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Authors: Emerson Rose

Fair Play (34 page)

BOOK: Fair Play
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“I hated you for so long it’s hard to just flip a switch, you know?”

“I get it. I would have hated me too.”

“We still have chemistry though, wouldn’t you say? I mean the other day was, wow. It brought back so many good memories. I know you don’t want to know about other women, but no one ever made me feel like you. You were my first and only before they took me away, and no one has ever compared to you since.”

“Same. I didn’t date many guys, probably could count them on one hand. I think that’s why I quit trying. You ruined me and other men were a waste of time.”

“What about Vinnie?” I ask, and she stiffens in my arms.

“He was taking things so slow I thought he just got me. It was like he knew exactly what to say and do all the time. I guess it’s because he did, huh?”

“Yeah, the Mafia probably has some pretty good fact checkers.”

“Fact checkers, that’s putting it mildly I’ll bet.”

“Thankfully I never had to find out. Knowing Nathan suffered at their hands was bad enough.”

“I can’t believe I let that guy get so close to me. I feel so stupid.”

“Don’t. He’s a professional and he knew everything there is to know about you, how to make you comfortable, how fast to move, what not to say and do. Anybody would have fallen for that.”

“I always thought something was off. I even told Brea. She said I was crazy, and I was starting to think I was.”

I move her hair off of her shoulder, exposing her neck with my hand that’s wrapped around her, and kiss her shoulder.

“You are crazy, the good kind though.”

“What’s the good kind?” she says, tilting her face up to mine.

“It’s the kind of crazy that forgives someone for breaking their heart.”

“There isn’t really anything to forgive, you couldn’t help what was happening. I should thank you for saving my life.”

“You’re welcome.”

“I didn’t actually thank you yet. I said I
thank you.”

I lift one corner of my lips in a smirk and kiss her soft plump lips. It’s a tender kiss full of apologies and thank yous, I miss yous, and most of all, I love yous. No kiss could make up for all we’ve lost, but this one tries.

I want to go further, take what was supposed to be mine, but there’s still one thing we have to talk about that could be a future wrecker.

I have a daughter with a whore.

I slide my lips across her jaw and nip at her ear. Yep, there’s no doubt the physical attraction is still perfectly intact, but we have some serious work to do with our hearts.

“We still have things to talk about,” I murmur in her ear.

She groans. “I’m tired of talking.”

“It’s important.”

“So is this.”

Amethyst swings her leg over my body in a quick fluid movement, straddling my hips. I need to tell her again that we have to talk before going any further, but my common sense has flipped the sign on the door to closed.

I should be thinking “
this is really bad
.” She needs to know everything before going any further, but I’m not. Instead, my cock has taken over the self-control shop repeating a favorite mantra of his. 
This is going to be so good

And you know what they say about men, they’re always thinking with their dick instead of their brain.


Chapter Twenty




I don’t want to think. Thinking about the truth is worse than not knowing anything at all. It was so easy to blame Adam for everything. He left me and he’s a douche. I’m good with that kind of simple, straightforward hate.

But now that I know it wasn’t his decision to leave and that he was sacrificing everything to pay his father’s debt, the crystal clear water I was looking through is murky and brown. His hands were tied, bound, and secured in such a way that he had to do what Vinnie said or we would have been killed.

I’ve always known he was an amazing man, but to become a star quarterback while dealing with blackmailers and constant threats puts him in a whole different category. He’s more than amazing; he’s prodigious.

I want to tell him I still love him, I’m sure I do, but right now all I want to do is feel him, touch him, have him inside of me. He said that no woman has ever compared to me, well, I say ditto to that.

His hands roaming my body are like magic waking something in me that I thought was dead a long time ago. I push my fingers through his shaggy blond hair on either side of his head while we kiss. I moan when he lifts the hem of my sweater and slides his electric hands over my bare skin. The sound drives him forward, and he bunches the sweater, shoving it up until we part lips momentarily while he passes it between us and over my head.

We made it this far the other day and I can’t even remember why we stopped right now. Why would anyone stop this?

The kiss becomes more urgent, more needy when he unhooks my bra and it slides off my shoulders. His lips blaze a path down my neck to my chest and I throw my head back in ecstasy. I remember this, yes, God how I remember this.

He alternates murmuring my name between kisses on the soft space between my breasts. He moves torturously slow from one to the other, teasing and tasting my stiff nipples that stand at attention for him and only him.

“Adam, I want to feel you, all of you,” I say, tugging at his shirt, desperate to eliminate any barriers between us.

He arches up, allowing me to slide his shirt over his head. With a deep sigh, I press against his hard, rippled muscles. It’s been so long, I never even allowed myself to imagine touching Adam again this way. It’s like a dream, foggy and weightless as we explore each other, reacquainting our bodies.

