Exposed (Free Falling) (35 page)

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Authors: Raven St. Pierre

BOOK: Exposed (Free Falling)
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The sky is blue.

The earth orbits the sun.

AJ is the love of my life

I was equally sure
of the truth behind each of these facts. 

When I walked into the lobby of his office building
I was still fanning myself, avoiding the questions and second guessing going on inside my head. I sent him a text to let him know that I was on my way up before pressing the button on the elevator that would take me to the seventh floor.

I f
ound him waiting there for me as the doors parted again, expressionless at first, but managing a weak smile when he greeted me.

I cleared my throat
and smiled back a little.  “I’m not gonna get you in trouble or anything by coming here, am I?” I whispered as we walked down a narrow hallway toward a set of frosted, glass double-doors with the name of his father’s company etched on both. 

“Of course not; it’s fine,” he replied while pulling the silver handle to
let me pass through the doors first.

He addressed one of his employees brie
fly, talking a bunch of industry mumbo-jumbo that I didn’t understand, while I stood by silently.  More and more, I was beginning to think that I should’ve just gone to his loft and taken care of this the night before instead of his place of business, but it was too late for that now.

We walked
to an office just around the corner from the cubicles where the others worked.  Once I followed him inside, he closed the door behind us.  I looked over his surroundings and was surprised at how together this place was.  He had me thinking things were in disarray and I naturally assumed that his father had situated him in an old, dated building in need of major updates, but this place was anything but that.  The large window behind AJ’s desk, heavy wooden bookcases lining the walls, and the separate sitting area in the corner gave me the feeling of being in an upscale office with a very important businessman – which I clearly was.

“This is nice,” I said nervously, still looking around.

AJ folded his arms over his chest and shrugged
, responding with a very modest, “It’s ok, I guess.”

took a few steps toward the chair beside where he rested against the edge of his desk, and I sat.  I clasped my hands together in front of me to keep them from shaking, but it didn’t work.  With him standing there in front of me, I have to admit that I faltered a little.  Sure, once this was over I’d miss him, but I was doing the right thing. 

I’d allowed myself
to pretend that Kira wasn’t part of the equation because she wasn’t an immediate issue.  However, the fact of the matter was, before I came back into the picture, AJ was ready to fully commit to her.  I’m woman enough to admit that I envied Kira in many ways – because she’d had the sense to snatch him up when she did, and because she’d essentially be living the life with him that
was supposed to have.  Did I have a right to be jealous? Technically, no….but try explaining that to my heart.

“Work went okay?” AJ
asked, when I failed to speak.

I nodded.  “It did.”

He stared at me and I could feel it despite the fact that I couldn’t meet his gaze. 

When he sighed and repositioned himself, I felt the atmosphere in the room getting ready to shift.  “
I know why you’re here,” he stated flatly, stealing my breath away as panic stepped in.  I had plans to lead into this conversation gradually, but it sounded like he was getting ready to jump right in.

I lowered my head as my heart sank to the floor.  He knew.  A whirlwind of emotion almost swept me up, but I held it together, reminding myself that
this had to be done.  His stare burned a hole through me, but I tried to fight it. 

“AJ I –“

“I should’ve called,” he interrupted.  “If you’re mad, you have every right to be.”

I sat there with my mouth half open, realizing that his assumption was wrong.  He
know.  Now I was even more nervous than before.

When he took m
y hands and pulled me up from the seat, I knew I should just tell him then,
we hugged, but I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to be in his arms again.  Four days without seeing him had been pure hell.  On top of that, there was the fact that, soon enough, we wouldn’t be seeing each other at
anymore.  The finality of this thought made me embrace him tighter.

“I’m so sorry,” he breathed against my ear
after placing a kiss there.  “I know it was on me to reach out because of how our conversation ended…and I
I was gonna call as soon as I got back in town from Fairfax.  I just thought we both needed time to think.  I’m so sorry,” he repeated, holding me tighter.

My throa
t constricted as I held back from crying.  Slowly, his hand trailed up to the nape of my neck where his fingers came to rest beneath my hair.  His touch wasn’t something I’d planned ahead for either.  In my head, I’d come in, say what I needed to say, and leave before he could see me cry.  However, I currently found myself relishing in his grasp, letting my eyes drift shut as my will began to falter.  It was in that instant that I considered the possibility of abandoning my original purpose for coming here altogether.

pulled away a few inches and there was a look of vulnerability in his eyes that I hadn’t seen him display many times before.  It made me feel like, whatever he said he wanted this to be,
this to be, I’d go along with it. 

“Do you forgive me?” he asked

All I could do was nod, unable to explain that I’d never been mad
at him in the first place.  A faint smile graced his lips just before he briefly touched them to mine.  When he pulled away, his eyes roamed over the details of my face. 

“I missed you,”
he added warmly.

What I meant to say was
I missed you too;
however, I was still in a daze so nothing came out.  This wasn’t at all what I had in mind when I set out to come here. 

AJ traced his thumb over my lips, staring at them like he longed for another kiss, but refrained. 
It was in the moment that our eyes locked that the words “I love you,” slipped out of my mouth without permission and my heart sank at the realization that I could never take them back.  That one, seemingly simple phrase – the one I hadn’t spoken to him in several years – crushed the last ounce of resolve that remained in my bones.  Followed by the final nail in the coffin – that smile he gave in response to my admission.  Our lips collided and I gave up trying to fight this.

