Fading Into Darkness: The Under Series Book 2 (35 page)

BOOK: Fading Into Darkness: The Under Series Book 2
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I briefly looked around then back at Kenzie and placed my hand on his shoulder.
“Good,” he said holding my hand in his and placing his other hand on the small of my back.
“It's easy just move with me and try not to trip over that massive cupcake you're wearing.”
“Hey, you said you liked it and isn't that puffy, not like the other dresses in here.” I said looking at
the lady nearest to us, she looked weighed down from the amount of dress puffed up around her
“Ready Cups?”
“No.” I replied dreading the very thought of dancing in front of all these strangers. I could just
imagine myself falling over my own foot and landing face first onto the floor.
Kenzie pulled me around and danced me all over the dance floor. We spent the next few hours
together with him teaching me how to dance.
But I couldn't forget about what Alex had said. It was really bugging me. What had Senka gone up
to HP to pick up? I was still thinking about it when Kenzie interrupted me in my little think bubble.
“So what are you thinking about? I can practically see the clogs turning inside your head.” he asked.
“Nothing.” I said while quickly thinking of something else to say, I didn't want to tell him I couldn't
stop thinking about Senka or Jessie. He was probably fed up of hearing about it.
“A while back one of my childhood memories resurfaced. Cam was there with his raven. I think I
was five or six or something like that and I was playing out in the garden and you appeared out of
nowhere to fetch Cam.”
He smiled. “You remember that?”
I nodded. “You knew me before I even knew you existed.” I said smiling.
“But I wouldn't have guessed we'd be such good friends.” he said pulling a silly face to make me
“Thank you for distracting me tonight.”
“You're welcome, but to be honest I don't know how well it's working. You look like you're
somewhere else behind those eyes.”
“Hmm,” I mumbled to myself.
“I'm probably the luckiest guy in here, getting to dance with the prettiest girl.” he said spinning me
under his arm. “Ugh! What does he want?” Kenzie grumbled as he pulled me back to him.
“Who?” I asked looking around.
“Em and he's headed this way, but he will have to catch us first.”
I laughed as Kenzie spun me out at arms length, I curled back into him and he danced me around
the ballroom passed all the different people and under their arms making our way as far away as
possible from Emmett.
“I think we lost him.” Kenzie said dipping me back. I caught a blur of colour as it whizzed past my
eyes while I was upside down. Kenzie pulled me back up and Emmett was standing behind him.
“Hi Em,” I said letting Kenzie know Emmett was behind him.
Kenzie looked over his shoulder, annoyed didn't even cover the look Kenzie was giving him.
“Hi Ruby. Can I steal you away for one dance?” Emmett asked.
“She's dancing with me.” Kenzie said.
“You've been dancing with Ruby for well over an hour.” Emmett said.
He tried to grab my hand from Kenzie but Kenzie moved it away from him.
“Really, we're going to play that game?” Emmett asked trying to pull me away, but Kenzie spun me
out of his reach. “You two are so childish sometimes.” Emmett said getting huffy with us.
I looked at Kenzie. “Just one dance and I'll be back.”
“But I don't like sharing.” Kenzie pouted.
“Oh disappear already.” Emmett said pushing his way in between us.
Kenzie rolled his eyes and made a rather explicit hand gesture behind Emmett's head then he faded.
I giggled. “What's funny?” Emmett asked.
“Nothing.” I replied.
Emmett placed his hand on my back and held my hand, his hand was warm compared to Kenzie's. I
hadn't realised how cold my hand was until now. Emmett danced with me at a slightly slower pace.
“You know I'm not the nuisance you make me out to be.” he said.
“Who said you were a nuisance?”
“I know what people say about me behind my back Ruby. I hoped when you arrived we'd become
good friends. Instead you and Kenzie made your own club.”
“Yeah but we let you play with us sometimes” I joked.
“Maybe someday you will trust me like you trust Kenzie.”
“Doubtful. You're so far up Cam's...”
“Okay, okay there's no need for that.”
“It's true though, it's the reason I kept my distance from you.”
“I have something you want.” he said searching the room with his eyes.
“Coke and vodka.”
“No. Something better.”
“Okay Em what is it you have that you think I want?”
“Maybe you should trust me more. I'm looking out for you as well.”
