Faith (Hades Angels #1) (6 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Hayes

BOOK: Faith (Hades Angels #1)
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Chapter Thirteen



The night was going by pretty fast. My feet hurt and I was so ready to crawl into my bed and cuddle with my cats. This was my last time on stage for the night. I changed into a sequined, red tube dress and made my way over to the stage.

“Coming up to the main stage is the fabulous Faith.” Johnny announced me as I made my way up the few steps. I wiped the pole down with a towel.

The music began to play as I made my way back to the center of the stage. Placing my right hand high on the pole I lifted my right leg up, bent at the knee and twirled myself around it. Ending with my back against it, I lowered myself into a squat as I extended my right leg out and pushed my body away from the pole, rolling over so that I was now on my stomach. I pressed my body so that I was rocking back on my hands and knees. My legs spread so that my ass was the main focus.

I let the music take over my body as I went from one customer to the next. Each one got a floor show before I pushed my breasts into their face, and then whispered thank you into their ear before holding out the strap of my T-bar for my tip. Before I knew it, the song was over. I gathered my things and made my way over to the far stage.

“Faith is moving down to the far stage to grace you with her presence. Please welcome to the main stage the magnificent Melody.” A fast-paced song came on and I again started twirling myself around the pole. One of these days when I could finally grow my hair out I would be able to do more than just that. I was too afraid to do any pole tricks. My wig was liable to fly off and land in some guy’s lap.

I went around the stage stopping at each guy who had a folded up dollar bill sitting on the stage in front of him. I did a floorshow, spreading my legs in front of them before rubbing my breasts against their face. I made my way through all the guys who had tips out and then went back to the pole. I closed my eyes and let my body move to the music as I danced around the pole. It seemed only seconds later that the song was over. I picked up my dress and started walking toward the dressing room.

As I was trying to make my way through the crowd heading for the dressing room, an older man stopped me. He reached out from his seat and grabbed my arm. “Hey,” I said as I forced a smile on my face and looked down at him.

“Have a seat, maybe a drink.” He leaned up and spoke to me.

“Sure,” I replied as I tried to take the seat next to him, only to have him pull me onto his lap.

“Faith, is it?” He whispered into my ear with his hot breath against my ear making me want to vomit.

“It is. And what’s your name, handsome?” I asked him with my best fake smile on my face.

“Vic. How about a drink, Faith?”

“Actually, I was headed to the dressing room. How about I do that, and I will be right back here before you know it.”

“Or you can take me to the back and give me a private dance.” He grinned at me, revealing his white teeth that were glowing under the black lights making him look even more creepy.

“Sure thing, Vic. Are you ready now?”

“Lead the way, beautiful.”

I got up from his lap, his hand still attached to my arm. We made our way to the private dance area and found an empty spot. He sat down and I stood between his thighs with my back to him. Slowly I rolled my hips as I moved closer to him. When my ass was pressed against his chest I leaned back and slid myself down the front of him before stopping and turning around. Straddling his left leg I brushed my breasts in his face. Making sure to move down not up, because he had a short beard and I didn’t need beard rash between my boobs. Talk about attractive, red rash-like bumps on my chest. I made that mistake once and that was enough.

Vic smelled like stale cigars and liquor. I tried to keep my distance from him so I didn’t have to smell his stench. When the song was over I stood up and moved as far away from him as possible.

He handed me a wad of money and I walked him out, stopping at the bouncer right outside the room.

“Thank you, Vic.” I faked a smile at him as he walked away. I shook off the nasty feeling he gave me, and waited until I saw him walk in the opposite direction I was going before I started on my way to the dressing room.














Chapter Fourteen



I went straight home after work. I was looking forward to seeing how my cats were. I pulled up to my apartment building and all but ran inside. I unlocked my door and turned on the lights. My apartment was quiet and the cats were nowhere in sight. I checked the kitchen, living room, and bathroom before finding them curled up on my pillows in my bed. I smiled to myself. I pulled my phone out of my purse and took a couple pictures of them. I even made one of them my new home screen image. I changed into a pair of boxer shorts and a tank top, then brushed my teeth and cleaned the make-up off my face before crawling into bed with them. I pushed Hansel and Gretel off my pillows, neither of them seeming too happy that I was taking over the bed.

