Fall into Forever (Fall into Him Book Three) (9 page)

BOOK: Fall into Forever (Fall into Him Book Three)
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“At least I still have my right hand for note taking,” Jennifer quipped
as she climbed back into the car. “I can do all of the notes by hand today so
we can see the results...”


“We're not going back to the office,” Philip pulled the car out into


“Wait, why?” Jennifer was startled by the statement. “Are the files
somewhere else?”


“No,” Philip shook his head. “The files are at the office by now, but I
called Emma while you were in with Dr. Dawson and told her that you'd been hurt
and both of us would be taking the day off.”


“We're doing what?” She moved past startled and into shocked.


“We're taking the day off of work.”


“We'll get behind. We need to get those files read.”


Philip stopped the car at a red light and looked over at Jennifer. “I
don't care about the files. In case I haven't been clear, you mean more to me
than work.”


Jennifer stared at him, her heart thumping loudly in her chest. He
wasn't just saying the words because he thought that's what he should say. He
was actually following through. He really meant them.


“So,” Jennifer paused, “where are we going?” She could barely get the
question out.


“My place.”


Philip was trying to sound nonchalant, but Jennifer knew how much this
meant. If what Eloisa had said before was true, that he couldn't even be in the
same room as other people for very long, then he didn't let people into his
house very often. That kind of step, Jennifer thought, deserved reciprocation.
She needed to come clean about who Brad was.


“The guy back at the apartment,” she began. “I don't know if you
remember meeting him before at the hotel, but he wasn't just some random guy
from my past.”


“I didn't think he was,” Philip said.


“You deserve to know the whole truth about him.” She spoke quickly, but
without glossing over the details.


By the time they'd entered the wealthy section of town, there were no
more secrets left.


“Thank you for telling me,” Philip said when Jennifer finished. “I know
that must not have been easy for you.”


“I just wanted to be totally honest with you. I think that's the only
way to have a strong relationship.”


“I agree,” Philip nodded.




Philip drove into the most luxurious gated community Jennifer had ever
seen. He pulled into a private garage next to a gorgeous home. When he opened
the car door this time, he held out his hand. “So in the light of total
honesty, I have something I want to tell you.”


Jennifer tensed as she got out of the car. Philip moved towards her
until there was barely an inch between them.


His voice was low, the light in his eyes making Jennifer's mouth go dry
and other parts of her get very wet. “I honestly want to take you upstairs and
make love to you until neither of us can see straight.” He waited for a moment,
letting the words sink in, and then he took a step back before adding. “Let me
take care of you.”


Jennifer nodded mutely. How was she supposed to respond to that with
anything less than full agreement?


He reached out and took her uninjured hand and led her to the entrance
while she struggled not to gawk. The moment she stepped inside, however, that
became impossible. She'd known Philip was wealthy but when they were together,
she never really thought about it. Now, she realized that she hadn't had a


“One of the guest rooms is that way,” Philip gestured one way as he led
Jennifer in the opposite direction. “So is the media room.” As they stepped
through a doorway, he continued. “The library's back there.”


“A library?” Jennifer echoed. She knew, in theory, what he meant, but
it still sounded odd hearing someone talking about a library in their house.
Then again, considering the elegant piano in front of her and the expensive
artwork she saw lining every wall, it shouldn't surprise her.


“The dining room's through there,” Philip pointed. “And the kitchen's
to the right.” He pulled Jennifer after him through another doorway. “This is
the living room. I usually only use this for business parties. The media room's
where I usually relax.”


“Mm-hm,” Jennifer couldn't come up with a more articulate response. She
was too busy staring at the view.


“It's a bit hard to see from this angle,” Philip walked with her over
to the glass wall. “But the terrace surrounds a pool.”


“A pool.” She was beginning to feel like a parrot.


“It's one of the reasons I went with this rather than one of the other
units. I love to swim.” He pointed towards a set of deck furniture that looked
more expensive than anything Jennifer had ever sat in. “There's also a spa and
a hot tub I had put in.” He looked down at her. “Very good for relaxing in
after... exercising. Or for exercising in if you want a bit of a change.”


Jennifer flushed as she had the sudden image of making love to Philip
in a spa or the pool.


“The gym's upstairs,” Philip grinned at her as if knowing what response
his words had evoked. “So why don't we move that way so I can show you the rest
of the place.”


“You have a gym…in your house?”


Philip released her hand to climb the stairs, but he glanced over his
shoulder at her as he answered. “A single guy doesn't really need six bedrooms.
There's the one guest room downstairs and two up here. The bedroom off of the
study I converted into a gym.”


When they reached the second floor, Philip slid his arm around
Jennifer's waist, his expression suddenly a combination of shy and serious as
he led her to the left. They passed the high, open ceiling of the living room
and paused at a door.


“In the past, on the rare occasion when I've brought someone home with
me, we don't come back here. No one comes back here.” He pushed the door open.
“This is my room.”


It suited him, Jennifer decided as he took her inside. Done in black,
white and gray, it was a bit different from the rest of the house which had
been made up of warm woods and matching colors, but that's what made it work.
This was the place where he could be himself, where no one else was watching
him. A massive fireplace and a large flat screen television took up most of one
wall and an equally huge bed was against the opposite one. A door led to what
Jennifer assumed would be the master bathroom, and she could only imagine how
big that was. It was only when she looked up at him that she realized he was
watching her, anxiously waiting for a response.


“You have a beautiful home,” she said. “Though I have to say this is my
favorite room so far.”


Philip laughed, a freer sound than she'd heard before.


