ExtremeCircumstances (8 page)

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Authors: Chandra Ryan

BOOK: ExtremeCircumstances
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“Hello.” He slipped his translator into his ear and then
held one out to her so she could do the same. She glanced over at Twelve and
waited for him to nod before she complied.

“Hello.” Her voice was soft. More lyrical than Twelve’s
hisses and grunts.

“I’m Gates.”

“They call me Twenty-Four.”

So there were at least twenty-four of them. That was enough
men to overpower the group of soldiers or pick them off slowly if they chose.
His instinct to negotiate with the race had been right. “And you’re aware of
our arrangement?”

She glanced over at Twelve again and her features slid into
a look of concern. At Twelve’s fierce growl, however, the expression
disappeared. “I am.”

“Good. We’ll have rations, break camp and be on our way. In
two days time we’ll go our separate ways.”

“Can I see to the hostages?” Twenty-Four couldn’t seem to
take her eyes off Twelve.

“They aren’t injured. They’re only bound to ensure they
wouldn’t attack us while we slept.”

“Still. I would feel better seeing that for myself.”

Gates shrugged. “Don’t untie him but you can check him for
any wounds.” He turned to the guard. “Keep an eye on her and make sure she
doesn’t free him.”

“Yes sir.” The guard’s attention remained focused on the
reptile pair as Gates went to grab some rations of his own. After he’d eaten
and given the order to break camp, Gates introduced Twenty-Four to his men and
filled them in on the deal he’d reached with the reptile race. He expected some
discontent and he got it. Fortunately it was contained to questioning looks and
the occasional shake of the head. They weren’t happy that the female was to be
treated with courtesy. That the three men were to continue as hostages,
however, went a long way in appeasing them. And by the time they set off, the
group seemed to have recovered from the news.

“Don’t venture to the north.” Twenty-Four pointed to the
location on the map as Gates stared at the reader. As her forearm brushed
against his, Gates heard a soft growl from the back of the group and knew it
was Twelve voicing his displeasure. “There is a field of puffer plants there.”

“Puffer plants?”

“They produce spores that cause sleepiness.”

“Good to know. Kam and Julian, go ahead of us and scout out
the area.” The last time he’d sent Julian as a scout he’d done it to get some
time away from the man. But this time it was because Julian had proven himself.
First by finding the downed shuttle and then by shooting Twelve with the
sedative. And Kam had been the one to cover Haddisher’s botched shot last
night. If it hadn’t been for Kam’s aim, Julian would’ve been in a lot worse
shape today. Of his men, they were the two he trusted the most. “Make sure
we’re not walking into an ambush. If everything is good we’ll meet up here.” He
pointed to a spot on the map. “But if you spot anything suspicious come back.
We’ll stick to the south side of the river.”

Julian pulled out his reader and marked the route and the
designated meeting spot on his map. “Yes sir.”

It was on the tip of Gates’ tongue to tell Julian to be safe
but he managed to stop himself just in time. Instead he nodded stiffly as
Julian and Kam set off at a faster pace with only the packs on their backs.
Gates watched them leave until he couldn’t see them any longer.

“There is no ambush or trap.” Twenty-Four’s soft voice broke
the moment of silence.

“Then we’ll see Kam and Julian again at the designated

“This is not safe land. Two men alone are vulnerable. You
should trust me.”

Yeah. Right. The day he showed that appallingly low level of
judgment was the day he’d resign his commission. “You’re my guide, not my

She was silent for a moment. “As you wish.”

With that, they continued along the path. As the hours
passed and the sun crossed the sky, however, he began to question his decision.
Even during lunch, as his men sat around him and talked about the heat of the
day, he felt uneasy. When Twenty-Four sat down next to him he bristled at her
nearness but he didn’t move.

“You do not want company.” It was a statement, not a
question, but he decided to answer her anyway.

“I have a lot on my mind.”

“You’re worried about your men?”

It hit a little close to home for his comfort. He hadn’t
thought he was that easy to read. Still, knowing it was the truth and admitting
it were two completely different things. “My men are the best of the best. They
can take care of themselves.”

