Exile of Lucifer (37 page)

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Authors: D. Brian Shafer

BOOK: Exile of Lucifer
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"In a few moments, Archangel, it will be you and your angels clearing out!"   289
Corin's eyes were black and void. Pellecus knew that the bril-
liant mind he once possessed as an instructor at the Academy had
been given over to complete darkness. He inwardly bristled at such
a waste.
"Corin, where is Lucifer?" repeated Pellecus.
"Lucifer is wherever Lucifer will be!" Corin answered mockingly.
"Dear Corin, my colleague, look what you have done to your-
self by your disgraceful behavior in Heaven," said Pellecus. "If
only you had listened more to what you were teaching than to what
you were taught."
Corin looked at Pellecus with his black eyes and laughed a
bizarre laugh. He began to shake uncontrollably and make strange
sounds. Pellecus and Kara watched as the former teaching angel's
face contorted and twisted into a misshapen image. He growled a
guttural, unearthly sound and his countenance took on the simian
appearance of a hideous, ape-like beast.
"Find him yourself, teacher!" he said in the growling, gravel
voice. He then leaped off the tree and with a shriek disappeared
into the ground. The other angels in the area laughed hysterically
at the incident.
"We'll get nothing from these," said Pellecus. "They are com-
pletely given over. They are mad!"
"On the contrary they are quite controllable," came the famil-
iar voice of Lucifer.
"Provided one knows what motivates them. Welcome to
"Lucifer, we must speak to you regarding the present disorder
among the angels," Kara said. "This visit only confirms what I am
hearing about our situation. We shall never win with angels who
are completely insane!"
Lucifer smiled at Kara.
"I have been with the serpent, " Lucifer said. "Or rather I
should say I have been in the serpent. Eve is completely smitten
with the poor creature! I have found, Pellecus, that even an
advanced beast like the serpent is very easily manipulated. Once I
was within his mind I was able to drive those things that motivate
290          CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile          of Lucifer
him--play him, as it were, as our beloved archangel plays his trum-
pet at an assembly. I had him all over Eden. I left him at the top of
a tree--completely unaware of how he had gotten there! It was
quite amusing."
"Yes, amusing. The situation with our angels is quite disturb-
ing," Kara said. "Some of them don't even recognize us."
"Ah, Kara," said Lucifer. "Your point is well taken. Realize
that in fact some of the angels are completely mad--barely control-
lable even by me. Others are completely given over to the idea of
particular unholy words and deeds. But of course until we have the
authority we can do nothing. Believe me, all of them will prove use-
ful in exploiting the weaknesses of men."
He looked at the two leaders, thinking again about his
manipulation of the serpent.
"Can you imagine what we will be able to do once the author-
ity is established in our own right?" Lucifer asked. "The Most High
will end the war simply to preserve something on this rotten plan-
et besides condemned angels!"
"So what are we to do in the meantime?" asked Kara.
"Kara, you act as if all of our angels have gone berserk. The
reality of the situation is that the vast majority of the angels are
keenly intelligent and motivated. Rugio is even now ordering them
into the principalities and powers that I outlined earlier. I suggest
that you each take a leading role in commanding angels. Order
must begin from the head--which is me. You allow me to lead and
I will see us through."
While they were talking Gabriel landed in front of them. He
was carrying a scroll and looked directly at Lucifer. Lucifer smirked
at the Archangel.
"Lucifer," said Gabriel, "I am here on business from the Most
High God concerning your presence in Eden."
"The Archangel Gabriel coming down in person to deliver a
message to a fallen angel," said Kara. "How delightful."
"And what does the Most High wish to tell us now?" said
Lucifer. "To vacate earth as well?"
"In a few moments, Archangel, it will be you and your angels clearing out!"   291
"You are not welcome on sacred ground, Lucifer," said
Gabriel resolutely.
"Must we be so formal, Gabriel?" asked Lucifer. "We are after
all dear friends, and one day when this is all over we shall be
Gabriel ignored Lucifer's comment.
"Not welcome?" said Kara. "Come now, must the Most High
be greedy as well as unmerciful? Eden is the only hospitable place
on this planet. Surely there is room enough for the human beasts
and a few angels?"
"Nevertheless, know this," Gabriel replied, as he read from a
scroll. "A'dam, the man, will have full authority over Eden. He car-
ries with that authority the power and privileges of the Most Holy
name. Unless the Most High, or one under the authority of the
Most High, allows entry into Eden, no creature is welcome in this
sacred place. So let it be as to the reading of this commandment
which is most holy to the Lord."
"Very well," said Lucifer. "We go. But we shall return one
Gabriel looked hard at Lucifer.
"Know that the Host of Heaven will enforce this command-
ment as required," Gabriel said.
"No doubt, no doubt," said Lucifer. "We shall comply."
Gabriel took off and disappeared into the earth sky. Kara and
Pellecus watched him leave and then turned back to Lucifer with a
"what now?" expression.
"Why is it that the Lord always leaves open a door?" asked
He called for Rugio and the other major commanders who
appeared almost instantly. They stood in front of Lucifer awaiting
"Alert the Host that no angel shall come near Eden until the
proper time. Try to gain some order with those angels who are
increasingly difficult to manage." He indicated Kara and Pellecus
and added, "Our friends here are getting nervous."
292          CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile           of Lucifer
Lucifer took Rugio by the shoulder and looked squarely into
his eyes.
"We're playing the game now, Rugio. We lost the first game,
but we shall win the second. Go now!"
Rugio took off with his commanders. Lucifer turned to Kara
and Pellecus.
"I shall make quick work of this, I believe," he said, "so that
the next time Gabriel comes to earth it will be he who is no longer
"So you delivered the message to Lucifer?" asked Michael.
