Eye Candy (13 page)

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Authors: Frederick Germaine

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Their grandmother reluctantly rose to her feet letting the twins go. Dr. Carmichael mimicked his wife and bent down too, hugging his grandchildren. By now, Monica had made it over to where her parents were and exchanged hugs with them too.

“Now, this is the other thing I’ve been dying to get my hands on today,” said Dr. Carmichael looking at the stainless-steel grill next to him.

What drew his attention was the Viking professional grill which stood out like a sore thumb. It was a mammoth of a grill and measured six-feet in length, four-feet high, and three feet in width. It had a well-ventilated grilling area, wet bar, cooler, and any other modern-day amenities any chef would drool over. I purchased the grill a month earlier knowing it would come in handy on a day like this.

“Monica, your father has been talking about that grill ever since we woke up this morning,” Allison said.

“Mom, you know dad loves to show off his cooking skills on the grill. I even remember him grilling at my birthday parties.”

“You both know it’s all about the smoke and my secret sauce when it comes to my grilling technique,” said Dr. Carmichael. “The smoke slowly cooks the meat and adds flavor while the sauce adds an extra punch. And I only grill with hickory wood never charcoal.”

“I have you all covered, Dr. Carmichael,” I said interjecting my two cents. “The grill has a rear compartment supply of hickory, birch, and oak wood.”

“Well done, Aaron,” he said. “Now, all I need is an apron.”

“Enough said,” I replied. “Just follow me into the kitchen and I’ll get you all squared away.”

“Yeah dad, Aaron and I even marinated the meat in seasoning the night before. It’s waiting for you in the refrigerator.”

“I see you still remembered, Monica,” said Dr. Carmichael.

“Oh, William, how could she forget?” said his wife. “You practically taught her everything about grilling before she was five.”

Dr. Carmichael expressed a wide grin on his face that was followed up with a short laugh. Then everyone followed suit and laughed with him. I led him into the kitchen while Monica and her mother worked on finalizing the decorations throughout the back yard. And the twins went back to kicking their soccer ball among themselves.


By three o’clock the twins’ birthday party was in full swing. My colleagues from work had arrived along with Monica’s too. As Raphael predicted, Shanna had her hands full with a few of my male co-workers who were impressed by her new look. Even I noticed a glow about her. As promised, Jane arrived and brought her grandchildren who blended in well with the other kids. Even Mrs. Chastain showed up with double-layered German chocolate cake and chocolate-chip cookies.

The mood was festive in the backyard as Dr. Carmichael was taking the last portion of franks, burgers, and barbeque chicken coated with his secret sauce off the grill. All the kids were preoccupied jumping around in the bounce house and didn’t notice the food was ready. As I looked around admiring how enjoyable the afternoon was turning out the front doorbell rang again.

“I got it,” I shouted over the crowd noise as if anyone was even paying attention to my remark.

I had been the designated door greeter for much of the day. It seemed like this had to be my fiftieth trip to the front door. Like before, I gladly made the quick run. When I arrived and opened the door, there stood a very familiar face on the other end.

“Sebastian, you finally made it,” I said smiling at my good friend.

“Yeah, Aaron, you know me and punctuality are never on the same page, especially when it comes to birthday parties.”

“Ah, come on, you know it’s no big deal. The fun has just begun. Come on in and join us in the back yard.”

Sebastian had a fairly large gift under his right arm but his stature made it seem smaller. His body reeked of light pleasant-smelling cologne and he was dressed well for the occasion.

“Well, aren’t you looking spiffy, today,” I said as he entered the house. “And you smell good too.”

“Oh, it’s just something I tossed together at the last moment. I’m actually reconnecting with an old acquaintance later on today that’s why you smell the new cologne.”

“The life of an eligible bachelor it must keep you on your toes.”

“Yeah, you know how it is,” he said grinning showing his perfect white teeth. “Oh, well, I guess you don’t.”

By the time we made it halfway through the house on our way to the back yard, Shanna appeared. We all three crossed each other’s path at the kitchen.

“There you are, Aaron,” Shanna said pretending not to even notice Sebastian. “I came in here to get some mustard.”

