Read Falling for Him Online

Authors: Alexandra O'Hurley

Tags: #Romance, #Healing Hearts 1

Falling for Him (20 page)

BOOK: Falling for Him
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Liam stared at Bastian, dumbstruck. Hearing this only made his earlier decision so much easier, if it were true. “Then why hasn’t she called me? Perhaps she wants neither of us.”

“She spent a good thirty minutes telling me exactly why the two of you shouldn’t date.”

“And you deduced she’s crazy about me from that?”

Bastian shook his head and crossed his arms over his chest. “She’s afraid to fall in love.”

“And you know this how.”

“She admitted it to me. She also wanted to get her life in order before she went to you and admitted it. I shouldn’t interfere, but I know how Jenny can be and I didn’t want whatever she’d planted in your mind to take root.”

“Yeah, Jenny … well, she has a different vision of the future than I do.”

“And now you’ve seen what you really want. Don’t let Olivia’s mistakes ruin what you could have. I’ve been there, in her shoes, and I fucked up big-time. I see the sadness in her eyes. She deserves some happiness.”

Liam stood and took off his white lab coat from atop his scrubs. “I have to agree with you. No disrespect, but get the hell out of my office, Bastian.”

Liam raced past Bastian, nearly knocking the man down on his escape. As he passed his nurse, he told her to get one of the other doctors to check his three o’clock and he was gone for the day. Liam threw on his coat as he rushed out the door. He heard Bastian calling his name, but couldn’t wait another minute. It was time to make Olivia face him.

* * * *

Olivia drummed her fingers over her leg as the door opened. Bastian peeked into her room. “Liam just left.”

Olivia straightened on the seat. “Left?”

“He’s headed to see you. We couldn’t stop him or tell him you were here waiting to see him.”

“The universe is against us.”

“Don’t think like that. I’m sure if you leave now, you can find him at your house.”

“Good thinking. Thanks. Wait, which house?”

“I didn’t have a chance to tell him you moved, so I’d say he’s on his way to see Maria.”

“Just what I need.” Olivia jumped up and headed for the door.

Chapter 19

“What do you mean, she doesn’t live here anymore?” Liam threw his hands in the air. It felt as if forces were working to keep them apart.

“Liam, calm down. She got herself an apartment and is moving in as we speak.” Maria Owens smiled at him, but didn’t offer an address.

“Where is it?”

“That would be her business to share with you. I don’t want to interfere.”

“Come on, Maria. You’ve known me my whole life. I just need to talk to her.”

“Yes, but it’s her life. If she wants you to be a part of it, that’s her choice. She’s a grown woman and can make her own choices. I will not interfere.”

“Wow, Mom, I’m impressed.”

Liam whipped around to see Olivia standing behind him. He caught her stare and held it, the world stopping around them. He sensed Maria slipping back into the house, but it didn’t matter. What needed to happen between the two of them would happen regardless if they had an audience or not. But now that he had Olivia before him, the words struggled to come.

“You shouldn’t have rushed out on your three o’clock appointment.”

What is she talking about?
It hit him suddenly. “You’d come to see me?”

Olivia took a step closer. “Yes, I did.”

He still struggled to find the words, so he left it to her. Their relationship wouldn’t move forward unless she was ready to face her fears. He needed to know she was serious. “Here’s your chance. What do you have to say?”

Olivia pulled an envelope out of her jeans pocket. “I got this today. I’ve got an agent who wants to get my book published.”

“That’s great! I’m so proud of you.” Liam rushed to her and drew her into a tight embrace. After a few moments he pulled away, realizing she hadn’t come to tell him she wanted him back, the sting of that insight making his jaw tense. “It’s nice to know you’ve finally reached out and grabbed what you wanted.”

“There’s something else I want.”


“I had an eye-opening experience today. When I got this letter, you were the first person I wanted to share my news with.”

“Not Bastian?”

“Bastian?” Olivia frowned up at him and began to slowly shake her head. “No, not Bastian. He’s only been a friend to me.”

“Am I just a friend to you?”

“No.” She caught his gaze with hers. “I’ve never wanted you to only be my friend.”

