Faith’s Temptation (Dueling Dragons MC Book 1) (11 page)

BOOK: Faith’s Temptation (Dueling Dragons MC Book 1)
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“What the fuck?” I sigh into the phone. “Got it. I’ll let them know right now.”

“Thanks, bro. See ya when you get here.”

Right as I’m about to hang up the phone, I hear, “Oh, Ryder!”

“Yeah?” I yell back, wanting to make sure he knows I’m still on the phone.

“Watch your back,” he says in a cryptic tone as he hangs up the phone.

I stare at the screen for a couple of seconds. “What the fuck is going on?” I say out loud.

I reach up and grab my mic. “Aya, um…Ziggy. Big poppa wants you to go back home and check on Layla. And take Flem with ya.”

“You sure, man?” Ziggy gawks at me.

I shrug and glance out the window. “Yep, that’s a big ten-four. Give ya a call tonight and catch you up.”

Ziggy revs his engine and the exhaust barks.

I pull the cable for my air horn and both the choppers take off and shoot up the next exit.

“All right, Ax, I’m completely alone. What the fuck you got planned?” I rub at my chin and look in the side mirrors to try and get a visual of the cars behind me. Well, nothing appears suspicious.

Maybe I’m being paranoid, but you can never be too fucking careful when it comes to the Mexicans.



Ryder’s been gone a couple of days now. Nothing seems to have changed except the fact that, I swear, time is standing still. And something inside me tells me that my life is about to change in big ways. I don’t know how to stop it.

The only thing on my mind when I’m not focused on work is Ryder, how it would feel to have him come through the door. I picture myself running up to him, jumping into his arms, wrapping my legs around him. The feeling of his lips on my body starts to flood my thoughts, and I get that familiar tingle between my legs.

Shaking my head, I try to focus on the truckers in the diner waiting for their food. This isn’t the place for someone like me, let alone someone like me just dripping in self-pity and raw, sexual energy. All these horny truckers would pick up on that in a second.

This is why I don’t understand how Ryder exists in this world. He is so gorgeous. He’s ripped from head to toe. His thighs could probably crush things. His face has a perfect chiseled jawline, and he’s drop-dead gorgeous from any angle.
Oh God. Stop it, Faith!

“Here ya go, Rusty,” I say sliding the plate of hash on the table in front of the overweight trucker before me.

“Thanks, darlin’,” he spits out past his coffee cup.

Ripping Rusty’s check from the pad, I set it on the table. “You can pay Doris on your way out.” I wink at him, then make my way to the break room and clock out.

“Night, Layla,” I yell back toward her office.

“Night, sweetie,” she calls out as I leave through the back door.

All I want to do is go to my cozy little apartment, relax, and not think about anything other than my family. I’m starting to miss my daddy and my brothers. I’ve never been away this long.

Buzz. Buzz.

My purse vibrates. I reach in, pull out my phone, and see I have a text message from a number I have never seen before.

“Hey, babe! How was work today?”

I respond, “If this is who I think it is, how the hell did you get my number? STALKER! ;-)”

“I have my ways, babe. Been thinking about U lately, Faith. I wanna change because of u. I wanna be a better person for u.”

Smiling to myself as I arrive at my apartment, I turn the key with my free hand and open the door. I close the door gently behind me as I drop my purse on the end table. Then I text “Well, I’m glad you want to be a better person. But why me? What’s so special about me? You should change for you and not me.”

Why does he think that I am doing this to him? How does he know it’s because of me that he wants to be a better person?

He doesn’t respond right away. I toss the phone on my bed and strip as I walk toward the bathroom to start a bath. Checking the temperature to make sure it’s okay, I dump some bath salts in as my phone goes off again.

I cross to the bedroom and grab the phone. Sliding my finger across the screen, it unlocks to show another text from Ryder.

“Faith, baby. UR mine, U just need to admit it. We are meant to be, u ran into me that day for a reason. U been crossing my path for longer than U realize. Now that I have U I’m not stopping. So stop pushing away from me. B home soon X”

Wow! He is trying to play it smooth isn’t he? I grab my towel, set it on the counter, and strip off the rest of my clothes. I step into the tub and slowly sink into the water.

