Eyes on the Pride (Awakening Pride Book 8) (6 page)

Read Eyes on the Pride (Awakening Pride Book 8) Online

Authors: Lacey Thorn

Tags: #Awakening Pride

BOOK: Eyes on the Pride (Awakening Pride Book 8)
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“You don’t want to shower together? Conserve water?”

He chuckled. “If you get in with me, the last thing on my mind will be getting clean. Christ, woman! You make me insatiable. I want nothing more than to bury my cock deep and stay inside you all day and all night. Nothing but the two of us naked and fucking for at least the next few years.”


He laughed again. “I’m an animal, baby.” He growled playfully, enjoying the way she giggled. She made him feel…alive in a way he hadn’t in far too long. She might not realize it yet, but she owned him. Every piece of him was hers to command.

He dropped another kiss on the tip of her nose and pushed himself off the bed. If he didn’t get moving, he’d spend the rest of the day in bed making love to her. Hell, maybe, he should have said decades.



Chapter Six



Calloway waited until he’d stepped into the bathroom later before he pulled out his phone and called the number Gideon had given him the last time they’d seen each other. Darby had fallen asleep, and he didn’t want to wake her. He’d taken the time to ease quietly from the bed, trying not to disturb her. She appeared so soft and fragile in slumber, as if the merest blow could take her away from him. Despite his reservations and discomfort, he’d ensure her safety however necessary, and that meant calling the last person he expected to.

He wouldn’t call Gideon a friend, though the other man was probably as close to one as Calloway had. They’d met under the worst of circumstances, each fighting to survive, and had managed to still be alive when the opportunity had come for escape. It had been another male who’d delivered the opportunity. One Gideon had called Thomas. Thomas had been the one to free Gideon, and Gideon had freed the other males in the room with them. Calloway counted himself lucky that he’d been one of them.

Gideon had been in touch a few times over the years, more so since he’d hooked up with the new pride. He’d urged Calloway to join them much as Darby did, quoting safety in numbers and trying to convince Calloway he had skills and information the pride could use. Maybe, he did; maybe, he didn’t. But Darby sure as hell did. She’d be a fountain of wisdom the pride needed, and she was hell bent on getting to them, one way or another. He would be a fool to try to stop her. All he could do was make sure she was as safe as he could make her on the trip there.

“Calloway,” Gideon answered on the second ring, and the subtle echo gave witness to the fact the call was on speaker. “What do you need?”

It was funny how well the other male seemed to know him when their time together had been so long ago. Some situations promoted camaraderie, and those labs had been one of them. The more the scientists there had tried to pit them against one another, the more they’d stuck together when not under the influence of drugs.

“Calloway?” Gideon’s voice grew terse, his tone deepening as if trying to scent through the phone whether or not Calloway was in danger.

“Still eager to have me join you?” Calloway asked, getting straight to the point.

“Yes,” Gideon answered with no hesitation. “You’re not afraid of the drugs anymore.”

Calloway blew out a frustrated breath, unwilling to lie. Not that it would work anyway. Gideon knew all too well that fear of what those drugs could bring out still gripped Calloway. “I’m still not sure how well I’ll do with a mix of other people.”

“But you’re ready to give it a try?”

Calloway almost heard the wheels spinning in Gideon’s brain. He was also aware someone else was there, listening. Obviously, it was someone Gideon trusted.

“I’ve mated,” Calloway admitted.

“You’ve mated,” Gideon said at the same time.

“You must be worried about her safety,” Gideon continued. “I promise you we’ll do everything we can to help provide safety for both of you. As for your worry about the drugs they used on us, we have a lab here. Top of the line equipment. We’ll be able to run some tests on you. Track what’s in your system and know if anything spikes. I can honestly tell you I’ve had no problems—well…that’s not

“Did you hurt anyone?” Calloway asked immediately. It was his greatest fear and why he kept away from most of his kind. They’d been drugged and forced to fight one another in that lab. He’d never been willing to risk the chance there might be some implanted suggestion that would trigger a reaction like that again or a latent reaction to the combination of drugs they’d injected into them. At least, he hadn’t been willing to risk it until Darby.