“No?” Liam dragged her back into his embrace, needing to hear her answer with all his heart. She shivered and he wasn’t sure if it was from the cold or their contact.

“I want you in my life. I’m not afraid any longer.”

He smiled at her admission, chuckling under his breath. “Who knew twenty years later I’d have to chase you a second time.”

“I’ve had a thing for you a long time and when the chance to be with you got handed to me, I freaked out and ran, afraid I’d ruin it.”

“I can relate. That’s how I felt just before your surgery.”

She released a breath, softening in his arms. “I’m not running anymore.”

Liam lowered his head, capturing her lips in his. Her mouth tasted sweet, her kisses tentative. She still didn’t completely relax into him. He wound his fingers in her hair and drew her close. There was no empty space between them, nowhere for her to move. They were one body.

“Even through it all, even with you running from me, I still fell for you.”

She looked up at him, a smile forming on her lips. “You fell for me?”

“Yep. Hard.”

“Then we need to clear the air and start fresh. No more running. No more fear.” She cleared her throat. “And no more blame.”

He held her stare as the implications roiled within him. “It’s hard to let go of years of guilt.”

“You want me to throw away years of hiding. I think it’s an even trade.”

He knew she was right. Every time someone had told him it hadn’t been his fault, he’d heard the truth in their words. Guilt was a hard thing to let go of and as it had been such a driving force in his life for so long, it had become who he was.

The procedure had corrected her injury. He could already see her gait was improved and her limp almost imperceptible, not that it had been pronounced before the surgery. She was as good as new. There was no reason for him to hold on to that culpability, even if it was his to hold on to. His hands hadn’t been the one to save her, but ultimately he’d been there through it all.

“It wasn’t my fault.” As the words came out of his mouth, he instantly felt lighter. “It wasn’t my fault.”

Her smile was enough to melt his heart. “No, it wasn’t your fault. How does it feel to say it?”

“Freeing.” He returned her smile and captured her lips once more. She even tasted sweeter now; the weight on his shoulders less.

“Good. Can we get out of the cold now?”

“Sure. I hear you have a new place. Can I see it?”

Red swirled under the pink that crossed her nose and cheeks. “I thought you’d never ask.”

* * * *

Olivia showed Liam around her small apartment, the boxes still strewn about where the movers had left them. There wasn’t much furniture yet as the place had opened so quickly, she hadn’t had time to get anything yet. She felt a little embarrassed it was half-empty. “We just got the movers in today. There’s a lot still to do.”

“Then let’s get you ready for tonight at least, hmm?”

An hour later and her bed was together and made, her computer set up on her desk in the office, a few dishes were fished out to hold the Thai food Liam had ordered, and two wineglasses to hold the Moscato she’d bought to celebrate her first home. Liam rolled out a packing blanket onto the middle of hardwood floor in the living room after starting a fire in the fireplace. It was perfect. A few key pieces were all she really needed.

And Liam.

Olivia lounged on the blanket and forked the last bit of Pad Thai into her mouth, savoring her first meal in her condo and savoring the company as well. “Thanks for helping me get settled.”

“You’re very welcome.” He took a gulp of wine and sighed as he stretched out beside his empty plate. “But we need to finish up tomorrow and get you completely unpacked.”

“Tomorrow? Don’t you have to work?”

“Things start winding down just prior to Christmas. Folks don’t want to have major back surgery just before the holidays. I’ve got some vacation time piled up. I think getting you settled is as good as an excuse as any to use some of it.” He stared at her, lust filling his gaze. “There’s nothing more important than you right now.”

Her skin felt like it was on fire, need pooling low in her gut from his look alone. “Will you stay with me, Liam? I don’t want to be alone tonight.”

“If you want me to.”

“I want.”

She responded to the desire in his stare, nearly allowing a moan that came to her throat to escape. Liam pulled her close and rolled between her thighs, their clothing shielding his hardened cock from branding her. The shaft lay hot and heavy against her, the throb of his blood coursing through it. She felt how fast his heart beat and knew hers was just as quick, her need for him overriding her senses.