I shrugged. I had no idea what he was talking about. He looked around craning his neck, he
reminded me of a meerkat on its back legs. He quickly walked me back over to the water feature,
looking behind us every few steps.
He stood behind me and held onto my shoulders as he turned me towards the water feature. The
water trickled down and silhouettes of people blurred on the other side.
“What are you doing?” I asked, as I tried to pry his hands away from my shoulders.
“Stop being so awkward and just look.”
He let go of my shoulders and grabbed my head so I was facing the water.
“Look at what? Are you crazy? Get off me.”
“There.” he said angling my head to the right.
A dark figure appeared on the other side of the water. Emmett's hands fell away and I walked closer
to the blurry image. I don't think I could have stopped my feet even if I'd wanted to. My face was
inches away from the water, I was so close I felt a small watery spot land on my cheek.
He was standing on the other side dressed all in black the same colour as his hair. His green eyes
bore into me and my skin tingled with excitement.
I looked back at Emmett. He nodded his head at me and disappeared into the crowd. I walked along
the edge of the water and the blur mimicked my pace on the other side. I quickly glanced across the
ballroom checking for Cam, but there were so many people everywhere that I couldn't see him,
hopefully he couldn't see me either. My heart fumbled a beat and I found myself walking faster
towards the end of the water feature, I turned at the end and collided into him, he quickly grabbed
my wrist and pulled me to the side door. The side of the ballroom had many doors with balconies
but tonight most of them were shut. He opened one and pulled me in front of him through the door,
he checked back to see no one was following us. Outside was dark the only light came from the
balcony wall which was lit up with fairy lights giving off a small glow. He ran over to me and threw
his arms around me. My fingers dug into his back as I desperately clung to him, not wanting to let
go. His hands were everywhere, in my hair, down the sides of my face, down my arms, they stopped
at my neck as I tilted my head up to look at him.
“I never thought I'd see you again. One of them stuck a bag on my head and dragged me out, I
thought they were going to kill me.” he said.
He was wearing a clean long sleeve black T-shirt that hung loosely on him, his wrists poked out at
the sleeves and I grabbed one to have a look at. The skin was reddish from where the chains had
rubbed for so long. I then inspected his face, he looked tired but his lips didn't look cracked
anymore but there was a scar running along the side of his cheekbone. I reached up without thinking
and touched it.
“This is all my fault.” I whispered as my eyes started watering.
He shook his head and held my face in his hands. “None of this is your fault.” he said lowering his
face closer to mine.
I couldn't wait any longer I needed to feel his lips on mine. I reached up to him digging my fingers
into his hair as he pushed his lips against mine. He kiss was hard and forceful, but there wasn't
anything to dislike about it. In fact I liked a little too much. I kissed him back with the same amount
of force and he moaned digging his fingers into my back. The kiss felt desperate as though we both
knew it could be our last.
He finally pulled away but he didn't go far, his lips moved down to my neck as he trailed kisses
along it and my hands slid under his shirt. His lips found mine again and I gripped onto his belt
pulling him closer to me. He finally pulled away breathing hard.
“Come away with me.” he said breathing loudly. “Let's go now. You and me.”
“I can't it's not that simple.” I said trying to regulate my breathing.
“Yes it is. We can leave right now. He can't keep you down here.”
I looked at his face placing my hand on his cheek. I didn't think he knew about the contract. I think
Cam had released him without bringing him up to speed on the situation. If he knew I was planning
to marry Cam for his release, who knew what he would do. He might try to hurt Cam and who knew
what Cam was capable of.
“You need to go.” I said panicking.
“What? I'm not leaving without you.”
“You have to.”
“No. What are you talking about? What has he done to make you want to stay here?”
“Nothing. I just can't go with you.”
I took a step back as his eyes searched my face for answers.
“Ruby,” he reached for me but I moved away and backed myself into the balcony wall.
He frowned and moved over to me so quickly I didn't have time to blink. He tilted my head back
and bought his mouth down onto mine, crushing his body hard against mine so much so that the
balcony wall dug into the back of me, but I hardly noticed.
I heard a crunching sound and quickly tore my lips away from his.
Senka stood a few feet away. He was wearing a black tux with a black shirt underneath finished off
with a black tie. It suddenly clicked in my head why he'd gone up to HP. To rent a tux. He wanted to
surprise me. I was surprised but for all the wrong reasons.
Broken glass pieces were scattered on the floor and blood dripped from Senka's clenched fist.