I woke up with the sun shining in through the window and both cats still curled up in my bed. I threw the blankets off and made my way toward the kitchen. I dished out a can of wet cat food and placed it on two separate saucers. Both cats followed me in purring like crazy. I placed the saucers on the floor next to their water bowls and went to get ready to meet Melody and Jade for lunch.

After a long hot shower, I walked with a little jump to my step back to my room, and I could hear Hansel and Gretel running around in the living room. I dressed quickly into a pair of yoga pants and t-shirt. Pulling a beanie over my head, I did a quick check to make sure the bathroom door was open, and the water bowl was full before heading out.

We had decided to meet at EL Rodeo, a little Mexican restaurant that according to Melody has the best chips and salsa around. I pulled up to the restaurant a few minutes early, just as Jade and Melody were walking to the front door. I parked my car and met them inside.

“Hey,” I greeted them.

“Hey, Faith.” Melody hugged me, taking me by surprise.

“You are awfully cheerful today.” I smiled at her.

“We are going shopping. But first we are going to have a margarita, and they have the best freaking chips and salsa ever!”

I laughed. Her bubbly personality was infectious.

“Come on, girls, our table is ready.” Jade called to us as she followed the hostess to a booth in the back of the restaurant.

“Your waiter will be right with you.” She handed us each a menu.

“So what’s good?” I asked as I glanced over the food selection.

“Well, I’m not sure I never really eat anything but the chips and salsa.” Melody didn’t even bother to look at the menu.

“You can never go wrong with the Carnitas,” Jade said, setting her menu down on the table.

The waitress came back to take our drink order. Melody and Jade ordered a pitcher of margaritas and I asked for a cherry cola. She was back with our drinks and a basket of chips and salsa in only a few minutes. Melody was right; the chips and salsa were amazing.




I drove the three of us to the mall. Melody and Jade had finished off their pitcher of margaritas and were both giggling the entire time. “What stores do you guys want to check out?” I asked.

“Oh, we have to stop at C.J.’s, they have this awesome shirt I wanted to get,” Melody blurted out.

We walked through the mall with no luck finding anything to wear. I forgot what it was like to go shopping with friends. I can’t remember the last time I laughed so much. Melody was trying on the most ridiculous outfits.

“Faith, here, try this on. It would be perfect on you!” Melody shoved a black, low-cut halter-top at me. “Oh, with a pair of skinny jeans and either black boots or heels, you’d look hot.”

“Okay.” I took the top to the dressing room to try it on, not completely sure how I felt about it. I pulled my shirt off and unhooked my bra, dropping it to the floor before pulling the halter top on. I looked in the mirror. The shirt fit perfect. I opened the dressing room door and stepped out to where Jade and Melody were waiting.

“Look at you!”

“That is so you!” Jade smiled at me. “You should totally get that.”

“Yeah, I think I will.” I smiled at myself in the mirror as I moved from side to side to see how it looked at all angles.

“Look at this. I think I am going to try this on.” Melody held up a tank top with fringe at the top. “I think it will go perfect with my black motorcycle jacket.”

“What about you, Jade? Find anything yet?” I asked before going into the dressing room to change back into my clothes.

“Not yet.” She smiled as she walked back to the clothes racks to look.

I finished changing and went out to help Jade find something.

“So, how is everything going, Faith?” Jade asked as she was flipping through a rack of shirts.

“Pretty good, actually, I think this is the first time in three years that I can actually say that.”

“So what’s the real reason for girls’ night?” She eyed me suspiciously.

“I just wanted to get out of the house, you know, have a little bit of fun for once.” I smiled, hoping she couldn’t see through me. I knew eventually they would find out the real reason I wanted to go out. Bryce.

“Not buying it, Faith.” She eyed me again before going back to browsing the clothing rack. “But I will let it slide this one time.” She gave me a wicked grin.

“Faith! Look at this.” I heard Melody from across the store. “Come here.” She called waving her hand for me to join her. She was holding up a dark, gray, distressed, faux leather jacket. “This will go perfect with that shirt. Here, try it on.”

I slid my arms into the jacket. It fit me perfectly. I walked over to a mirror to see how it looked. The jacket looked great and would definitely go with my outfit for tomorrow night. I took the shirt and jacket to the register and paid for them as Melody was still trying on clothes. Jade had finally found a few things to purchase, and was also ready to check out and move on to the next store.

“Melody, are you about done in there?” I asked, standing outside the dressing room.

