Faithful (17 page)

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Authors: S. A. Wolfe

BOOK: Faithful
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I was too busy having fun to come up with a life plan. High school and college may have taught me a few things, but they didn’t prepare me for any kind of career.

After seeing how far Carson has come with his business, despite the hardships he’s endured—the death of his adoptive parents, dealing with Dylan’s mental health issues, and still managing to become a successful businessman—I need it to rub off on me.

I realize I had a fairly idyllic upbringing, and it’s time for me to buckle down and do the real work, taking the scary risks I am unaccustomed to. I’ll let any snarky thing fly out of my mouth, and I come across as confident and cocky at times. However, the truth is I must suffer from some kind of fear that has prevented me from grasping at anything bigger or at least recognizing my intentional sabotage of anything resembling something good.


Cooper is on time, of course. It’s the date he has been waiting for, the one I have dreaded because of my mixed emotions regarding him. My interest is growing in all the wrong ways, and the timing is horrendous because of my responsibilities to the business venture.

He insists on picking me up in Leo’s truck, and I agreed as long as I foot the bill. I can’t keep letting this guy spoil me in a way that triggers my own reservations about servitude and debt.

I’ve had a few long-term boyfriends—handsome jocks, a few smart business types, some who were astute and funny, some not so much. Yet I always went for the popular, good-looking guy who was envied by men, coveted by women, and screwed by me. This is why I’m hesitant about Cooper. He is a combination of every boy and man I’ve dated, except you’d have to multiply it by a thousand. He’s off the Richter scale for me, and it’s both exhilarating and frightening.

Lauren doesn’t say a word as I leave the house and walk out to the driveway when I hear the truck come rumbling up to the porch. You’d think I’m being escorted to my own execution by the way my arms and legs tremble and a wave of dizziness strikes me when Cooper jumps out of the cab of the truck and smiles at me.
Goddamn his good genes.

“Hey, lovey,” he says, walking towards me.

“Really hate that one.”

“Okay, I’m still working on it. You’re like a fine wine—”

“Drop it. I’ve heard it all before. You’re not the only pro, remember? I’ve been a player for years, too.”

“You make us sound like hustlers.”

His eyes roam appreciatively over me, taking in my halter dress that shows off my legs and cleavage. I’ve worn my hair up since it’s so muggy outside. He’s dressed in jeans, but I forgive him since they are not threadbare. He also has on a white dress shirt with the collar open and the sleeves slightly rolled and black dress shoes which I’ve never seen on him.

“Well, think about it. What exactly are we doing with each other? You’re trying to get me into bed, and I’m pretending to take a stand for all women who have played that card one too many times.”

Cooper laughs and holds my elbow as I climb into the truck. “My cynic. Can’t wait to see what you say at dinner. This should be several hours of enlightenment.”

“You laugh, but—”

As he cuts me off with a kiss, the potent desire hits me at once; his hand on my cheek, the brush of his stubble against my skin, and his lips that I haven’t touched in eleven days, since the hike. Sure, he gave me a peck at the dance class, but I’ve been thinking about his lips and everything else attached to him for eleven frigging days because obsessed people start counting and replaying their own delusional video montages in their head when they get too attached. And that’s exactly what’s happening here. I’m stuck in Cooperville.

While his kiss is gentle and wanting, I sense his urge to carry it on longer and also his hesitation because he wants to get me away from my home and work, my safety zone. I have been through this scenario before, though not with this man. I want to hold him a little longer.

I put my hands around his neck with my thumbs skimming the stubble on his jawline. My tongue is more forceful, and he responds with a slight moan as he leans into the cab to accommodate my wanton desire. Every little warning bell that was clanging moments ago is now silent. I do want to be with him, and these kisses are not enough.

Our mouths and tongues continue to tangle, duel, and tease each other’s senses for several minutes or perhaps longer. I’m not sure how long it goes on, but at some point, we part slowly and both exhale.

“I guess that was the appetizer,” Cooper says, a little breathless. “Damn good.”

I touch my lips and nod.

“I think you’re ready for this date. I know I am,” he says in a crisp tone, containing the hormonal fireworks we just set off. “You look beautiful.”