At first, there was a slight concern that someone might walk in; however, when this
kiss began to deepen, I found myself not caring a whole lot about who caught us.  AJ’s hands moved down my back and I leaned into him as he gripped me tight like this was the last time he’d get to touch me.  I became entranced by the sound of our kiss and the heavy breathing that came along with it.  Through his dress slacks, I felt his erection swell.  I found myself wanting to take him right then and there, but there wasn’t much time before he had to leave for his flight.

I took his tongue into my mouth and placed my hands on both sides of his neck, feeling his racing pulse race against my palm. 
His scorching hot lips made it impossible to back off and so did whatever that fragrance was he was wearing.  Just like that, I was his and there was no turning away.

only have fifteen minutes,” he whispered, feverishly dragging his lips across mine.  “But I need you,” he added.  Both of his hands ran up my torso, gripping my breasts firmly as his touch set my nipples on hard. 

“Then take me
,” I answered recklessly, drunk off of him after only a few seconds.  Deep down I knew I should turn him away – we had every reason in the world to stay away from each other – but instead, I found myself helping him hike up my pencil-skirt and remove my stockings.  As soon as they were halfway down my thighs, he eased his hand inside the front of my panties, separating the lips of my sex to slowly run his finger between them.  I sucked in a breath and held it while he repeated the motion again and again.

I didn’t want him to stop…
Everything he did, every time he touched me, it felt like the first time.  He pulled away abruptly and crossed his office to the door, engaging the lock before he returned to me.  Impatience ruled him as he undid his belt and zipper.  When he freed himself from his boxers, I was already raining wet.  I took my stockings down the rest of the way and kicked my panties from around my ankle to the chair, holding AJ around his neck as he hoisted me onto his desk with ease.  My hands landed on a mess of papers and folders behind me when I braced myself.  AJ aligned his erection with my parted thighs and hastily plunged inside.  We both released a sigh of relief at the feel of being connected again after so many days.  I could hardly breathe as he hijacked each and every one of my senses.

insane addiction I had to him left me feeling like I could
get enough, no matter how often we did it, no matter how satisfied he left me.  He made me feel greedy, desperate, and maybe even a little possessive.  Okay…a

There was no way in hell I’d try to walk away from him again…

AJ pressed his lips to mine as he backed his hips up and dove in again.  His motions were quick, but not frantic, reminding me of the few times we’d done it in a rush in less than private places as teenagers, trying to sneak a piece whenever we could.  The risk factor, then and now, was adrenaline-charged.  Knowing that, at any moment, one of his employees could try the knob or overhear us, was constantly at the forefront of my mind just like I’m sure it was on his.  Still, even considering the risk, this felt necessary.  I had to have him; he had to have me. 

The moisture
between my legs increased as he repeatedly stroked my g-spot, allowing him to slip in and out even faster.  I moved one of my hands from his desk and gripped the back of his head as he craned his neck toward me for another kiss. 

What is it about
him that makes me lose myself?

I clamped his lip between my teeth, provoking a deep, throaty laugh
that rumbled from his chest, driving me crazy as he delved even deeper.  His fingers dug into my hips and the mounting pressure signaled me that I was on the cusp of climaxing despite the fact that we’d only been at it for a couple minutes. 

My eyes clenched shut and I held him tighter as
he slammed in again and again. The telephone and a stack of papers crashed to the floor when his violent thrusts shifted the entire desk a few inches.  Neither of us really cared if anyone heard at this point.  When his breathing became labored, I knew he was about to cum too.

I moaned through my orga
sm as quietly as I could, attempting to breathe through my nose in hopes of preventing the oncoming scream, but it was physically painful to hold it in.  He made my entire body feel so good that yelling out was the only way I stood a chance of surviving these intense climaxes.  He buried his face in my shoulder, tightening his grip on my hips as he silently released inside me.

The buckle of his belt clanked ag
ainst the desk when he pushed in one last time.  My blouse had come untucked and somehow my necklace was now hanging down my back instead of against my chest.  Knowing that we’d have to hustle, I accepted a few of AJ’s sensual kisses and then hopped down from his desk.  He let me use his private restroom first to clean up, and then went in to do what little washing he could before having to hightail it to his plane. 

“You should ride to the airport with me if you’re not doing anything else,” he suggested, slipping back into the suit jacket
that hung on the coat tree near the door.

I put my shoe
s back on and nodded while still buried deep in thought, agreeing to accompany him.  I watched while he readjusted his tie and then retrieved the overnight bag that sat at the back of his closet.  After straightening my clothes one last time, I followed AJ out into the main part of the office, acknowledging the fact that I’d achieved nothing by coming here other than making it clear to us both that I wasn’t going anywhere.

We rode the elevator to the first floor and hoppe
d in a cab.  The entire ride, AJ and I sat in silence, our fingers interlocked as we gazed out opposite windows.  I have no clue what was going through
head, but I felt stuck – stuck to
, stuck in
.  Under different circumstances, that wouldn’t have been a bad thing.

n front of the airport the driver sat quietly, waiting for AJ and me to make a move, or at least pay him.  Before parting ways, AJ leaned in and kissed me twice and then stared. 

“Stay up, okay?  I’m
gonna call you later so we can talk,” he promised, but I’d already decided not to hold it against him if he wasn’t able to find the time or the privacy to follow through. 

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