Fair Game (21 page)

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Authors: Jasmine Haynes

Tags: #General, #Romance, #Erotic Fiction, #Sexual Dominance and Submission, #Erotica, #Fiction

BOOK: Fair Game
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“I don’t need a damn thing from you.” Yet she raised one leg, curled it around his thigh, and rode the ridge of his cock between her spread legs.
Grabbing her by the butt cheeks, he hauled her higher, pulled both her legs to his waist, and pumped against her. “You’re dying to have me inside you.” Christ, he needed to be inside her in the worst way. They’d played too long, too many times, now he’d go completely nuts if he didn’t get inside her.
She clasped him closer. “My vibrator’s just as good and hard.”
He pulled away from the wall, taking her with him, turned and went down to the hall carpet, laying her flat on her back. “Your vibrator can’t do this.”
He would force her to see what they’d be missing if she shut him out.
Stroking the silk robe aside, he took her nipple in his mouth, tunneling into her panties at the same time. She was wet, hot, pulsing, and she dug her fingers into his scalp as he nipped the pearl of her breast.
“It vibrates harder and faster than you can,” she taunted.
He crawled down between her legs to find her pussy encased in the frilly panties she’d had him buy. They weren’t her at all. She was naughty, sexy, green satin and long, long legs. He tore them off and tossed them over the banister.
“You’re dying for me to lick you.” Her scent surrounded him, her taste beckoned.
“Let me get my vibrator, and we’ll compare again. You’ll lose this time.”
He flicked her little button with his tongue, then sucked her into his mouth.
She made a noise, a hot little sound that was half moan, half groan, all woman. “Fine. Whatever,” she said, a hitch in her voice. “You want to get me off, fine. It’s not like I’ll be throwing my vibrator out or anything.”
Yet she writhed against his mouth, shoved her fingers through his hair, and hung on. He sucked, licked, took her pussy with his tongue. He’d make her beg, scream. The tremors started in her legs, rode up her torso. She released one hank of his hair and clenched a fist around a stair rail. Her body rocked in time with his tongue. When she let loose, she wailed. He loved the sound, kept at her until she rolled to her side, tried to shove him away and close her legs against him.
Kyle wasn’t having it. He sank his fingers into her hips and held her body to his mouth. Josie thought she’d die. The orgasm went on and on until she couldn’t tell where her pussy ended and his mouth began. So good. So bad. Too much.
“Please. Stop. God.” She put both hands to her mouth and hiccupped.
At last, he relented. She was aware of him shoving a hand into his pocket, retrieving something, a condom packet. Rolling to her stomach, she pulled her knees beneath her, heading for her bedroom.
“Oh no you don’t.” He was on her, pulling her beneath him, forcing her to her back, facing him. His blue eyes glittered. “I’m going to fuck you, and you’re going to look at me while I do it.”
She wanted it. Wanted him. Yet she couldn’t cave in and let him win. “No.”
Braced above her on one hand, he met her gaze for one long moment. Her stockings were halfway down her thighs, she’d lost the panties, and only one arm remained in her robe. He was still completely clothed.
“No means no,” he whispered.
God no. No meant yes. At least this time.
Please, don’t stop. Do it. Take me. Just don’t make me say it.
He read everything in her eyes. “Oh no, sweetheart, you have to say it.”
She didn’t want to capitulate. She wanted to be able to throw it all back at him when it was over. “If you’re going to do it, just do it. I can’t stop you anyway.”
His eyes traveled her face, landed on her lips, then trailed back up to meet her gaze. “That’s too easy. Tell me yes or tell me no, but mean it.”
She didn’t want to choose. “Why do you have to get all chivalrous now? It’s
challenge. I have to do whatever you want.”
“My challenge is that
make the choice.”
“Damn you.” She couldn’t think. He stole her breath. Her body clamored for him. One fantastic orgasm wasn’t enough. Her pussy craved him, his cock, everything.
He waited.
She let her breath out in a whoosh. “All right, fuck me.”
“You could be a little more romantic.”