“But it is harder when your heart is involved.” She glanced over
at Twelve as she spoke.

“I’m a man of my word. I’ll release Twelve as soon as we’ve
reached the bunker.”

She laughed gently. “That is nice. But I didn’t doubt you.”
She looked from Twelve to Gates. “I was talking about

He froze for a second as her words took meaning. “My heart
is firmly in my chest but thank you for your concern.”

Twelve growled but Twenty-Four just continued to smile. “If
you say so.”

“I don’t think Twelve likes you sitting so close to me.”

“Twelve doesn’t like a great many things. Thankfully I like
cranky men.” She stood gracefully but turned to look at Gates for a second
before she walked away. It was just a look, a glance really, but he swore he
saw something in that look he really didn’t want to see. A truth he didn’t want
to face. Yet there it was. She was concerned for him. He was holding her mate
captive. If anything, she should be worried for Twelve. But as she sank down to
sit next to Twelve, only patience and good humor shone on her face.

Unfortunately now that she’d left him to go see Twelve, he
almost missed her. At least when he was talking to her he could deny being
worried. He might have even started believing it if he’d had a couple more
minutes to convince himself. It was a lot easier to lie when he was trying to
convince someone he was telling the truth though. Something wasn’t right with
him today. He’d been on edge since that morning. Since the moment Julian had
taken off to scout ahead.

But he didn’t worry about his men. They’d be insulted if he
did. They were trained professionals, not children. Still, as they approached
the designated meeting spot his heart beat so fast he felt sick to his stomach.
And when he saw Julian it took all his willpower not to run over and kiss the
man. Especially when his hair was still damp from what Gates could only assume
was a dip in the nearby stream and he was stripped down to his cargo pants.

“Uneventful day?” His voice shook as he asked the question.
That little quaver was a testament to his control in his opinion though. He
wanted to run his fingertips over every inch of Julian’s body. That he managed
to stand his ground was a victory.

“Just another stroll through the woods.” Julian’s voice
shook a little as well. And he clenched his hand into a fist as if he were
trying to control some impulse of his own. “And you?”

“Just another day.” He looked around at the other men busy
setting up camp and grimaced. As nice as a dip in the stream sounded right
about now, he was going to have to wait. “A hot, dusty day.”

As he started to set up his tent he was surprised to find
Julian at his side, ready to help. “I’ve already got my tent up,” he said when
Gates threw him a questioning glance. “Might as well give you a hand.”

He couldn’t really argue with that. Nor did he want to. Having
Julian near him seemed to help settle his nerves. Plus it meant he could get to
the river a little quicker. And with Julian’s help he managed to set up his
shelter in record time. Then he made his way over to the cool waters of the
stream. This time he wasn’t surprised at all to find Julian following him.

“Joining me for a swim?”

Julian laughed as he stripped out of what little clothing he
was wearing. “I wouldn’t miss it.”

Gates took a moment to appreciate the chiseled lines of
Julian’s body before he stripped off his own clothing and stepped into the cool

“So no problems with the hostages?”

The water was deep and soon it was licking around his hips.
“None. As long as the men steer clear of Twenty-Four. Otherwise Twelve might
start tearing out throats.”

“He’s the jealous kind, then?”

“That’s an understatement.” He walked over to Julian and
sighed. Finally. Everything felt right again. He froze at the thought. He was
attracted to Julian and he respected the man but that was all there was between
them. That was all there could be.

But as Julian closed the distance and rubbed his naked body
against Gates, he knew this was more than just attraction and respect. He
refused to examine how much more though. Until they were off this planet more
wasn’t an option.

Chapter Seven


Julian’s entire body was stiff with frustration as he closed
his eyes and tried to force himself to relax for the millionth time that night.
He had kissed Gates in the river. He probably shouldn’t have. Not with the
other men so close by. But he’d spent the entire day worrying that the hostages
would somehow get free and attack. Or worse, he would miss the signs of an
ambush and the reptile people would kill the entire group. Not only would he be
miles away and unable to help but the attack would also be his fault in that
particular scenario.