“Mmhmm....” I moan out loud. This is one of those experiences you can’t make a carbon copy of. Relaxing in a warm bath with not a care on your mind is the best thing ever. I let my eyes flutter closed.


Oh God, his lips graze across mine with a vicious and dutiful purpose. He’s being so rough. “God, Faith, you’re so perfect. I’ve never felt like this with anyone. You stimulate something inside me that I can’t ignore. Every time I try to ignore it, my body hurts inside.”

I reach up, resting my hands on his cheeks, and run my thumbs in circles on his beautiful face. “Ryder, there is something that I’ve felt for you since the minute I ran into you. It’s almost like we belong together. I never want to leave you, and I don’t want anyone else in my life but you.”

Grabbing the back of his head, I force his lips down on mine. I bury my tongue deep inside his mouth, and it’s such a sweet, minty taste. I throw my legs around his waist. He instantly starts grinding himself against me. My core is on fire, and I want nothing more than to have Ryder take me like I know he can.


I wake up to my phone going off, and it scares the crap out of me. I remove my hand from under the water and stop myself from having an orgasm.

I dry my hand on a folded towel sitting on the rim of the tub and look at the text from Ryder. “Babe, I’m on my way back to you. ;-) Be with you in about six hours.”

I remind him, “I’m not your babe. And good to know you’re coming home. Layla will be happy.”

Aw, what’s wrong?”

Nothing. Drive safe. Goodnight!

Nite. See U in the morning.”

Standing, I let the water drip from my body as I grab the towel. I dry myself off, step out of the bathroom, and walk into the bedroom. As I slip on my PJs I smile to myself, thinking about this little situation going on between us. I think we’re really starting to go somewhere. I press my finger down on the top button on my phone. It powers off and I lay it on the nightstand next to the bed.

I giggle to myself as I stretch out on the bed, thinking that I should really get some sleep, because as soon as that man pulls in, he’ll probably be at my door.

I pull the chain on the light and cover up with the comforter. Smiling to myself as I close my eyes, I thank my lucky stars that my life is starting to get a little simpler.


Chapter 12

by a knocking on my front door at 4:00 a.m., waking me up out of a deep sleep.

I pad to the door with feet bare, look through the peephole, and see Ryder standing there. He has on a black shirt, and that is all I can see at the moment. I wrap my robe tighter around me and open the door a little bit.

“Yeah, why are you here so early?” I rub my eyes and yawn a little bit.

He gently pushes the door open and grabs my waist as I stretch. He wraps his arms around me in a hug and inhales. I realize that he just sniffed me.

“Did you just smell me up?” I ask him with a little chuckle as I let my arms fall around his neck and hug him back.

“Yep, I did. You smell amazing. I love it.” He buries his face in my neck. His hard, warm body shakes with laughter.

“So why are you here and why did you wake me up?” I ask him as I drop my arms from around his neck and step back to face him.

I turn and start to walk back toward the kitchen to make some coffee. Something tells me it’s going to be a very, very long day.

I don’t even make it halfway across the living room when Ryder steps in front of me and puts his hands up to cradle my face. I sigh and lean into his touch. Oh, man, his hands are so gentle, yet rough.

Looking up through my hooded eyelids, I catch him staring right through me. I see the twinkle in his blue eyes. It hits me to the core, and I bite my bottom lip.

Why does this connection between us have to be so strong, and why does it feel so natural to be here with him?

He leans forward and places his smooth lips on mine. The kiss is gentle at first, but when I let out a small moan that I hoped only I could hear, he forces open my lips and glides his tongue into my mouth.

He caresses mine with his. I reach up and sink my hands through the silky hair at the back of his neck. I dig my fingers into his neck and pull him closer to me, longing to feel him inside me, on top of me, all over me. He growls, drops his hands down to my hips then thrusts his hips into mine. I melt into him as if I were made to be molded to him.

Guiding his hands to my ass, he lifts me up and I instinctively wrap my legs around his hips and let out a little moan.

Am I dreaming again, or is this really happening?
Oh no, Faith, this is really happening, and you need to slow it down—way the hell down!

