Exposed (32 page)

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Authors: Naomi Chase

BOOK: Exposed
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He cupped her face between his hands and seized her mouth, swallowing her cries and moans, thrusting his tongue to the rhythm of his deep, slamming strokes.

And then she was screaming his name, thighs shaking, pussy walls clutching and contracting around his shaft. His head went back, eyes closed, neck muscles straining as he felt his orgasm rush to the tip and explode, wrenching an exultant shout from his throat.

Moments later he opened his eyes, and he and Cynthia stared at each other, both recognizing the profound significance of what they’d just done.

Several seconds passed.

And then they both laughed, breathless, before Brandon collapsed on top of her, pushing her back onto the desk, keeping their bodies joined. He nuzzled her flat stomach, her blouse damp beneath his cheek.

She stroked his head, slowly and tenderly.“I love you,” she whispered.

And Brandon closed his eyes, smiled contentedly, and thought,
I know.

Tamia was nervous as she stepped off the elevator and entered the dark reception area that fronted the litigation department
of Chernoff, Dewitt & Strathmore. As with her previous visit, the large reception desk was empty.

But unlike before, Brandon wasn’t expecting her.

It had been a week since their painful breakup. Since he refused to answer or return any of her phone calls, she’d decided to pay him a visit at the office, to make one last desperate appeal to him. When she arrived, she’d been relieved to encounter the same friendly security guard who’d let her into the building the first time. She’d flirted shamelessly with him, convincing him to let her upstairs so she could surprise Brandon.

Her stomach was a jumble of nerves as she started down the carpeted corridor toward his office. She knew she was taking a huge risk by showing up unexpectedly, but she had no other choice since she couldn’t get him on the phone. At least she knew she could always find him here, at his job, burning the midnight oil.

As she neared the end of the darkened corridor, she saw that the door to Brandon’s office was ajar. A sliver of light spilled out into the hallway … along with something else.

Noises …

… muffled grunts and moans.

Tamia’s steps slowed, a horrible suspicion taking root even as Brandon’s voice whispered through her mind.

I’m talking ghost town here … no one would ever have to know….

Swallowing hard, she reached the door and peered through the narrow opening.

Instantly she recoiled from the sight that assaulted her.

Cynthia was bent over Brandon’s desk, her palms braced on the surface and her legs spread apart as he fucked her from behind. His hands were under her blouse, fondling her small breasts. And his head was thrown back, his face taut with ecstasy as he pummeled her ass, each slapping thrust echoing around the room.

“Oh God, Brandon …” Cynthia moaned uncontrollably. “Ohhh shit, baby. This is yours … Right there … right there … yes,

Tears rushed to Tamia’s eyes.

As she watched, too stunned to move, Brandon slipped his hands from under Cynthia’s blouse and grabbed her by the waist. As he fucked her harder and faster, her screams of pleasure were nearly drowned out by the blood pounding against Tamia’s eardrums.

With a choked sob, she spun away from the door and fled blindly down the corridor, tears gushing from her eyes and pouring down her face.

The last of her hopes and dreams had been shattered.

And she realized, then, that this was the way Isabel Archer must have felt.

Chapter 42

A week later, Tamia received the summons to her boss’s office that she’d been dreading for the past two months.

It was Friday—the day that employers notoriously chose for terminating employees. Although Tamia had been working overtime in recent weeks to salvage not only her promotion but her job, she knew her efforts may have come too late. And considering the heartache that the previous two Fridays had brought her, she had no reason to feel remotely optimistic.

Taking a deep breath and bravely squaring her shoulders, she rose from her desk and marched through the maze of glass cubicles, pretending not to notice the speculative stares of her colleagues.

Her boss, Steve Hollman, sat behind his desk in the large corner office he enjoyed as a member of senior management. Midforties, attractive, with a shock of black hair and keen blue eyes.

Tamia hovered in the open doorway. “You wanted to see me?”

“Yes.” He swiveled away from his computer, gesturing to the chair opposite his desk.“Have a seat.”

She did, perching tensely on the edge.

Resting his elbows on the desk, Steve steepled his fingers and calmly appraised her.“How’re you doing?”

