Fabio's Remorse (Hell Raiders MC Book 5) (17 page)

BOOK: Fabio's Remorse (Hell Raiders MC Book 5)
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I finished with the woman who had the misfortune to stand in for Justine Carson tonight, and swallowed a pill as I closed up her house and left. Soon. Only a bit longer, and I would take her, and finish what I started all those years ago. Bitch was supposed to die then, but somehow, she didn't. I refined my technique since then, and they all died now.

What started as a search for a loose end quickly turned into a fucking obsession. I tracked her patiently, isolated her, like any good predator. Every time, just as I was ready to move in for the kill, things started to go wrong. She changed her phone number. She moved. And then she moved back to her folks' place.

All those obstacles only served to make the chase interesting. They made me think, hone my skills. Finally, I had her against the wall, with no refuge left. And while I heightened her fear, and watched while she fell to pieces, an enemy came in and swept her away.

I'd have already had her if that fucking biker hadn't come along. How the fuck did a meek little mouse like her hook up with a criminal?

The more I turned the question over in my mind, the more I
to know. Of course, I knew it wasn't normal, but that didn't matter to me. Last thing I wanted to be was fucking normal. The word
described me better. The more extreme, the more I liked it.

Careful to stay alert, I walked the three blocks from the latest Justine's house to where I left my truck. In an ideal world, I would have the resources to change out vehicles, and not have to worry about my ride being spotted in the vicinity of a kill. Since the world wasn't ideal, I improvised.

As I drove toward home, I turned back the question of how my meek little Justine happened to know a biker. Perhaps a relative? Or family friend? I already knew for a fact she had no male friends. I made sure she could barely be in the same room with a man. So, this biker, he came from someone else. Maybe her father. I should have killed that old bastard as soon as she moved back home.

Not far from the house I used to share with my brother, I pulled into the lot at O'Hare's Pub. I'd worked up an appetite, and the thought of my limited cooking skills nauseated me at the moment. A burger and a beer seemed like the perfect solution.

"Hey, Roger, ready for the usual?"

I smiled and nodded at the pretty waitress, and headed for my usual booth. As far as the people near my home were concerned, I was quiet, kind of shy, and harmless. If they only knew. Maybe after I finished with the real Justine, I would pay a visit to the waitress.

She headed my way with my beer, then turned back toward the bar. "Oh, hey, Barney, turn that up? I missed it earlier, we were too busy." She put the bottle on my table, and nodded toward the TV. "Can you believe that shit?"

The evening news came on, and my handiwork provided the opening headlines. "Heard a little about it the other day on the radio." A heady sense of accomplishment struck as I listened to the details. They had no clues whatsoever.

Anger also flooded my system with a red haze. In an office somewhere, a detective, or FBI agent, had probably given me a code name, based on what he thought he knew about me. But that name was still being withheld. Oddly, even though the media had labeled me a serial killer, so far, no public name from them, either. They were usually the first to start building notoriety for a serial killer, and they continued to treat me like some sort of petty criminal. That bothered me.

I was prolific, and I left no clues behind. I deserved a name. If nobody leaked the cops' code name for me, I might have to come up with my own, and make sure the reporters started using it. It had to be good though. Not a location name, or a few letters to abbreviate what I did to them. It had to be memorable, too, since it would be in the books with the likes of Son Of Sam, and Jack The Ripper.

I went back to the Justine puzzle as my burger came. She really upped the stakes when she left with that biker. Now, I not only had to locate her again, I had to find a way to kill him, too. I smiled to myself. This presented an opportunity for growth. I should thank her. Maybe I would call her tomorrow, and show my appreciation. So far, I had killed only women, and only one at a time. If I did it right, this one would move me to the next level.

I needed to plan carefully, though. The biker presented a far deadlier prey than a woman, and not only because of his size. Males were instinctively more aggressive. Even if he actually possessed no skills or training, a man fought back more readily than a woman. I had to keep that in mind.

First though, I had to figure out who he was, and where he had taken Justine. A biker shouldn't be too hard to find here, thankfully. Another twenty-four hours, and I would have them in my sights. I allowed myself a smile, ready to celebrate my promotion.

"You look pleased with something." The waitress came over and placed the check on my table. "Good day at work?"

I looked up and smiled. "One of the best. Sort of a promotion. The work will be more demanding, but the rewards will be greater, too."

She smiled back. "Aw, I'm glad to hear that. We should all be lucky enough to enjoy our work."

"Very true. I can't imagine having to do something I hate every day." Yes, after I finished with Justine, this waitress would be a nice little reward for a job well done.




Waking up naked in Fabio's arms, seemed like some kind of dream. Of course, my fears were still there, but he'd been careful to build trust and give me the control. An immense sense of accomplishment filled me. We took back something that man tried to steal from us forever, had managed to steal for a long time.

I lay there for a long time, watching him sleep. My initial feeling about his differences from the boy I'd known as Caleb still seemed accurate. I wanted to know everything about this man, all the events in his life that tempered him like hardened steel. This man possessed facets I had only caught brief glimpses of, and needed to know so much more about.

