Exodus: The Windwalker Archive: Book 3 (Legends of Agora) (14 page)

BOOK: Exodus: The Windwalker Archive: Book 3 (Legends of Agora)
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Chapter 24
The Dwarf Prince


I often find myself wondering of those other paths, those other worlds of possibility. Surely I exist in other realms, surely we all do. What are the other versions of ourselves like? What have they accomplished that we never could? And the most important question of all, am I doing what I can to be the best version of myself?


-Azzeal, Keeper of the Windwalker Archive



Ash carried the heavy chest back to the camp and dropped it with a sigh of relief beside the fire. Talon had offered to help, but the dwarf wasn’t about to admit that he needed it. Haze landed and came over to the fire wide-eyed, looking slightly disappointed that he had missed the treasure hunt.

“I can’t believe it! There was something to be found?” he said, kneeling beside Talon and the chest. “Well, let’s see.”

Talon opened the chest disparagingly, and the shimmer of diamonds danced upon a shocked Haze’s face.

“Holy shite…” he said dreamily.

“Hell of a find, eh?” said Flick.

“You’ve got next shift, Flick, get into the air,” said Han.

“Yes sir.” Flick took one last gaze at the diamonds and mounted his silver hawk.

Talon closed the lid, causing Haze to blink and scowl at him. But then he blinked again and shook his head and laughed.

“You could fall into shite and come out smelling like lilies, couldn’t you, Windwalker?”

“Treasure such as this is more often a curse. Just ask the man whose bones were guarding it,” said Han. “Get your heads clear and keep your eyes open. Until that chest is on the Skomm ship, we are on high alert. Talon, you and your wolf take first watch over the camp. You two get some sleep,” he told Haze and Ash.

“Yes sir,” they said in unison, and Haze’s eyes lingered on the chest before he retired to his tent.

Talon hated leaving it there like that, but he wasn’t about to take it with him. He told Chief to follow and walked the perimeter, where he could keep an eye on not only the surrounding forests, hills, and valleys, but the camp as well.

All the while he tried to fathom the wealth that he had found. Should he cut the hawk riders in on some of it? Han had said that they did not have claim to or expect any of the treasure, but Talon found it hard to believe. He was so used to Vald, Vaka, pirates, and scoundrels that he half expected to find the camp clear when he got back. The riders needed only take it, and the treasure would be theirs.

Knowing that he had no control over the matter, he let his mind return to scouring the woods and doing his job. Chief ran ahead and behind him, sniffing the ground and darting across the forest in a streak of light now and again.

Talon thought he saw a shadow skitter across the ground more than once, and wondered if it had been Flick on his silver hawk. He searched the sky for any indication of the pair but found nothing.

He shivered and thought of the dead man whose bones had been guarding the chest. Could his ghost be even now searching the cemetery for the treasure? It would have been easier for Talon to dismiss such imaginings if he himself didn’t have a ghost wolf patrolling the night.

After what he guessed had been the allotted hour on patrol, Talon returned to the camp. He found the chest undisturbed, and Ash nodded to him as he came to sit at the fire.

“Anything to report?” Han asked him, emerging from his tent and looking as though he had just taken an hour of sleep.

“All’s quiet,” said Talon.

“Good,” said Han. “Mind keeping the wolf out for the night?”

“I’d planned on it,” said Talon, to which Han grinned and walked away, shaking his head.

“You ain’t very trusting, is ye?” said Ash, handing him a flask.

Talon glanced from the flask to Ash, not missing the irony. He took it and tossed back a shot, minding to taste the liquor before swallowing it back.

Ash laughed at that and slapped Talon’s back so hard he nearly choked on the rum.

“Even checkin’ the taste o’ offered booze to make sure it ain’t poisoned.”

“Sorry,” said Talon, feeling foolish and ungrateful. “I’ve been robbed and poisoned by people who called me friend. Old habit I guess. I mean no offense.”

“Well it be offensive,” said Ash seriously. “We riders got a code we do. And stealin’ ain’t a part o’ it.”