“Did we run out already?” I asked.

“Apparently so,” she replied. “You know how kids love mustard on their franks.”

“There’s an extra container of mustard on the third shelf in the pantry right next to the refrigerator.”

Shanna followed my directions and moved over to the pantry seeking the mustard. Sebastian eyebrows rose as he noticed her sexy dress and new look.

“Well, hello Shanna. I haven’t seen you in a while,” he said in a pleasant tone.

“Hi, Sebastian,” she said with more interest in finding the mustard as she rose on her toes looking on the third shelf in the pantry. “Ah, I found it.”

“I see you’ve been keeping in shape,” he said with his eyes fixed on her backside.

After retrieving the container of mustard, Shanna calmly and collectively walked right up to Sebastian. She stopped once she was no more than six inches from his face.

“Look, Sebastian, we don’t get along and let’s keep it that way,” she said slightly looking up at him in a matter of fact way. “Let’s just pretend we do in front of these guests. Once the party is over you can go on your way and I’ll go mine.”

“Some things never changed from Aaron’s wedding,” he said in disgust. “Especially you and that damn attitude of yours.”

“You two stop it already with your quarreling and I mean it!” I said trying to keep the peace between two people who hated each other. “If I didn’t know any better I’d say you two were having a love spat.”

“Aaron, please believe me when I say this,” Shanna said turning her face to me. “Sebastian and I will never be together.”

Shanna twisted her body in a one-hundred and eighty-degree turn towards the direction she previously came from. With the container of mustard tightly in her hand she headed for the back yard.

“Gee whiz talk about someone needing to get some,” mumbled Sebastian under his breath as he continued to look at her backside. “I guess some things will never change.”

“Come on, Sebastian, forget about it. Let’s get you to the back yard and introduced to everyone.”

When we arrived in the back yard, Shanna had already given the kids the container of mustard they were anxiously waiting for. Then she disappeared into a thick crowd of women making small talk.

“Sebastian, there you are,” shouted Monica over the crowd noise and appearing to our left. She greeted him with a friendly hug. “It’s so good to see you again.”

“It’s a pleasure to see you as well, Monica.”

“I see you’ve brought the twins a pretty nice size birthday gift.”

“Well, nothing is too big or small for my favorite boys,” he said looking throughout the crowd in the back yard. “Where are they anyway? I want to give them their gift.”

“Good luck with that. They’re playing inside the bounce house with a few of their friends and refuse to come out.”

Monica pointed in the direction to where the bounce house was set up. Inside, the twins and their friends were jumping up and down yelling at the top of their lungs.

“Okay, I see what you mean,” he said. “They are definitely having a blast.”

Before the conversation between the two of them could continue the front doorbell rang again. All three of us slightly turned our heads to the sound. I wasn’t surprised a bit as I had been playing the role of a butler all day long.

“I’ll get it, sweetheart,” I said to my wife.

“No, I’ll get it this time, honey,” she said. “You’ve been answering the door all day anyway. And my dad is anxious to get another person to taste his secret signature barbeque sauce.”

“Did you say barbeque, Monica?” Sebastian asked while his eyes peeked with interest.

“Yes, my dad loves to cook especially his favorite dish which is barbeque chicken. He even thought about applying for a patent for his so-called world-famous sauce.”

“Well, lead the way, Aaron,” said Sebastian licking his lips. “I can’t wait to taste his barbeque and neither can my stomach.”

Then the doorbell rang again as it seemed like the person was getting impatient. Like previously, we all turned our heads slightly to the sound.

“You better get the front door before our anxious guest decides to leave,” I said to Monica.

“Yes, Aaron, I’m on my way. Oh, it’s just one other thing I have to tell you, Sebastian.”

“What’s that?”

“The gift table for the twins is next to the barbeque grill. You can place your present there.”

“Okay Monica,” said Sebastian as the doorbell rang for a third time.

“Sweetheart, the front door awaits you,” I said looking at my wife.

“Okay, okay, okay I’m going. I’ll talk with you guys in a minute.”

Monica walked briskly to the front door wondering who the anxious guest was. She quickly stroked her hand though her hair to make sure it was still immaculate as it had been all day long. Once she arrived at the front door, she eagerly turned the knob.

