Explore Her, More of Her (18 page)

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Authors: Z.L. Arkadie

BOOK: Explore Her, More of Her
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“I’m ready to show you another talent right now,” Belmont whispers in my ear.

I look at him. He smirks. We tear our gazes off each other only to see that they’re all watching us. We probably look like the start of an R-rated movie.

“Then it’s settled, you’ll come,” I say to take the awkwardness out of the moment.

“I will see,” Anna says.

“Don’t worry about a flight or anything. I’ll arrange Belmont’s jet for you.”

“Oh,” Anna says, gazing at Belmont.

“Handsome and rich. I am lucky that I don’t have to compete,” Anton says.

I can’t see Belmont’s face, but I imagine that he’s smiling while his hands get friskier.

“Hey, let’s take a picture,” Claire says.

She asks one of the guests to snap a picture of the eight of us with her smartphone. Anton tells Claire to send the picture to him and winks at me. A waiter brings us another round of drinks. Orange Tank takes the stage, and Anna and Claire scurry off to watch. It’s evident that they’ve known each other long before tonight.

“Well, we’re leaving,” Belmont announces.

“But this is your party,” Anton says.

“My mission is accomplished.” Belmont grinds my butt. He’s up and ready to go.

“I’ll see you tomorrow then,” I say to Anton.

“We’ll see each other in the morning. I want to show you something.”

I narrow one eye curiously. “Show me what?”

“You must wait and see.”

I groan playfully. “Okay but it better be good.”

Anton and I hug. Did we really only reconnect yesterday? I feel as though we’ve been close cousins ever since the afternoon Daniel tried to teach him and Leon how to jump over the swimming pool on a skateboard. Daniel landed the jump every time, and I landed it only once. I remember Anton clapping when I finally succeeded, and I remember thinking, “thank you,” and feeling proud of myself. I hug Leon then Augusto, who pats my hip as we let go. Belmont narrows his eyes at Augusto.

As soon as Belmont and I make it to the sports car he’s renting, he pins me against the door and tongues me. His kiss is greedy. He pulls me against him by my dress.

“That was hard,” he says breathlessly. “How long did that take? Five hours?”

I chuckle as he nibbles my neck. “Not that long.”

“Hey, Daisy!”

Belmont turns to look behind him. “What the fuck does he want?” he mumbles.

I lean over to see around Belmont. It’s Dexter. Shoot, I forgot he and the team were even here. Dexter throws up his arms as if to say, “remember me?”

I sigh. “Okay!”

“Okay what?” Belmont snaps.

“He knows you called Gil.”

“And what does he want you to do for him?”

“Let Gil know that it’s okay for them to stay in France. They’ll keep the money you put in their budget, and my friendship with Dexter is over. He loses my number, and I lose his. The whole crew will pack up first thing in the morning and drive to Provence.”

Belmont’s grimace intensifies. “Who said I called Gil?”

I look at him askew.

“Okay, I called him. But Frampton is fucking stalking you, and you’re a happily married woman.” He smirks.

“He was making a grand gesture that didn’t work. He gets it—you and I are never leaving each other. You would’ve done the same thing if the tables were turned.”

“I don’t want to have to think about that.”

I flutter my eyebrows. “Oh, if the tables were turned, I would leave his ass in a hot second.”

Belmont grins as if he likes the sound of that. “Is he still using the material from your books?”


“What if he has questions? I’m sure he’s planning on calling you every second of the day in the name of work.”

“Kristin will call me. I’ll only deal with her.”

Belmont lets out a hard sigh. “You know I’m not going to say no to you.”

I lick his bottom lip. Belmont skips a breath then looks over his shoulder. “You got it, Frampton! I’ll contact Gil.”

Dexter shows Belmont a thumbs-up. Dexter’s eyes gloss over me before he turns and trots away. I imagine he’s going to tell the team that they’re back in business and with a better budget. They’ll all probably celebrate, drink like fish, and dance the rest of the night away.

Belmont pulls out his phone and types a message to Gil. Gil responds right away, and Belmont replies.

“Done,” he says.

“Thank you.” I grin.

