faerie rift chronicles 01 - faerie rift (59 page)

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Dion walked back to his friends. “We need to leave,” he said and walked towards the car. “We have things to do.”

Manipulator Of Elements
- Water

Chapter 1

At eight in the morning, the day Dion appeared to seek the power of the third element, Officer Karanzen had an unexpected visitor in his office. He’d arrived at seven to check the roster from the night before. He prepared for a visit from Matt, the mall’s representative who dropped by on a regular basis to see if there were any security issues they needed to know about. He expected the little toadie to arrive again unannounced today because that punk Dion had managed to get into the mall and obtain what he needed the day before.

The mall owners had played a new game yesterday and told him to stay out of the way. They wanted to handle the local kid who caused them so much grief. He really didn’t care who gave them a hard time, it was all part of the job. Karanzen understood who the kid was and why he needed to be kept at bay, but the mall didn’t make his job easy. Instead of banning Dion from the mall, they wanted him to be allowed to stroll in with his friends and try to reach whatever place he needed to find. Both times, he wasn’t informed from where the kid had to be stopped until it was too late. They didn’t’ want Dion anywhere near the store managers who had the special powers he needed. They seemed to be threatened by this Dion character and Karanzen couldn’t understand why.

If the mall was sitting over the abyss, why didn’t they unleash one of the fiends which lurked inside it against Dion and his friends? There were all kinds of primordial beasts down there that would have him for breakfast if they were allowed to leave. If the mall owners were supposed to stand guard over the Gates of Hell, why couldn’t they let one of these monstrosities out every now and then? There were ways to keep them under control. Even Karanzen knew how to manage his true form until needed. It shouldn’t be much of an issue for the mall owners.

Karanzen had his uniform on and sat behind his desk, the plans of the mall spread out in front of him. If that kid made it back in here today, it left two sections he would try to reach. He betted on the Blue Sector, as he liked to call the part of the mall in front of him. He didn’t know exactly whom Dion needed to reach, but he was almost certain who it might be based on the kid’s activities the last time. Over the years, he’d developed a feel for these things...

“Come on in,” he yelled at the door upon hearing the knock. It had to be one of his guys, who else would be here this early in the morning? Bert for sure; he didn’t have any interests outside his job. He was always the first to clock in when he pulled the morning shift.

The door opened to reveal a man with silver hair and an expensive suit. He was about his age. Karanzen was good about sizing up a suspect. But this was somebody he needed to show some respect. He shot up in his chair and offered a hand, which the man took.

“Lieutenant Karanzen,” he addressed the man. “I’m the security officer for the mall. Is there something I can help you with today?”

“Just the person I want to see. Seth Bach, I am the chief stockholder in the company which owns the mall.”

Karanzen was right again. This was not someone to be taken lightly. He’d heard the name bantered about and it was someone to which you paid attention.

“Sit down, sir,” Karanzen told him. “I suspect this has to do with the problems we’ve had with some of the local kids?”

Bach seated himself at the chair next to Karanzen’s desk. He picked up a service award from it, looked the award over and returned it to the desk.

“It concerns one kid in particular. Dion Bach.”

Karanzen’s eyes flared. “You have the same last name?’

“That’s right. It is because he’s family. Dion is my nephew. He lives here in the area with my brother, his other uncle.”

“Is there something I need to know about? I was told by Matt there was some concern from the office this kid was allowed into the mall. I told him I would need a reason before he could be banned from it. Are you here to give me that reason?”

“You have some idea why this mall was built,” Bach said. “I know because I was the one that sent Matthew out to find you while the mall was under construction. There are two more people he needs to reach. One today, one tomorrow. If he should reach both of them, we can just forget about this mall and everything else in the world. He needs two more elemental powers to obtain the fifth one. Right now, I’m the only fifth element worker in the world. Another fifth element worker would be one too many.”

“Isn’t there a way you could prevent him from reaching the mall?”

