Falling Bundle (2 page)

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Authors: Alex Jace

BOOK: Falling Bundle
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Because Max was going to fuck this man. However long he had to wait, however carefully he had to plan. Whatever it took to get Arjen into his bed.


Max coasted through the next day, barely registering yet another overtime shift at the coffee shop where he worked. He couldn’t wait to see Arjen again. That first kiss had been so intense, so intoxicating, that Max caught himself daydreaming about it while serving customers. He counted down the hours until the end of the day.

He headed straight over to the bar after work. Night had already closed in and thumping music lured him deeper into the crowds. The bartender from yesterday kept trying to talk to him, but Max waved him away. He was watching for Arjen.

He was looking forward to giving Arjen that promised blowjob. Not everyone enjoyed doing that, but Max got a particular rush from getting his partner off—exploring them, driving them crazy, figuring out how to make them beg for more. Putting them at his mercy. Max liked that.

Besides, he ought to set a good example if he wanted Arjen on his knees for him. He wanted Arjen thinking about going down on Max. Thinking about maybe liking it.

He waited. Then he fidgeted. Then he drummed his fingers against the table. His first shot burned in his stomach as he fantasised in vivid detail about what he was going to do to Arjen once he got him alone. Arjen had clearly never been with a man and that intrigued Max greatly: he could only imagine how intense this would be for Arjen after years of craving. Mmm. Max had a lot to teach him. Just as soon as he showed up.

He didn’t show.

Max waited until after midnight, getting more tightly wound with every passing hour. He’d played the game to perfection; Arjen should be here, scared but eager for him, a present waiting to be unwrapped. Arjen would be so keyed up after a whole day of waiting that he’d beg Max to touch him. But Arjen never came.

Max scowled at the crowds, and ordered one last drink. He slammed it down. It didn’t help. He used to get so much energy from being in a bar; now the music was giving him a headache and it annoyed him that people kept jostling him and trying to talk to him. He’d been so certain that Arjen would take the bait. Max thought half-heartedly about picking somebody else up, but after yesterday’s kiss couldn’t summon up much enthusiasm. He could have anyone else he wanted, but for some reason, he only wanted the one he couldn’t have.

Thoroughly annoyed, he pushed his empty glass away, picked up his coat and strode out of the bar, at which point he walked straight into Arjen.

Arjen froze at the sight of him. Max stopped in his tracks. They stared at each other in the starlight, the smoke drifting around them, the music thumping like a heartbeat.

“Um…” Arjen edged guiltily away. He was looking deliciously rumpled today, his shirt buttoned up wrong, like he’d been too distracted to pay attention. He was fidgeting. And he’d obviously been hesitating on the threshold for some time. “I, uh, I was just passing by and I thought—”

Max caught him by the front of his shirt, slammed him into the wall and kissed him. Hard.

He poured all the pent-up hunger of a day spent apart into that searing kiss. It jolted a gasp out of Arjen; his arms came up around Max’s neck and he dragged him down that last inch to kiss him deeper. Max couldn’t grip him tight enough, couldn’t kiss him deep enough. He was rough with Arjen deliberately, his fingers biting into his hip, his teeth quick in his lower lip. Arjen couldn’t seem to catch his breath, pulling Max harder against him. It was so simple, so obvious that Arjen wanted him badly. Arjen yielded eagerly to his mouth, clutching handfuls of his jacket. Max dropped a hand to cup his ass boldly, squeezing at the same time as he ground against him, and the little urgent sound Arjen made nearly had Max coming in his trousers like a teenager.

Jesus, it should be illegal for Arjen to be this fucking hot. Max braced himself over him with an arm against the wall above his head, leaning over him deliberately, emphasising how much taller he was. He dipped his head to growl into Arjen’s ear. “You remember what I said I’d do if you came back tonight?”

“Y-yes.” Arjen was panting against him; Max could feel his heart racing where Max’s hand was fisted in his shirt.

Max nuzzled into the sweet plane of his throat, wanting to bite. “What did I say?”

“You said you’d…” Arjen shifted in his grip, reddening.

“Say it, sweetling.”

