Exorcism - A Christian Manual (4 page)

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Authors: Carson Michael

Tags: #Demon possession, #Exorcism, #Deliverance, #Demonology, #Christian

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Familiar spirits are dangerous as they take on many forms.  They usually appear to the conjuror in ways that are non-threatening and line up with their theology.  Here are some ways that they appear:

As a loving angel surrounded in light.
An elderly kind gentleman or grandmother that gives advice. This is especially prone to happen with children.
An animal. Many New Age people believe that we have an animal spirit within us and the conjuror will ask that animal to manifest.
A dead relative (some mannerism or body feature will be distorted).
An ancient wise character. Some will see Buddha or even an ancient warrior like Genghis Khan appear to give direction.
A mist or cloud with a human outline.
Seeing Jesus, but there will usually be a part of Him that is distorted or exaggerated.

The second way a familiar spirit may enter is through the family heritage.  The familiar spirit becomes familiar with a family and gets to know all of their strengths and weaknesses.  They know how to tempt a family member because they understand the failures of the family system.  The Hebrew word for a familiar spirit means one that is willing to serve, or one belonging to a family.  We see this in the life of Abraham.  In Genesis 20, Abraham lied to protect his wife by calling her his sister.  His son Isaac then does the same thing in Genesis 26:7-12.  And finally, Jacob deceived his father Isaac to receive the blessing and take it from Esau in Genesis 27:1-37.  Lying and deception was in this family line and a familiar spirit could exploit this.

Familiar spirits will stay with the conjuror or the family as long as they have authority to be there.  To get rid of them there are several steps to follow:

First, confess your sins and the sins of your ancestors (if you know them). It is helpful to have as much of a family genealogy as possible.
Next, renounce these sins and all of the evil practices (especially divination).
Forgive your ancestors.
Command the familiar to leave in the name of Jesus. An exorcism will probably be needed if there are extensive divination practices as these demons are powerful.


Soul Ties

A soul tie is when 2 people are bound together in their souls.  This can be positive, as in I Samuel 18:1…”and it came to pass, when he (David) had made an end of speaking unto Saul, that the soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul.” In the Hebrew, the word “knit” means to tie together or chain itself to something.  Another positive soul tie is when a man and a woman are married, and the 2 become one flesh…”For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh,” (Genesis 2:24).

A negative soul tie would be uniting with a prostitute, having an emotional affair with a co-worker, or having an actual affair…”Do you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her in body?” (1 Corinthians 6:16).   Sex (and sex fantasies) appears to be critical in developing a soul tie.  When you unite sexually with another you become bound to them.  When bound to them, whatever is in them can come into you.  This happened to Solomon.  He was a devout servant of the Lord.  But he had 700 wives and 300 concubines over time and they lead his heart astray to serve other gods (1 Kings 11:2-5).

Soul ties can also be developed through emotional affairs, especially if there are sexual fantasies tied to that person.  We are influenced by the people around us, as stated in 1 Corinthians 15:33…”bad company corrupts good character.”  By being linked to the other person, you may pick up their characteristics…”Do not make friends with a hot-tempered man, do not associate with one easily angered, or you may learn his ways and get yourself ensnared,” (Proverbs 22:24-25).

The concept of emotional contagion is heavily researched.  Emotional contagion is the idea that we “catch” the emotions of others (I describe this more in my book
Taking The
Psychology Out Of Prophecy
).  In a classic study by Chartrand and Bargh (1999), they had a research assistant sit across from subjects and the subjects thought that the experiment was about looking at photographs and giving feedback for their use in a psychological test.  The research assistant was part of the experiment and she was either supposed to smile or not smile, rub her face frequently with her hands, or shake her foot frequently during the interview.  They wanted to see if the subjects would mimic the movements of the assistant.  What they found was that whatever the research assistant did, the subjects did unconsciously. 

For those with multiple sexual affairs and sexual addictions, they begin to deteriorate because of the soul ties.  They are united in their spirit with so many other human spirits that they became fragmented and shattered.  Through these connections, the personalities of the partners are becoming intertwined with theirs.  In addition, the demons in others have a gateway to move into them through the soul tie.   Many people will deteriorate mentally and spiritually until they have extreme mood swings, are easily frustrated, irrational, and be unable to stop yearning for more sexual connections. Some signs of an evil soul tie are:

Longing for past sexual partners even though in a current satisfying relationship;
Frequent sexual fantasies about past partners or current acquaintances;
Feeling drawn to a past sexual partner or a current acquaintance- when you see them your heart feels connected to them;
Developing new bizarre sexual desires in fantasizing about old partners;
Wanting to reach out and develop a relationship with an old partner;
Constantly checking Facebook, Twitter, and other social internet sites to see what old partners or current acquaintances are doing;
Being jealous of an old partner developing new relationships even though you are in a new relationship that you enjoy.


Soul ties can be broken through prayer in the name of Jesus.  However, the person must stop doing all the behaviors that draws him back to the person he was tied with.  He must not search for them on the internet, he must not seek to befriend them, and he must not fantasize about them.  Breaking the soul tie is easy in prayer; living the life that keeps it broken is much harder.  In addition, the prayer to break the soul tie may not invoke an expulsion of a demon that transferred from the previous partner.  An exorcism will still be necessary to get rid of any demons that are there.  Demons that frequently work with soul ties are deceiving spirits, sexually perverse spirits, Jezebel demons, spirits of divination (python), and spirits of bondage.