Doubt blasted through me. Here I was, naked, and in bed with a man I hardly knew. How stupid could you get? I did not do that sort of thing. I still loved him, even with all the changes, but why did I think things would work out? He would eventually go back to Kentucky with his club. My life was here. Distance had contrived to tear us apart before.

Maybe he would consider staying in Duncan? The children wouldn't want to be uprooted and moved across the country. Especially Nicole. Leaving behind friends and everything familiar was very difficult for girls her age. Tearing them away from the memory of their parents seemed unnecessarily cruel, too. Periodic visits to the graves to gain a feeling of closeness was often an important part of coping. If they were across the country, they would lose that.

I added up the mental arguments to keep him here. Would it all outweigh the pull for him to go back to Kentucky? He had a life there, friends he cared for, work. As I thought about it, I realized I really had nothing to hold me here. Work had become a refuge, but also a prison of sorts. I had isolated myself from all my old friends and extended family. The only ones left were my parents, and the way things had gone with my mother, I had no interest in remaining near her. So that left my Dad. He and I were close, but I knew he would prefer I be happy, rather than living like a prisoner. So maybe leaving with Fabio wasn't such a bad idea.

What would it be like to go to the grocery store without getting physically ill? Away from the locations that haunted my memories, I might be able to manage that.

I suddenly felt like a fool. Here I was, assuming he would even want me to go back with him. How could he ever trust me, after what I did to him?

His phone beeped an alarm, and he groaned before reaching to turn it off. "Morning, baby." He stretched and kissed the top of my head. "Wanna get a shower together before time to get the kids moving?"

Wicked images flowed through my mind, creating tension in my belly. I nodded, and he scooped me up and carried me to the bathroom, ignoring my startled resistance. Holding back my surprised squeal resulted in a fit of giggles.

The quiet rumble of his voice filled the bathroom as he kicked the door shut and set me down. "Gotta piss like a fucking race horse." He took care of that task without a hint of modesty, then started the water. "That should be nice and warm in a minute."

I nodded, my bladder about to burst, and wondered how I was going to manage to pee with him there. I shifted from one foot to the other, extremely uncomfortable. "Um, Fabio?"

"Yeah, baby?"

Embarrassment set my face aflame. "I…um…I really need to pee."

"Uh, okay?" He really had no clue.

"Could you maybe, um, step out, for just a minute?"

Realization set in, and he grinned devilishly. "Baby, in case you forgot, I was all up in that sweet pussy last night. Kinda late to get all shy on me. But okay, I need to grab us towels anyway. Back in a minute." Just like that, he left, naked and half hard, still without any sign of modesty.

I took care of business as quickly as possible, and flushed just as he tapped at the door and came back in. He set the towels on the counter and came close, slipping his arms around me to cup my butt.

"Baby, you fucking drive me crazy." He lifted me a little, just enough to slip his full erection between my thighs and stroke along my highly sensitive flesh. "I know you must be sore, so I won't push, but I can't wait to get back inside that sweet little pussy."

His words, and his touch, sent need coiling through my belly. I lifted my arms around his neck and slid the tips of my fingers along the back of his head, stroking the stubble there.

He groaned, and lifted me, before stepping into the shower. Warm water cascaded over us, only heightening the sensitivity of my skin. "Need to taste you again, baby." He bent and traced my jaw with his lips, quickly moving to my mouth.

The stolen moments we shared before he left had been nothing like this. It had been exciting, forbidden, and fun, but this all-consuming need to possess and be possessed was entirely new. His kisses quickly worked me to a frenzy, my moans and whimpers filling the small space.

"Baby, you're like a drug. The more I have you, the more I need you. It's like chasing a high." He leaned his forehead against mine. "I fucking need you more than air, Jus. This time with you, even if it doesn't last, is like falling into a good dream."

His words brought tears to my eyes. "I was so sure you hated me."

He kissed my tears away. "Honestly, I did for a while. Losing you like that…I thought I wanted to die. Later, I went back and forth between wanting you to be happy, and wanting you to be as miserable as I was." He shrugged a little. "I tried really hard not to think about you."

Guilt assailed me again. "I'm sorry. I prayed you had found some nice girl. I wanted you to have everything I couldn't. I should have known better, after the way you ignored other girls in school."

"Yeah, you should have." He leaned in to kiss me again. "But I should have known better, too. I should have realized something horrible happened to you, should have trusted you would never betray me, even if you tried to say you had. I should have come back here, and demanded a real explanation. Then we could have dealt with it together."

In hindsight, I wished he had returned. Maybe we could have still had our lives, the ones we were meant to have. "We can't change the past, though."

"No, all we can do is move forward." He grabbed the shower gel and lathered up his hands to wash me, and turned getting clean into the most unbelievably erotic experience. He stroked my body with such tenderness it took my breath away, and stilled my fears of being touched. Unbelievably gentle fingers demanded so much, but gave more. He slid those fingers between my legs, stroking until he brought me to orgasm, then supported me as I recovered.