“I’m sorry,” said Talon.

Ash accepted the flask back and drank before handing it off once more.

“You plan on selling the diamonds back to the Ky’Dren dwarves?” he asked suddenly, and Talon could tell it had been on his mind.

“I will. But how do I go about it? I don’t know any dwarves, well…besides you.”

“I can help to introduce you to the right ones,” said Ash.

Talon took another swig and passed it back to Ash, wondering of the dwarf.

“Tell me, what’s a Ky’Dren dwarf doing working for the hawk riders of Shierdon?”

Ash seemed to stiffen. He tossed back another drink and capped the flask. “I can’t sleep anyway. Gonna join Han in patrollin’ for a bit,” he said, getting up and shouldering his long halberd.

“I’m sorry if I said something that made you uncomfortable,” said Talon, standing as well.

“Nah,” said Ash, waving over his shoulder as he walked away. “That stump of a seat what made me uncomfortable.”

Talon sighed and sat, watching him disappear into the woods.

“Don’t expect a dwarf to warm up to you that quick,” said Haze, emerging from his tent.

“I was just curious. He’s the first dwarf I’ve ever met.”

“He’s a quiet one, if that can be said for any dwarf. Humble too. You’d never know that you were talking to a dwarf prince, would ya?”

“Really? A prince?”

“Yup,” said Haze, clearly enjoying Talon’s amazement. “He’s of the line of Ky’Dren. Can even move stone with his mind. Just don’t ever ask him to show you.”

“Feikinstafir…” Talon mumbled.

“Aye, feikinstafir. I like that.”

“If he’s dwarven royalty, what’s he doing here?”

“That there’s the sore spot of his story. Word says that he accidently killed his brother in a mining accident. In his grief he exiled himself. Han found him shite-faced in a tavern in Brindon. It seems as though he had taken on half the bar—and was winning. Han challenged him to a duel and won. Since then, them two’ve been thick as thieves.”

“How the hells did Han beat Ash if he can control stone? And aren’t dwarves five times stronger than humans?”

“Sure, but ole Han’s got a trick or two up his sleeve.”

“Does he have more than one magical item?”

“Of course he does. The pendant on his neck. It heals you as quick as you’re injured. Said he got it off an elven princess who fell in love with him.”

Talon suddenly straightened, thinking of Zilena. “An elf princess?” he said, trying to laugh convincingly.

“Yup,” said Haze. “Names Zillera or something.”

“Zilena?” said Talon.

“Yeah, that’s it. Do you know her?”

“Yeah…I know her,” said Talon. “Saved our arses from the Vald attack. She is on one of the ships we’re waiting for.”

“Hah!” Haze laughed and slapped his knee. “This should be a reunion to behold. No wonder Han was so adamant about helping you lot. And he stole you right out from under her nose!”

Talon considered his words. They rang with truth; he himself had wondered why Han was being so friendly.

“You really think she’s going to be angry with him?”

“She’s a hot one, if Han’s words are any indication. Seems she loves her humans, and loves even more to show off her magic to them. Han says she gets a kick out of going against the elf council and her mother.”

Talon thought of Argath and Zilena’s obvious affections and wondered what the captain was getting himself into.

“What I saw of her seemed nice enough,” said Talon.

Haze only laughed and shook his head. “Yeah, nice, and with the ability to set you on fire with a thought.”

“You really think it’ll be that bad?” Talon asked, growing concerned by Haze’s jesting.

“Nah, Han is a lady’s man if I ever saw one. He’ll charm her like he always does.”

Chapter 25
Freedom and Redemption


I see chief at the side of the man in black, a man that I believe I will someday know. I had thought my life close to its end, for the spring of my youth, the summer of my prime, and even the autumn have come and gone. I have been in the winter of my life for many years, decades even, but now, here in the elf lands, I feel spring returning to my bones. My mind feels sharper, the words and the memories coming back to me.