When he saw Gates emerge from the thick vegetation he’d been
so relieved his entire body had melted. Watching Gates strip and walk into the
river had been the last straw. Nothing could’ve convinced him not to kiss Gates
after that. Unfortunately they were only able to steal a couple of brief kisses
and touches before the other men came storming through the underbrush. And once
their moment had been shattered they never got it back.

So now Julian was in his tent, trying to go to sleep and
wondering why the hell Gates hadn’t taken him up on his open invitation. He
shouldn’t care. He should be asleep. But he did care. And it sucked. He hated
every second of this.

This was why he never gave open invitations. He never
realized it before. But that didn’t change the truth of it. If the ball were
still in his court, he’d have the power right now. He would decide when they
saw each other next. Throwing the ball into the other guy’s court and then waiting
was the worst.

He rolled over and groaned as he felt a rock dig into his
side. One more day and they’d be at the compound. Then he could sleep on a
bunk. He moved again and tried to find a better position. He was so wrapped up
in his own discomfort he almost didn’t hear the flap of his tent being pushed
back. At the whisper of movement, though, his training kicked in. He was
sitting up with his firearm drawn before the person made it all the way into
his shelter.

“At ease, soldier.” Gates’ warm voice drifted over him and
made his stomach tighten with desire.

“Sorry, didn’t realize it was you, sir.” He put the gun down
before focusing on Gates. “Is everything okay?”

“No, everything’s not okay.” Gates sighed and ran his hand
through his hair.

All of Julian’s earlier irritation and frustration was
instantly replaced with concern. All the scenarios that’d haunted him that day
swarmed his head. “Did the hostages escape? Has there been evidence of a plot?
Are they conspiring with some other genetic freak on this planet?” He stopped
suddenly when Gates chuckled.

“No. Nothing like that. The hostages are all secure. There’s
no plot. Hell, I’m even starting to believe they’re above the board. I’m not
going to let Twelve go or anything, but they honestly seem to be helping so

Julian started to relax at the reassuring words. “Then
what’s wrong?”

“Just a rough day. And a crazy night.” He paused and took
another deep breath. “I’d hoped to be here earlier.” The words came out in a

“I’m glad you’re here now.” It was the truth. Though he was
a little nervous as well. But as Gates leaned forward to kiss him his nerves
disappeared quickly. Raw desire replaced them and filled him until there wasn’t
room for anything else.

Gates’ hands skimmed down his shirt until he reached
Julian’s waistband. With a tug his shirt was free. Warm air ran over his skin
as Gates pulled the piece of clothing up and over his head. “I missed you
today.” The words were so soft that Julian almost didn’t catch them.

“I missed you too.” He had to bite his lip to keep from
moaning as Gates nibbled on his neck. Damn, it felt so good. Everything felt
good. The rocks and sticks hidden under his tent and sleeping bag didn’t even
bother him when Gates guided him to lie back on the ground. All he was aware of
was the weight of Gates’ body and the heat that rolled off the man. Feeling
Gates’ skin against his would be even better however.

Refusing to wait, Julian grabbed the hem of Gates’ shirt and
pulled it off. Now he could run his fingers down Gates’ back and dig his nails
into the corded muscles there. And with each touch he could relish in the fact
that they both had survived yet another day on this damn planet.

“I grabbed some supplies from the medic case.”

Julian’s fingers stilled as he tried to make sense of the
words. What supplies could Gates need? Did his injury need redressing?

Gates nibbled gently on Julian’s earlobe and the hot steam
of his breath on the sensitive skin made Julian break out in goose bumps. “A
couple condoms and some lube. If you’re game.”

Hell yeah he was game. Instead of voicing his answer,
though, he started undoing his fatigues. He didn’t trust his voice right now.
And the last thing he wanted was to sound like some lovesick boy in his first
relationship. His hands paused as his stomach clenched with fear at the
thought. Was he lovesick? Was that why he’d been sulking in his tent earlier?