When it was my turn, I took my time, glad for the chance to touch and memorize his body. I traced all his tattoos, wondering if they all had stories behind them. His erection fascinated me, and before long, I had to touch. His groan filled the space, and he put his hand over mine, helping me find what he liked. His orgasm brought me a tremendous sense of power, and curiosity urged me to find other ways to please him. All too soon, though, the water ran cold, forcing us to get out.

On our way back to our room to get dressed, he paused long enough to knock on the children's doors, and call out for them to get up. Nicole made a smart aleck remark about being woken up at the crack of dawn by noisy showers. Heat flooded my face, but Fabio just laughed.

"I don't know what to tell you, kid. Maybe get some earplugs?"

Something hit the door, bringing more mocking laughter from him as he led me on to our room.

I started digging clothes out of my bag, in a hurry to get dressed. "Oh, God, I can't believe she heard us!"

The rogue laughed again, and caught me to him. "Baby, the whole house probably heard us, at one point or another. I'm sorry. I should have taken you somewhere more private." He went quiet for a moment. "Should have been better prepared, too."

The reference to our lack of protection took my mind off being embarrassed. I had to make sure passion didn't override caution again. The thought of a baby terrified me. I couldn't even take care of myself.

He brushed a thumb over my lower lip. "Hey, stop worrying. It'll be okay." The devilish grin came again. "Wonder if we inspired Trip and Tanya last night."

Oh, God. I wanted to hide under the covers rather than face his friends. Of course they knew. That didn't matter. But the thought of them accidentally hearing my cries made heat rise to my face. And at the same time, my pulse sped up.

Fabio pulled his jeans on, leaving them low on his hips, and padded from the room. "I have to get the kids moving or they'll be late for school. You should probably call whoever you need to for the day off, too."

I hurried to dress, wondering how he would feel if I left my jeans unbuttoned and low enough to show a hint of pubic hair. Common sense won out over the temptation, though. I couldn't parade around like that, especially in front of his friends.

Out in the hall, Nicole muttered and headed for the shower, and as I opened the door, I caught the rumble of Fabio's voice as he talked to Tyler, waking him up. I hurried down stairs, anxious to find tea, and avoid anyone who might have heard us during the night.

The kitchen was blessedly empty, and still dark, so I started coffee for everyone else, and warmed some muffins for the children's breakfast. Making coffee again after all these years felt strange, but while I had no desire to drink it, at least the smell no longer sent me darting for the bathroom. Another triumph.

Taking advantage of the quiet moment, I called off work, feeling guilty, until I remembered why. Nausea threatened, but I pushed the thoughts away, refusing to allow my tormentor to get to me this time. Just as I took the first sip of my tea, Tyler bounded down the stairs, already dressed and full of his trademark energy.

The morning rush passed quickly, and it seemed like only moments before Fabio walked the kids to the bus stop. At least he conceded and fastened his jeans when I informed him of all the lonely soccer moms who would be craning their necks to catch a glimpse of the view. He left the shirt off, though, despite Nicole's snicker about a gay soccer dad who would admire the tattoos. Instead of replying, he flipped her off and growled for her to grab her bag.

Both kids hurried out the door after him, laughing, just as the basement door opened. The woman Fabio called Cherry came in, damp hair hanging around her shoulders.

She accepted my silent offer of coffee. "Thank God. I was afraid I would have to start it myself."

"Your turn tomorrow." We chatted a little, but the others filed in soon, all searching for coffee, too. By the time Fabio returned, talk had turned to the need for groceries.

Dix and Trip exchanged a look. "We have to go check out the crime scenes today, see if we can figure out anything about the sick bastard from them." If they thought they concealed their fist-bump, they were sorely mistaken.

Skates' brow furrowed in thought. "I have to rest up. Night shift is mine." He exchanged fist bumps with Trip and Dix.

Crank wore a desperate expression for a moment. "I'm still filtering through the crime reports."

Cherry, Georgie, and Tanya laughed as Fabio came in. "What's so funny?" He dropped a kiss to the top of my head.

"Your Brothers just found quick excuses to avoid grocery shopping." I leaned up to actually kiss him. "Learn your lesson about wearing a shirt?"

He flushed. "Uh, yeah, I did. Who knew ink was so popular among the soccer mom set?" Everyone chuckled at his expense. "I guess I'll take care of the groceries. Crank and Skates will be here, so you'll be safe, and I pity the motherfucker if these girls get their hands on him."

The men ate, joked with each other, and made quiet plans. Before long, they left, all intent on their missions.

Cherry smiled at me while Georgie finished putting away the dishes. "It's good to see Fabio happy. Are you two working things out?"

I considered my answer carefully while I made another cup of tea. "I think so. It's hard. I don't know what he wants, or even really what I want. I spent so much time just trying to get from one day to the next, I think I've forgotten how to think long term."

"I know that feeling." Tanya sat down at the table, a fresh cup of coffee in her hands. "When you live in hell, the only thing that matters is surviving the moment. There's no time to think of a future. The only thing you know is the future holds more of the same, and you have to get through it. It takes time to change that way of thinking."

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