If we didn’t go any further than this today, it would be all right. I feel like a castaway who’s been rescued after years of being alone on a deserted island.

He is the equivalent to oxygen and water for my survival. Without him I merely exist, with him I am alive. 

I slide my hand between our bodies to stroke his impressive cock through his lounge pants, and a deep rumbling moan fills the quiet room.

“My God, Ame,” he says, his eyes rolling back into his head as I run my fingers along the outline of his length. I nibble and lick along the edge of his bottom lip, feeling his warm breath against my mouth while he unties the drawstring on his pants.

He may be seriously injured and I know he’s in pain, but you’d never guess it when he slides his pants under his ass and his thick cock springs free between us. He places my hand on it, wrapping my fingers around it with his on top guiding me in a slow stroke up and down.

“Fuck, that’s perfect baby,” his voice is raspy and low, and I soak up the compliment like a dry sponge. “You’re perfect, look at you. You’re glowing. Are you wet for me? I want to feel your pussy, take off these damn jeans so I can feel you.”

Good, thank you, yes, and me too, no problem, are the responses to his comments in my brain that I’m unable to articulate.

I’m Adam-stoned, high as a kite on lust and wasted in his arms, obedient, pliable, and devoted to this man and this man alone.

I have to stand over him to peel off my jeans, and when I do we are like magnets trying to hold our kiss. He sits up, following me until our lips separate and his hands can no longer reach my breasts. He ravishes me with his eyes as I remove my jeans and pink lace panties that match the bra lying on the floor with the rest of our clothes.

His hands are around my calves and as they slide up toward my thighs, it occurs to me that we have no protection. I don’t carry around condoms in my purse, I can’t even remember the last time I’ve had sex and I doubt he was stashing one in the pocket of his pajama pants.

I place my hands over his and stop him from advancing.

“We don’t have any …” I release one of his hands and wave the air between us.

A sly grin spreads across his face and he winks at me. God, I melt when he winks at me. He has something up his sleeve, and I hope like hell it’s a condom. 

“Hand me my phone,” he says. I hop down onto the floor and remove his phone from the pocket of his pants, hoping for a miracle condom, but it’s just his phone. I hand it to him, and he clicks the phone from its case and out pops, you guessed it, a miracle condom! The gods must be smiling down on us and the planets and moons have got to be aligned. We are stuck in a fancy bomb shelter-ish safe house apartment with no way in or out, hot as a Vegas afternoon for each other, with one blessed condom.

I throw my head back and raise my hands, palms facing together, to quickly thank God for small favors.

“I don’t even want to think about why you have that in your phone case. I’m just going to be grateful that you do.”

“It’s been there a long time, FYI.”

I snap it from his fingers and tear the foil wrapper open with my teeth. I may have not had many partners, but I’m a pro at applying a condom.

But before I climb aboard again, I glance at his partially casted and fully braced leg and bite my lip.

“Stop worrying about my leg and get back over here. We will go slow and easy, I swear. I’ll stop if it starts to hurt.”

He’s lying because I’m sure he’s already hurting, and I also know how Adam loses control in bed. He can start out gentle and selfless, giving multiple orgasms before taking what he needs, but when it’s his turn, he is primitive and savage in all the right ways.

“You’re already in pain, I know you are. Promise me you’ll keep this low-key. I won’t be responsible for setting back your recovery, I know you, Adam, you’re wild.”

“Wild for you.”

“I mean it, Adam, promise me.” I hold the condom away from him.

“Okay, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I will not get lost in you. Even though it’s been six years, and you’re fucking smoking hot and I want to watch you ride my cock like a rodeo queen …”

“Okay enough, are you going keep it under control or not?”

“I’ll do my best.”

“I guess that’s all I can ask.”

“You should probably close the door in case Grant comes back,” he says, pointing to the bedroom door. He’s right; anyone entering the apartment would get an eyeful from out there.

I turn and pad across the carpet to close and lock the door. When I turn around, Adam is holding his cock in his hand, stroking it slowly. My mouth waters and an electric zing hits me between the legs at the sight of him pleasuring himself.

“You’ve got the finest ass I’ve ever seen. It’s even sexier than it was six years ago, and it was pretty hot then.”

“I work out, a lot.”

I crawl across the bed from the other side and position myself over him again. He removes his hand and I roll the condom on his dick like a pro. When it’s snug as a bug, I rise with every intent of sinking down over him, but he grasps my wrists before I can move.

“I want to taste you first. Come here,” he says, tugging me toward him. A bazillion butterflies flutter in my belly when he helps me position my legs on either side of his head and tuck my feet under his shoulders.