“No. I had a few issues when my mate and I first met. We were convinced we weren’t mates, that it was just a physical itch we’d scratch and move on from. I almost attacked one of the pride when he thought to step between us.”

“What stopped you?”

“My mate,” Gideon answered with a chuckle. “Vic put a stop to it. My woman doesn’t take any shit. She’s fierce and strong. She made me focus on her, and I calmed pretty easily after that. I should have known she was mine. I just…never expected to find a mate. Didn’t think I deserved one.”

After what they’d done, what they’d survived, Calloway understood the sentiment well.

“Yeah, I met Darby four years ago. I knew she was mine but held back. I told her it was because her dad asked me to.”

“Was it?”

Calloway snorted. “Not likely. She was young, and that kept me in check, but it was my head that made me wait. She deserves so much better than a male like me.”

“I’m guessing she wouldn’t agree with that,” Gideon challenged. “I wouldn’t, either. I’ve seen you at your worst just as you’ve seen me. I know the type of male you are. It’s why I came to speak with you, why I asked you to join us. You’re a man we can rely on to help protect the pride, a man we can trust.”

Calloway swallowed then cleared his throat. “Thank you. Now, I’ll be honest. If it wasn’t for my mate, I wouldn’t be calling.”

“I understand,” Gideon said. “Tell me what you need? Is she being hunted?”

“Not yet, but it’s only a matter of time,” Calloway stated. “There are things you should know about my mate, things your pride leader should know.”


“My mate is Darby Kline, daughter of Andrew Kline. They’re watchers.”

“Holy shit!” Gideon interjected. “A watcher. Tell me what she knows. What she has access to.”

“Everything,” Calloway promised. “She knows most of the history off the top of her head. What she doesn’t she can access from the secure database the watchers now use to keep track of all they’ve managed to ascertain over the years. She’ll be a huge asset to the pride.”

“Both of you will,” Gideon corrected. “Where are you? We can send a group to meet you.”

“We’re fine so far. I haven’t picked up on any signs of danger, and trust me, I’ve been on high alert. I wanted to make sure the offer still stood and to let you know we’re headed your way.”

“When? Give me a time estimate so I know what we’re looking at. I’ll want you to check in with any deviations. If you stop or get detoured or anything.”

“We’ve already started your direction. The plan is to hit the road again this evening. Best guess is we’ll be pulling in midday tomorrow.”

“We’ll be waiting.”

“There’s something else, something your alpha needs to know.”

“I’m listening.” The deep voice didn’t surprise Calloway. Part of him had sensed it was the alpha of the pride listening. Utah Pearce.

“Darby was told to come to you, by her father.”

“Why?” the alpha demanded.

“To teach you everything she knows. Andrew Kline and the other watchers believe this is the time to unite and finally take down the hunters. They all seem to think you’re the second coming.”

“I’ll be interested to hear everything the two of you can share,” Utah assured him. “I’m not sure I’m what they think, but we’re all on board with learning any way to stop these sons of bitches from killing one more of us.” His tone was hard, lethal and had a primal growl Calloway’s cougar responded to. “Take this number down.”

Calloway listened as digits were rattled off, committing them to memory.

“That’s my direct number,” Tah continued. “You need anything, you call me.”

Calloway heard the rustle of covers and knew Darby was waking up. She’d be warm, her skin flushed from sleep. Flushed and naked. Christ! How many hours before they needed to leave? Could he convince her to spend that time in the bed with him?

“You get that?” Tah demanded, pulling Calloway’s attention back to the phone.

“Yeah,” he answered. “I’ll be in touch when we leave.”

“Stay safe.” It was a command given just before the call ended. Once again, he felt his cougar press him to comply with the order. Didn’t look as if his cougar shared his doubts. The animal didn’t see Utah Pearce as just an alpha. He saw the other man as their alpha. It was enough to have Calloway shrugging suddenly tense shoulders as he reasserted his claim to have no alpha. The beast balked but settled inside him. He really hoped this wasn’t a bad idea.

“Hey,” Darby called as he stepped out of the bathroom. She leaned up on an elbow, her curls falling over her shoulder while the sheet barely covered her chest. Her gaze seemed to soak him up. Her brow lifted as he shut the door behind him. “I thought I heard you talking to someone.”

