Fair Game (13 page)

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Authors: Jasmine Haynes

Tags: #General, #Romance, #Erotic Fiction, #Sexual Dominance and Submission, #Erotica, #Fiction

BOOK: Fair Game
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Still, he might have waited a few dates before going straight for the jugular with her. Then again, anything else he could have done to her wouldn’t be as much of a challenge. She’d set the tone of the game by making him wear her panties. He was upping the stakes, escalating dramatically. He couldn’t wait to see how she’d try topping this one.
Unsure what she’d drink, he nevertheless didn’t figure her for a champagne woman, so he’d chosen a vibrant chardonnay, one he liked as well. Especially since he wouldn’t mind licking it straight off her body.
How long should he leave her up there to stew over what he had planned for her? He glanced at his watch and when twenty minutes had passed, he decided that was long enough. Besides, he didn’t have any plans. He was going to wing it.
He scented her arousal the moment he entered the room again. A subtle musk he recognized from the car, the dressing room, and earlier tonight when he leaned over her.
“That wasn’t funny.” A tremor running through her voice be-lied the casual words.
Silent, he placed the two glasses on the bedside table.
Twisting as far as the bonds would allow, she turned her head to the sound. “Cat got your tongue?”
Heading round the end of the bed, he stopped between her spread legs. The toggle of his beads lay against her plump, aroused pussy.
“Are you alone?” An edge of desperation slipped through her words.
The silent treatment had always driven him to distraction. His wife had been a master at it. His intent now wasn’t cruel and unusual. He didn’t remove the blindfold, simply told her what she wanted to know. “I’m alone.”
Kneeling on the bed, he flicked the small ring. She bit her lip. Crawling closer, he stuck his finger through the plastic ring, then raised his hand, pointing toward her breasts, and slowly pulled, gliding bead after bead over her clit.
She writhed on the bed.
“You like my gift?”
“Yes.” She gasped as he changed the angle, sliding the beads in all her moisture, torturing her.
“How much do you like them?”
Her body trembled, her breath came fast, threaded with a moan. “God, they make me crazy. I wanted to play with myself right there in the women’s room when I put them in.”
Good. Very good. Exactly what he’d wanted. He massaged her clit with one bead after another until they pulled free at last. Her body jerked once, just before he tossed the beads aside. Her skin was tinged with pink, warm to the touch. Lean thighs, flattened stomach, small breasts trimmed with pert nipples, and a gorgeous pussy lightly dusted with hair.
“Do you want an orgasm?”
She exhaled in a rush. “God, yes.”
He pulled away. “Not yet.”
She groaned.
At the bedside table once again, he lifted the glass of tart wine to his lips and drank deeply. Then bending over her, he lightly kissed her lips, letting her taste.
“Like it?” he asked.
She nodded, and he held his hand out to drizzle the cold liquid down her hot pussy lips.
She squealed, then bucked.
Setting the glass down, he knelt beside her, parted her sweet pink lips and sucked the wine from her moist center. Her struggles rippled through her body, and if she could, he knew she’d have held his head to her clit until she climaxed. Hard. Forever. Instead he licked all around, above, below, her lips, her opening. And never gave her what she truly wanted.
“Do you want me to beg?” Her breath hitched, she moaned, then tossed her head to dislodge the blindfold. It stayed.
He rose long enough to say, “No.”
“Bastard.” She wriggled, tried to undulate against him to get what she needed. “Those beads, they made me crazy.”
He flicked her clit with his finger. “It’s not just the beads. It was being alone up here for twenty minutes wondering.” He brushed his lips along her belly. “All tied up.” He bit her nipple lightly. “Thinking, wondering, hoping, praying.”
She moaned and writhed. “I knew you’d come back and do exactly this. Tease me.”
“What did you want me to do?”
“I wanted you to get me off.”
He held her chin between his finger and thumb. “What was the worst thing you imagined I’d do?”
She shuddered full body though he touched nothing more than her jaw, not even his length along hers. “That you wouldn’t come back,” she whispered.
Of all the things he’d considered, that one had never occurred to him. Where the hell would she get an idea like that?