“There are many ways I can keep him out of here, none of which I want to employ while I still have family. If it ever became known I’d caused Dion grief to prevent him from reaching the mall, the rest of my family would hunt me down. I don’t have a desire to be a rabbit on the first day of hunting season, Officer Karanzen. Do I make myself clear?”

“Very clear, sir.”

“I’m glad to hear that, officer. Now excuse me, I have a meeting with some investors.”

He stood up and left the room.


Dion picked up Lilly early the next morning. She was waiting for him out front of her father’s house in the driveway. She jumped in, slammed the door and kissed him on the lips before she sat down in her seat. It was still not ten in the morning, but some of the neighbors were already out working on their yards.

Dion noticed an older neighbor lady glared at him when Lilly climbed into the van. She taught world literature at the high school and didn’t like him. He’d taken her class last year and found it to be weak in the selection. She lowered his grade because he had the audacity to ask her why an obscure Greek poet from the Middle Ages had more significance than Chaucer or Yukio Mishma.

“Everything alright with your parents?” Dion asked Lilly as he put the gear in drive.

“We had a long conversation,” she said. “I hadn’t thought about some things in a long time. Those cheerleader elementals brought them into my head. I’m not sure if it’s all resolved or not, but we’ll talk some more this evening.”

The previous days’ encounter with the cheerleader elementals, the physical representation of air sylphs, was intense, but not as bad as when they had to rescue Emily from the ghoul cleaners the day before. It didn’t matter now that Dion had two of his four elemental powers. This would allow him to pursue the rare fifth elemental power when the time came.

He was concerned about the effects it might have on his other friends who went along on his quest. Sean seemed to be in better spirits when he dropped him off last night. Now that Sean had finally opened up to Emily, she had the option to accept what he felt for her or breaking it off. If nothing else, it would allow them the opportunity to move on in life. Officer Karanzen and his goon squad hadn’t been around that much. It could change once word was passed up to the clock tower in the center, where the offices of the mall were located, that his security guards failed a second time to prevent Dion from obtaining one of his elemental powers. And they’d learned the man who created the mall was none other than Dion’s own uncle, Seth Bach. As far as Dion knew, his parents were still imprisoned in the clock tower at the center of the mall.

“Do you want to talk about it?” Dion asked Lilly as they headed over to Emily’s house to pick up her and Sean.

Both Sean and Emily insisted on returning to the mall with him and Lilly the next day. They wanted to see the quest through to the end. Dion needed two more powers from the elemental grandmasters before he had all four abilities and the strength to tackle the fifth, which no elemental worker had done in generations. His uncle claimed to possess the power of the fifth element, but had learned it by the dreaded left hand path method. His uncle had not mastered the other elements before it.

“They finally realize I’m not six years old,” Lilly explained to Dion. “Mom told me last night the hardest thing she ever did was admit my sister was a woman and could make her own decisions. I think they want to protect me from the world, but I told them the way to do it is not by locking me away.”

Dion didn’t know how to respond. He’d always had a very open relationship with his parents and never got into trouble in school. He decided years ago it had to do with the way the different element workers were placed into the world at large. You had to be careful that no one saw you create a homunculus or light a campfire with a salamander. It tended to make a kid listen to what his parents had to tell him or her. He remembered watching a nasty water nymph elemental near a group of kids swimming in a lake. Dion was able to coax them all back onto the bank until the elemental left. He was relieved he didn’t have to tell them the reason.

Sean and Emily were waiting for them as he drove up to her father’s house. It took him a few minutes to locate the two as they were under a weeping willow tree on the front yard in the throes of passion. Dion was a little embarrassed to watch Emily as she ran her arms up the back of Sean, and Lilly tried to restrain a smile as they saw them.

“He’ll end up with another bite mark on his neck,” Lilly snickered.

“It will match the one he came home with last night,” Dion sighed.