Belmont forces his eyes off my face long enough to get us in the car, but once we get on the road, he tries to control the gear shift and finger-bang me at the same time. We almost run off the road twice before he’s able to get two fingers inside me the way he wants and smash my clit with his thumb. I put my seat back and let him play inside my pussy. He moans and whimpers and mutters about how good it feels. We roll up the driveway to Chateau Mes Fleurs very slowly because Belmont refuses to switch gears. He stops near the front door, puts on the brake, and shoves his face in my pussy.

“Shit,” he says as he pushes his tongue against my swollen knot. The car is too small, and he’s unable to stimulate me the way he wants to.

I can’t help but laugh. “Calm down, Jack, I’m not going anywhere.”

The next thing I know, Belmont is out of his seat and opening my door. He picks me up, and I wrap my legs around him. He pulls up my dress and unsnaps and unzips his pants. I feel the head of his penis break through me. I gasp as he smashes deep inside me.

“I can’t wait,” he says. “I’ve been thinking about you all night and day.”

I tighten my pussy around his erection.

Belmont grunts. “Not yet, baby.”

We stand very still. Once his lust has settled, he carries me toward the cottage. We can’t kiss. I can’t move my hips or else. Belmont takes a path I didn’t know existed, and we’re at my cottage in no time flat. He opens the door and carries me inside. I chuckle.

“What?” he asks.

“You’re like a giant trapped in a shoebox.”

He smashes his mouth on mine. He tastes so good.

“The sofa,” I mutter.

Belmont sits on the sofa with me on his dick. I shift my hips back and forth, and he tosses his head back.

“You like that?” I whisper.

Belmont moans and speeds up my hip action. His dick feels so good that I whimper like a puppy.

“Not yet,” Belmont whispers as he holds me against him.

We calm our breathing. He lifts my dress off and gobbles up my tits.

“You have the most beautiful breasts,” he says, squeezing them.

He bites, sucks, and licks one nipple then the other. I kiss his forehead as he devours me. He slides his hands up and down my waist then pulls back to get a good look at my nakedness.

Belmont dips his head toward the bedroom. “The bed is that way?”


He stands up really fast and takes me to the bedroom. My back comes down on the mattress. Belmont holds my hips and rams his penis inside me. My pussy pulsates with every thrust. He goes faster and faster. His entire face is strained.

“So… fucking… tight…” He yells and quakes as he pops. He pitches his dick deeper to make sure I absorb all of his cream. “I love you, baby.”

“I love you, too,” I say with a sigh.

Belmont slowly takes himself out of me and clamps my legs closed before he trots to the bathroom for a towel. He wipes me dry. “I’m not the only one who likes to bite you.” He chuckles.

“Oh…” I look at the red marks on my leg—they’re insect bites.

Belmont throws the towel on the floor, and his eyes are hooded as he gazes at my pussy. “I’ve been hungry for this since I first saw you at that party.”

He licks the length of my slit. It’s a slow journey for his tongue, and he applies pressure so that I can really feel it. Our eyes lock as he does it again and again. Then his tongue sinks into my hole, and it goes in and out as he blows against my wetness. My thighs quiver in response. Now that he’s got me good and excited, he latches on to my clit. I think he’s sucking it because the sensation is so intense, it flows to my belly. I try to squirm, but he holds me still. I grunt and whimper as I clench my teeth, trying to bear the sensation. When my orgasm ignites, I claw the mattress and scream.

Belmont doesn’t stop. He just keeps going. It happens again, and again, and again until his dick is hard and ready to enter my juicy pussy. He thrusts in me until he gets to the edge, then stops, waits to settle down, and guides me into a new position. I’m on my knees. My legs are over my head. I have one leg up and one leg down. He lies on my back as I lie on my stomach with my legs together to make my walls extra tight for him. This is the position that usually gets him, and Belmont blows after three thrusts.

He knows I love it when he lies on top of me like this. His dick is corked in my pussy, waiting to rise again. We fall asleep, and later he wakes me up with a few hard thrusts. He shifts my hair off my neck and kisses my skin. He’s going nice and slow, shifting his hips indulgently.

“I’m going to make you come, baby,” he says and slips his finger under me to stimulate my clit.

Belmont has every single live spot inside my vagina memorized, and he’s probing the most sensitive area, using the clit stimulation as a guide. I whimper and sigh as I get closer to orgasm.

“Yes, baby,” he says, encouraging me to go before he does.