His blue eyes filled with rage and his whole body looked tense.
“Senka,” I said trying to get his attention away from Jessie.
I pulled myself free from Jessie's arms but he was unwilling to let me go and tried to pull me back
to him. As much as I wanted to be wrapped up in his arms I didn't want this situation to escalate
“Don't touch her.” Senka growled.
I didn't know what to do or who to stand next to, so I stood awkwardly in-between them.
Emmett came falling through the door with Kenzie pulling him back up by his collar.
“How is this helping?” Kenzie asked smacking Emmett on the back of the head.
“Cam's looking for her and he's heading this way.” Kenzie said holding onto the door handle encase
anyone tried to open it. I looked back at Jessie and a tear rolled down the side of my face.
“Go,” I mouthed at him.
He didn't move, but Emmett soon crashed into him and pushed him towards the balcony.
“Move or do you want to go back to Hell?” Em shouted at him.
Jessie took one final look at me before launching himself over the balcony. Emmett jumped over
after him and the door handle rattled. I could hardly focus as I stumbled over to Senka, my eyes
were blurring with tears. I reached up slowly running my hands along his chest stopping at his
shoulders. He was staring straight forward and wouldn't even look at me. He looked like he was in
“Senka,” I said shaking his shoulders gently to get him to look at me. The door rattled some more
and Cam finally pushed his way through. Kenzie moved to the side and went down to the floor
pretending to tie his shoe laces.
“What is going on? What was wrong with the door?” Cam asked looking between us.
Senka reached up and pulled my hands away and pushed me aside. He walked inside and I gasped
out loud trying to breathe. I had momentarily forgotten how to breath. I collapsed to the floor on my
knees crying.
“What's wrong?” Cam asked Kenzie. “Did he do something to her?” Cam asked referring to Senka.
“No.” Kenzie shot back before Cam did anything too hasty.
My eyes filled with tears. My insides felt like they were tearing as I violently gasped for air.
Cam and Kenzie walked over to me and lifted me to my feet by my elbows and Kenzie hugged me
to him.
“What's wrong with her?” Cam asked.
“Cam please just give us a minute.” Kenzie said to him.
Cam left us alone and Kenzie handed me a tissue to wipe my eyes.
“I can't go back out there.” I said.
Kenzie smiled and led me to the balcony. The ballroom was on the ground level but this side of the
manor was on a grassy verge, so all of the balconies stuck out over the verge. He helped my up onto
the balcony, I let go and he faded and caught me at the bottom. Jessie had disappeared with Emmett
and the gardens were dark enough so no one saw us walking amongst the trees. I took a side door
back into the manor and went back to my room. I laid on my bed in tears crying until I felt numb.
Thankfully Cam never came looking for me. I sat up thinking over my options. There were none.
All I had was Senka, he was the only thing I had down here. My eyes felt puffy and tired from
crying. I quickly snapped out of it and pulled myself together and changed out of my dress and
slipped on a loose grey jumper and some skinny jeans. I checked my face in the bathroom mirror, it
was as bad as I expected. Puffy eyes and blotchy skin. I dabbed my face with a cold flannel which
helped mildly.
I went upstairs looking for Senka. I didn't bother to check the games rooms I knew he'd be in his
room. When I reached his door it was ajar.
“Senka,” I called opening his door further.
There was no reply so I went inside. The room looked different. Drawers had been left open and the
closet door was wide open with a bare rail except for a few hoodies and jackets. On closer
inspection of the room I saw hangers strewn across the floor. I went into his bathroom and switched
the light on, things were missing from the shelf. I walked back into his bedroom in a state of shock.
I didn't have to be a detective to realise what had happened. Senka had packed some of his stuff and
left in a hurry.
Alex appeared in the doorway. He frowned and walked inside.
“What happened to Senk's room?”
“He's gone.” was all I managed to say.
I sat on the edge of the bed while Alex walked around the room and into the bathroom and back out.
I jumped up and ran over to him. “Phone him.”
Alex scrunched up his eyebrows considering it, but not sure if he should.
“Alex phone him. Now!”
“Okay, okay.”
He took out his cellphone and scrolled through for Senka's number. He lifted the cell to his ear.
“Did you two have a fight or something?” he asked waiting for the call to connect.
“Don't.” I said shaking my head running my fingers through my hair.

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