“You said you’d suck me off.”

“And should I?” Max gave into the urge to bite; Arjen shuddered at the scrape of his teeth over the fragile pulse. “You want that?”

Arjen nodded eagerly. Max liked him in this obedient mood. Max tugged his earlobe with his teeth. “Then come with me.”

This was far from the first time Max had hooked up at the bar. If you brazened your way through the door marked private and took a left, there was a little back office where you wouldn’t be caught hooking up. Max dragged a protesting Arjen into the office—it was just a cupboard with a desk, a bare bulb overhead, long ago abandoned to the spiders—and pushed him up against the door. He must have pushed too hard, because Arjen gave a startled yelp as his back hit the door. Arjen had probably never had this kind of quick, illicit blowjob before; Max closed in before he could talk himself out of it. Max kissed him silent, kissed him breathless, wanting him thoroughly melted. Only once Arjen was clinging to him again did Max let him catch his breath. He was never going to take his hands off Arjen again; he was going to keep him here at his mercy forever.

Patience. This was only the first step.

“Strip,” Max ordered.

Arjen tensed against him. “Here?”

Max was going to get him into the habit of doing what he was told. Max pinned him harder against the door, emphasising Max’s greater strength. “Strip. Now.”

It took Arjen a moment, but he started to fumble with the buttons of his shirt. Max opened his belt for him, shoved his trousers and underwear down as he struggled out of his shirt, leaving him exposed under Max’s hungry gaze.

Max took a long moment to enjoy the view. Arjen was lean and slim without being too muscular; Max liked to be the one with all the muscle. In this light Arjen’s skin glowed a warm gold. Arjen shivered in the cold air and bit his lip, his eyes extremely dark, shadowed by darker lashes. Perfect.

It took Max a deliberately long time to work his way down his body. He kissed down his throat, found the sensitive hollow at the base, then followed the trail of dark hair running down the centre of his stomach, letting the anticipation build. When he got too low Arjen moaned and tried to grab his hair, but Max slapped his hands away. “No touching. Hold onto the door.”

Arjen put his hands obediently on the door. He was trembling, his muscles taut beneath Max’s restraining hand. If he kept biting his lip in that sexy way Max was going to lose his cool.

Max had no problem giving blowjobs, but what he especially enjoyed was his partner’s reaction, and Arjen proved delightfully responsive. Max made him whimper with every touch, licked him and made him gasp, played with his balls and Arjen tipped his head back against the door with a cry of desperation. By the time Max took him into his mouth Arjen was already struggling to hold back. He panted and clutched and clearly couldn’t stand this, squirming under Max’s mouth, trying not to push deeper.

It was unbelievably good. Those pleading cries tested the limits of Max’s self-control, making him unbearably hard. He braced his hands on Arjen’s thighs, hot muscle beneath his palms, and fought the urge to spread them open. It would only take moments to drive into him and get him clenching around him. How Arjen would scream when Max entered him. It would be fantastic.

Time to get him off before Max lost it completely. Max took him in deeper, fondling his balls, and he hadn’t planned to do this but Arjen was so fucking irresistible—he ran his finger back between Arjen’s parted thighs. When he found that tight little pucker with his fingertip Arjen jumped against him with a yelp of surprise. Max pinned him down ruthlessly, one arm braced across his taut stomach, and kept sucking, circling his pucker lightly, teasing him with just a little pressure. “Max,” Arjen panted, clinging to the door, his muscles trembling under Max’s restraining arm, and Max couldn’t resist; he breached him ever so gently with one fingertip.

Arjen came violently, crying out as he clenched tight around that fingertip, shuddering and gasping with each pulse of his orgasm.

Wow. Arjen had come so hard that even Max was feeling a little dazed. He drank in Arjen’s pleasure, his surrender, the helpless shivers that still ran through him. Proof that Max had completely undone him.

Max got to his feet, taking deep breaths, fighting for control. Otherwise he was going to fuck Arjen right here and now. Arjen looked so dazed, so flushed, that it sent a hot jolt of pure hunger through him. Arjen seemed unable to meet his eyes. Max had clearly shaken him very deeply.