Olivia had never been wanted like this by another. It was heady and she felt powerful. Liam was always been controlled when he was in public. He was the dutiful son, the doctor reaching the top of his field, a man respected in social circles. Liam was responsible. His control had snapped and he’d abducted her from the office parking lot the last time she’d been with him because of his need—for her. He was brought down to his basest instincts when he was near and that made her feel potent.

Nothing was more important than her. His words rung in her head and tempted the senses. A girl could get used to that kind of attention from a man.

He slowly began to remove her clothing, his eyes never leaving hers. His fingers worked over the small buttons that lined the front of her blouse and pulled it open to bare her bra-clad breasts to him. Once he looked his fill, his hands moved to the snap on her jeans. He tugged the zipper down and drew them off her hips and down her legs. All thought left her head as Liam slid down her body and spread her thighs wider with his palms. He leaned in to taste her, pulling her panties aside and licking from the bottom of her cunt to her clit.

“I should have taken time to prepare you last time, but I couldn’t wait.”

“Prepare me?”

“You’re not experienced; your body wasn’t prepared for hard use. I should have softened you, gotten you ready. With my tongue.”

“Then you must rectify the issue immediately.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Olivia sighed as he covered her clit with his tongue and began to lave her, pressing his fingers inside her and thrusting them slowly. She bit her tongue as he ripped her panties off her and began to taste, lick, and bite his way over every inch of her flesh, leaving nothing untouched.

She moved all over the blanket, arching into the pleasure, pushing his head deeper to get the caresses she needed, and undulating under his touch.

Their sighs, moans, and growls merged together, echoing through the empty space, competing with the crackle of the roaring fire. Liam pushed her toward the edge, playing her body like a skilled master. He knew exactly where to stroke, where to bite. When his teeth sunk into her clit once more, she broke apart, shattering into a million pieces.

Liam slowly crawled back up her body, kissing a path with his lips, pausing a while at each nipple. He suckled them both until they pointed to the ceiling, ripe berries ready to be plundered.

He then rose to his knees to undress as she watched. He tugged his scrub top over his head and then languidly untied the bottoms. His cock sprung forward as soon as he lowered his boxer-briefs, ready to sate her. A pearl of fluid eased from the tip, shining and demanding her touch. She reached out and grasped the shaft, pulling it toward her. She spread her tongue along the crest and sampled his musky flavor.

Olivia took more of the head into her mouth and began to suck as much as she could. She encircled the base and pulled along the shaft, earning a low, deep sigh from him. His hips moved in time to her suckling, his head falling back in abandon.

“If you don’t stop, I’ll come right now.”

“Maybe I want you to.”

“I want to be inside you.”

“But do you have protection?”

“Thai food wasn’t the only thing I picked up.”

“Presumptuous? Or am I a sure thing?”

“No. I was hopeful. Better to be prepared than not.” He moved to his feet and walked into the kitchen and came back seconds later, rolling a condom over his length.

The sight of him palming his cock was one of the sexiest things she’d ever seen, partially because of his thoughtful consideration.

“Get over here.”

“I love it when you get forceful.” Liam snickered as he lowered between her legs, resting his hips into the cradle of her thighs. He gathered her head in his hands and forced her to look at him, the tip of his cock at the opening of her pussy. “Although, I love it when you’re with me, no matter what.”

He surged forward, plunging inside her fully as his mouth descended on hers, swallowing her squeal of pleasure. Liam moved in short, slow thrusts as she grew accustomed to his girth once more. Within seconds, he was moving faster, creating the quicker tempo she needed to push her past the point of no return. His kisses mimicked his pace, his tongue spearing between her lips to taste her thoroughly.

Liam began squeezing and shaping her flesh to his command. He left no spots on her upper body untouched and finally moved both hands to her ass to pull her ever closer to his surging shaft. His long, deep strokes filled her completely, making desire spiral low in her gut, a matching throb in her clit.

When she felt the first swells of his cock as he orgasmed within her, it pushed her over the brink once more. She succumbed to the sensation, her cries mixing with his groans of completion. He fell atop her, his weight pressing her against the floor, making it hard to breathe, yet she didn’t want him to move. The feeling of him covering her after such a pairing was comforting.

BOOK: Falling for Him
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