Faithless (Mistress & Master of Restraint) (13 page)

BOOK: Faithless (Mistress & Master of Restraint)
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~Chapter Ten~

“I had to tell my sister
something,” Wil quietly says as he escorts me to the back of the building where his car is parked. “I had to explain why you’d be around. I couldn’t tell her you’re my partner, like Hunter, because you aren’t. So all I could come up with is my girlfriend. Sorry,” he grumbles out. Wil’s probably not used to apologizing. 

“That… that was my first kiss,” I mumble, still shocked.

“What?” Wil sharply hisses.

I bark out. “Nothing.” He gives me a look, and I know he heard me just fine. He was asking
out of surprise. Wil’s homework sucks ass. If he thought my sister was a skank, he’s wrong about that. Fate likes to flirt, but somehow she’s still a virgin. I have to remember that I’m Fate when I’m around Wil. But in this case, our experience is similar- as in, no experience. Cort tackling me is the most sexual contact I’ve had until that kiss.

… And now, my body is
pissed that I keep teasing it- giving it a taste and yanking back. I’ve never been sexually frustrated before- it’s a night of firsts.

Wil’s car is immaculate. No surpri
se there. But what’s confusing is that it’s a new car. It can’t be more than a year old, and it’s an expensive model. It’s something my daddy would drive. Even though Wil’s apartment is in a bad neighborhood, everything is practically brand new. I remember thinking the sofa was by an expensive designer that’s a favorite of Lara’s. I don’t ask, fearing Wil will kick my teeth in.

Wil commands as he pulls out into traffic, as if he’s used to always getting his way.

“What do you d
o for a living? You’re only seventeen?” I try to stop the babble, but it’s too late- way too late.

“What do you think?” I expected quiet fury, not him laughing at me.
His chest quakes as he fights silent laughter.

“Um… I’d go with pimp since you’
re trying to whore me out to Cort, but assassin is more fitting. I’d say drug dealer, but you wouldn’t want to hurt kids.”

“Close,” he chuckles.
Wil has… Wil has dimples. I stare transfixed at the mouth that was kissing on me ten minutes ago. He’s… he’s in a really good mood, too. Has the world shifted on its axis?

“Oh my God, you’re a pimp,” I shriek and he covers his ears. Too late, I realize I am a blasphemer again. Faith, you taint your
own name.

“Only with you,” he snorts. “The other is closer. Even though, I will admit
, I’ve never actually killed anyone… yet.”

“You plan on it?” I yelp.

“It will be unavoidable in my job, and I get paid very well for it. I am an enforcer. The majority of the time, I protect my people. I also make everyone behave. Sometimes my employer will require something more… permanent. A permanent solution to their problems,” he quietly murmurs, as if we aren’t talking of murder.

“Does your employer want me dead?” I gulp out.

“I have two employers I must listen to- a father/daughter team. Since my suspicions were correct, so absolutely not. I noticed something the first time we met, and she finally told me the truth. She’s already made the notification herself to fix our error. Be forewarned, her father won’t hesitate to order me to hurt someone you care about just to keep you in line. Remember that,” Wil warns. “I don’t like hurting innocents, but I will if I’m told to do it.”

“How can I forget that,” I grumble
underneath my breath. “How come you’re being so nice to me?” My voice is heavy with suppressed suspicion.

“You behav
ed.” I can hear the smile in Wil’s voice as he pulls up along the curbing in front of my driveway gate. “I don’t need to punish you, because I feel I can trust you, now.”

“How do you know that?
I could have been screaming that you were forcing me to do bad things. I could have told Cortez Abernathy’s family that you had your sights set on him,” I taunt.

I’m not the only one who is watching,” Wil ominously says. “And you should know, I’m not fucking stupid, Faith,” he growls and I jerk in surprise.

“You know,” I whimper.
My name sounds weird coming from Wil when he’s talking about me, not my fictitious little sister.