-Gretzen Spiritbone


Talon awoke to Chief licking his face. He jerked awake and pushed back the leather tent flap, relieved to find the treasure box still sitting outside.

He emerged with a yawn and barely caught a tossed bowl from Ash.

“Get it while the gettin’s good,” said the dwarf, thumbing toward the fire and pot steaming beside it.

“Thanks,” said Talon.

He helped himself to breakfast, chuckling when he saw that it was gruel like his amma had always made. This, however, was dwarven gruel, and therefore had the enhancements of side pork and sausage cooked into it.

Flick landed from scouting and took up a seat beside Talon on the stump.

“Should be a clear day,” said Flick. “Weather ‘round these parts comes from the southwest, and it is clear as the eyes can see.”

Talon had hoped to hear some news of the Skomm ships, but none of them had seen anything while on patrol.

He finished the last of his gruel and washed it down with a heavy pull from his water skin before putting on his silver hawk cloak.

“Mind if I join you for the next patrol?” he asked Han, who had been preparing his mount.

“Was going to suggest it anyway,” Han replied with a smile.

They prepped their hawks and took to their saddles. Talon’s heart skipped and fluttered as it always did before a flight. The feeling of flying was so incredible and terrifying at the same time that he’d found himself liking it more and more.

Talon didn’t like to leave the treasure, but he was eager to search for the Skomm ships, so he trusted the riders to guard it as they had sworn to do.

Brightwing leapt off the ground after Han’s mount, spreading her wings and shooting nearly straight up. Talon held the saddle horn with white-knuckled fists, staring up at the clear blue sky. The hawks leveled some and continued to climb in a spiraling ascent that left them miles above the camp and flying north. Talon looked toward the Strait of Shierdon, hoping to find the two ships, and was pleased to see a number of vessels on the waters moving both east and west.

Han signaled toward the strait, and Talon offered an acknowledging wave. Together their hawks flew north and turned first east to get a better look at two ships sailing some distance apart. Upon closer inspection, however, they proved to be Shierdonian navy, likely patrolling the strait.

They turned around and followed the waterway east until they came upon another ship, but this one was a merchant vessel. Three more such ships raised Talon’s hopes, and still they saw no sign of Freedom and Redemption.

They’re a day late,
Talon thought, growing steadily more concerned for his fellow Skomm and Princess Zilena.

Then suddenly Han gave a whistle and pointed ease. Talon searched the waters and saw two ships sailing close together, heading into the mouth of the strait. He happily followed Han’s lead, slapping the reins and pulling Brightwing into a barrel roll that left them sailing through the clouds. He thought that indeed the two ships were Freedom and Redemption, but he had to be sure. As they drew nearer, the sails and flags flying high atop the masts became clear, and Talon gave a hoot.

Finally, they had found the Skomm.

Han gestured to Talon to follow close behind, though it was hard for him to see the general, given that his feathered cloak matched the sky above. But being level with the other hawk made it easier to see the disguise for what it was.

When they were only a few hundred feet from the ships, Han steered wide and slowed his hawk until Talon caught up.

“We’re going to lift the disguise now. I need you to fly ahead and tell them to hold their fire. They won’t recognize me, so you must do it.”

Han had to yell over the wind, but Talon heard every word and acknowledged as much. First Han’s silver hawk changed to shining silver, and then Brightwing followed her leader. Talon flew ahead, diving toward the ship and gaining speed just in case they did fire on him. He hoped that Zilena would be able to see him before the others, and would give word to stand down.

As he zipped by Freedom, Talon yelled, “Long live the Skomm!” at the top of his lungs before Brightwing glided back up into the air.

There was a collective cheer from the ship below, and Talon wore an ear-to-ear grin. He steered Brightwing around for another pass, but this time he coaxed her to land on the bow of the ship. The Skomm sailors stood before him, slack jawed and frozen.

“Well I’ll be a son of a bikkja!” said Argath. “Talon?”

Han landed beside Talon, and together they dismounted, leaving the silver hawks to eye the crew sideways.