“Hello there,” Monica said to the stranger as she fully opened the front door.

The attractive stranger was a woman about her height in a light pink pastel-colored dress. Her dress was conservative yet trendy enough to catch everyone’s attention. She even wore a pair of matching expensive high-end heels to compliment her outfit. In her hand, there was a small box that was gift wrapped.

“Hi, you must be Monica,” said the stranger with a Catholic smile.

“Why yes I am.”

“I’m Tiffany Towns. I worked with your husband, Aaron, on the revitalization project.”

“Oh, yes Tiffany, it’s so good to finally put a face with a name. Please come on in.”

Tiffany complied and easily walked into the house. Once inside the two women continued their conversation.

“So Aaron finally decided to invite you, anyway?”

“Yes he did,” Tiffany replied maintaining the perfect grin on her face. “I hope you didn’t mind.”

“No not at all, Tiffany. He was reluctant at first to extend an invitation to you but I suggested he invite you anyway.”

“Well, good for you Monica.”

“So what do we have here?” Monica asked looking at the present in Tiffany’s hand.

“This is just a small gift I brought over for the twins,” Tiffany said handing the box to her.

“Tiffany, you didn’t have to go through the trouble of buying a gift.”

“It was no trouble at all, Monica. Besides, your sons are supposed to receive gifts on their birthday.”

“Thanks for the kind gesture. I’m sure they will enjoy it.”

“Anytime, now where are those two handsome boys of yours?

They’re in the back yard having a ball,” answered Monica as she secured the gift in her possession. “Follow me so you can meet them and everyone else.”

The two women departed from the front of the house and made their way towards the rear. Their walk was slow but steady.

“Your home is beautifully designed and decorated,” commented Tiffany during their walk.

“Thank you, Tiffany,” said Monica in a prideful way. “Aaron fell in love with the house the first time we saw it. I did the interior designing all by myself.”

“I see you definitely have a knack for that. Is that something you do professionally?”

“I only wished. I actually teach at North Atlanta High School.”

“That’s a rewarding career in itself, Monica. Your school has excelled in academics and achievements for years.”

“Well someone needs to explain that to my dad because he’s been trying to get me to leave the school.”

“And go where?”

“Over to Emory University where he is a professor.”

After their short talk, the women finally reached the back yard. It was consumed with laughter, music, and joyous noise as when Monica had left it earlier.

Sebastian had been introduced, by Aaron, to Dr. Carmichael and was now stuffing his face with barbeque chicken. The three men were huddled up around the grill enjoying each other. Sebastian nervously placed the barbeque chicken from his mouth onto the paper plate that rested in his other hand. Then he tugged on Aaron’s arm moving him out of hearing distance from Dr. Carmichael.

“Aaron, do you see what I see?”

“Yeah, I see everybody having a good time.”

“No, that’s not what I mean. Look over there towards the door leading back into the house.”

As Sebastian had pointed out, it was Monica and Tiffany who had now entered the back yard. Monica still carried the small gift in her arms while she introduced the new guest to everyone in their path. Slowly, they were making their way towards the men.

“Now, you’re either one brave man or simply trying to get killed by your wife,” Sebastian said taking another bite out of his barbeque chicken. “Which one is it?”

“What the hell!” I shouted softly trying not to get Dr. Carmichael to notice. “What is she doing here?”

“It seems like she’s getting to know your wife pretty well.”

“Shit, Sebastian, I didn’t invite her let alone tell her where I lived.”

“Well, you better get over there and straighten things out before all hell breaks loose.”

Before Sebastian could say another word, I made my way over to my wife and Tiffany. Tiffany saw me coming and had a silly and smirkish grin on her face but concealed it from my wife.

“Honey, there you are,” said Monica as I approached. “Look who showed up.”

“Tiffany, what a pleasant surprise to see you,” I said smiling hiding my disappointment behind my grin.

“Nice to see you once again, too, Aaron,” Tiffany replied in a patronizing way.

“And she even brought the twins a birthday gift,” said Monica handing me the wrapped box as I turned my attention to her.

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