His hands slide around my ass and he massages it, helping me relax. I’ve never done this with anyone but him, and I would never feel comfortable doing it with anyone else.

“You’re soaking wet for me, baby. Spread your legs a little more.”

I do as I’m told because why the hell wouldn’t I? He moves one hand between my legs and slides two fingers into my hot sex.

“Fuck,” he says, drawing out the word forever as his fingers slide in and out, around and around until I’m white-knuckling the headboard.

When I’m writhing over him, on the edge of explosion, he stops and I whimper. I was so close, so fucking close I could see the fireworks beginning behind my eyelids.

I look down at him intending to protest when he hits me with a heart-stopping lick along the entire length of my core. Sucking and lapping at my slick folds, he adds one more erotic thing to the mix that he never has before. He slips one finger inside me and drags my slick wetness back to the pucker of my ass and slides it in while simultaneously sucking my clit.

I never considered myself an ass girl but when the world tilts on its axis and I come harder than I ever have, that all changes.

To hell with fireworks, an atomic bomb detonates between my legs and I yell out his name. Clutching the headboard, I’m lost in bliss while experiencing the longest orgasm in the history of orgasms. I’m sure if there were a way to measure them, this one would be in the Guinness Book of World Records.

Adam reaches up and slides his hands under mine to help me release my iron-clad grip on the headboard. With my stiff fingers laced with his, I relax and lean back onto his chest.

“You’re so damn sexy, I could watch you do that forever.”

“I don’t think my heart could take it. One day full of those and I’d need a defibrillator.”

“Nah, I can find better ways to shock you back to life.” Adam releases my hands to help me unhook my knees from under his shoulders. I lower myself until our bodies are flush against each other and my thighs are tight on either side of his hips. He groans when my hot core brushes against his patiently waiting length, but I keep my ass lifted so I’m not putting pressure on his torso.

“You’re going to have to put that ass down eventually, baby,” he says, sliding a finger down my spine. “Not that I’m complaining about the view.”

I move my hips side to side in a quick wiggle, enticing another groan. I smile against his chest and slowly, carefully give him what he needs.

I rise onto my knees and slide my hand down his solid length, stroking it twice before aligning it with my slick core. Sinking down inch by inch, I watch his expression change from anticipation to pure rapture. His fingers dig into my hips when we are completely joined.

“Don’t move, I want to feel you for a second.” His husky voice is thick with desire, sending a zing between my legs. The pressure is intense. We fit together so perfectly I can’t imagine how I’ve gone without him for so long.

I watch as his clenched jaw relaxes and his Adam’s apple bobs up and down when he swallows. He’s collecting himself, rounding up his self-control. He’s going to need all he can muster to do this the way it needs to be done, slow and steady.

He loosens his hold on me and I rise up, sliding along his cock until only the tip is at my entrance. He guides me back down thrusting up to meet me halfway, and I press my hand on his tattooed, chiseled eight pack warning him to take it easy.

Instead of heeding that warning, he slides my hips back and slams into me again. I gasp and my thoughts fly everywhere, like papers thrown from a tenth-story window. Normally numbered and organized, they flutter aimlessly toward the ground. Be careful, fuck that feels good, I want him, I don’t want to hurt him, and on and on until passion wins over caution.

One strong skilled hand finds its way between my legs, where he circles his thumb against my clit while I ride him like a rodeo queen.

A girl can only be so sensible at a time like this, and my sense has been tossed out on her ass. We find a rhythm that feels amazing and hopefully doesn’t jostle his leg. I smile and something in him changes, his hands move slower over my hips and ass and he allows me to take the reins.

As much as I want this to go on and on forever, I feel my orgasm building quickly. I circle my hips around and around until I feel his cock twitch within me.

The door to that alternate universe we visit when we come together is wide open, and I’m tumbling in head over heels with Adam right behind me. This is my favorite place. I’ve been here hundreds of times with him but this time is different, this time marks a reunion of souls.

We were meant to be together, it was decided long before we met by a higher power, and nothing could keep us apart. Not time, or distance, not lies or a blackmailer, not a gambling addict, and definitely not an ex-hooker girlfriend.

I gulp in air, panting and gasping as we return together, holding each other tight. The sweat on my back cools and I shiver in his arms.

“Is that from me or are you cold?” he asks as he moves me off of him to cover me up.

“A little bit of both. How’s your leg? If you really love me like you say you do, you’ll take some Percocet.”


Hmm, that was too easy. He must really be hurting to agree that quickly. I roll away from him and off the bed to retrieve my purse from the living room, but the sound of someone keying the code into the front door stops me.

BOOK: Fair Play
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