Read Falling For Her Navy Seal…Again Online

Authors: Clarissa Yip

Tags: #Calendar Men: Mr. October

Falling For Her Navy Seal…Again (7 page)

BOOK: Falling For Her Navy Seal…Again
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Her features softened. Trust shone in her eyes. He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Go home. Shower. And I’ll pick you up for the movie later.”

She leaned back to stare up at him. “Can I pick the movie?”

“No chick flicks.”

She scoffed. “As if….”

“You made me watch
Dirty Dancing
with you a million times whenever Jared or Liz wouldn’t go with you to the theater. And….” He started listing every chick flick she’d made him watch with her over the years.

“Fine! You can pick. But you’re buying me popcorn.”

“It’s a deal.”

Jenesi grinned and curled an arm around his neck. Lifting up, she covered his lips. Her tongue slid over his teeth, teasing him, making him want her even more. Then she let him go. “See you later.”

He watched her start to walk off, but she spun around and came back to stand in front of him. She held up her purple panties, a mischievous glint in her eyes, then slid them into his jeans pocket and strutted away.

He laughed. He couldn’t ever remember feeling this smitten before.




Chapter Seven



“I can’t believe you did not tell me!”

Jenesi jumped at the sound of the voice and glared at her best friend sitting on her bed. “What are you doing here?
did you get here?”

“I just heard from a few people at the salon that you had gone out to dinner with Matt Hunt last night. And why did you not tell me, woman?”

Jenesi chuckled, tightening her towel around her. She’d just gotten out of the shower, her body still relaxed from Matthew’s touch. It had been amazing. Now if she could just stop thinking about dragging him off to bed and having her way with him…. “It wasn’t a big deal.”

Liz hopped off the bed and padded barefoot to the vanity table as Jenesi sat down. “The whole town is talking. The mayor’s wife said she saw you guys together and you were dressed in some skimpy dress. What were you wearing? Was it mine?”

Ugh. So the rumors are already starting
. She could see them all making fun of her once Matthew left, or pitying her because she’d gotten her heart broken again. “No. Just something I had in my closest. We went out for dinner.”

Liz picked up a comb and parted Jenesi’s still-damp hair. “So, what’s going on?”

Jenesi noted the glow over her skin. Happiness jumped around in her chest. She wanted to tell her best friend everything, but she wasn’t really sure herself. “We’re just testing things out, I guess. Matthew is taking me to the movies tonight.”

“Is that right? What happened to Bartholomew?”

She shrugged. “We had a talk. And he seemed to understand. I told him I realized I wasn’t too comfortable with him being my boss….”

“Does Matt know about him?”

Jenesi sighed. “Yes. We had an argument about it. How was I supposed to know it bothered him that much? I wasn’t going to run to Bart and break it off just because Matthew suddenly decided to take me out on a date. Besides…he
me to break it off with Bart.”

Liz laughed. “I can see him doing that, too. And how did Bartholomew take it?”

“He seemed fine. Said he understood. I think he knew I had feelings for Matthew because the night I went out with Bart and he saw Matthew on my porch, I was distracted all night.”

“I guess that’s nice of Bartholomew not to hold a grudge.”

“See? I told you he was nice guy.”

“I’m surprised you lasted this long with him. Besides, Matt is a much better catch.”

Jenesi picked up her powder brush. “We’re seeing where things lead us.”

“I think that’s great. You’ve loved him your whole life, and he’s finally taken notice of you.”

She groaned. “Don’t remind me. He’s leaving in a few weeks anyway.”

“So?” Liz paused at a knot in her hair. “That’s his job. He’s serving our country. He needs to do what he needs to do. You can’t hold that against him.”

Jenesi frowned. “I’m not, but this could be a temporary thing. We’re just going on a few dates to see where things go, to spend some time together. That’s all. Matthew’s not the commitment kind of guy. His job will always come first, and I don’t think I can handle that. And who’s to say he actually wants something permanent?”

“I don’t know. He seems different to me this time. Like he’s exhausted and looking for some peace. I gave him a haircut a few days ago—”

“I know. Thanks for telling me.”

“Hey, you don’t tell me everything, either. I have to torture it out of you.”