“Aye, Captain. It sure is good to see you.”

Just then, Zilena strode slowly across the deck. She stopped dead when she saw General Ford standing beside Talon, and took a moment to regard the two silver hawks perched on the bowsprit.

“General Han Ford,” she said with slight annoyance. “I should have known the likes of you would be behind all this.”

“General, is it?” said Argath. He took two long strides forward and stared down the smaller man. “This would be a good time to explain why you took one of my crewmen.”

“That is a very long story, good Captain. It is one that you are no doubt eager to hear. But here Talon is, no worse off than when we…borrowed him. My king demanded his presence, and now that meeting has come to pass. You will be interested to know that Shierdon has agreed to help your people, and I have been quested with seeing that promise to fruition.”

Argath eyed the man suspiciously and glanced at Zilena, who made no attempt to hide her disdain for the general.

“Excuse us,” said Argath, indicating for both Talon and Zilena to follow him.

“What is he talking about? You’ve met with the king of Shierdon?” he asked Talon when they were out of earshot.

“Yes, the king has agreed to help get the Skomm off of Volnoss. He even said that he can provide us with a new place to live…an island of our own.”

Argath and Zilena shared a glance.

“What does he want in return?” Argath asked, looking more skeptical than ever.

“Well, he wants me to help my father challenge the Winterthorns. He wants us to kill them. He says that he needs Kreal to became chief and agree to the terms of the new treaty.”

“What treaty? What have you gotten yourself into?” said Argath.

Talon’s excitement slowly waned. “I thought that you would be excited,” he said, crestfallen.

“I would not believe a word that scoundrel says,” said Zilena, glancing over his shoulder at Han.

“He’s already proven himself trustworthy,” said Talon, glaring at them both. “We found the treasure that crazy Gammond was talking about. It’s a fortune in diamonds, enough to set us up—”

“Wait,” said Argath. “You dug up the treasure?”

Talon nodded.

“Well…where is it? You didn’t leave it with his people, did you?”

“It is safe with them for now.”

Argath shook his head. “Talon. Do you know nothing? You can never trust a Shierdonian.”

“Why? Because the Vald say so? I am no Vald. General Han has given me no reason to not trust him. He had multiple chances to kill me and steal the treasure. And here we are. As for you, Princess, I’m not sure what kind of history you’ve got with the man, but tell me this, is he a bad man?”

Zilena began to answer but then quickly clipped the words. She sighed and flared her nostrils, and finally shook her head. “Toward other men, I can say that he is a good man. I will not speak for his actions toward women.”

“If he has ever hurt you or your kind, I’ll spill his guts into the ocean here and now,” said Argath, suddenly red-faced.

Zilena perked at the gesture, and a sweet smile found her face. “I should hold my forked tongue. Thank you, my brave man, but he does not deserve that. But I would not be saddened by news that his sword had rusted and fallen off.”

Talon was at first confused by her words, but then the meaning became clear to him and he couldn’t help a small laugh.

“Let us speak more of this later. There is much to discuss. But first, I must return for the treasure and bring back with me the other riders.”

“How many?” asked Argath.

“Three more. Continue west as you were. I have been given promise that no Shierdonian ship will interfere with you here. Make for the waters south of Timber Wolf Village, and I will meet you soon.”

Argath considered Talon for a long time, but finally nodded his head in agreement. They returned to General Ford, and Argath shook hands with the man—though he clearly did so harder than necessary, for Han’s smile was half a wince.

“Have we come to an agreement then?” he asked, glancing around and lingering slightly on the princess.

“For now,” said Argath. “Come back with the treasure, and we will discuss things further.”

“Very well,” said Han, looking to Talon. “Shall we?”

“Look for me tomorrow in the southwestern sky,” said Talon, waving to Argath and the crew.

He climbed up onto Brightwing, feeling very much like a hero from one of his amma’s children’s tales. Together with Han he flew off to the west, one step closer to rescuing Akerri.

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