“Phone,” he said, holding it up as if it had all the answers to her unspoken questions.

“Everything okay?” she asked.

“Just giving the pride a heads up we’re heading their way. Probably not a good idea to show up unannounced.”

“You called your friend.”

He nodded, not bothering to correct her about the relationship. “They’re expecting us tomorrow. If we leave tonight and drive straight through, we’ll make it.”

“Okay. What do you plan to do with my car?”

He liked that she knew they’d be taking his truck. It would offer them more protection if they needed it. He was banking on things going smoothly. There was no reason for any of the hunters to be looking for them. He wanted to keep it that way.

“We’ll leave the car here. I’ll make some calls and have someone pick it up and take it back to your place.”

She nodded then grasped the sheet in one fist, holding it against her flesh as she sat up fully.

“So…should I get dressed or stay in bed?” Her voice was husky, caressing his skin like a purr.

“We’ve got hours before we need to leave,” he offered.

“Well then.” She let the sheet fall, and he watched, licking his lips as the cool air had her nipples pebbling into hard points that made him crazy to take them between his lips. She rose to her knees and walked across the mattress on them, one finger prompting him to come closer.

He eased up to her, taking her mouth in a heated kiss that left them both panting for air. She let her head fall back, and he took advantage, dragging his lips and teeth down the smooth column of her neck while his fingers caressed her nipples. In a fast move, he had her facing away from him. He stroked a hand down her spine until he reached the small of her back then urged her forward until her hands joined her knees on the mattress.

He gripped his cock, wrapping his palm around the width and giving it a squeeze. He stroked it, pinching just under the head while he sank two fingers deep in her lush heat. Sweet perfection. So wet and ready for him, just as he was hard and throbbing for her.

He moved into position, slipping his cock against her pussy and pressing forward so the shaft slid between her folds, coating him with her desire. She jerked as the broad head tapped her clit. A shudder went through her and echoed in him. He pulled back and repeated his action, soaking up her whimpers and moans. Her hips canted as she tried to guide him where she wanted him.

He gripped the stalk again, leading it to her opening then pushing in. Once lodged, he moved his grip to her hips and thrust deep with one surge, both of them crying out as he filled her.

“Calloway.” His name was a shuddered moan as she thrashed her head back and forth on her folded arms. “Oh, God. Yes. Mmm.”

He loved the husky quality to her voice, the way she made that little rasping sound in the back of her throat as if incapable of speech. He didn’t need her words. He felt everything she did, knew what drove her crazy and made sure to do it all again and again. He focused solely on her, riding her to an orgasm then pulling free and dropping his mouth to her pussy, licking her from behind and sucking every drop of her release from her. Then he used his mouth to bring her to the brink of another orgasm, fingering her clit to send her flying. While she was still riding it, he replaced fingers and tongue with his cock, pounding into her as he sought to join her.

She reached back with one hand, wrapping her fingers on his hip and digging her nails deep, urging him faster.

He came with a fierce shout, his seed shooting from his cock in hot bursts that filled her to overflowing. Her knees gave out, and he followed her down, covering her back, keeping his cock buried deep as the pleasure consumed him. He dropped his mouth to her shoulder, clamping down on his favorite spot and felt her orgasm again. This was ecstasy. Humans had no idea of what true bliss was. It was this, this bond that went beyond the physical act, even beyond the emotional one. This was a connection at every level. Mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. In this moment, they were one.

He nuzzled her, licking the twin points where his teeth had first pierced and marked her, knowing full well how much enjoyment she derived from the small act. He forced himself to ease off of her, rolling onto his side. He tugged her to him, until her back curved against his chest. It would never be enough. This hunger he had for her would never be sated. He didn’t want it to.

“Amazing,” she sighed, her hand stroking the arm he’d slid beneath her head. “Tell me again why we waited four years for this?”

“Stupidity,” Calloway assured his mate and enjoyed the soft sound of her laughter. He reached behind him for the comforter they’d somehow worked over to the edge of the bed. He had no clue where the sheet had gone. He tossed the covering over them and dropped a kiss on her neck. “Go back to sleep for a bit. We’ve got a long night ahead of us.”

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