Extol of Agnatic Dreams (The Extol Series Book 1) (34 page)

BOOK: Extol of Agnatic Dreams (The Extol Series Book 1)
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lais had said he would come and walk with her to the welcoming meal so it should have not been surprising when Evangeline found him waiting at her door. Evangeline was unsure who had sent for him but she did not question it. Evangeline supposed she would need to grow accustomed to this kind of official formality.

Although Evangeline was careful about showing it, it was hard to look at him. Evangeline’s emotions always flashed into spontaneous life and it appeared that she had so little control over it. Evangeline loathed him and the virus that stained his bloodline. The curse which had taken her dreams and her friends from her often made Evangeline feel numb in response. Any other emotion was dangerous and Evangeline could see how Wick had found freedom in hiding her words. It seemed to be the only safe way to function.

Inside Evangeline was screaming and thrashing in a desperate struggle for freedom. Instead, she moved with effortless calm. At a quick glance, it appeared that there was nothing odd about them. However, the longer anyone witnessed Glais and Evangeline interacting with each other the easier it was to spot the discrepancies. She walked beside him with enough space between them so her hands would not accidently brush his as they moved. She did not want to touch him at all.

Her dress was the colour of a light blush, only shades away from her skin tone. Thin straps kept the dress on her body, and exposed much of her skin. Twin lines of pearls and clean gems decorated her torso, separating her slight bust from the simple skirt of the dress. She noticed that many of her dresses kept that empire style, and Evangeline supposed this was to allow the accessories to form the illusions of her body’s shape

This was the most revealing dress she had seen, and yet Evangeline had not argued when Wick dressed her in it. The castle was warm, and silently Evangeline like the ruffled details of the skirt. Her hair was done in carefully constructed waves and the only jewellery was a brass coloured crown.

“You look lovely,” Glais said, giving her a look over before offering Evangeline his elbow. She ignored the offer. “The Braykith black suits you.” He tried again to compliment her but it seemed that no matter what he said, it would not be the right words to sedate her.

“I look like a corpse,” She muttered, once more comparing her pale skin to the dark and heavy fabrics of her dress. She looked forward, not looking at Glais as they walked together. Evangeline knew he was walking slowly for her, but she did not care. After the confrontation with her father, her only focus was to get through the evening and return to her rooms as quickly as possible. Tomorrow she would spend the day fasting and preparing for her wedding. After that, she would be tied to this monster who stalked the hallways beside her.

“I have told Luella to pack her belongings,” Glais said, the short distance to the dinner seem like it was reasonable enough time to bring up the topic from earlier that day in the barn.

“And you plan to just throw her into the woods and see what the rebels make of her?” Evangeline asked, not apologetic in her tone. The only silver lining to being in Glais’ company was the freedom to speak as she wished and not feel bad when she offended him. He was barely a man and the blood of her closest friends sat on his hands. Evangeline could never quite manage to control herself entirely around him, and she doubted that the betrayal would ever ease over time.

Glais hoped that in time she would find a way to make peace with him, but he did not pressure her now. He didn’t bite back at her tone either. He proceeded as if she had said nothing at all. “I have arranged for Luella to be sent to a good family who will treat her well and in need of new kitchen staff.” Glais seemed to believe this was the end of the conversation but Evangeline stopped and he turned to face her. “What is wrong?”

“Does Luella know how to work a kitchen?” Evangeline asked. Glais frowned. In truth, he did not know what skills she possessed beyond the obvious. He was not prepared for this confrontation, and yet Evangeline did not pull back but proceeded to verbally attack him. “Does she know how to be more than your blood whore?”

Glais expelled a breath in a vain effort not to return her anger with a flare of his own. “I thought this was what you wanted?” Glais had done nothing but fail her. He should have been expecting backlash. Stupidly he had thought Evangeline would appreciate his effort to deal with Luella in what he had thought was a respectful way.

“Luella has been nothing but terrible to me Glais, but I do not wish her death.” Evangeline knew she was just a little overly dramatic and yet she did not take the words back. Instead, she squared her shoulders prepared for more. “You need to understand Glais that no one here asked for this life. Luella might be mean spirited but her duties to you are not usual.”

“I know this.” Glais interrupted.

“Do you?” Evangeline asked and they stared at each other, locked in a tension that would not break. “I suggest you speak to your father and do as he recommends, Glais. He is experienced and will know the best course of action.” Nervously she wiped her hands down her front and smoothed the black fabric of her dress, remembering her father’s words. Braykith was all she had and she needed to make this work. If she could not trust Glais, she needed to trust her new King. “Quintus will be good to her.”

Glais did not think his father would be kind to Luella but he stayed silent on those thoughts because he felt that this was a turning point. How quickly this became an argument was dependent on him. Glais was still struggling with understanding Evangeline’s emotions. He could tell that she had been crying, and those tears had clearly been shed in the company of her father. What news did he bring which had brought her to tears? Glais knew Evangeline would not share the answer with him and so Glais would continue to speculate. While the exact nature of those tears was unknown, he blamed them now for her attitude towards him. “I shall speak to him as soon as I am able.”

Evangeline nodded and walked away, Glais quickly catching up.

They entered the room together but that was the last time they were seen together that evening. Evangeline had quickly positioned herself between her mother and brother. She studiously watched her wine glass and did not meet his gaze even when Glais did all he could to connect with her. Glais had been forced to reorganise the seating arrangement so they sat opposite each other instead of the side by side he had originally catered for. Still Evangeline did nothing to accommodate him.

After what seemed like the longest time, Evangeline did finally look up and saw Glais watching her. She looked down the length of the table and saw that Quintus was gone from the head seat. She rose an eyebrow to Glais and watched as he silently exited from the table.

