Eye of the Beholder

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Authors: David Ellis

Tags: #Mystery, #Thriller

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“Ellis follows up last year’s intriguing
In the Company of Liars
with an even better book that will only improve his growing reputation.
Eye of the Beholder,
a powerful novel about sex, murder, and a quest for the truth, is one of the standout books of the summer. Too many so-called legal thrillers are really just lackluster mysteries, with little in the way of pacing or tension.
Eye of the Beholder,
however, is a genuine page-turner, powered by winning characters and a wonderfully serpentine plot.”

Chicago Sun-Times
“There is nothing more unsettling, and yet ultimately absorbing, than a novel filled with plot twists and false endings. Edgar® Award—winning David Ellis provides just that. What makes Ellis’s book so thoroughly enjoyable is that the twists and turns keep coming, page after page. Not even the most observant of readers will be able to discover the root of these grisly crimes before the stunning ending. Ellis’s plot is like an elaborate labyrinth filled with false doorways and stairs going nowhere. Still, it’s an incredible ride and one that will stick with the reader long after the last page is turned.”

Richmond Times-Dispatch
“Nothing is as it seems in this stunning tale of illicit sex, murder, and betrayal.... Juggling multiple viewpoints, Ellis keeps perfect control of his labyrinthine plot as it builds to a satisfying twist ending.”

Publishers Weekly
“You’ll sleep with the light on after reading [
Eye of the Beholder

“The author’s fifth novel ... cements his reputation as a top-notch thriller writer.... Tightly plotted and sparklingly written, a sure-fire winner and a fine read alike for legal thrillers.”

“Another top-flight legal thriller from Edgaf®-winner -winner Ellis, brim ming with quality prose and layered characterizations.”

Kirkus Reviews
“A nail-biting thriller.”

“Edgar®-winner Ellis takes some big chances in his fourth book, and he pulls them off in grand style.... This is another impressive performance from a writer who expands his ambition and artistry from book to book.”
—Publishers Weekly
“Very smart ... [a] complex, highly intelligent thriller that burrows backward through time like Houdini explaining a trick.”
—Lee Child,
New York Times
bestselling author
“Eminently satisfying.”
—Orlando Sentinel
“Just when you thought there was nothing new a writer could do with the mystery genre, David Ellis decided to turn the formula upside-down and, yes, backward.”

Boston Herald
“Smashes through the barriers of coincidence and credulity, leaving readers breathless at the author’s audacity.”
—Chicago Tribune

Entertainment Weekly
“[A] terrific legal thriller ... in the tradition of Scott Turow and even superstar John Grisham.... The twists and turns are always surprising, the courtroom politics interesting, and the story a grabber from start to finish.”
—Toronto Sun
“Among would-be Grishams and Turows, he’s a breakaway talent.”

The Hollywood Reporter
“A steady stream of twists and complications ... a stunning Perry Mason-style courtroom shocker will knock readers right out of their seats. After they pick themselves up off the floor, the ensuing fast and furious revelations will have them flying through the final pages.”

Publishers Weekly
“Ellis balances plot, setting, pacing, characterization, and surprises in just the right measure to create a compelling high-stakes courtroom drama. He also takes time to explore the psyche of lawyers, as Turow does so well.”
—Katy Munger,
The Washington Post
“Who does Ellis think he is—John Grisham? The answer to that has to be, Yes—with any luck. Ellis certainly writes as well as his Georgia colleague, and his plotting is even sharper.”

Chicago Tribune
“Chilling ... a tale combining betrayal, tense courtroom drama, family tragedy, and a quick twist of surprise at the end. It was hard to put down.”

San Antonio Express-News
Award winner
“The best suspense novel I’ve read in a while.”
—James Patterson, author of
London Bridges
“A fresh take on the legal thriller. Crackles with unexpected twists.”

San Francisco Chronicle
“Don’t think you can put Line of Vision down—you can’t. David Ellis won’t let you go, from the first tantalizing page to the final double twist”
—Barbara Parker,
New York Times
bestselling author of
Suspicion of Rage
“The most original and exciting thriller I’ve read in a long time. Starts at a fever pitch and never lets up.”
—J. F. Freedman,
New York Times
bestselling author of
Fallen Idols
Titles by David Ellis
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For Sally Nystrom
June 1989
The “Mansbury
A source in the Marion Park Police Department confirms
that the body count is six. Six bodies have been discovered
in the basement of Bramhall Auditorium on the Mansbury
College campus. We have no word yet on whether the bodies
include the missing Mansbury students, Cassandra
Bentley and Elisha Danzinger.

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