“Yeah, hold on, just a few more things to try on and I will be ready.”

“You know she is going to be in there for at least another twenty to thirty minutes.” Jade laughed as she sat down in a chair outside the dressing room. “Have a seat, it’s going to be a while.”

“Is she always like this?” I asked as I sat in the chair next to her.

“Yes, she is. Just a heads up, if she asks you to go shopping with her, only say yes if you have all day to do it.”

“Oh, hey, can we stop and see Lola? I want to get a few new outfits,” Melody said through the dressing room door.

“Yeah. If you hurry up, she isn’t open much longer,” Jade answered. “Maybe this will get her to hurry up,” Jade added.

“Oh crap, I’m hurrying, I promise!” We could hear Melody stumbling around the dressing room.

“Are you sure you are okay in there?” I asked her.

“Yeah, I tripped trying to get these pants off.”

Jade and I both laughed.

“I can’t believe she can walk and run in six inch heels, but put her in flats or barefoot and she can’t walk without tripping.” Jade giggled.

“Seriously, we were at the pet store getting cat supplies when she bought a betta fish, and the poor little fish almost took a few tumbles out of her hands until I talked her into putting him in the cart.”

“She has always been clumsy, ever since I first met her.” Jade smiled and shook her head.

“Okay, I’m done, just need to put my clothes back on.”

Melody came out of the dressing room with her arms full of clothes and hangers falling all over the place. “Shit,” she said as half of the items in her arms fell on the floor. We finally got her situated and she took her items to the register to pay.

“Okay, now let’s go see Lola.” Melody smiled as she held four bags in her arms.

Lola’s wasn’t in the mall, luckily, because my arms were killing me from carrying the bags of clothes.

We made it to Lola’s Leather and Lace store just before she closed. The little shop was in the back of a strip mall. Her store had a little bit of everything from simple little outfits, to bikinis, and long elegant dresses—well, elegant enough for a strip club.

“Hey, Lola.” We greeted her as we walked in. I loved Lola. She was full of sass. The first time I ever came into her store she was nothing but helpful. She told me bits and pieces of her story and how she ended up a stripper. I guess every one’s story is a little bit different. Lola’s was one of mystery. I still haven’t been able to put the pieces together although by the look in her eyes as she tells it, it’s clear she has lived a life full of regrets and sorrow.

“Well, look who it is.” Lola came out from behind the counter to hug Jade. Her graying hair lying in loose curls. “How have you been, hon?”

“Good, and how is business, Lola?”

“Even better now that you brought Melody in. This girl is one of my favorite customers.” She smiled as she watched Melody run around the store grabbing items and shuffling through the bins of T-bars.

“Lola, do you have anything in hot pink?” Melody asked as she continued to rummage through the store.

“Depends, do you want dresses, two piece outfits, or bikinis?” she asked as she went to help Melody find what she needed.

I browsed through the store to see if anything caught my eye. I had plenty of work clothes, but some days wearing a new outfit makes a huge difference.

“Faith, you may want to grab some boobie tape for that shirt you got. Don’t want the ladies to pop out tomorrow.”

. I didn’t even think about that. Then again, it’s not like I would be having any nipple slips, more like scar slips. I frowned as I considered it. All day I felt normal and it’s the little things that bring everything rushing back to my head. We finished up our shopping at Lola’s and I dropped Jade and Melody off at their cars.

“You guys just want to meet at my place and we can head out from there?” I asked them as they were getting out of my car.

“Yeah sounds good. Text me the address and we will see you tomorrow around six. Sound good?” Jade asked.

“Sounds good,” I answered.

I spent the rest of the night watching my new cats sleep. I’m not sure what I expected. I tried to entice them with one of the toys. It was one of those sticks with a little fish on the end of a string. I spent what seemed like an hour trying to get them interested in it with no avail. They just lay there giving me a stink eye. So much for them being entertaining.

When I realized the cats were not going to be a source of distraction, my mind started to wander. The more I thought about going out for drinks tomorrow, the more nervous I got. I started thinking that maybe we should go somewhere else. Should I wear my wig or no? Do I really want to do this? There were so many things going through my head. No, I needed this. I needed to stop looking for excuses not to live my life.

I needed to relax. Get the doubts out of my head. Tomorrow I would be just like any other twenty-one-year-old girl going out for drinks with some friends.


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