Extortion (37 page)

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Authors: Peter Schweizer

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Cassidy & Associates (lobbying firm),

Castro, Joaquin,

Cellular Telephone and Internet Association,

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS),


Central Missouri Biofuels,

Cerner Corporation,


Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)

Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC)

challengers, and reforms,


Chambliss, Saxby,

Chanos, Jim,

Chicago Mob (“the Outfit”),

China, and Hollywood films,


Chubb Corporation,

Chun, A. Marisa,

Cyber Information Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA)

Civella, Nick,

Clark County Conservation of Public Land and Natural Resources Act of 2002,

Clean Energy Act,

Clear Channel Communications,

Clinton, Bill (U.S. president),

Clinton, Hillary,

Clyburn, James,



Clyburn, Mignon,

Clyburn, William, Jr.,

CME Group,


Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)

CNet News

Cobra Oil and Gas,

Cochrane, John,


Committee for Economic Development,

Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC),


Communication Workers of America,

complexity of laws and regulations,


; complexity and,

; prosecutory discretion and,


Computer and Communications Industry Association,

“conduit contributions,”

Congress, members of: airline privileges and,

; fund-raising during sessions and,


; reading of bills by,
; salaries of,

Congressional committees: assignment to,


; leadership of,


; staff of, as consultants,


Connecticut campaign financing law,


Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB),

Conyers, John,

; leadership PAC(s) of,


Cooley Godward Kronish LLP,


Cooper, Jim,

Corleone, Don Vito (film character),

Corleone, Michael (film character),


corporate PACs,

Cortelyou, George,


Corzine, Jon,


Covington & Burling (law firm),



Cox Enterprises,

Credit Suisse Securities,

Crenshaw, Ander,

Crowley, Joseph,


Cyber Information Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA),



Dakota PAC,

Danner, Dan,


Daschle, Tom,

Davis Polk (law firm),

Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC)

defense industry,


DeLauro, Rosa,

DeLay, Christine,

DeLay, Tom,


Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC): party dues,


Democratic Future (PAC),

Democratic National Committee,
; April 1012 fund-raisers and,


Democratic Party: CISPA and,

; donations to other candidates and,

; family syndicates and,

; “soft money” contributions and,

Department of Energy (DOE),

Department of Health and Human Services (HHS),


Department of Justice (DOJ): appointments to,
; Covington & Burling and,

; election of 1012 and,

; employment of former officials of,

; enforcement of antibribery law by,

; Nixon and,
; Obama administration and,




, 210n19; online piracy and,
; “partisan bias” and,

; prosecution of financial crimes and,




Dershowitz, Alan,

Deutsche Bank,

Dingell, John,

Directors Guild of America,

Disney Corporation,

Dodd, Chris,

Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act,
; consultants and,

; crafters of,

; fund-raising during passage of,


; size and complexity of,


Department of Energy (DOE)

Department of Justice (DOJ)

Domestic Energy Producers Alliance,

Domino, Tony,

Donlan, Thomas G.,

“double-milker bill,”


DRS Technologies,

Duffy, Terry,

Dunn, Anita,


Dutko Grayling (lobbying firm),



Echostar Dish Network,

Economic Leadership PAC,

The Economist

Edisonian Innovation Works,

Edmonds, Nathaniel,

election campaigns: joint fund-raising efforts and,

; leadership PAC spending on other candidates and,

; “milker bills” and,


; personal spending in,

; prosecution of financial crimes and,

; protection and,


Elmendorf Strategies (firm),

Endere, Rob,

energy industry,


Engel, Liz,

ENN (Chinese energy company),

entertainment industry: online piracy legislation and,


; trade with China and,


Entertainment Software Industry Association,

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA),


Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

ethics law,


extortion: bureaucrats and,

; definition of,
; fear in politics and,

; historical instances of,


; legality and,


; methods of,

; “milker bills” as,

; street-level activities and,

; style and,

; tribute and,
; vs. bribery,



See also
legislative process; Mafia; “protection money”


Facebook: politics and,

Fagell, Steven,

family members of politicians: banning of, as lobbyists,
; benefits from campaign funds and,

; jobs for,


; leadership PACs and,

; participation in extortion by,
; powerful families and,

See also
family political machines

family political machines: Harry Reid and,

; Roy Blunt and,


Fannie Mae,

Farmer, John,

Farrell, John Aloysius,

Fazio, Vic,



Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA)

Federal Election Commission (FEC)

Federal City Caterers,

Federal Communications Commission (FCC),


Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971,

Federal Election Commission (FEC): leadership PACs and,

; Reid family and,


Federal Reserve Act of 1913,

Feingold, Russ,

Feinstein, Dianne,

“fetcher bills.”
“milker bills”

financial crimes: prosecution of,


financial crisis of 2009,


financial reform.
Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act

Financial Services Forum,

Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC),

Financial Times:

Finley, Shannon,

First Amendment,

FIRST Group,

Flake, Jeff,

Florida: campaign financing law in,

; single subject rule in,

Forbes, Randy,

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA),

; business opportunities and,

; enforcement trends for,

; provisions of,

; targeted industries and,


Forest Labs,

Fortane, Johnny (film character),

Fortuno, Luis,

Fowler, Elizabeth,


Fox Films,

Foxx, Jamie (actor),

Frank, Barney,

Franken, Al,

Franks, Trent,

Freeh, Louis,

Friend, Amy,

Friends of Harry Reid (PAC),

Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC)

fund-raising: necessity of,

; networks of operations and,

; as political motive,

; reforms on timing of,

; time spent on,

; use of legislative process for,

. See also campaign contributions; “milker bills”

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