He laughed, making a joke out of it, though he knew there was something true to her core in that fear. It would bear examination later.
“No such luck, sweetheart.” Straddling her, he leaned in and rubbed the zipper of his pants across her lips. “You have to take care of this massive hard-on because I sure as hell am not going to do it myself.”
“You have me tied down. I have to do whatever you want.”
Unzipping, letting the sound ripple over her nerve endings, he fished his cock out of his pants. Pre-come already bathed the crown. Smoothing his fingers over it, he then stroked her lips until she opened, licked, sucked, took his juice on her tongue.
“You’re going to swallow all of me, baby,” he crooned. “Every last drop.” He stroked himself, squeezing more from the tip, then trailed his fingers across her cheek to the edge of the blindfold, teasing her but keeping it in place. “Right?”
“I have to do whatever you tell me.”
Bracing himself on one hand above her, he stroked his cock along the seam of her lips this time. “You’re going to have to take it deep, down your throat. I want that, I need that, nothing else will do.” Yet he caressed her lips gently, giving her only a taste of what he had planned for her.
He’d had a vague idea of multiple orgasms throughout the evening, until her body simply couldn’t take another moment, until the pleasure was so intense, it was almost pain.
Yet her secret fears changed everything. This wasn’t about her orgasm; it was about showing her how badly he wanted her to give
“I’m going to fuck your mouth until you give me everything I want,” he whispered. “You will take me until I can’t hold back, until I flood you so full, you can’t hold it all.”
She licked him. Heat and sensation rocketed through him, the muscles of his arm spasming as he held himself above her.
“You’re going to take whatever I want to give, aren’t you?”
“Yes.” She punctuated with a kiss and a suck.
“You can’t stop me.”
“No, I can’t.”
“Suck me,” he murmured.
Holding his cock for her, he slid between her parted lips. Then he fucked her mouth. Her tongue swirled and caressed. When he backed off, she followed. She couldn’t direct him or hold him, she could only submit, and yet she somehow took him.
“Oh God, yes, that’s so fucking good. Suck it, baby, yeah.” Finally, he loosed his own grip on himself, cupped her head, held her, jammed one hand on the mattress by the side of her, and simply pumped. She took all of him, swallowed him whole, owned him for those few moments in her mouth, until heat swept down through his body, his extremities, and blew his world apart.
Her name on his lips, he filled her with his essence, gave her everything, and for a moment lost all that he was to her.
GOD, that was amazing. Josie had only just caught her breath after taking all of him.
Somehow that felt like a metaphor for more than just his come shot. It was the hottest damn thing she’d ever done in her life. Though totally immobilized, she’d taken him, fucked him, owned him. And loved every second of it.
His hair was soft at her throat, his breath warm against her neck, his clothing rough along her bare skin from torso to thigh. Subtle aftershave tickled her nose, and something else, a salty male scent that made her mouth water. His taste lingered on her tongue, her lips. With the blindfold, everything was more potent, visceral.
His fingers trailed down her abdomen, leaving tingles and shocks in their wake. He tunneled through her pubic curls.
“No.” She stopped him with her voice.
“Why not?” He rumbled against her throat.
She didn’t need an orgasm. His was enough to satisfy every longing. How that could be so, she had no idea. A climax was a woman’s divine right, yet . . . she felt utterly replete as never before. Not even with two men. She needed only this moment with Kyle’s body next to hers.
Later, probably not tonight, she’d want the orgasm.
“Because why?” he insisted.
Because she’d claimed him in some elemental way. She was tied and blindfolded, yet she’d been the one in control. She had the power. He’d been completely hers. He’d fucked her mouth, but
taken him. She made him need that release, and she was the only one who could give it to him. No one else would do.
Maybe saying all that would not be such a good idea. Men didn’t like to even think they could be owned. On a normal basis, she wouldn’t want to own him either. It was a thing of the moment. “I’m tired,” she said instead.
He raised the material he’d draped over her face, just one corner so that she could only meet his intensely blue gaze with one eye. “You’re kidding, right?”
She shook her head.