“You were going
to be my first kill,” Wil emotionlessly admits. “I’d warned you not to lie to me, if you remember correctly.”

“I remember,” I whisper. My voice breaks, and I have to bite my bottom lip to keep it from quivering. My hands shake to the point that I have to dig my nails into my thighs. My heart furiously pounds, pumping
life-giving blood throughout my system at a rapid rate. It’s trying to get in as many beats as it can before it halts.

Wil’s going to kill me
in front of my family’s home.

He’s going to kill me minutes after giving me my first kiss.

A first for a first- kiss vs. kill.

I just couldn’t strangle the life out of a little girl, even if her voice irritates the hell out of me,” Wil wryly says. “So I consulted one of my employers, and she was adamant that I wasn’t to hurt you beyond normal punishments. She’s watching you with great interest. While I was trying to wrangle my partner this past week, she was watching you. She’s very pleased with your progress. So… needless to say, I’m not allowed to use death as an incentive anymore. I won’t hesitate to smack you. I will allow a certain amount of camaraderie between the two of us, but if I feel disrespected… You’ve already had a small taste. Large offences, my evil boss will descend from on high and kick your ass. Remember that,” Wil warns, grinning at me in the dark of the car. “He even scares me…” 

“Oh,” I gulp. “I… I don’t want that.” I shake my head no, and he joins me.

“No, you really don’t,” Wil agrees, pity in his voice. “So, Faith, huh? I wasn’t positive until you admitted that you walked. My boss said you were Faith. But pardon the pun, I couldn’t rely on faith. I spotted your princess sister driving a Beamer when I was on my way home tonight. I followed her up the hill to the entrance to Whittenhower Estates. I guess Fate flew the coop.”

“Um… yeah, she did,” I reluctantly admit.
Slowly my muscles relax after stringing tight in fear of death at Wil’s hands.

“And now you’re living with t
hat gold-digging bitch who isn’t your mom,” Wil knowingly says.

“How… how do you know that?”
I stammer. My muscles cinch taut again. I shift in my seat so I can look directly at Wil. He’s still amused, relaxed. But Wil’s like a wild animal, they’re usually calm, even when they’re tearing out your throat.

“I do my homework
I figure out who I’m dealing with.” Wil rolls his spooky eyes. “I knew Fate, I had to learn you. My boss was pleased. She was going to allow you to grow up some. She didn’t like her own childhood and wanted better for you. But it’s too late now. Your orders are still the same. Stick tight to Cort and get close to Ezra. Fate will be safe as of tomorrow. Nothing can touch her- against the rules. But you, you’ll have a huge target on your back thanks to your entitled, big sister. The future Meyers needs you safe. I like to think of her as our Empress.”

I snort, and Wil growls deep from his chest.

Lesson a billion
and one: never insult Wil’s employer- The future Meyers. Whatever the hell that means!

“The Meyers
governs all things for me… and now you, too.” I listen to see if he’s being sarcastic, but Wil doesn’t do sarcasm. “Just watch out for Cortez for me and get close to Ezra for my employers. They mean neither of them harm. I just want to make sure they’re happy and safe. She’s more concerned with Ezra, but he’s not my priority. Cort- I’m not allowed-”

“Against the rules?”

“Very. I can’t make contact until it’s time. And like The future Meyers felt about you, I’d like Cortez to have some more childhood before that happens. I… I lived without one, and I don’t wish that for him.” Wil turns to face away from me and stares out the side window.  I can see Wil’s reflection in the mirrored glass. He wasn’t able to hide the sadness on his face, so he looked away.

“Cort wi
ll be like… like what you wanted Fate to do for you?” I stumble over my words, trying to figure out what he wants with my friend.

No, Cortez will not be that,” Wil bites out.  “I wish that were the case. Ezra’s future position is similar to your sister’s- but not Cortez. You have no idea how lucky you were when I thought you were Fate. I don’t get a choice in anything, and neither will Cortez… and neither will you. Just keep an eye on him, okay?”

