy wasn’t paying attention to the brunette floozy who he found rather irritating and turned to marvel at the paintings that were surrounding him instead. Most were of cherry blossom trees in full bloom and some were of birds. He glanced at his watch to make sure he wasn’t running late and then turned to scan the other side of the gallery, having nothing else to do. That was when he saw the painting of
cherry blossom tree. His heart skipped a beat and then continued beating furiously. His stomach fluttered and his whole body tense. He couldn’t help himself and strode over briskly to take a closer look.

There, resting against the wall was the painting that reminded him of the cherry blossom tree on St. Joseph Island; the tree he had kissed Sakura under.

Suddenly it all came back to him.

* * * * *


Darce! My dear Darce!

Little Darcy saw the long, dark hair flying, the pale hand reaching out to him, and the pretty face laughing.

“You can’t catch me,” she sang sweetly as she ran away from him amongst the tall grass.

“Snow!” he shouted, racing after her. “Snow? Where are you? I’ll find you soon. I won’t lose you.”

“Really?” she giggled from afar, her voice light and echoing all around him. “You don’t even know where I am.”

Darcy twisted around in his spot, confused and lost amidst the woods. “I’ll find you. You’ll see. And when I do, I’m never going to let you go. You’re going to be mine forever and ever.”

A beautiful laugh followed. “Then find me. I’m waiting for you to find me. Darce, my dear Darce…”

Darcy found himself running until he was breathless. Then he saw a glimpse of white material. He sprinted toward it, and as he came closer, he saw her long hair.

“I got you now,” he chuckled and pulled her into his arms. They both fell to the ground and got into a fit of giggle.

“You found me, Darce dear,” she said. “I’m so glad. So very glad.”

“Me, too,” he replied. He made her sit up and then laid his head on her lap. “Now you must watch over me while I take a nap.”

She cocked her head to one side. “Sleep, my dear Darce, and I will watch over you.”

Little Darcy nodded and closed his eyes.

“Snow? Why does cherry blossom falls?” he asked suddenly, gazing off at the tiny petals raining on them.

“They are the tears of spring, Darcy, the tears of spring,” she replied, smiling as she, too, gazed up at the swirling flowers that surrounded them.

Darcy nodded and closed his eyes again. When he opened them some moments later, he felt something tickling his face. The first thing he saw was the clear blue sky above him. It was a beautiful spring day, and he didn’t want it to ever end. He turned his eyes to the left, and his heart glowed with joy as his eyes met his pretty adopted sister’s.

Sakura was watching him, a smile on her lips. She looked like an angel, Darcy thought with pride. With her long dark hair and pale skin; she looked just like Snow White in the fairy tale book.

 “You’re awake?” she asked softly.

Darcy adjusted his head on her lap so that he could lie more comfortably. Her thighs were soft beneath his head, and he liked that. He liked that a lot. He only wished that he could sleep on her lap every night instead of his pillows.  

He reached his small hand out and started playing with her long hair, coiling the strands about his fingers. He didn’t know why but he just loved being with Sakura. She made him feel wonderful.

“Did you have a good sleep?” she asked.

“Yes,” Darcy replied.

“Did you have a good dream?”


Sakura moved her hand and ruffled his dark hair. Darcy liked that. He liked that a lot.

 “I don’t have good dreams either,” she whispered softly, gazing off into the distance.

Darcy looked up at her, noting her sorrow expression which in turned caused his own heart to rob with pain. Of course, he didn’t understand why.

“Do you have nightmares?” he asked.

He watched her nod her head.

 “Well, if you have another one, I’ll come and sleep with you. I’ll protect you from your nightmare. I’ll be your bodyguard. I’ll be your prince, Sakura.”

She laughed softly. “You’re only a little boy, Darce.”

“I don’t care. I’ll still protect you even if I’m just a little boy,” he said firmly, giving her a dashing smile. He moved his hand from her hair to touch her face then, his little finger caressing her soft skin.

“You’re such a nice brother, Darce,” she said, returning his smile.

Darcy’s expression quickly changed to a scowl. He sat up abruptly which caused Sakura to gasp in surprise.  He turned to look at her long and hard, his mauve gray eyes intense on her face. “I’m not your brother,” he muttered darkly.

Sakura was taken aback. “But—”

“I don’t want to be your brother—ever!” he said firmly. “I want to be with you forever, but I don’t want to be your brother.”

“Darce,” Sakura whispered, her face pale and sad. “But I thought you like me.”

Darcy panicked. No! No! No! He didn’t want to upset her. He just didn’t want her to be his sister, that was all. So why was she so upset? Oh no! She was going to cry.

“I do,” he protested, trying to soothe her sadness. “I like you a lot.”

“Then why?” she asked. “Why, Darce? Why can’t I be your sister like Alaina and Tara?”

Darcy watched two fat tears rolling down Sakura’s cheeks. He didn’t understand why himself, but he just knew that he wanted to stay with her forever and that he didn’t want her as his sister.

“Because I love you. Because I never want to lose you, ever!”

* * * * *


Darcy felt his heart thumping loudly and furiously within his chest. His head was pounding at the reminder of their childhood.

Could this tree in the painting be the same tree on St. Joseph Island? But how? No! It must be his imagination. No, he reasoned himself. It was just very alike, that was all, and nothing more.

“Ah, there you are,” Melissa said from the distance. “It’s ready.”

Darcy turned to her then. “That painting, how much is it?”

Melissa blinked, momentarily confused. Then she turned her attention to the painting on the floor resting against the wall. The first thought that came into her mind was
‘it’s finished?’

“How much is it?” he asked again, his eyes intense.

“I’m not sure,” Melissa said uncertainly, taken by surprised by his tense tone of voice. “I’ll have to ask first.”

“Who’s the owner?” Darcy demanded.

“Ms. Tanaka,” Melissa said. “But she’s out.”

Darcy gritted his teeth. “I want that painting. How much is it?”

“I don’t know, sir,” Melissa replied again. “You’ll have to wait until Ms. Tanaka return.” Then she thought,
‘well that was stupid of you, Melissa’
. She grinned pleasantly and said instead, “But I’m sure it’s not so much different from her other paintings. How about I look up in the computer for you? She usually logs in the price for her painting in the computer.”

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