“If you don’t want to, no big deal.”

The words didn’t make sense until Julian realized he hadn’t
answered and he’d suddenly stopped making any moves to undress. Did he want to
stop this right now? Gates’ kisses had trailed down to one of Julian’s nipples
and as he ran his tongue over the sensitive skin Julian had his answer. He’d
deal with the fallout later. Right now the only thing he wanted was Gates. And
he wanted him desperately.

“No, I want you.” Thankfully he managed to stop before
adding exactly how much he wanted Gates. They got undressed as quickly as
possible in the confined space. And as soon as they’d shed the last article of
clothing Gates pressed Julian back to the ground. Now not only did he have
Gates’ weight and heat on him but he also had the coarse texture of the man’s
body hair brushing against his skin and Gates’ hard cock rubbing against his.
It was amazing. Almost better than being sucked off.

Gates kissed him roughly. His mouth demanded surrender to
his dominance. And Julian happily complied. He was lovesick. There was no other
explanation for it. He loved Gates’ forceful personality, loved his
self-confidence and loved how he always had a solution. He loved Gates. Plain
and simple. He craved the man and his strength. It scared the shit out of him
but, for right now, it also turned him on.

Gates’ hand wrapped around Julian’s hard cock and Julian
almost came with the pleasure of being touched. “I’m going to fuck that tight
ass of yours, but I want to taste you first.”

Julian whimpered and fisted his bedding as Gates took his
cock into his mouth. The pressure of his release built inside him as Gates
sucked on his dick. He was on the edge, so close to coming that he hurt with
the need when Gates finally released him. “Roll over.”

There had never been any doubt who’d be on bottom. At least
not in Julian’s mind. He rolled over and listened to the enticing sound of the
condom package being torn open and the lube being squeezed out of the tube. By
the time Gates spread the cool jelly over his anus Julian was shaking with

One finger penetrated him, stretching him pleasantly.
“More.” He needed so much more. Another finger joined the first and the stretch
burned a little. But it was a good burn. “Yeah.” Unable to resist, he bucked
back against Gates’ fingers, taking them deeper inside him. “More, please, god.
I need more.” If he needed to beg for it he would. Thankfully Gates’ fingers
were gone a second later and the man’s cock was pressed up against his ass.

“Is this what you want?”

“Yes.” The word was whimpered into the night as he rubbed
his ass against Gates’ dick. Gates put a hand on Julian’s hip to still him and
then lined his dick up with Julian’s anus.

“Relax.” As Gates’ cock started to penetrate him, though,
relaxing was the last thing on his mind. He needed all of Gates. He rocked back
and moaned as Gates slid farther into him. Before long, Gates was fully seated
in Julian. “Feel okay?”

Okay? Was Gates crazy? “Feels amazing.”

Gates pulled out a few inches and then slid back into
Julian. The sensation made Julian pant. He was so close to coming. And Gates
was filling him, making him burn with hunger. “I’m not glass. Fuck me already.”

“That’s what I was hoping you’d say.” With that, Gates
started thrusting into him without holding back. Julian’s hands gripped tightly
to the bedding as he forced his body to relax so he could enjoy the sensations.
Just as he was getting ready to finally orgasm, Gates’ hand found Julian’s cock
and he started stroking Julian. Julian’s balls tightened and his whole body
tensed in anticipation. Then, with the next pump of Gates’ hand, he climaxed.
His body shuddered with the intensity of the release. And Gates kept milking
his cock as he bucked under the man. His touch stretched the orgasm out and
left him unable to do anything but savor the sensations bombarding his body.

“Fuck, yeah.” Gates grunted as he thrust into Julian’s ass
one last time before his thighs trembled against Julian’s hips and he fell on
top of Julian’s back.

Julian hummed with satisfaction and clenched his ass around
the man’s dick. He was a little sore but liked the way it felt to have Gates
buried deep inside him. And he knew that soon Gates would be sliding out of
him. He wanted to enjoy it while he still could.

