Facing Off with Alexi (Witch Field Prowlers Book 2) (8 page)

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Authors: Selena Illyria

Tags: #Contemporary, #Multicultural

BOOK: Facing Off with Alexi (Witch Field Prowlers Book 2)
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He just waved a hand but didn’t move his cap off his features. “Dinner.”

“Okay.” She made herself a strawberry and chicken salad with a strawberry milkshake for balance and settled herself in for junk television. After several of her brain cells got killed off watching housewives fight, she returned to movies, this time a classic sci-fi trilogy about good and evil with robots and laser sword fights. Buoyed by the triumph of heroes, she decided to try her hand at the grill for tonight’s menu: boneless barbecue chicken breasts, potato wedges, a summer greens salad, and for dessert, s’mores. She’d changed into a sundress and set up the back porch with candles and lanterns, creating a more romantic tone.

Alexi returned to the house with his clothes soaked through and his fishing equipment drenched.

“What happened?” She pressed her lips together to keep from chuckling.

“Damned bird landing on the edge of the boat. Let off this huge screech, startled me, and I fell in.” He put his tackle and pole down against the far wall before he stripped off his T-shirt, undid his fly, and shoved down his shorts, leaving him in only his boxers and sneakers.

Her mouth went dry. She’d seen him naked once before. Alexi was a work of art, all muscle and sinew. Tanned skin stretched over toned and well-defined muscle. His hair seemed whiter, burnished by his time spent outdoors, even if it had only been two days. He gave her a dark grin, kicked off his shorts, and strode toward her, a king in his domain, confidence radiating out of every stride. He didn’t stop until he had her scooped into his arms and an unquestionable erection pressing into her stomach. She wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist, pressing herself against him until not even air could get between them.

“Well…” The word gusted out of her mouth on a breath. “Welcome home.” Heat cascaded through her chest, climbed up her throat, and filled her face.

“Hi.” He brushed his lips against hers, a whisper of skin that left her mouth tingling and aching for more contact. Arousal flared to life in the pit of her stomach. Liquid need flooded her pussy, dampening her nether lips and soaking her panties. Her nipples tightened to hardened points. It had seemed like a century since last she’d had him like this, solid muscle pressed against her softer curves. The thick ridge of his erection between them sent a shiver of need through her. Her vaginal muscles constricted; an ache took up residence deep inside her womb. She moved her head forward, taking his lips with more pressure, only to have him withdraw.


“Not yet.” He placed her on her feet and gave her a quick peck on the lips. “Have to go shower. Thanks for making dinner.”

“Damn you, Kurraine!” The only problem was she didn’t know how to make dinner romantic or sexy. There was no way she would sit through dinner naked. As amusing as it would be to drip barbecue sauce on her breasts, the idea of the additive of grease didn’t make the idea more appealing. She could try the bandeau approach but felt that it had already been done and hadn’t gotten a rise out of him. So instead, she settled for using words, phrases, and innuendo to get her way or at least to get her revenge.

After a brief look over to make sure that everything was in place, she sat at the table and waited for him. He returned in just shorts, no shirt or shoes.

She raised an eyebrow. “Trying to distract me?”

He chuckled and took his place across from her. “No, just trying to cool off. It was hot and humid around the pond. No fish as usual but relaxing.”

“Yeah, I saw you, taking a nap. Is that how we fish nowadays? Sleep and let the pole and line do all the work? I thought there would be more activity.” She picked up the plate of chicken and passed it to him.

“That would be if we’re on the open seas. Here we relax and let it happen.” He winked at her, damn him.

She tried to ignore her desires and focus on the meal. Throughout dinner words formed, but nothing rolled off her tongue. Alexi saved her by asking about her day. Relief swept through her at the opening he gave. She told him about the stops at the farm stands, checking in on the fair, and whom she spoke to.

“I’m sure they’ll have the stuff finished tomorrow. We can go if you want. This is really good, honey. Thank you.” He grinned at her.

She ducked her head. “Welcome. Figure it was my turn at the grill.” She grinned.

“I am not a grill hog. The coach’s birthday is Friday, by the way. ”

“I wasn’t trying to say that. I just wanted to make something for us to eat. Okay.” Words failed her.

“And our special Popsicle drinks.” He gave her another wink.

She laughed. “Wanna get me drunk? I will be very aware of what happens, especially since that is when I will win my bet.”