“I do have one question.” Something that Philip had said popped back
into her mind.


“I'm an open book,” Philip kicked off his shoes and grinned when
Jennifer did the same.


“You said when you bring people home, you don't take them here. Do
you,” she couldn't believe she was actually going to ask this, but it had made
her think of one of Eloisa's comments. “Do you use a guest room for your
girlfriends when they sleep over?”


“The few times I've brought a woman here, it wasn't to sleep.” He
winked at her.


“But if not in here...” Jennifer let the rest of her question trail


“Next to the guest room downstairs is another bedroom. That's where we
usually...” Philip made a vague gesture. He moved so that he was facing
Jennifer. “I may have referred to those women as my girlfriends, but I never
told any of them half of what I've told you.” He placed his hand on Jennifer's
cheek. “And I never wanted any of them anywhere near


Jennifer grinned and slowly reached behind her and unzipped her dress,
letting it fall to the thick carpet. She'd chosen simple white cotton for her
bra and panties, but the way Philip looked at her, she could have been wearing
the most expensive lingerie in the world. He lowered his head and covered her
lips with his. Jennifer pushed his jacket off of his shoulders as she parted
her lips, running her hands over his muscular back. His tongue teased hers and
her body flushed with arousal.


When he lifted her, she wrapped her arms around his neck, deepening the
kiss. Their mouths didn't part until he lowered her to the bed. He knelt next
to her as he removed her bra, his fingers lightly tracing the faint marks from
his mouth that still lingered on her skin. Jennifer made a pleased sound as
Philip scraped his nails over her nipples, making them instantly harden.


“Will it hurt your arm if I tie you up?” Philip asked, genuine concern
on his face.


Jennifer shook her head. She couldn't feel the slightest bit of pain
from her injuries. Her entire body was focused on the anticipation of what was
to come. She stretched her arms above her head in unspoken supplication,
ignoring the twinge in her shoulder as she did so. Philip's eyes darkened.


“The stuff I would normally use is in the other room,” Philip said as
he climbed off of the bed and headed for his closet. “So I guess I'm just going
to have to make do with what I have.” He held up three silk ties and then
pulled off the one he was wearing.


As he tied Jennifer's wrists and ankles, she was struck by a strange
sense of déjà vú. It took her a moment to place it, but as soon as he finished
and she was naked, spread eagle in front of him, the memory clicked into place.
Her dream.


“Don't cum until I give you permission.”


Jennifer nodded eagerly at the familiar command. She wasn't entirely
sure she could do better than her dream-self had done, but she was willing to
give it a go.


“Close your eyes.”


She obediently did as she was told, her body humming with anticipation.
All of the day's previous drama faded away as she waited for him to begin.


Even though she knew it was coming, the first brush of something light
across her breast made her shiver, a bubble of laughter falling from her lips.


“Talk to me,” Philip's voice tightened familiar things.


“It tickles.”


Philip chuckled, the sound caressing Jennifer's body even as whatever
he was using moved over her breasts, teasing her nipples until she was
squirming, trying to get away from the too-light sensation. As it moved down
over her stomach, she began to pant, muscles tensing as she recalled what had
happened next in her dream. She tugged at her restraints, barely remembering in
time to not pull on her left hand. Whatever Philip was using to toy with her
now danced down between her legs.


“Ahhh,” Jennifer's hips jerked and she squeezed her eyes shut more
tightly. The instant she felt his fingers touch her lower lips, she whimpered.
The touch on her clit made her cry out in frustration. It was just enough
sensation to send little ripples of pleasure across her nerves, but not enough
to take her where she wanted to go.


“Open your eyes.” Philip ordered. “I want to see you.”


Jennifer opened her eyes and saw Philip staring down at her with hungry
eyes. In his hand was not a feather but a make-up brush. She raised an eyebrow.


“Don't ask,” Philip grinned. “Now, don't cum yet.”


He used his fingers to part her lips again and ran the soft bristles
over her clit and down to her entrance. Jennifer waited for his fingers to
penetrate her, but instead, she felt something harder than flesh and a good
deal cooler. It moved inside her, unyielding, and it wasn't until she realized
that the brush wasn't teasing her clit, that she knew what Philip was using. He
bent forward even as he thrust the handle of the brush into her wet opening.


“Ah!” She cried out as Philip's tongue flicked across her clit. It
circled the rapidly swelling bundle of nerves, each pass sending her closer and
closer to the edge. Her breath came in pants, her hands opening and closing as
she fought for control. The moment his lips closed around her clit, all hope
was lost and she exploded. It rolled over her, her body jerking against the
restraints as she came.


She didn't realize Philip had untied her wrists until she saw him at
her feet, working on the ties holding her ankles in place. Her heart was still
racing as she slowly moved her injured arm, testing it. Not bad. She stopped,
mid-motion, as Philip began to take off his own clothes.


Jennifer let her eyes run down over every fine line as it was revealed,
the heat of arousal licking over her body like a flame at the sight of his
lean, hard body. And speaking of hard... Jennifer licked her lips as Philip
turned towards her, revealing his half-hard cock.


“You came without permission,” he chided. “Which means you need to be


Jennifer tried not to show how much the idea turned her on.


“I want you to bend over the bed,” Philip said.


She quickly did as she was told. She knew she should've been
embarrassed by her position – hands on the bed, feet on the floor, ass in the
air – but all she could think about was what it was going to feel like to have
Philip punish her.


“I'm going to spank you now.” Philip ran his hand over Jennifer's back,
over the swell of her ass. He suddenly leaned down, the authority in his voice
switching to worry. “Is your arm okay?”

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