Ex's and O'S (12 page)

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Authors: Bailey Bradford

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Ex's and O'S
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First time? Adam was pretty sure his heart was doing cartwheels at that. Les wants more…of me. The realisation was overwhelming, and Adam didn’t know why or what made him so appealing to the other man, but it didn’t matter, he’d take it and hold on as tight as he could—and if he was lucky, maybe Les wouldn’t want him to let go.



Bailey Bradford


Chapter Twelve

As much as Les hated to, he agreed to let Adam follow him home. He’d rather have

had them ride together, but maybe it was best this way. Les didn’t want to smother Adam with his neediness, something Les wasn’t sure he liked about himself at all. But he did need the gorgeous little blond, and not just physically, although right now that was the primary focus. His cock was trying its best to burst out of his pants even though he was kind of terrified of what was going to happen once they got to his house. Every time the fear tried to rise up, though, a wave of lust battered it right back down. He couldn’t even begin to imagine what it was going to feel like to bury his cock in Adam’s sweet little ass, but God, did he want to find out, quick!

Then he thought of how close he’d come to freaking out in the office, when he’d

thought Adam was going to touch his ass. He’d been as scared as the uptight virgin he was, that’s for sure. What’d he thought, that Adam was going to rip off his pants and just plunge right in?

Maybe, he conceded. God knows that’s exactly what Les felt like doing to Adam.

Hopefully he’d have more control than that. How did men get used to that, being touched there? And what about the fact that Les had been working all day, he had to… Well, surely he should shower first or something before letting anyone poke around his butt? Not that he was filthy or anything, but… Damn it, how was he supposed to figure any of this stuff out? It wasn’t like he could ask anyone, he was embarrassing the hell out of himself just thinking about it!

Maybe, he reasoned, he was one of those men who just liked to be on top? Les snorted as he turned onto his street, checking to make sure Adam was still behind him. How could he know if he preferred fucking over being fucked if he never got up the nerve to try both?

The fissure of fear he felt at the idea of being penetrated even softened the hard on he’d had for the past half hour. But was it all fear, or was his body trying to tell him something?

Les suspected, as he pulled down the long drive leading to his place, that it was fear.

The idea of giving his body over to someone else had always terrified him, and letting EX’S AND O’S

Bailey Bradford



someone else—no, not someone else, Les corrected, Adam—literally into his body was unimaginable. How much trust would it take to be able to do that? And yet…and yet Adam had asked him to do that very thing, hadn’t he? Asked Les to push into his body, enter him and claim him in the most personal way possible. Les didn’t deceive himself into thinking he’d be the first to do so, although he certainly didn’t dwell on that. It just kind of pissed him off, thinking of anyone else having Adam like that.

Okay, more than kind of, Les admitted when he realised he was growling like some

angry bear. But the fact was, most people had sex, and they didn’t get all bent about it, either.

That was his hang up, and though he knew the cause, he didn’t know if he could ever get past his fears and let Adam fuck him. Even the idea of the man pushing a finger into him made Les break out in a sweat. It wasn’t that he was afraid of it hurting. It all came back down to being able to trust both himself and Adam enough to ever even try something like that.

A tap on his window startled him, making Les yelp and promptly blush so hard he

felt a bit dizzy from the rush of blood. He put the vehicle in park then shut it off before looking at Adam. Dressed in tight jeans and an even tighter T-shirt, the dark blue colour setting off his blond good looks, Adam was a walking wet dream. Just the sight of him shut off the part of Les’ brain that was trying to panic. He smiled through the window at the man then motioned for Adam to back up. Les unbuckled, opened the door then got out in one easy motion.

He was utterly sure of one thing as he locked gazes with the scrumptious man—he

wanted Adam with every fibre of his being. Everything else, all the fears and unanswered questions, those could wait for another time.



When he’d seen Les sitting there looking more than half-terrified, Adam had been

certain the man had changed his mind. So to say he was surprised when Les got out after giving him a hungry look would have been an understatement. Then when the bigger man had got out and reached for him, lifting Adam plumb off his feet in a show of strength that EX’S AND O’S

Bailey Bradford



made Adam whimper, he’d ceased trying to figure Les out, quit trying to think and opened instead for the brutal press of lips.