He whipped the blindfold off and tossed it aside. “Screw that, sweetheart. I’m going to make you come so hard you faint.”
“I don’t think so.”
Hovering over her now, he smiled, wickedly, diabolically. “Another challenge, I see. That was probably your intent all along.”
“I could take it or leave it,” she answered mildly, then yawned for emphasis. Inside, her body quivered. Now she was starting to want.
“Bitch. You want to make me beg to go down on you.”
Bitch? Ronson called her that, and it irked her. Kyle used the term, and it made her hot. “I’m tied. You can do anything you want.” Okay, maybe one orgasm would be a good thing. Since he was insisting.
He crawled down her body. “What if I brought you to the brink, then stopped?”
If he brought her that close, she’d go off on her own. “Whatever. I told you I’m tired.”
He licked her belly button. It tickled. Reaching up, his eyes on her, he pinched her nipple. Hard. An exquisite bolt of electricity streaked through her body. She trembled, and only his body between her legs held her down.
“Tell me you want it.”
She swallowed. According to her mother, it was a woman’s prerogative to change her mind as often as she wanted, so yeah, Josie wanted that big O. Now. But she didn’t have to let him know how badly. “It’s totally up to you.”
He pinched her nipple again, letting her writhe a moment beneath him. “Naughty, naughty. Admit you want it.”
Oh God, that was good, as if her nipples had a direct line to her clitoris. “Admit you want to do it badly,” she countered.
“You are one tough woman.”
“I always win.” Now
was a big lie. She wasn’t winning in her new job. But who cared about that when she had this delicious man between her legs? If she was going to mix business with pleasure, she’d sure as hell make the most of it. “You want to do it, do it. If you don’t, let me up so I can get dressed. It’s getting late.”
No way was he untying her, she knew. Then again, he might not do anything since she was being so bitchy.
“Ask me nicely,” he said.
She considered. “If it would make you happy, I’ll allow you to lick me.”
He laughed, his abdomen rippling, his breath rushing across the hot skin of her belly. “You don’t give a guy an inch.”
“Hah. You’re way more than an inch, and I gave it my all.”
He licked her hip bone. “So you did. But you still have to beg.”
“I can easily take care of myself later.”
“It’s better when someone else does it for you.”
She simply raised an eyebrow.
“No way.” He stroked her inner thigh. “You’d rather masturbate than have a man go down on you?”
“A vibrator gives a very intense orgasm. Especially when a girl makes a lot of noise while she’s doing it. Wailing makes the inevitable explosion all that much harder.”
Smoothing his fingers through the curls at her apex, he teased just short of the mark. “Let’s test your theory. I’ll get you off, then you do it yourself. We’ll see who’s better.”
What a challenge. “I didn’t bring my vibrator.”
He grinned, then rose slowly, backed off the bed, and turned to his briefcase to rummage a bit.
He’d thought of everything, dammit. “Are you going to get naked?” she asked.
“No,” he said, without turning. “You’re more vulnerable if I’m fully dressed.”
Funnily enough, all the vulnerability she’d felt had vanished. Sex with him was too much fun. “Bastard,” she said, just so he wouldn’t figure that out. “My hands are tied, so how can I use the vibrator?”
He moved swiftly, brandishing the toy like a sword. It was the same one he’d had her use in the car.
“Hmm,” she murmured. “Didn’t we already determine I can do extremely well all by myself? I mean, you watched it.”
“I wasn’t rating the orgasm at the time. This is a better test.”
“What if I lie about it?”
He crossed to the bed, laid the vibrator beside her, and untied her right wrist, leaving her other arm immobilized over her head. “Your body can’t lie.”
He was right, it couldn’t. Besides, she’d get two orgasms for the price of one, and she’d still be running the show. “Will you put a pillow under my head so I don’t strain my neck?”
“Sorry. I didn’t realize.” He pulled one of the small cushions from the head of the bed, put a hand beneath her nape, and settled her gently.
“Thank you. Do I have a time limit?”
“No.” He tipped his head. “Do I?”
“You can take as long as you want.” How could she lose?

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