“I will. I would’ve anyway, even if you hadn’t asked,” I firmly say.

“I gather f
rom what
said that you have enjoyed Cort’s company. The bite mark is noticeable.” Wil’s fingers brush the side of my neck and my body goes crazy. Hot… cold… hot… cold… death or life… fear or comfort… kisses or strangulation… my mind and body spin out of control.

Not sure how you get love bites without kissing. Bypassed the first kiss and went straight to necking?” he teases, fingertips circling the bite mark. Pleasure spikes and radiates throughout my entire system. This charming version of Wil is mind-bending. His brutality is so honest that I can’t help but trust him. This other side of him, the flirty side, is scarier- I don’t trust it. I bet Wil uses it to get what he wants from the female persuasion.

“It was an accident
al biting,” I scoff. “And you don’t do your homework, or you’re just shitty at it,” I tease Wil, even though in the back of my mind I worry that it’s considered disrespectful. My body tenses for an incoming pounding.

“Oh, yeah? Enlighten me, P
ixy. How did I screw up? Well, besides bringing in the wrong sister.” The bitter tone is directed at me. I shiver with guilt. I guess Wil meant what he said about not punishing me for lying, but the cold tone in his voice is worse. I’d rather be hit and get it over with. I don’t like feeling disappointed in myself, or worse, Wil being disappointed in me.

I befriended Cort as you’d asked. But it’s not like that. I do like him… and Ezra, too. They are the closest friends I’ve had in a long time. We’re all screwed up in this society we were born into, it bonded us. I don’t want Cort hurt and I won’t share his secrets,” I warn.

“I’m not asking that
you break his confidences. Just…” Wil heavily sighs. “What do you mean I did a shitty job at my homework?”

I guess you’re not willing to let that go until I explain,” my voice warbles in fear. I don’t want to tell Wil that he messed up twice. One: the wrong sister. Two: Cort’s sexual preference.

“You guessed correctly,” Wil
coldly hisses.

Ezra’s gay,” I state.

“No shit,” Wil
replies with a shrug. “Who doesn’t know that? It’s not like he hides it. I want you to keep an eye on Cort, but
wants you to get close to Ezra. We all know Ezra is gay, and the only way to him is through Cortez.”

“Cort likes
girls… and boys,” slips out before I can stop it. There is just something about Wil that makes you spill your secrets. It could be that he will rip your tongue out if you don’t tell him. Yeah, that’s the something.

” Wil squeaks- a feminine sound I never thought would exit his mouth. “That charming bastard likes guys?”

“Um… more so than girls
, I think. I’m the first girl who’s taken Cort up on his offer. The others think he’s just trying to make Ezra jealous.”

“What!” Wil
shouts in outrage, the shrill sound ricochets inside the car. Wil’s fingers angrily grip the steering wheel until his knuckles turn white. It’s the first real break in his calm demeanor.

“Do you have a problem with gay dudes?” I
defensively growl. “I think it’s sweet that they care for each other. You should see them together.”

” Wil yells his denial. “I have a problem with those
touching each other. Does Diane know?”

“Of course she does. I saw them kiss in front of her just this week.
If they’re in the same room, they have to touch. What’s the problem with that?” my voice cracks.

“They don’t
know. Holy shit!” he excitedly shouts. Wil turns to me, his eerie eyes glowing white from the street lamp. He’s positively vibrating with enthusiasm. “I can’t wait to tell her this. I can’t believe it. I bet… I bet Hunter doesn’t know either. It would keep Cortez safe for a little bit longer, and I need him safe. It will be a huge problem later on. We’ve never had a couple split in half before,” he giddily murmurs, mind on whatever is playing out inside his head. I imagine him evilly rubbing his palms together while sinisterly laughing, followed up with a twist of his mustache for good measure.

Wil- from Satan to Vaudeville Villain.

“Slow down, hoss,” I pick on him. I’ve never seen him so animated. “You’re freaking me out here. What the hell are you babbling about?”

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