“I am
He came down flush on top of her and put his mouth to hers. Gentle. Sweet. He took just her lips, licking, kissing, tasting, angling his head one way, then the other. Long, slow, infinitely sweet, achingly hot. His shirt caressed her breasts, his pants stroked between her thighs. She sifted her fingers through his hair and held him to her.
It was too goddamn romantic. She didn’t kiss like that. Didn’t want to need it, didn’t want to like it, love it, or want it.
She just needed to get it over before it started to mean something. “Fuck me now,” she whispered against his mouth.
He pulled back, his gaze shifting over her. He had such damn beautiful eyes. Then he went back on his haunches, unzipped his pants, and rolled on the condom.
Coming down on top of her once again, he stroked the head of his cock from her pussy to her clitoris. “Is this what you want?”
He eased in an inch. “Tell me how good it feels.”
Amazing. Momentous. Beautiful. “It’s fine.”
In. Out. With short bursts of his hips. His eyes on hers. “Perfect.”
“Okay.” The best ever. He was big, his tip filling her.
“Want more?”
Why couldn’t the man just do it, like every other man? “More, please.”
He gave her another couple of inches. It wasn’t enough. Her hands over her head, she stretched, rose to meet him. “Take me,” she murmured.
Holding her hips, he drove all the way home. She cried out, it was so damn good. Everything about him was so damn good.
“Love it?” he asked.
“Like it,” she conceded.
He began to pump. She spread her legs wider, wrapped her thighs around his butt and clasped her ankles. He put a hand beneath her and angled her higher. With every thrust, his body rubbed her clit.
Oh God. Oh God. So good.
“Just good?”
Damn, she’d said that aloud. “Good is a damn good fucking word.” She wanted this. She wanted him. Climbing higher, reaching for that pinnacle, finding it, and tossing herself off the other side, she knew only one thing.
He was too damn good to give up. Even if he was going to be her boss.
Oh God. She was totally screwed.
KYLE took off half of Monday morning from SMG to attend
Connor Kingston’s staff meeting. It was his introduction to the management team. Due to his work with Castle on the Coyote Ridge project, most of the executives were familiar to him. All good men, in his opinion. He knew that Josie wanted to be the first female VP. He had no doubt she’d make it, too. A more determined career woman he’d never met.
Right after the exec staff, Connor called a brief meeting of the FI&T group. At most companies, they’d send out an e-mail announcing a new hire with a few details on his or her background. Not so at Castle. Kyle was now part of the family.
Fifteen or so people crammed the conference room. “Several of you have already met Kyle through the SMG project.” Connor gave an obligatory nod at Josie and the other department heads he’d dealt with. “He comes to us with several years of experience in the mining industry, bringing a unique hands-on perspective to how our equipment works in the field. We’ll save all the introductions for next week, when he starts officially.” Then he turned the floor over to Kyle.
“I’m excited to be joining Castle. It’s a solid company, and I look forward to working with all of you. Over the first few days, I’ll be meeting with all department heads to get fully on board with the workings of the group.” Short and sweet. “Any questions I can answer now?”
Leaning against the wall by the door, not a single muscle twitched on Josie’s face. She’d been polite but nothing more. He hadn’t seen her since that cataclysmic event in her upstairs hall. Their next date was hers to plan, hers to challenge, and though he’d wanted to see her that weekend, she’d refused, insisting they wait the requisite week. She wasn’t about to allow him an extra foothold, but at least she hadn’t ended their relationship entirely. Despite himself, he was looking forward to whatever she threw at him next.
A dark-haired girl raised her hand. Young, mid-twenties, long hair, a pretty smile. Kyle gave her a nod.
“How are you on granting extra personal time if someone’s already used theirs up?”
Josie jumped in. “Lydia, that’s between you and your manager.
on a case-by-case basis.” She was polite, yet a slight thread of annoyance ran through her voice. He figured Josie was Lydia’s supervisor.
“Thank you, Josie.” Then he turned to Lydia. “She’s hit the nail on the head. I wouldn’t get between a supervisor and an employee unless some mediation was needed.”
The girl merely grimaced and subsided back into her chair.
“Anyone else?”