“You okay?”

“I’m good.” Now that the hormonal rush was passing he was
able to tone down his answers. He couldn’t believe he’d told Gates that he felt
amazing earlier.

“Good.” Gates moaned as he pulled out of Julian. “I really
needed that.”

Needed him or the release? Julian clenched his jaw to keep
from asking the question out loud. The last thing he needed was Gates thinking
he was possessive or emotional. Until he heard otherwise he’d just go with the
most simplistic answer. Gates needed release. And to be honest, he wasn’t the
only one. “Me too. Rough day all around, I suppose.”

Julian rolled over as Gates disposed of the condom and got
cleaned up. “Yeah. Can’t wait for this mission to be done.”

The words would’ve hurt but Julian was currently being
honest with himself. As much as he enjoyed his time with Gates he couldn’t wait
to get off this planet as well. “Just one more day of hiking. Then we can move
the chambers.” No one had mentioned the hike back to the shuttle yet and Julian
refused to be the first. Concentrate on one step at a time. That was how a
person made it through hard missions.

Gates laid his shirt over the spot where Julian had come
before lying down next to him on the bedding. “I was thinking that when I radio
in that the mission had been a success, I should clear the diplomatic channels
for Twelve and Twenty-Four. That way they might help guide us back to the

They did stand a better shot of surviving with the reptile
people on their side. “They would be motivated to help us get back to the
shuttle in one piece. If we died after helping them, it wouldn’t be a good
start to negotiations.”

“That’s kind of what I was thinking. We’ve already lost five
men. I’d hate to lose any more.”

Gates’ voice was thick and drowsy as he spoke and Julian was
having a difficult time fending off sleep himself. But still, as Gates draped
an arm over his side, Julian didn’t really want to remind Gates he should
return to his own tent. Maybe if they just lay down for a bit it would be okay.
The night was still long. There was plenty of time for Gates to make his way
back to his shelter without raising suspicion.

That was the last thing he remembered before he drifted off
into a haze of contented dreaming. He fully suspected he’d be waking up alone
the next morning. And he told himself that it really was for the best. He
couldn’t quite make himself believe it but he did his best to heed the warning.
So when he woke up to sunlight glowing through the canvas of his tent and the
heavy arm of a man still wrapped around him, he was more than a little

“Um…yeah. I overslept.” Gates’ breath tickled him as it
brushed against the back of his neck.

“What are we going to do?” They couldn’t let the others
know. Commanding officers slept with their subordinates more often than they
probably should but it was one of those situations a person didn’t flaunt. Not
if the commanding officer wanted to keep his rank. “I don’t want you to face a
tribunal or anything.”

Gates’ short bark of laughter helped to relax him. “They
won’t put me in front of a tribunal. My men aren’t exactly the type to go
complaining to the powers that be. They trust me and my decisions. And even if
they did, I know enough to pretty much guarantee a plea bargain. Trust me. No
one wants me to start talking.” He ran his fingertips over Julian’s side.

He rolled over so he was facing Gates. “Then why the hell
haven’t we been doing this from the start?”

Gates smiled at the question. He looked so young when he
smiled, so carefree. Julian wished he got to see him do it more often. “Just
because I know I won’t get in trouble doesn’t mean I think it’s okay to exploit
the situation. There are reasons officers shouldn’t sleep with their soldiers.”

“But there are countless reasons they should too.” He ran
his hand down Gates’ body until he came to Gates’ dick.

“As I’m learning. Still, that doesn’t make it a good idea.”

Julian cocked one eyebrow as he stroked Gates’ dick. This
was a troubling development. Was Gates planning on making this a one-time only
deal? “Then why do it?”

“Honestly? Because I just can’t seem to stop myself. Damn if
you aren’t irresistible.”

“I like the way that sounds.”

“And I like the way that feels.” Gates was already hard in
his hand. “But I also like the way sleeping in a bunk feels.”

He ran the pad of his thumb over the tip of Gates’ cock and
smiled as Gates’ whole body shook. “You do make an excellent point.”

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