Falconfar 01-Dark Lord (57 page)

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Authors: Ed Greenwood

Tags: #Falconfar

BOOK: Falconfar 01-Dark Lord
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Qelhand, Daern:
Veteran armsman of Murlstag, trusted by Baron Murlstag for important (often covert) tasks.


Natharra ("Kuh-WEV"): "Natha," a dusky-skinned Stormar native who works as a "castle courtesan" (hostess) for Velduke Darendarr Deldragon, in his keep in Bowrock.


Reskrul, Naunath:
Traveling merchant from Scarlorn, a fat and cheerful trader who leads a mule-train of small goods (tools, buttons, and the like) to small holds like Hollowtree every year.


Name used in the past by Iskarra "Viper" Taeravund.


Rothryn, Arbrand:
King of Galath and father of Devaer. A stern, just man, widely respected, and covertly slain by the wizard Arlaghaun, in a "hunting accident" in Terth Forest. The king was torn apart and devoured by seven monsters, all spell-commanded by the hidden wizard.


Rothryn, Bellomir:
Lordrake of Galath, half-brother to King Arbrand Rothryn. A shrewd strategist and counter-of-coins, who was openly slain by the wizard Arlaghaun.


Rothryn, Devaer:
King of Galath, a young, handsome, and haughty wastrel youngest prince who became the puppet of the wizard Arlaghaun, after the Doom of Galath slew the rest of Devaer's kin, to put him on the throne of Galath. Now widely known as "the Mad King" because of his apparently nonsensical decrees. As monarch, he has many other official titles, including "Lord of Falcons."


Rothryn, Keldur:
Prince of Galath, the eldest son and heir of King Arbrand Rothryn.


Rothryn, Rarcel:
Lordrake of Galath, half-brother to King Arbrand Rothryn. A "merry mountain" of a jovial warrior, openly challenged and slain by the wizard Arlaghaun.


Saeredarr, Taerith:
A young and secretly ambitious wizard, loyal apprentice of Arlaghaun, the Doom of Galath, who taught him tantlar magic.


Sahrlor, Dyrak:
Knight and sometime ruler of Arbridge, who drowned in the stream that bisects Arvale some years before the events chronicled in DARK LORD, while fighting Sir Eldrel Tabbrar. The death of the two knights is commemorated in the name of Arbridge's inn,
The Two Drowned Knights.


Snowlance, Broryn:
Klarl of Galath (noble), a reedy-voiced, sickly successor to a brawling, roaring, hard-drinking legend of a father, Urlos Snowlance. Loyal to King Devaer, but with increasing misgivings (kept to himself).


Stormserpent, Laskrar:
Arduke of Galath (noble), a tall, muscular, darkly handsome accomplished warrior of a nobleman often found hunting (or fighting, in battle) alongside his friend, Arduke Yars Windtalon.


Tabbrar, Eldrel:
Knight and sometime ruler of southern Arvale, who drowned in the stream that bisects Arvale some years before the events chronicled in DARK LORD, while fighting Sir Dyrak Sahrlor. The death of the two knights is commemorated in the name of Arbridge's inn,
The Two Drowned Knights.
The current Lord of Arbridge, Lord Qreskos Tharlark, who actually rules all Arvale, now dwells in Tabbrar Castle, the keep Tabbrar built out of the rising rock of the Falconspire Mountains at the south end of Arvale.


("TAY-awna"): Aumrarr, who in desperation "calls on" Rod Everlar, seeking to bring him to Falconfar so he can use his powers as a Shaper to deliver her world from the depredations of the Dark Helms (especially those commanded by the wizard Arlaghaun). A determined, worldly, experienced Aumrarr who harbors secrets yet to be revealed.


Taeravund, Iskarra:
Best-known as "Viper" from her thieving days in the southern port of Hrathlar (her longtime partner-in-crime, Garfist Gulkoun, prefers to call her "Vipersides"), this profane, homely woman has been a swindler all her life, and has used many false names (including "Rosera"). Possessed of driving determination and very swift wits, she is as "skinny as a lance" (in the words of Garfist Gulkoun), but usually wears a false magical "crawlskin" (the magically-preserved, semi-alive skin of a long-dead sorceress), that she stole from a wizard in far eastern Sarmandar, and can by will can mold ove herself to make herself look fat, lush, or spectacula ly bosomed (and cover leather bladders in which she can hide stolen items). She now makes her living as a thief and swindler, wandering Falconfar with Gulkoun.


Teltusk, Tethgar:
Arduke of Galath (noble), a young, well-intentioned Lord of Galath who wants to be loyal and do good—and fears that Arlaghaun will slay him soon, no matter what he (or any other Lord of Galath who cares about the realm) tries to do.