He had four basic areas of control: subcontract purchasing, instructors, installers, and program management. Josie’s department was key in bringing all the other groups together, controlling the timeline and the milestones. She’d get the most recognition if things went well, and the most grief if everything tanked.
He was just about to wrap it up.
A tall guy, big enough to have been a wrestler in a past life, raised his hand. Kyle gave him a nod.
“How are you on sexual harassment?”
Josie sighed, shook her head, but said nothing.
Kyle maintained his expression. “I suggest you use your current company policy as your reference point on that.”
What he planned with Josie was not sexual harassment. It was mutual. But was the guy implying something? It wasn’t possible he could know about their affair.
“As you well know,” Connor said, “we have policies, Chuck.” Oddly enough, he turned to encompass the girl Lydia in the look. “And we have zero tolerance.” Then he glanced around the group at large. “People, these questions are too specific for this forum. If you’ve got real problems here, I have an open door policy. Come see me.”
Both Chuck and Lydia’s questions were out of line for the situation. It gave Kyle pause. What had he gotten himself into?
JOSIE set her notepad on her desk, holding it down with one finger as if it were a snake that might crawl away. Her eyes closed, she breathed in deeply, out.
What a disaster. Lydia had asked about personal time, which most likely had something to do with why she was late twice last week, then again this morning, slipping into the meeting as if she didn’t think anyone would notice. Then Chuck made that remark about sexual harassment. She was surprised he hadn’t come right out and said Lydia pinched his ass.
What were they thinking?
What the hell would Kyle be thinking?
She and Kyle were not committing sexual harassment. They were doing something else; she just wasn’t sure what that was. But her life did feel as if it were spiraling out of control. Instead of paying attention to the meeting, she’d been thinking about his hands on her, his cock inside her, his tongue shooting her to the stars. He was going to be her boss, for God’s sake. She had to at least stop craving his touch while they were at work. She had to practice that, master it.
“What was that all about?”
Despite her jumble of thoughts, she didn’t even jump. She knew eventually Connor would come looking for her, after he’d shown his soon-to-be VP out the door.
She turned, stepped around him, closed the door. “Did Douglas talk to you about Chuck and Lydia?”
“Yes. I thought the problem was resolved.”
“It is for now. Lydia’s been written up. But Chuck’s still pissy.” In fact, they were both still pissy. “I believe he said that in the meeting to get Lydia’s goat because he doesn’t think she’s taking it seriously enough.” She waited for Connor to say none of this would have happened under Ernie’s regime.
“Josie, these are just growing pains. It’s always more difficult when someone from within is promoted to manage the group rather than the new manager coming from the outside. Especially with Ernie going the way he did. Emotions are high.”
He was making goddamn excuses for her. She wanted to scream. The worst was that Kyle had seen the shenanigans, too. They’d humiliated her in front of him. Maybe they’d done it on purpose. The thought only now occurred to her.
She wouldn’t voice it to Connor. “You’re right. Things will settle down. I’ve got the new hire starting next week, then we won’t feel so overloaded. I believe Bertrice will work out.”
Connor put his hand on her shoulder. “I have faith in you, Josie.” If she were a different person, she’d be choked up at the sentiment. Instead, she laughed. “You’ve got plenty of faith.” Her cheeks colored as she suddenly heard the double entendre. God. “I mean, speaking of Faith, your wife insists I meet her and Trinity at the bridal shop at four thirty this afternoon. May I request half an hour’s worth of personal time?” There, she’d made light of Lydia’s silly comment.
He gave her a drop-dead wicked smile. “I’ll have to look at your personnel file and make sure you haven’t been taking too much personal time, but otherwise, I approve the half hour off.”
She saluted. “Thank you, sir.”
He jutted his chin and stared her down. “And do not take my wife out drinking afterward.”
“You’re dying for me to drop her off tipsy and you know it.” Faith had mentioned that she got frisky when she was tipsy.
Connor winked and was gone. She didn’t envy them marriage and children, but their devotion never failed to make her feel a little gooey, as Trinity so eloquently put it.
All right, she had to deal with Lydia and her tardiness problem before it became chronic. Josie was headed for the door just as her cell phone rang.

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