Les growled into the kiss, his teeth catching Adam’s lips as Les all but devoured him.

Adam’s veins filled with liquid fire, his groin lava hot with need. He more than half expected Les to drag him inside and fuck him up against the front door, and so he was more than a little confused to find himself released, his lips throbbing from the kiss. The only reason he didn’t fall flat on his ass was because Les had a hand on each of his shoulders.

Before he could ask what had just happened, Les was plucking the backpack off

Adam’s shoulder and muttering something about a shower as he turned and started walking towards the front door.

“Well, okay,” Adam huffed, only now even bothering to look at the house. It was a small brick home with an even smaller front porch barely enough room for the plastic lawn chair setting on it. Two round white posts ran up to the tiny porch roof. The front door was white, it’s smooth surface marred only by a peephole. Adam glanced around the yard. It was dark out, sure, but there was enough light from the porch that he could see that Les didn’t bother with flowers or shrubs. From the outside, it was just a house, one that gave no clue as to the nature of the mysterious man who lived there. And Les was, to Adam, a mystery. He couldn’t imagine not ever having sex and wondered what the reasons were for Les’ need for such rigid control.

“Are you coming in?”

Adam dragged his gaze away from the yard and found Les frowning at him from the

now open doorway.

“Yeah, I was just…”
trying to figure you out
. He shrugged and trotted up the sidewalk and onto the porch. Once inside, Les didn’t grab him and kiss him senseless again. Instead the man took his hand and, leaving the lights off, led him through the dark interior until they reached a door.

“This is my bedroom,” Les said, his nervousness evident in the way his voice

deepened. He opened the door then stepped inside and turned the light on. Adam followed him in and blinked at the sudden brightness. It wasn’t just the light; the bedroom was a rainbow of colours. The walls were a bright, sunny yellow, adorned with several colourful paintings he assumed were abstracts. The dresser, night stand, desk and armoire as well as EX’S AND O’S

Bailey Bradford



the head and footboard, those were all lovely golden pine. A bright blue and green blanket, dotted with splashes of purple and yellow, matched the numerous pillows piled against the headboard.

The only thing white in the room was the ceiling, Adam noted as he looked up. He

looked down at the floor and couldn’t help it. The surprising burst of turquoise beneath his feet made Adam grin. He didn’t know what he’d expected to find in regards to Les’

decorating skills, but this brilliant display of colours certainly wasn’t it, and it tickled him to know Les trusted him enough to share this bit of himself with Adam.

“What do you think? Too much?”

Les sounded so worried, so insecure that it pinched at Adam’s heart. He walked up to the man and cradled his stubbled cheeks in his hands. “I think it’s the most beautiful room I’ve ever seen,” Adam said huskily, “thank you for bringing me here.”

Les swallowed twice, Adam watching with fascination the way his Adam’s apple

bobbed. “I was…I spent a lot of time in the hospital when I was a kid.”

When nothing else was forthcoming, Adam nodded. As much as he wanted to ask, he

couldn’t pry, not when Les had offered up something that was obviously important from his past. And Adam understood the bright room better now, though it also made him sad. How much time had Les spent in a hospital as a kid, so that all he’d wanted was to sleep somewhere as different from a bland, cold room as possible? It had to have been a lot, but Les seemed so healthy and strong now—

“I was gonna shower,” Les mumbled then grinned wryly. “Probably have to get in

with my pants and underwear on. Think the cum cemented them to my skin.”

No wonder the man wanted to shower. Adam smiled sweetly and stroked his thumbs

over the sharp edges of Les’ cheekbones. “Can I shower with you? I promise to be a good boy.” He’d seen that flicker of fear in Les’ eyes and had needed to reassure the man.