Tharlark, Qreskos:
Lord of Arbridge; former arms-master of Sir Sahrlor of Arbridge, who now rules all Arvale from Tabbrar Castle. A cruel, ruthless hardbitten warrior who wants Falconfar swept clean of all magic and wizards. He encourages the Vengeful without officially acknowledging or working with them.


Thrayl, Arlak:
Shopkeeper of Arbridge (sundries), and a member of the Vengeful.


Three, the:
See "Dooms, the." Specifically, the three paramount wizards of Falconfar before the arrival of Rod Everlar.


Tindror, Darl:
Baron of Galath (noble), a gruff, decent, lawful man who opposes King Devaer's rule because of what he calls its "lawlessness by whim." From his castle, Wrathgard, he governs his small farming barony of Tarmoral on the eastern edge of Galath, where the realm meets the Falconspires mountain range, and a trade-road leads up out of Galath into Arvale. Tindror's neighbor and longtime foe is Baron Mrantos Murlstag.


Trar, Imb:
Satrap (regional ruler) of Scarlorn. A master actor and diplomat, who sees intrigue and manipulation of local wealthy merchants as the key to his own strong rule and the lasting contentment of his people.


Ulkrar, Gelzund:
Armsmaster (weapons trainer and captain-of-the-guard) to Lord Tharlark of Arbridge. A cruel, capable man, and an accomplished warrior.


Wizard of Galath, who built Ult Tower, a black stone keep in the heart of the realm that he magically linked to himself, stone by stone, so the tower was like his skin; he could feel what was done to it and see out of it. The wizard Arlaghaun took over his body and conquered his mind, inhabiting both, and so gained control of Ult Tower.


Umbaerim, Belgard:
Armsman of Tarmoral and trusted bodyguard of Baron Darl Tindror.


Vargrym, Narjak:
"Trusty" (fetch-and-carry worker) at The Gauntlet and Feather tavern in Bowrock.


Vengeful, the:
Secret society of Falconfar, male-dominated, who meet masked in upper rooms of nights, to plot how to find and slay wizards—for they deem all use of magic a "dangerous affront to the gods" that "twists and stains" those who dare to try it. The Vengeful have a strong chapter in Arvale, and (as fear of Arlaghaun grows) are gaining strength in all places that border Galath. All three of the Dooms have encouraged the Vengeful; their scouring the lands of hidden and lesser wizards eliminates potential rivals by slaying wizards or forcing them to seek refuge and apprenticeship with the Dooms.


Waerlyn, Laranna:
A beautiful, graceful woman who works as a "castle courtesan" (hostess) for Velduke Darendarr Deldragon, in his keep in Bowrock.


Windtalon, Yars:
Arduke of Galath (noble), a tall, debonair, exotic-looking (almond-colored eyes, wears his copper-hued hair in a shoulder-length, free-flowing mane) nobleman who often hunts (or fights) alongside his friend, Arduke Laskrar Stormserpent.


Wundaxe, Baurgar:
Dwarf warrior, guardian at the gates of the mountain fortress of Stonebold.


Xlanglar, Gethkur:
Armsman of Tarmoral and trusted bodyguard of Baron Darl Tindror.


Xeldrar, Raeth:
A veteran knight of Hollowtree, on duty at the gates of Hollowtree Keep, who with his fellow duty-guard Samdlor Zarzel saw Rod Everlar first appear in Falconfar.


Xzemros, Amandur
("ZEM-rose"): Trusted arms-man of Bowrock, stationed in Deldragon's keep.


Yarandur, Tarsil:
Trusted and loyal knight of Bowrock, stationed in Deldragon's keep.


Wizard, apprentice to Arlaghaun; young, supremely arrogant and ambitious. More capable at magic than his master the Doom of Galath believes him to be, but not capable enough to openly rebel or depart Arlaghaun's service and hope to survive. "Brightrising" is a general nickname given to the successfully ambitious, not part of Yardryk's name.


Zael, Mrauker:
Satrap (regional ruler) of Scarlorn. Darkly handsome, popular, and glib.


Zaer, Taraun:
High Lord of Zancrast, a bustling independent port city on Ommaun the Wyrmsea (far southeast from Galath, across the Falconspires mountain range). A vain, jaded man who is swift-witted but believes himself to be a genius, and personally irresistable.


Zarzel, Samdlor:
A veteran knight of Hollowtree, on duty at the gates of Hollowtree Keep, who with his fellow duty-guard Raeth Xeldrar saw Rod Everlar first appear in Falconfar.





























Ed Greenwood is known for his role in creating

the Forgotten Realms setting, part of the world-

famous Dungeons & Dragons® franchise. His

writings have sold millions of copies worldwide, in

more than a dozen languages. Greenwood resides

in the Canadian province of Ontario.










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