Max was so fucking hard. Max caught his wrist and pushed his hand into Max’s trousers, curling his fingers firmly around Max’s cock. Arjen started—it must be the first time he’d ever touched another man’s cock—but Max didn’t let him shy away; he turned his face into Arjen’s hot throat and growled, grinding hard against him, pumping into his hand. Arjen’s fingers curled uncertainly around him, then tightened with more confidence until Max groaned. One day soon he was going to get this man into his bed. Spread his legs and give him what they both needed. He’d fuck Arjen over and over until he begged for mercy. Max squeezed his ass, enjoying his gasp, and came hard into Arjen’s hand.

The white heat of his climax ripped through him. For a moment he couldn’t think, couldn’t breathe. He could only grip Arjen tight, keeping Arjen’s hand wrapped around his cock, as he shuddered out the last of his release.

Afterward he stayed there for a time, leaning into the heat of his body. Arjen felt good against him, warm and steady. Max pulled away reluctantly.

Arjen looked at his sticky fingers and bit his lip, colouring even more. Max felt the fierce urge to make him suck his fingers clean, but resisted. All in good time.

Max put one hand on the door over his head and leaned in. Arjen shrank slightly, but Max only tipped up his chin gently to steal a kiss from him. “Was that good?” Not that he needed to ask.

“Yes,” Arjen said in a whisper.

“You liked my finger?”

Arjen tried to turn his face away; Max turned his face firmly back. “Say it.”

“Yes.” Arjen went crimson.

“Good.” The memory of how fucking tight he’d been rose up unbidden and Max stifled a growl. He’d only had Arjen on the very tip of his finger and already he could barely think about anything but getting inside him. He cupped Arjen’s cheek, making Arjen meet his eyes. “Ever sucked cock before?”

“No.” Arjen started biting his lip again, apprehensive.

“Next time I’m putting you on your knees, sweetling. Giving you a good lesson on how to please me. I think you’ll like it. Be here. On time. If you’re not there at ten o’clock I’m not going to let you get off.” He claimed another lingering kiss. “Will you be good this time?”

Arjen nodded. Now that was progress.


This time, Arjen was there at ten o’clock.

He sat alone at the bar, looking down at his drink and fidgeting. A blue light overhead rained down colour on his bent head. Max took a moment to just enjoy the sight of him, here at his command. Then Max moved in beside him with a warm hand on his shoulder. Arjen stiffened immediately, a quick intake of breath; he relaxed only a fraction when he saw it was Max. “Evening, sweetheart,” Max said.

“Don’t call me sweetheart.” Arjen went back to staring moodily at his drink.

Max took a seat beside him. He let his hand linger on his shoulder. “How are we feeling?”

“Fine.” Arjen hunched his shoulders. He suddenly seemed very young, maybe twenty-five at most, ten years younger than Max.

Max crooked a finger for the bartender and ordered himself a drink. He was pleasantly hard already, he’d been anticipating this all day, but he could wait for Arjen to be ready. He sipped his whiskey, rolling the alcohol on his tongue.

“How do you always know?” Arjen said at last, that uneven note back in his voice.

“Know what?” Max stroked his shoulder soothingly.

“What I want.”

Ah. “I’m good at reading people. I always have been. The first time you looked at me, I knew you wanted me. I just had to reel you in.”

Arjen shifted unhappily in his seat. Turned his glass between his fingers. “I shouldn’t…”

Max slung his arm around his shoulders, surprising himself with the protectiveness of the gesture. He wanted to shelter Arjen from the world. “Sweetling, it’s the twenty-first century. It’s okay to like men. No need to beat yourself up over it.”

“Does everybody know? When they look at me?”

“No. Just me.” He ruffled Arjen’s hair. “I know this is scary, but you’re doing yourself a favour, okay? Finding out what you like, what you enjoy. Exploring. You can stand to relax a little more.”

“What else do you know about me?” Arjen gave him a sidelong glance.

Well, that was just too tempting. Max drew him closer with his arm curving around his shoulders. “I know you get more turned on the more I push you around.”

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