“I’m … fine,” she responded haltingly.

“Are you?”

Tamia was silent, mouth dry, pulse thudding against her breastbone.

“You’ve had some rough stretches these past two months.” Which was his diplomatic way of saying,
You’ve been fucking up big time.

Tamia gulped. “I know, Steve, and I’m really sorry. I’ve been dealing with some … personal issues.”

He nodded grimly. “I figured as much. But you know what, Tamia? We
deal with personal issues at some point or another. But that’s life—shit happens. When you have clients and team members counting on you to give 100 percent, you can’t afford to deliver anything less. The
can’t afford it. Especially during these tough economic times when the advertising industry is suffering huge financial losses.”

Tamia nodded meekly, taking the tongue-lashing as her just due.

“You’re a hard worker, Tamia. You’ve always been. Which is why it’s so noticeable when your productivity drops off. During the seven years you’ve been here, you’ve established yourself as a workhorse, a team player, someone who’s conscientious and dependable. You’ve established yourself as a leader. So with that said”—a broad grin stretched across his face—“congratu-lations. You’ve just been promoted to assistant brand manager of advertising.”

Stunned, Tamia stared at him.“Are … are you serious?”

“As a heart attack. Your recent work on the Houston Rockets account reminded me why I hired you in the first place. Your instincts on their youth literacy campaign were right on the money. I just got off the phone with the team president, who couldn’t stop raving about the ‘fresh, hip’ concept
you spearheaded.” Beaming with satisfaction, Steve leaned back in his leather executive chair. “You’ve got talent, Tamia. You’re creative, cutting-edge, and you think outside the box, which are the core principles this agency was founded upon. So I look forward to seeing what else you bring to the table in your new leadership role.”

Tamia felt like someone had just handed her a lifeline, rescuing her from the abyss. She smiled—her first real one in weeks.“Thank you so much, Steve. I won’t let you down.”

“I’m holding you to that.”The note of stern warning in his tone was unmistakable.

Swallowing hard, she nodded to let him know she’d received the message loud and clear.

“At some point today, you need to stop by Shanell’s office so you can fill out the necessary paperwork for the salary increase.” Steve smiled. “I’m sure she can’t wait to congratulate you.”

Tamia grinned.

As she was leaving the office, Steve called out,“By the way, how’s Brandon doing?”

He might as well have shoved a knife between her ribs. Tamia froze, then turned slowly to face him.“Brandon?”

“Yeah. Your boyfriend. I’ve been following the Quasar trial in the news—sounds like it’s going really well for Brandon.” Steve smiled ironically. “I’m not sure that I agree with his firm’s defense of a diagnostics laboratory whose employees made a careless mistake that inadvertently caused a man’s death. But I’m impressed, as always, by Brandon’s legal prowess. Innocent or guilty, it seems that he’s the right man to have in your corner.”

Tamia forced a bright smile.“I couldn’t agree more.”

And then she left before Steve realized that she’d never actually answered his question.

*  *  *

Shortly after she’d returned to her cubicle, her cell phone vibrated on the desk. When she checked caller ID and saw Dominic’s name, a wave of hot fury swept through her. She hadn’t seen or spoken to him since the night of the car chase, when he’d threatened to expose her secrets unless she convinced Brandon to leave his company alone. Now that Dominic had no leverage over her, she relished the thought of cussing him out for all the havoc he’d wreaked in her life.

But the bane of working in a cubicle was the complete lack of privacy. So she grabbed her vibrating cell and made a beeline to the ladies’ restroom, locking herself in the nearest stall. She answered the phone seconds before voice mail intercepted.

“You lowlife, sorry motherfucker,” she began without pre-amble.“You’ve got some damn nerve calling me after—”

“This is Isabel Archer.”

Taken aback, Tamia gasped. After several speechless moments, she stammered,“I-I thought you were Dominic.”

“Clearly.” Isabel sounded coolly amused.“My cell phone is registered under his name. I assume that’s the only reason you took the call.”

Tamia frowned.“How did you get my number?”

“From Dominic’s cell phone. I tried your home number first … just in case you’d taken the day off to play hooky with someone else’s husband.”