Generational Bondage

We inherit from our families either blessings or curses.  This is revealed in Exodus 20:5-6…”You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the 3
and 4
generation of those who hate Me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love Me and keep my commandments.”   Many problems can be passed on through a family because the family has become cursed.  Demons can travel down a family line where there is sin that is not renounced.  They have permission to be in a family and work when there is no repentance. In many cases the demons continue on through generations because the family is unaware of the sins of their ancestors.

God wants to bless families but in many cases the curses remain as a block to His blessings.  Curses are a serious thing.  Satanists know the power of a curse and when they curse someone they seek to curse them and their descendants to destroy their entire heritage.  Many problems are passed down to the next generation but the curse is never identified.  Here are examples of curses that result from sin:

Barren womb and child death (Deut. 28:18)
Diseases (Deut. 28:22, 27)
Mental disturbances (Deut. 28:28, 34)
Being constantly defeated by your enemies (Deut. 28: 25)
Feelings of oppression (Deut. 28:29, 48)
Physical accidents (Deut. 28:29)
Divorce (Deut. 28:30)
Addictions (Deut. 28: 48)
Sexual sin (Genesis 9: 20-27)
Deut. 28:45: “All these curses will come upon you. They will pursue you and overtake you until you are destroyed, because you did not obey the Lord your God and observe the commands and decrees He gave you.”


Noah had three sons named Shem, Japheth, and Ham.  Noah got drunk one day and laid uncovered in his tent.  Ham saw it and did nothing to help, but did tell his brothers.  Shem and Japheth took a garment and covered Noah and were careful not to look at him.  They protected Noah’s dignity.  The Bible says that Noah woke up and saw what Ham had done to him (9:24).  Many scholars have speculated what this actually means.  The Talmud states that Noah was either castrated or sodomized by Ham.  Others believe that just staring at a naked person is equal to sexual abuse in ancient times.  Still others believe that Ham had sex with his mother while Noah was passed out.  Whatever the interpretation, the Bible is clear that Ham was cursed because of serious misconduct and Shem and Japheth were blessed.

Ham’s descendent, Canaan was cursed by Noah…”Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants he shall be to his brothers,” (Genesis 9:25).  Shem and Japheth were blessed by Noah in the next two verses…”Blessed be the Lord, the God of Shem; and let Canaan be his servant.  May God enlarge Japheth, and let him dwell in the tents of Shem; and let Canaan be his servant,” (Genesis 9:26-27).  Abraham came from the lineage of Shem, who became the father of our faith.  Japheth was given a large territory but he was still to be under the covering of Shem. 

Canaan was to be subservient to both.  Canaan was from Ham and he became the father of the enemies of Israel, like the Canaanites and the Amorites.  The sons of Ham were also the builders of the tower of Babel and settled in lands such as Babylon and Assyria.  The ancestors of Canaan are still the enemies of Israel today and are at war with Israel.  God has blessed one nation because of their obedience and cursed the other which has continued over many centuries.

We do not have to suffer under the curses of our ancestors because Christ has paid the penalty for us…”Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: ‘cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree,’” (Galatians 3:13).  We have authority over the curses and the demons that travel through them, but we must cast them out to rebuke their authority in our families.  Mark 16:17 says that…”these signs will accompany those who believe: in My Name they will drive out demons.”

Dealing With Generational Bondage

First, we must recognize if there are curses in the family and how they got there.  It is helpful to do a family tree to map out the different relatives and the sins they tend to struggle with.  Many people do not look objectively at their family and have no sense of their history or their heritage.  The more you know about your family the easier it is to understand the weaknesses and where they come from.  For example, I saw a client that struggled with suicide.  She had the strange belief that she had always wanted to die and couldn’t remember a time when she didn’t.  We did a generational tree and found out that she had 6 family members that committed suicide in 2 generations.  She had never put together that her issue was something that many other family members had struggled with as well and she began to see a pattern that was the result of a family curse that was never addressed. 

I have seen many families that were ruled by alcoholism-drug addiction, child abuse, mental illness and violence.  In one family, a client brought in her daughter for counseling because she was sexually abused.  The mother also told me that she was sexually abused as a child, and that her mother, grandmother, and great grandmother all revealed that they were sexually abused as children.  A generational curse is a powerful force that can be devastating if not stopped, but you cannot stop something that you are unaware of.  However, not all problems are the result of a generational curse; sin can still be birthed out evil desire that has nothing to do with a curse.  Yet, to me, it is the most overlooked spiritual issue that should be addressed with every client.

After we have found that there are generational curses present the next step is to confess the sins of the forefathers, according to Leviticus 26: 40-42: “But if they will confess their sins and the sins of their fathers-their treachery against Me and their hostility toward Me, which made Me hostile toward them so that I sent them into the land of their enemies-then when their uncircumcised hearts are humbled and they pay for their sin, I will remember My covenant with Jacob and My covenant with Isaac and My covenant with Abraham, and I will remember the land.”

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