“Thank you. You look very nice, too.”

He closes my door and gets in the truck before driving us out of town, heading for a new French restaurant in Kingston.

When we arrive, he makes me wait until he can open my door and properly escort me inside.

“Be prepared for a major turn on,” I say as I take his arm. “I’m very hungry and plan on eating extra bread and butter the minute it hits the table.”

“Good. I hate when I’m the only one eating,”

“Please tell me you haven’t brought dates to this place before. That would kind of ruin this dinner for me.”

“I’ve never been here. I picked this restaurant because it’s new for both of us. Of course, I was going on the assumption you haven’t been here.”

“I haven’t, but I’ve heard it’s very good and the reservation list has a bit of a wait.”

“I worked around that. Carson and I have been renovating the owner’s house,” Cooper says quietly as the hostess leads us through the small but packed dining room.

We’re seated at a quaint table for two by a window overlooking a garden. The white table linens and candles suit the understated opulence and decadent menu. It’s a “special date” restaurant with well-dressed couples at every table, except one which has a tired-looking couple with a baby.

The baby girl looks like she is about six months old, holding herself up in a wobbly state as she tries to grasp the big sunflower headband she’s wearing. She’s sitting in one of those little infant dining seats that attaches to the rim of the table, and her parents are anxiously trying to entertain her with little toys so she behaves while they eat. I’ve seen this before; the couple that wants a night out but loses their sitter, or worse, thinks they can tote an unpredictable baby along to a fine dining establishment. I feel a little sorry for the parents. They can’t possibly enjoy their meal when they’re afraid their child will misbehave and draw judgment from other diners who probably want a childfree-zone.

“She’s cute,” Cooper says, tipping his chin towards the squealing baby.

“I can’t believe Lauren and Leo are going to have one of those in a few months.” The baby is adorable; however, the thought of the responsibility that comes with being a parent gives me the willies, making me think I must be a late bloomer in everything with the exception of sex, which is a truly pathetic notion.

Cooper discreetly removes his glasses out of his shirt pocket and slips them on to read the menu in the dark ambiance.

“Oh, my God. You are too cute in those glasses,” I say, chuckling and shaking my head. “Seriously nerdy and sexy, mister.”

He looks up from his menu and raises an eyebrow at me. “If I wear them all the time, I’ll walk into walls, but I’ll do it if it makes you want to spend more time with me.”

“I’m flattered, but you don’t have to impair your vision for me.”

“Just in case, I’m going to keep them on all through dinner.”

“So you’ll get lucky tonight?” I ask, taking a big bite of the warm roll that was placed in front of me.

“Is that on the agenda? Am I in the running? Because I am up for the challenge.”

I laugh. It feels good to be out with a guy I have known for a while. The chemistry is more than friendship, although since we haven’t slept together, there’s no awkwardness of trying to label the relationship …

Cooper is someone I want to sleep with, but he’s also someone I enjoy talking to. Each time we’re together, I learn something new about him, or he says something witty or intelligent that makes it that much easier to be with him. The fact that he’s wrapped up in a sexy package is icing on the cake. The cake I want to lick … and then eat.

When the waiter appears to take our orders and an extra moment to compliment Cooper on his glasses, for some reason, it makes me blush. Placing a hand over my mouth, I attempt to avoid giggling until the waiter leaves.

“I wasn’t exactly thrilled about needing reading glasses, but I definitely didn’t expect this reaction from … everyone,” he says.

“Hand them over,” I say, thrusting my palm out.

Without asking why, he takes them off and puts them in my hand. I slide the glasses on my face and blink a few times since the prescription lenses are making everything blurry for me.

“Well? How do I look?” I ask, focusing on the fuzzy blond image in front of me.

“You look hot. But you already looked hot. Those kind of make you look …”

“Like a sexpot teacher? A sexy English professor?”

“I see your point.”

I take them off and hand them back. “Put them away. You’ll get a headache if you wear them for anything other than reading.”

He grunts but folds the glasses and puts them back in his pocket. “I feel like I’m locking away my super powers.”