“Ryder, stop. What are we doing?” I whisper it, my breath caught up in the moment. “We can’t do this, we’re just friends. Remember?” I look at him, trying to catch his gaze with mine, to pull him back to reality, but he keeps carrying me over to the couch.

He sits down so that I am straddling him, and I can feel that he really wants me. He’s so hard and strained for room in his jeans. His cock pulsates against my pussy.

“Faith, we don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to. I can wait. I’m a gentleman, even though most people don’t believe it. I’ll wait.”

Staring at him for a few long moments, I wait to see if anything changes in his expression, anything that would lead me to believe he’s lying. Not a muscle betrays him in the minutes we sit there gazing at each other.

I sigh and keep my eyes on this beautiful man in front of me. “Okay, but not all the way. Not yet. And if you break my heart, I’m going to have to cut your cock off and feed it to you for dinner. You feel me?” I say with a short laugh because his hands are on my hipbones, and he keeps running his hands back and forth over them. The roughness of his touch tickles. I giggle a little.

“Oh, I definitely feel you,” he growls and pushes his groin up against my sopping-wet mound.

Feeling the heat from him against my tender core puts me into overdrive. I place a hand on each side of his face, lean down, and brush my lips gently over his. Ryder raises his hips and rubs his bulging cock against me.

I rub my lips back over his lips and laugh a little. “I can tease just as much as you can.” And I plant my lips on his. He opens his mouth and I slide my tongue deep into his mouth.

Growling underneath me, he grabs my hips and grinds up against me again. If he continues to do this, I am gonna come. He is making me feel things that I have never felt before. My nipples are so hard they could cut. I am so wet that I am probably dripping. All this man has to do is touch me and I am putty.

Ryder reaches down and inserts the tip of his fingers in the elastic of my underwear. At the same time, I untie the knot in my robe, sit back, and let it fall open. My lilac-colored camisole and matching panties are now in full view.

He lets out a deep moan. I look up at him just as he takes my breast in his hand and caresses my nipple through the sheer fabric of my camisole.

I throw my head back with a little whimper and push myself down against him. He leans forward and takes a nipple in his mouth and grips one of my hips. I run my nails over his head.

Ryder pulls the cup of my camisole down and takes my nipple in his mouth. He swirls his tongue around my already erect and very sensitive bud.

I lock my fingers behind his neck and grind myself into him, causing a gush of wetness between my legs. All I can do is moan his name.

He clutches my pelvis and grinds himself into me even rougher. I unlace my fingers and dig my nails into his shoulders.

Ryder pulls my face to his. “It’s okay. Let yourself go. I’m not going anywhere, I promise.” He guides his right hand up my thigh toward my aching, sopping-wet mound.

“Ryder,” I whisper into his ear as I rest my head on his broad shoulder. I kiss his collarbone and lick my way up toward his ear. His chest heaves as his breath turns from normal to rapid.

He slides me off his lap onto my back. Running his fingers ever-so gently down my body, he grabs my wrists and pulls them above my head.

“Faith, ever since the moment I saw you, I knew. I knew that I had to have you. And now, here I am with you.” He leans over me, looking me in the eyes. “Do you want me to stop?”

I lay there searching his gaze for a reason to say stop, but I can’t find one. “I wanna say stop, but I can’t.” My voice sounds a little shakier than I would have liked.

He kisses and licks his way down my body, and slowly tastes and sucks each of my nipples. Paying special attention to each one of them, he trails a path down my stomach and dips his tongue into my belly button.

I let out a little giggle-moan sound, and I try to move my hands so that I can either hold onto his head or the couch. But he doesn’t loosen his grip.

“Ryder, please. Let me touch you.”

“No, this is about you. Keep your hands right here and don’t move them.” He looks up at me through his long eyelashes. “Do you understand me, Faith?” Grabbing the small string of my panties, he pulls them down my thighs, tossing them over his shoulder.

I nod yes and then lay my head back on the cushion and wait for what’s going to happen next.

Within seconds, both of my legs are over Ryder’s shoulders and his tongue is deep inside me. I can’t help but squirm all over, and I probably look like I am having a seizure or something.

BOOK: Faith’s Temptation (Dueling Dragons MC Book 1)
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