Exposed by Rage (15 page)

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Authors: Sherrel Lee

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Literary, #Romance, #New Adult & College

BOOK: Exposed by Rage
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I stood by the door and watched DeMarco and Braden step to opposite sides of the bed where George lay in the locked medical ward, recovering from a knee replacement and several broken bones.  Braden made it his duty to report to anyone who would listen, how he had rescued me from the bastard.  I let it ride. If DeMarco and I had a chance to make things work between us I had to sign a peace treaty with his official police partner.

“No more bullshit, George.  You need to tell us why Mimzi killed Jillie and Randi,” DeMarco voice was braced with steel.

“Ask her.  I had nothin’ to do with it.”

“Unfortunately her jaw is wired shut and though we will be talking to her, she won’t be talking back for a while.  We’d really like your perspective on this.”

Apparently George didn’t mistake the nice words as an excuse to argue.  “She hated Jillie.  Was always jealous and when Mims found out Jillie had learned that someone was making snuff films, she went nuts.  Paranoid freakin’ bezerk.”

Braden asked, “Did Jillie know it was you making the films?”

“Nah.  She actually asked me if I might know who it was.  But maybe my hard-on gave her a clue I was more involved than I admitted.  I mean watching Mims slice up those girls. And when Jillie asked I couldn’t help thinkin’ about it.”

“So why did you make those films.  I get it might have been exciting to watch but you didn’t have to become the producer.” DeMarco sounded so sympathetic I wanted to vomit.  I struggled to maintain a calm that was hiding a volcanic eruption of anger.

"You ever just have to stand around and watch someone else do what you dream about?” Spit sprayed from George’s twisted lips.  “Always holding the camera, zooming in at just the right moment, capturing everything, but not good enough to be the one doing the action.  Then a friend showed me a video and I knew.  I knew I was the one who was going to make it big”

I couldn’t take it, I had to move away from that subject even if for only a minute. 

DeMarco shot me a don’t-do-it look reading my intent to rip out George’s tongue and more vulnerable low hanging body parts. 

“So why murder Randi?  She had nothing to do with the films or Jillie’s investigation.”

“Kevin was avoiding Mims, feeling guilty for letting her talk him into bed shortly after they met.  But Kev wasn’t gonna lose Randi over it, and tole Mims to stay away.”

George looked at me, “Mimzi needed a lot of sex, a lot of guys wantin’ her.  She had her eye to make Kevin a more permanent fixture.  When he told her to stay away she didn’t take it so good.  She was at the club when Randi ran out after fightin’ with Kev. She wanted to get Kevin back and figured she could just take Randi out of the picture and he’d fall into her arms.  She went out the back to her car and waited for Randi down the road, then offered her a ride.  You know what happened then.”

DeMarco and Braden continued to interrogate George until a nurse came in and ran them out.  They followed me as I hobbled out with the help of a crutch.  Most of the cuts and bruises I had were minor, but my arm and leg had more stitches than I wanted to count.  I guess I could consider myself lucky, if I wasn’t having to do a one legged dance of penance to get DeMarco to realize I knew I should have waited for him, but threatening my life wasn’t going to unmake what had already happened.  He was coming around.

We didn’t go to see Mimzi, she was heavily sedated and being moved to a psych ward when her injuries would heal to the point she would be able to feed herself again.  I’m proud to say I broke Mimzi’s nose, knocked out a few teeth and shattered her cheekbone and jaw.  The collision of her head to cement promised to leave her with one major mother of a headache for a few years.  Oh, and somehow her shoulder had been dislocated in the fight.  I’m sure it happened well before I cuffed her. 

Michael did finally settle down and rarely chided me for having charged into the building without someone to watch my back.  I admit the make-up sex has only gotten better by the day, hour and minute.  It takes a lot of make-up sex to atone for all the hellfire he’d blasted me with and we both wanted to take a few hours to escape the horror of George and Mimzi. 

When the renovations to the house were completed we would be moving to the manse.  Michael had agreed to become my silent partner in the agency I was opening.  I haven’t decided on a name, but the idea of calling it NoEx for No Exposure Investigations seemed to ring the bell for the concept of the investigations we were already working but none of that mattered when Michael carried me into his bedroom. 

All thought of tomorrow vanished as he laid me on the bed and his lips met mine.





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