“Where is Glais going?” Thea asked and Evangeline instantly recognised the slur of her words and breathy chuckle that followed her question. Her glass refilling with Braykith wine and the Lady of Crimah was quick to drink more of it.

Evangeline saw that her mother was on the way to being drunk but she said nothing to bring it to anyone’s attention. Thea being intoxicated would mean Barret would have her concerns at the forefront of his mind and not Evangeline. She had shamed her father and she was apologetic about it. He had somehow secured her life far above the station she was born in. He could not be blamed for the particulars that tainted her life here. He could not know the fate he was creating for her.

“He is checking the guard to ensure the rebels are not close. There have been some minor security concerns. Glais will manage it.” Evangeline sounded confident in her future husband but it was a lie. She relaxed when her mother shrugged and Evangeline could not believe that Thea didn’t question it. She didn’t seem to think it was an odd thing for Glais to do and so went back to her animated dialogue with Kyleigh.

“If you will excuse me,” Evangeline made her excuses and exited the table although no one watching her. She had been looking for an excuse to leave since she had been forced to arrive. That window of opportunity had been slow to arrive however with Glais and Quintus already missing it was far easier to make her escape now. Evangeline spotted Thomas standing by one of the doors, his clothes cleaner than she remembered ever seeing them but she suspected that was because of her family’s arrival. Quintus was always sure to look impressive for any guest.

“Lady Evangeline.” Thomas gave her a short bow as she approached the doors.

“Can you escort me to my chambers?” She asked.

Thomas faltered and she looked behind her to see who he was trying to find and yet it did not seem to be anyone of importance. Evangeline looked back to Thomas, frowning but he did not share with her why he had acted in such a manner to her request. “Yes, my lady. It would be a privilege.”

He opened the door for her and quickly they departed the scene without looking back. They had barely left the busy room when she spoke. “Were you looking for someone else to take me?” Evangeline asked him and Thomas smiled. She seemed to always look at the worst case scenario and never at the best possibilities.

Gently his hand brushed hers, the barest of contact but a shiver vibrated up her arm. “I was just ensuring that there were enough guards present in the room that my absence would not upset the balance. We are under strict orders to ensure that your family does not come to know the truth of the Braykith Royals while they are here.”

Evangeline nodded. “So you do not mind returning to my chambers then?”

“I do not mind. I do need to keep my job though and remain valuable to the Royals. I do not wish to offend you, Evangeline.” Thomas was gentle to remind her of the dangers of their relationship. It was a wasted breath because Evangeline was very aware. She was sorry to have put Thomas in such a position. If he had been asked, Thomas did not mind and would have been quick to say so. Any words of comfort he meant to say fell short when a raised voice came through from somewhere within the castle

“What was that?” Evangeline asked and took off down the hallway towards the shouting.

“Evangeline!” Thomas shouted after her but obviously she was not going to come to his words. He gave chase, Thomas with his hand on his blade handle as he went after her. The castle did play tricks with the sound but quickly Evangeline found the source and skidded to a stop half way down the grand staircase to witness the scene unfolding on the landing.

Luella was being dragged out of the hallway and towards the main doors by two men dressed as Thomas was, the Braykith guard uniforms. Glais and Quintus stood nearby but when Luella did try and grab at him, clearly the distance was too far for her to reach them.

“You owe me.” Luella screamed and Glais kept his face blank. He had excellent practice in hiding his own thoughts from showing on his face. Several times Glais had been screaming inside and no none was any wiser due to his impressive self-control. He was also aware that they had a fresh audience, but that did nothing to alter his expression. From the corner of his eye, he saw Evangeline standing with Thomas but he did not address them. “You cannot banish me,” Luella demanded, her voice helping in keeping his focus.

“You are banished for treason against the crown.” Glais said and Evangeline shivered at the tone of his voice. She had heard it before, had witnessed how effectively he shut down all of those around him, and yet it still chilled her.

“What treason?” Luella demanded and her sudden surge forward caused a guard to lose his grip on her arm. She dropped forward, the other guard releasing her in time so she could save her face from hitting the floor. Free from their grip, she took advantage of the moment to get closer to Glais to beg for her life. Luella crawled forward on her hands and knees. It was hard for Glais to witness her moving towards him like this considering their shared history. He wished for nothing more than to make her stop but when the guards went to collect her Glais stopped them. This needed to play out to satisfy his father.

Luella looked back and realised she had a breath of a moment to turn the tides that were against her. She crawled forward and pressed her forehead to Glais’ shoes, kissing the polished hide. “I have done nothing against you Glais. I have been good and you need me.” Slowly she rose, like a snake that was transfixed Luella got to her knees until her hands gripped Glais’ thigh and she hugged herself to him. Silently she begged for his mercy.

Glais was clearly uncomfortable with the attention but with his father, his future wife and her lover, and guards watching him he needed to exert self-control. Quintus nodded and Glais nodded back. He knew what his father wanted him to do and yet Glais would not sentence Luella to death. Banishment was dangerous but her behaviour was making Quintus nervous now. Glais was losing control and his father’s respect. “For your actions against my future wife Evangeline, you have been banished from the lands of Braykith,” He said the words without mercy.

Her wailing silenced him, Luella throwing herself backwards from his leg in a final act of despair. Evangeline moved forward then, pulled into the scene out of her concern for Luella and forgetting this was the woman who had been happy to torture her since her arrival. To Evangeline, Luella was just a woman who was suffering and Evangeline wanted to make it stop.

The sound of her shoes seemed louder than normal and simultaneously Thomas’ hand was on her shoulder and Luella spotted her. Evangeline froze as the woman flipped and scrambled across the floor with a hollow shriek. The guards were too slow to act and Thomas was struck dumb by the animalistic display coming from Luella. He had never seen such a thing before and it chilled him that the traditionally beautiful girl could become like this.

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