Jenesi dabbed powder on her nose. “It’s complicated with me and him.” She let out a frustrated yelp. “We were making out today in his barn, and his dad walked in on us.”

“No way.” Liz hid her laughter behind her hand. “So things are working out between you two?”

“Somewhat.” Heat rose to her cheeks.

“How far did you guys go?”

Jenesi spun around to glare at her friend. “I…I’m not talking about it.”

“Come on! I have no life, so I have to live vicariously through you. You’re my best friend. You have to tell me.”

She got up from her seat and made her way to the closet. “No. Now come help me find something to wear.”

“You could probably wear a burlap bag and he wouldn’t care.”

She made a face at Liz. “You’re not funny.”

“Was it good?”

“We didn’t do anything….”

“Fine, don’t tell me.”

Jenesi let out a sigh of relief.

“Just so you know, I want my maid-of-honor dress to be jade green. Not that hunter green you like.”

“You’re crazy.” The mention of marriage brought a sense of longing. She spun around to see Liz sprawled on her bed. “We’re not getting married. It’s just a few dates…and possibly a fling before he leaves for his next mission.”

Her best friend eyed her warily. “Is that it? Can you handle that? Can you seriously handle a fling?”

A knot formed in her throat. She’d asked herself the same question a million times on the way to break it off with Bart. Now that she had him until he left, who was to say that he would want something more than a fling? She’d already talked herself into that much, at least. The first time she’d tried to seduce him, she’d put her heart on the table, but this time, she knew better than to give up everything for him or expect more than he could give. “Yes, I’m going to handle it. I’m not going to walk away heartbroken like I did last time.”

“Well, as long as you know what you’re doing.” Liz sat up. “Do you want me to do your hair?”

Jenesi nodded. “Please. Otherwise, it’s just going to be in a ponytail.”

“Can’t have that. You’re going to be on display, hanging around the likes of him. I’ve heard all about the party Wendy is throwing, and she has a surprise for Matt when he shows up there.”

“Oh God.”

“Oh, yeah.” Liz pointed to Matthew’s calendar picture next to her vanity. “See
times one hundred hung up in the hall.”

Jenesi blinked. She could only imagine Matthew’s reaction once he saw his picture. Their eyes met, and like always, they giggled.




Sexual tension heated the car.

Well, from her, anyway. She glanced at Matthew, next to her in his truck. His gaze focused on the big screen, his fingers reaching for the popcorn between them. She’d done nothing but recall their afternoon together. She would love to just reach over and nuzzle his jaw. As much as Liz’s visit had bothered her, she needed to focus on the now instead of the future.

“Why did they kill Channing Tatum?”

Matthew chuckled. “I didn’t write the script for this movie.
G.I. Joe 2
is all about The Rock and Bruce Willis.”

“Channing is dead now. I think I lost interest in the movie already.”

“And he’s the only reason you agreed to watch this movie?”

She nodded then set the bucket of popcorn on the floor before sliding over the seat to sidle up to him. “He’s hot. But not as hot as you.”

Matthew laughed but groaned when her hand brushed his thigh and she nipped his ear. “You’re going to be the death of me.”

“We should have watched
Despicable Me 2

“Don’t you get tired of being surrounded by kids all day?”

“Sometimes, but it’s nice and dark here, so they wouldn’t see their teacher grope a grown man. Besides, we’re parked in the back row. No one pays attention to the back row.” She traced her tongue over the shell of his ear.

“You planning on ‘groping a grown man’?” A chuckle ripped past his lips, but it turned into another groan when she trailed a finger over his jean-covered hardness.


“I don’t want to move too fast, baby.”

She warmed at his endearment. No man had ever called her that, and she liked the sound of it, coming from him. Normally, she wouldn’t have the nerve to seduce a man, but when it came to him, she felt empowered. Bold. “We’re not. If we were, I probably wouldn’t have let you get away that one time before you went and got yourself shot.” She pressed her hand over his wound. The feel of it through his shirt still bothered her. “Let me play with you.”

“What do you mean play with me?” His breathing hastened.

“Just sit here and watch the movie.” She nipped his ear again and undid his belt.

“Jenesi.” The husky warning in his voice made her smile.