Why the hell did I make such a stupid promise? I could have at least tried to negotiate!
But how could he have known how delicious Les would look all naked and wet? The man was all hard muscle and dense hair and Adam loved it! The planes of Les’ chest were covered in a EX’S AND O’S

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thick pelt that served to emphasise his little pink nipples—Adam had been surprised to find those little buds to be such a rosy shade; he’d expected them to be dark, a coppery brown or maybe coral, but they were so pink! And that wasn’t a treasure trail leading down to Les’ fat cock, that was a whole damn field or something, and it led to an even bushier nest of dark curls that Adam yearned to bury his face in. He’d seen so many ‘manscaped’ men—he was one himself—that finding one au natural was damn near a life altering experience. Les grumbled and turned around, dunking his head under the shower spray—giving Adam a priceless view of his fuzzy ass. Adam looked at that bubble butt hungrily, imagining prying those taut globes apart and finding the little pucker nestled there. What he wouldn’t give to be able to touch it, to push into Les’ body with his tongue, his fingers, and

, his aching dick.

As Adam stood panting like some exhausted marathon runner, Les was busy trying,

Adam thought, to ignore him. He was ninety-nine per cent sure it was because the man was shy, and washing one’s body could be an intimate thing. Adam’s lips curled into a smile
. Oh
yes, very intimate!

Stepping closer to Les, Adam reached around him and plucked the soap and

washcloth out of the dish. No fancy body scrubs or loofahs for Les, nope, and that was going to work in both of their favours.

“What are you—?” Les’ eyes rounded as Adam rubbed the soap all over the


“What does it look like I’m going to do?” Adam held out the cloth. “I’m going to let you wash me—everywhere.” Might as well jump in with both feet. “Let me get wet first.”

Instead of waiting for Les to move, Adam edged closer. Les got the message and

stepped aside, taking the washcloth from Adam. “You’re not afraid to do that, are you?” he teased since Les still looked shell shocked.

“No,” Les snapped, just like Adam had hoped he would. The male ego could be such

a wonderful tool.

“Good.” Adam stepped under the water and closed his eyes, running his hands over

his chest and belly, then further down to his cock and balls. He could hear Les’ breathing coming out in harsh pants, and managed not to grin triumphantly until he turned around and presented the man with his back.


Bailey Bradford



He slicked his hands down his sides then over his butt cheeks, forgetting about the abuse his behind had taken until he pulled the globes apart. He almost let go of his ass when the first bite of pain speared out from where he was holding on. He did let go when Les cursed loud enough to make him jump.

“It’s just a few bruises,” Adam said as he peered over his shoulder at Les. The man’s thunderous expression was actually kind of scary…and so sexy it made Adam’s cock weep.

“I don’t fucking care!” Les practically shouted, “I am going to kick Randy Talbot’s ass until it’s black and blue!”

Normally, Adam wasn’t a fan of growly and possessive, but then again, he’d never

been on the receiving end of it like this. Usually he was the one catching the attitude for hitting on a man who wasn’t single like he’d thought. So to have someone—no, Les—get that way over him was… Well, it was a novel experience, and one he was unashamedly thrilled about. He knew he had to be grinning like a loon, and Les’ deepening scowl proved it.

“What’re you looking so happy about? You’ve got bruises all over your ass!”

“Yeah, so maybe when you fuck me you can hang on really tight and leave some of

your own to cover them up.” Adam liked that idea a lot, wearing Les’ marks, and judging by the way the man’s eyes went dark and hot, Les liked it plenty, too. “You gonna wash them away?”

“I wish I could,” Les growled, making Adam’s belly quiver and his cock bounce. “I don’t ever want to see someone else’s marks on you, don’t want anyone else to touch…”

Then Les dropped down, his knees thudding heavy on the bottom of the tub.

“Fucking bastard. I am going to…”

Adam couldn’t hear the rest of what Les muttered, not when his pulse was singing

through his veins as Les began to gently wash his backside. Adam pressed his palms to the wall and, slutty or not, he didn’t care, pushed his ass out as he spread his legs as wide as he could. Les worked the cloth over his haunches slowly, thoroughly, then something soft pressed against first one sore spot, then another.

Adam raised his head and squirmed, trying to see behind himself. “What are you—”

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