“Oh, you’ve been playing me all this time, honey? We’ll see about that.” Mischief danced in his eyes.

Her tummy flipped at his stare. She swallowed. A sense of disquiet filled her. “Don’t you dare try anything funny,” she warned.

“Would I do that?” His features transformed into a mask of innocence, but the devil remained in his eyes.

“Yes”—she pointed at him—“yes, you would. I won’t fall for it.”

He grunted. “So movie night, I’m going to suggest classic noir.”

She thought it over. “Okay, s’mores are all ready.”

He nodded. “Deal.”

For a second, her gaze took in the room, and she sighed. The gauzy light, the shadows that played in the corners, the soft night music beyond the screens and door, and the cool breeze that drifted into the room causing the candle flames to flicker—all of it wasted, it seemed. She didn’t know how to do romance with him. It always turned to something comfortable with them. Nothing special.

Alexi shook his head. “Don’t. I love this. We’re comfortable with each other, and this is special. It’ll just be my turn next time. Now you clear the table, and I’ll get dessert, okay, beautiful?”

She nodded. A warm glow began in her belly and spread through her body in a gentle wave. “I’ve always been crap with trying to do something romantic,” she confessed.

“Don’t worry about it. You’ll just have to wait until I try and wow you.” He winked at her again before he pushed back his chair and got up. “I’ll get dessert.”

She glanced down at her plate. The orange glaze gleamed up at her. “Wow, I didn’t realize that I’d finished.” She chuckled.

“That’s because the meal was so good, honey.” He took her plate and utensils. “I’ll be back with the s’mores. You get settled on the couch.” He nodded toward the house.

“I get too used to this, I may not go back to my apartment in the city and move in with you.” A ping hit her heart, and she regretted the words as soon as they came out of her mouth. A teasing reminder of the one hurdle she didn’t in her heart of hearts think they could overcome. It all seemed like too much work to her for something that would make them that much more resentful of the distance. Rather than wait for his response, she followed him into the cabin and got started on their nightly ritual.

Maybe if I lose myself in the movie and being snuggled up to him, I’ll forget
. She hoped that was the case. The sound of dishes being rinsed off reminded her of just how sweet Alexi could be. Tears blurred her vision for a second, and that damned heart-of-hearts place opened up, revealing what she wanted: to move back home and give it a go for real, but her biggest fear of all was losing him when the distance became too much. Being friends was one thing. Becoming more was another. They would have to work triple overtime for it. She wasn’t sure she had the commitment, what with her job taking up so much room in her life right now.

She wiped away a few stray pearls of water and put on her best front, hoping that Alexi wouldn’t notice. Take the rest of this week and treasure it, she told herself.
Next time I may lose him when it all gets too much.

“Hey? Here you go.” He handed her a bowl with the s’mores sitting on the top.

“Thanks!” Her voice was too bright, and she knew it.

Alexi narrowed his eyes but, thank God, didn’t say anything. Instead, he settled in next to her, kissed her temple, and wrapped her up in a one-armed hug before starting the movie.

“Whatever it is, Ti, we’ll get through it together, understand? It’s always been like that and always will be like that.”

Yeah, you say that now, she thought.

Chapter Nine

They arrived at Coach’s farm before anyone else. They were put to work cooking and placing the food. Seeing Tianna in a setting where she could bond with his team family made his heart lighter and filled his soul with a happy fire that couldn’t be dampened. Even when pearl-gray clouds rolled in and the distant sound of thunder could be heard, he kept that grin in place and just moved the tables and chairs into the empty barn. Every once in a while he felt Tianna’s hand graze his lower back or give his butt a gentle slap when no one was looking.

Last night he’d left his door open and masturbated, letting her hear every moan and groan. She’d responded by doing the same thing until he’d heard her come. He, on the other hand, hadn’t found his bliss. Instead, he’d been left unfulfilled and irritated that he hadn’t been with her. Now some of that unresolved passion reared its head. The arrival of his teammates and members of the coaching staff helped keep his mind from how tight his pants were, with no place to sneak off to—he wouldn’t do that to his friends and family—and no relief in sight. He’d just have to grin and bear it. His long T-shirt covered the evidence of his frustration.

He spotted Brice with his arm wrapped around his girlfriend, Ava. Alexi made a beeline for them, greeting people as he went. Snatches of league gossip and news drifted around him. Just as he reached his friend, Coach let out a loud whistle. “Hey! No league talk. Just enjoy the party.”