“Relax. Stop being so uptight.” She unbuttoned his jeans and bent down.

“You sure you know what you’re doing?”

She peeked up at him. The desire in his eyes told her he wanted this, but the uncertainty made her want it even more. “No. There’s a first for everything, right?”

“You’ve never gone down on a man before?”

She shook her head then laughed when he gave her a light push to continue.

Like unwrapping a present, she slowly drew his zipper down. Reaching into his briefs, she curled her fingers around his hard length. Matthew tensed beneath her touch and slid the seat back to give her more room. Drawing his cock out, she couldn’t help but be enamored at his girth and length. A giggle erupted.

“That is not comforting.”

“I’m not laughing at you. I just can’t believe I’m holding you right now.”

“You planning on doing anything but hold me?”

With a chuckle, she leaned closer, breathing in his musky scent. His cologne reached her nose, and a fragrance that belonged just to him filled her senses. She loved everything about him. His strength. His touch. The way he moved. And knowing she had it for now…. She shook her head and took a tentative swipe with her tongue over the bulbous head. Salty, yet nice. She did it again.

Matthew threaded his fingers through her hair. “You’d better stop teasing me, woman.”

She bit him gently. “My show, my terms. Stop talking to me and just watch the movie.”

He grunted and stroked her hair. Tightening her fingers around him, she continued her ministrations. She took her time, licking him up and down, brushing her fingers over his tense balls. The moment her lips encased his cock, he wiggled in his seat, bringing himself farther into her mouth.

Her breasts rubbed against his thigh, and heat blossomed in her center. She recalled the feel of him kissing her below, and a hot flash careened down her spine. She tentatively flicked her tongue at his tip. Uncertainty made her pause, and she glanced at him. Desire shone in his eyes, encouraged her, giving her a sense of power she’d never had with another man. She loved his responses.

He bucked his hips even more. Quickening her movements and increasing the pressure of her fingers, she sucked harder. Matthew tensed, froze, then shivers tore through his body as his release took over.

Jenesi drank in every drop. He tasted salty and warm. His pleasure became hers. She surprised herself since she’d always been against going down on a man before, but for the first time in her life, she had wanted this more than anything. Sitting up, she picked up a napkin and patted her lips as if she’d just finished a delicious meal.

Matthew chuckled as he curled his hand around her nape and drew her in for a kiss. “Thank you.”

It started off slow, mingling their tastes, but his tongue swept over hers, and he pulled her onto his lap. She went a little crazy at the feel of his hand brushing her inner thigh. Her center clenched, needing him to touch her.

A growing hardness pressed against her hip. She leaned back from him, dragging in a deep breath, and glanced down at his groin. “You’re hard already?”

He gave her a sheepish grin. “I don’t know what it is about you. Just hearing your voice or the sound of your heels lately gives me a hard-on.”

“After I just….”

His chest rose and dropped with each breath of air he took in. “Is that bad?”

A smile broke out across her face. “No. All the other women are going to be so jealous of me!”

He chuckled. His hand slipped under her skirt to cup her bottom. Giving her a squeeze, he rested his forehead against hers. “Jenesi, I know I told you I don’t want to rush things, but….”

As if he needed to ask
. She wanted to jump his bones right now. She slid off his lap and buckled her seat belt. “Let’s go.”

His shocked stare almost made her laugh. “You’re sure?”

She nodded. “My house.




Chapter Eight



Matt gripped the steering wheel as he drove the truck down Jenesi’s street. The damn minx sat next to him, all calm and collected, while he was heating up inside. He had wanted to wait and take things slow, to show her that he was in this for the long haul, and this was not just some short-term setup between them, but when she teased him and her mouth…. Oh God, she was going to kill him.

“We don’t have to, if you don’t want to.” He glanced at her from the corner of his eye.

“We’re going back to my house. I was not going to have sex with you in the drive-in parking lot with all those people around.”

“You just gave me….” His cock bounced against the fly of his jeans. The woman did not know what she was playing with. His inner self wanted to pull over to the side of the road and just take her until she saw stars. The other part of him was determined to have her on a soft bed and make love to her for hours.

BOOK: Falling For Her Navy Seal…Again
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