Tamia bristled at the insult.“Look, Mrs. Archer, I told you before that I didn’t know Dominic was married when we started sleeping together—”

Isabel snorted derisively.“Based on what I witnessed that day in the shower, I’d hardly classify what the two of you were doing as
And even if you honestly didn’t know he was married when you first met him, you sure as hell knew by the time he whisked you off to St. Croix!”

Tamia’s face burned with shame. Propping her shoulder
against the side of the stall, she inhaled a shaky breath and let it out slowly.“Look, I’m sorry. All right? I’m truly sorry for any pain I caused you by having an affair with your husband. I know you won’t believe this, but getting involved with Dominic was the absolute
thing I wanted to do, and it damn near cost me everything. So if you think I haven’t suffered the repercussions for my actions, think again.”

Isabel was silent, pondering her heartfelt words.

Tamia added,“And in case Dominic hasn’t told you, the affair is over. We haven’t been together since that day you walked in on us. We’re through, and I have
intention of ever seeing him again. So you can stop having me followed!”

There was a startled pause on the other end.“What are you talking about?” Isabel demanded, sounding perplexed. “I’m not having you followed.”

Tamia sucked her teeth.“Don’t give me that. I know it was you!”

Isabel snorted. “I assure you, Tamia, if I hired a private investigator every time Dominic cheated on me, I’d be flat broke. That worthless son of a bitch has been unfaithful almost from the day we were married. So if you thought you were in any way special, think again.”

Tamia frowned. The woman was either a damn good liar—or she was telling the God’s honest truth. But Tamia couldn’t forget about the poor house servant who’d been killed for having an affair with Dominic, nor could she dismiss the deadly threats Isabel had made against her. The woman was dangerous and couldn’t be trusted.

But if
wasn’t behind the stalking, who the hell was?

“Maybe I
have hired a private investigator,” Isabel continued almost as an afterthought. “I’ve filed for a divorce from Dominic, but in typical fashion, he’s denying that he ever had an affair with you. If I’d hired a detective, I’d already have the proof I needed to take his despicable ass to the cleaners.
Which brings me to the reason for my call.” She paused for a moment.“I need your help.”

Tamia blinked.“Excuse me?”

Isabel heaved a resigned sigh.“My attorney advised me to swallow my pride and get in touch with you. Since Dominic is denying the affair, it’s my word against his—unless
agree to provide the evidence I need. Saved e-mails, phone messages, receipts for things he may have bought you. Anything would help.”

Tamia balked at the idea of being used as a pawn by Dominic’s vengeful wife. And after everything she’d endured over the past two months, the
thing she needed was more drama in her life. On the other hand, this was her golden opportunity to get even with Dominic for throwing her world into upheaval and ruining her relationship with Brandon. This was also her chance to make amends for the role she’d played in destroying Isabel’s marriage. After catching Brandon and Cynthia fucking in his office, Tamia had felt horribly betrayed, despite the fact that Brandon had broken up with her the week before. Seeing him with Cynthia had devastated her beyond belief. So she could only imagine how hurt and betrayed Isabel must have felt when she’d caught her husband banging another woman.

“You owe me,” Isabel said tightly.

Tamia sighed heavily.“Fine. I’ll help you nail his sorry ass.”

“Thank you. Can you meet me at my place tonight?”

Tamia hesitated.“You mean the penthouse?”

Isabel laughed scornfully. “I prefer to call that the
house, because that’s where Dominic takes all his mistresses. When he told me he was leasing a corporate apartment at the Four Leaf Towers for business purposes—supposedly to impress his clients and to be closer to the office when he had to work late—I knew
what he was up to. There was only
one reason he wanted that place—to have a love nest for his secret rendezvous.”

Tamia frowned, remembering the cold sterility of the lavish penthouse. The lack of personal effects such as photographs, books … alarm clocks. Now it made sense.

She gnashed her teeth, feeling like the world’s biggest fool.

Isabel gave a sardonic chuckle. “So, no, I wasn’t talking about meeting at the penthouse. I want you to come to our home in The Woodlands.” She rattled off the address.

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