Alexi chuckled. He doubted anyone would give Coach’s command any serious mind. The men couldn’t help it, and with their new team members from the draft, the shop talk only increased as people got to know everyone.

“Hey, Brice, Ava.” He nodded to Ava.

“Hey, yourself. Is that Tianna?” Ava tilted her head in the direction of his best friend.

“Yup.” Pride swelled in his chest at the ability to claim a close relationship with her.

“Gorgeous. Good job, Alexi. Didn’t think you had it in you,” Brice teased.

Alexi rolled his eyes. “Talk all you want, but you’re damn lucky you landed Ava here or I would’ve had to step in.” He was only kidding but knew it would ruffle Brice’s feathers.

“Not on your life, bro. She was always mine.” Brice gave him a huge grin only to let out a soft, “Omph.”

“Not always. Don’t get a big head, and I mean the one on your shoulders. Anyway, I’ll go say hi. You behave and don’t eat all the potato chips.” A warning glinted in Ava’s eyes.

Both men nodded. “Yes, ma’am,” they said in unison.

Ava laughed. “Dorks, both of you.” She wandered away to join Tianna.

“So, how are you?” Brice nudged. Something flashed in his eyes.

Alexi sighed. They knew each other so well. “She’s driving me nuts, and we have this crazy bet going. I don’t know how long I can go on without giving in. There are scout cookies on the line.”

Brice whistled. “Where the hell did you get those?”

“A hookup in town. Anyway, so I’m hoping to get through this without losing my mind.” Alexi knew he would give in to Ti’s sexiness before long.

Brice clapped him on the shoulder and shook his head before answering. “Just let her win, man. That’s what I learned. Convince her to just go with it. It helps get some things out of the way, and then you can deal with the other shit. Oh look, there’s Blue. Let’s go say hi.” An evil spark lit up Brice’s green eyes.

“You are such an ass. Yes, let’s go say hi.” They made their way over to the newbie teammate, and they weren’t the only ones. Jokes, handshakes, teasing, and personal questions ensued until they knew enough about their new friend to pull several pranks throughout the year. Alexi didn’t get so lost in the bonding that he didn’t keep tabs on Tianna throughout their time there. Seeing his opportunity, he rushed over to help her with the coach’s birthday cake. All through the celebratory song, he stood hip to hip with her. He reached out and twined his fingers with hers, stroking over the back of her hand with his thumb. She didn’t pull away, only tightened her hold on him. Electricity rushed up and down his arm at the simple touch. She returned the favor by mimicking his actions on him.

A fever slithered into his blood. The barn became too hot and confining, the crowd of his teammates too close and claustrophobia inducing. The sound of the distant incoming storm added to the tension tightening between them. Each breath he took was weighted with unsaid words and noises. In his head he heard her moans, her pleas for him to fuck her hard, faster. His heartbeat raced in time with her demands. He could feel the ghost of her nails scratching up his back, marking his flesh as hers. The heavy thud of his pulse in his shaft reminded him of how tight his boxers and jeans had become, adding to the pressure to escape with her and find a place where they could forget the bet, their possible problems with distance, and focus on what truly mattered: being together. He squeezed her hand and glanced down at her.

She gazed up at him and nodded before she mouthed,
Let’s go.

He grinned. A crack of lightening electrified the atmosphere, and Coach whistled again. “Okay, folks. Time to pack this up. Go now. Don’t stay behind. We want you to be safe. We’ll do this again sometime later this month before training camp, promise. Now, git!”

In that moment Alexi could’ve kissed his coach. Instead, like the rest of his teammates and extended family, they all fled to their cars, he and Tianna laughing all the way. By the time they got there, they were breathless, and the sky had opened up, but the downfall wasn’t heavy. They scrambled into the truck and slammed the doors, shutting out the others and the rest of the world. Warmth brushed against his bare arms and traced patterns on his hands. She reached over and caressed his flesh, setting off a ripple of electricity.

He sucked in a breath as her touch moved up his limb, down his side, and over his thigh to give it a squeeze. A rush of arousal slipped up his cock, causing it to press against the fabric. The discomfort drove him to turn on the SUV, put it gear, and peal out of the space and down the driveway, mindful of the other vehicles trying to get out too. He slowed down; the rain-slickened streets caused caution.

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