The two spent the drive home in the backseat last night all over each other. Dion was on the verge of letting them know about the audience in the front when he pulled up to Sean’s house. It took Sean a good minute to untangle Emily from him before he could get out of the van. Emily swooned all the way back home.

Dion waited a few minutes and beeped the horn.

Emily looked over Sean’s shoulder as he turned around with a look of embarrassment. Both of them tried to act normal as they walked up to the van. Sean had turned beet red by the time he was opening the van door.

“I hope we didn’t interrupt anything,” Lilly said to them as they climbed into the back. Dion was quiet; his attention was on the road and the quest that lay in front of them.

Dion parked the van near the third section of the mall. He starred out of the windshield and looked at the main entrance door, which marked the interior to the “water” side of the mall. He couldn’t see Karanzen or his security guards, but he knew they were inside.

The previous evening, Dion had dropped Emily off at her father’s house right after they took Sean home. Emily was quiet all the way back, until, a mile from their destination; Lilly spoke and broke the silence.

“What brought all that on?” she asked Emily. “You’ve been tolerating Sean for the past year and now you’re acting like he’s your long lost soul mate? What changed?”

“I saw a lot of what was inside him. He saw a lot of what was inside me. Something about those cheerleaders, being in close proximity to them merged us on the inside. I don’t know how to explain it, but it brought us together. I woke up an hour after you left and realized where I was in that back room.”

After their encounter with the elementals the previous day, Dion had let them sleep in a back room at a bedding company.

“Do you know,” she continued, “Sean was sitting in a chair fast asleep because he didn’t want me to think he would take advantage of me? He’d moved the chair to the front of the door. He wanted to be there in case anyone tried to come in before I was awake. I knew what happened outside the mall when you stood down those cheerleader elementals. He remembers too. Neither of us could do anything, but we were there when it happened and saw it all. It wasn’t until we were awake that we were in full control of our own minds. In between, we blended somehow and saw a lot of the bad stuff in each other’s heads. He knows about the way my I found my dad in the backyard alone when mom left. I know the hurt his own mother caused him all the years he was growing up. I can’t be separated from him now. I don’t know how to explain it, but we know too much about each other.”

Dion knew the elementals could alter a person’s inner mind if they were too close to them for any length of time. It was one of the reasons so few people could see elementals or even know they existed. It was dangerous to work with any particular elemental for long. Humans could build an attachment to them and would lose their sense of perspective. From there it was a short trip to insanity. This, however, was the first time he’d ever heard of more than one person being around elementals as powerful as those air sylph cheerleaders were.

That night, they’d let Emily off in front of her father’s house. Dion and Lilly watched Emily bounce up to the front door. She unlocked it with her key and let herself in. The light inside stayed on as they pulled away.

“What do you think?” Lilly asked Dion. “Seems to me she’s in love.”

Emily had locked the door from the other side and turned to fix her face in the mirror. She adjusted her top and removed her shoes before turning off the living room lights. In the family room, she could hear the noise of the TV. It was late, but her father liked to stay up and watch the news and then whatever was on afterwards. These days most of the TV stations stayed on the air until the early hours of the morning. On the weekend, several of them never quit broadcasting as the late, late movie finished just in time for the daily farm report. Someday they might run nonstop.

“How was your trip to the mall?” her dad asked. He was an average-sized man who worked in a technical field where most of his colleges were other men.

“It was fine,” she told him. Emily turned to see her reflection in the window to the backyard just in time to see the bite mark on her neck.

“Sure you strictly went to the mall?” he asked her again. “You know, in my day the girls had enough sense to wear high collars.”

Emily looked to the ground in embarrassment. What was she going to say? Her dad had caught her again. When her mother was still at home, she didn’t have to worry. He was too busy staying up at night wondering if his wife would ever return home to give his daughter much concern.

“I know I haven’t been the best father you could ask for, but, Emily, I worry about you. I know your mother isn’t around to and never took much interest in you when she was at home, but I’m trying to make up for it.”

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