I grab the pillow, grit my teeth, and hold on as the pleasurable sensations explode. I cry and whimper. Belmont holds there until I release the tension in my body. I tighten my pussy to make the finish line feel good for him. He jerks and sucks my neck when he comes. Just like before, we fall asleep until the next round.

Sunlight engulfs us, and Belmont is eating my pussy. I scream as I climax. My clit is so sensitive, and Belmont knows it. He’s made me come so many times through the night that I can’t count them all. We’ll probably sleep through most of the day. He falls back on the pillow beside me. His dick is hard but tender. He’s overdone it again.

“Are you sore?” he asks me.

“No. You’ve kept me too wet.”

“Oh shit, don’t say that, baby. You’re going to make me flip you over onto your stomach, sore dick and all.”

I give him a look that dares him to do it. Just as he’s about to take my dare, his cell phone rings.

“I’ll be back,” he says.

I giggle as he reaches for the phone on the nightstand.

“It’s Maggie,” he says.

I lie on my side to watch him.

“What’s going on Mags?”

She says something.

“I’m in France with Daisy.” He listens. “You don’t need to apologize. It worked.” He pinches my nipple. “Not the way you thought it would work, but you got the job done, so I should be thanking you. Oh, except for the ankle monitor. Daisy didn’t like it, and I didn’t like to see her suffer.” Belmont pauses then puts the call on speakerphone. “Maggie wants to talk to you.”

“Hi, Daisy,” Maggie says nervously.

“Hello, Daisy!” Javar Les says in the background.

She covers the mouthpiece of her phone and says something to him. When she takes her hand off the phone, she says, “Hey, Daisy, sorry about the ankle bracelets. It was the wrong call. But I’m calling to tell you that I’m sending you guys a video.”

“It’s okay,” I say.

“I don’t have my computer,” Belmont says.

“I’ll send it to your phone. We got extra lucky last night when Yvette threw wine in your face.”

I gasp and crawl over to nuzzle against Belmont, who takes me in his arms.

“I wondered who the hell invited her,” Belmont says.

“We can thank Javar for getting her there. We learned that she’s the one who was feeding Reece Development those lies about you. She fabricated all of this ‘proof’ so that her lies could stick. They paid her a lot of money, but she didn’t do it for the money. A woman scorned makes the best adversary—she doesn’t think with her head.”

“Tell Daisy about my part already, won’t you?” Javar says in the background.

Maggie sighs hard. “He seduced her, manipulated her, and made her even angrier with you, Jack. Then Harold Doe told us about the party. We already had her on tape confessing to ‘fixing’ you, but we knew getting her to confront you at your party would be the nail in her coffin. By the way, the team of people who work for you are fucking brilliant. I’m going to send you the video now. This is what’s out there. She looks like a bitter hag who set you up.”

“Whoa,” Belmont says. “Thanks, Mags, I’ll have payment for your services wired to your account.”

“You don’t have to pay me, Jack. You know I’d do anything for you, even fucking bury a body.”

“I’d do the same for Daisy,” Javar says.

“Could you please shut the fuck up,” Maggie grumbles. “Don’t worry, Jack, he’s harmless. He’s hit on every chick we’ve come in contact with.”

“Oh, Javar is such a cheat,” I say.

“Major,” Maggie says. “Even Monroe won’t sleep with him, and she fucks everything.”

“Yet,” Javar interjects, “Monroe’s walls will tumble like the walls of Jericho.”

“Anyway… Jack, Daisy, I’ll see you when you get back. Love you both.”

“Love you, Daisy,” Javar says.

Maggie hangs up before Belmont blows his lid.

“Who’s that guy?” he asks, grimacing.

“I thought I told you about him. He’s the English guy who taught me how to swim. He doesn’t love me. He hasn’t fallen in love yet.”

“So he just wants to fuck you?”

“Pretty much, but that’s your job.”

Belmont raises one eyebrow as though he likes the sound of that.

I tap the screen of his phone. “Let’s see it.”

He glances at his penis, which is sticking up under the sheet. It’s as if he has to deliberate between screwing me and watching the video.

“Seriously? Babe, we’ve been doing it all night. Play the video.”

Belmont chuckles, and I rest my chin on his shoulder as he pulls up the video and presses play. It’s a clip from a Chicago news station.

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