“Ha,” I snort.

He looks nothing short of amazingly attractive. The candlelight only makes his arresting good looks more pronounced, and it isn’t just our waiter who notices, other women turn their heads nonchalantly to catch a glimpse of my date.

As I fantasize about his mouth, Cooper fills me in on the progress he and the other men have made on clearing out Carson’s building behind the parking lot. His eyes light up as he talks about painting and installing the new plumbing fixtures when the crew gets off work from their day jobs at the furniture factory. I have unintentionally created extra work for him, and he’s graciously telling me it’s fun.

He’s doing a very good job of charming the panties off me. At the very least, they’re working their way down to my knees. This is the kind of magic that ends once you sleep with someone. It’s the natural order of things. The predictability and boredom of routine eventually set in, and before you know it, the guy stops closing the bathroom door
—Quarterback Cody!!—
and they start wearing socks to bed
—Wanker Jeremy!

“We’ll come pick up your tables and supplies at the house whenever you’re ready. I’ll set everything up for you at the new place,” Cooper explains as I stare at his lips. He takes a bite of his roll and regards me with amused satisfaction. “Huh. Either you want this roll or you want me.”

“Maybe both,” I reply.

He stops chewing and puts the roll on my bread plate. “Can I ask for our food to go?”

“No. We’re having a nice meal and someone else is serving me. And … I’m still thinking about this.”

His expression darkens as he leans forward, placing both of his hands down on either side of my place setting. “Think faster before I haul you off to the restroom for something else.”

I let out an incredulous laugh, but am interrupted by a high pitch squeal from the baby at the other table. She’s not crying, although she has her tiny arms raised as she emits a lengthy, ear-piercing shriek that shuts down every conversation in the restaurant.

All heads turn to the baby who is continuing to screech as her pink-faced parents try to subdue her with toys and fascinating table utensils. The mother notices everyone staring at her and the baby, and she huddles as if trying to make herself smaller.

“Well done, little girl!” Cooper suddenly shouts in a booming voice and begins clapping. “Bravo!”

I look around at the bewildered faces of the patrons who would look petty now if they complained about a screaming baby in the restaurant. With Cooper leading the applause, I enthusiastically join in, and soon, all the other tables follow. People begin smiling and even laughing. They’ll all have a cute, little story to tell their friends.

“Good job. Crisis averted,” I say to Cooper over the applause. “You spared those parents from humiliation.”

The parents in question nod and thank the crowd for their understanding, and the baby goes back to gnawing on a rubber toy, unaware that she caused such a stir.

“I have a few nieces and nephews. My brothers and sister have been in the same uncomfortable situation. When in doubt, make people laugh. Anyone who was annoyed to be sitting next to a baby is a little less uptight about it now.”

“I guess you do have some super powers.”

“Hmm.” He gives me a questioning look. “I only use them for good. I’ll have to show you after dinner.”

Our waiter arrives with salads, which I dig into immediately to keep my mouth occupied so I don’t have to continue with the sex topic that was conveniently interrupted by the baby.

“Haven’t you been eating since you quit the diner? You look ravenous.” Cooper watches as I shove another mound of greens into my mouth.

“Tho gwood,” I mumble, chomping like a goat.

“Christ, am I making you nervous?”

“No,” I reply, covering my mouth with my napkin.
Yes, you’re making me nervous! I’m thinking about nailing my first Viking!

As the main courses arrive, I start talking about the dead squirrel Leo and I found on the porch and cleaning the gutters in time for summer rainstorms. I’m rambling and my heart is racing while Cooper watches me in astonishment, as if he’s wondering how his date went from clever sexual banter to hyperventilating between each bite of her duck confit.

“This is so delicious,” I exclaim, picking up a forkful of duck to feed to Cooper. He frowns, but takes the food between his teeth and chews slowly without his eyes ever leaving mine.

“I’ve seen enough. We need to go, Imogene.” He’s using his deep, take-charge tone. He flags down our waiter, who swiftly removes Cooper’s untouched lamb and my mutilated duck.

“Why? You picked the restaurant, and I like it.”

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