"Yes," said Gabriel. "He responded that he would comply but
I have my doubts."
Michael and Gabriel were seated in a garden outside of the
City. They were discussing the recent events in Heaven, and how
they could best reorient the Host to the new circumstances. Most of
Heaven was back to normal. A few angels wanted a more complete
judgment visited upon Lucifer. They felt sure that the powerful
angel would not give up so easily.
"Well, if Lucifer does not vacate Eden on his own, I will vacate
him personally," Michael said. He noticed the troubled look on
Gabriel's face. "What is the matter?"
"Michael, I have seen what rebellion does to an angel," he said,
remembering his recent visit to Eden. "I saw the horrendous result of
sin--the transformation. I cannot help but think about what might
happen should A'dam choose a rebellious path as well."
"I am concerned too, Gabriel," Michael said, looking in the
direction of Heaven, from where Lucifer 's angels had been
expelled. "I know that in Lucifer we have a determined adversary."
He looked back at Gabriel. "But my hope is that he will not try to
engineer another rebellion. That will be the finish of him then and
"But A'dam can turn, Michael," said Gabriel. "And that is
what concerns me."
"In a few moments, Archangel, it will be you and your angels clearing out!"   293
"All the more reason for keeping those fallen creatures out of
Eden," Michael said. "Unless or until they are invited in, they have
no authority there. A'dam is clever enough to realize that. He hasn't
ventured anywhere near the center of the garden since the Lord
spoke to him about the trees."
"Yes," agreed Gabriel. "But Eve frequently goes there."
"Only to visit the serpent," Michael said. "Besides, A'dam has
warned her about the trees as well. He is the law keeper in Eden,
Gabriel. It is up to him to see that the law is kept."
"And what if the law is not kept?" Gabriel asked. "I can
understand the forbidding of Lucifer's angels in Eden. But why are
the holy angels not allowed to help A'dam; to guide him; to keep
him from..."
"Rebellion?" came the voice of Crispin.
"Just so," said Michael. "Why can't we be in Eden guarding
the trees in case A'dam should come near. Why does the Lord for-
bid our interference with A'dam?"
"You are asking many questions, Michael," answered Crispin.
"But it all centers on the same reason that the Lord did not interfere
with Lucifer's decision to rebel."
Crispin sat next to Michael.
"Freedom," said Michael.
"Freedom, exactly," said Crispin. "Michael, if the Lord per-
mitted you or me or any other angel to interfere with A'dam's
choices to either obey or disobey it would defeat the reason for cre-
ating A'dam in the first place. A'dam was created to love the Lord--
but if that love is not freely given it is not truly love. True love is
not compelled--it is offered."
"That is wonderful--for you and me and Gabriel--and the
other Host who love the Lord," said Michael. "But Lucifer and his
angels are certainly not going to respect that boundary. They will
try to get to A'dam--I'm sure of this."
"Whether they `get to A'dam' as you say, or not, the choice is
still A'dam's to make. The man will choose his own path. What he
doesn't realize is that his choice is a critical aspect of the war."
294          CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile           of Lucifer
"And suppose he decides to rebel," said Michael. "What
"In that case," said Crispin, "we have a very different war on
our hands."
"Eve!" A'dam called out.
He could hear his voice echoing through Eden.
"EVE!" he shouted again.
No answer.
She probably wandered off again with some of the animals, he
thought to himself. A'dam was amused with Eve's fascination with
the beasts of the garden. The animals loved Eve and came up to her
whenever they saw her. She felt part of her responsibility as co-
steward on earth required that she care for the animals at times--
grooming the beasts; pulling a thorn out of a lion's great paw; or
playing with the cub of a bear while the mother foraged for honey.
He smiled as he thought about the time when a little black bear cub
was stuck in a tree and she climbed up to retrieve it.
He decided to look for her deeper in the garden.
The little lion cub was playing with a lily that Eve had picked.
He playfully pawed at the flower as Eve made it dance back and
forth in front of him. She laughed in delight. A'dam will be looking
for me, she thought to herself and decided she had better leave.
As she was standing to leave, a low moan echoed through the
garden. It was the sound of an animal in pain. Eve rushed toward
the area where she heard the sound. It was coming from the center
of the garden. In a clearing not far ahead she saw the serpent, head-
ing into the great meadow.
He was limping terribly and making noises as if he were hurt.
Eve's first thought was to help the serpent as she had helped count-
less other animals. But she was reluctant to follow him into that
area of the garden. She watched from a distance. The serpent sud-
denly plopped himself down at the base of one of the two trees. He
began to whimper loudly, licking his front paw.
"In a few moments, Archangel, it will be you and your angels clearing out!"   295
Eve stopped at the edge of the meadow. She called to the ser-
pent to come to her, but he simply looked at her pitifully and con-
tinued moaning. She looked at the trees and felt blow across her
face a cool breeze that chilled her. She decided to find A'dam. As
she turned to leave the animal moaned again, much more loudly.
"I'm coming right back," she said. "I promise!"
She started back into the garden when she heard her name
called out.
"Eve," the voice cried out. Eve turned around, completely
"Eve!" the voice came again.
"Serpent?" she managed, feeling more than a little silly.
"Eve, please don't leave me," said the serpent.
Eve slowly wandered over to the serpent. She looked, wonder-
ing if perhaps her husband was playing some sort of joke on her.
"A'dam, where are you?" she called out.
"A'dam is not here," the serpent said. "Nobody is here except
"You can talk?" she asked.
"Yes, Eve," said the serpent. "Because of your great love for
the Most High's creation, He has granted me a special gift to talk to
you. I suspect that most of the animals in Eden will be talking soon.
Such a testimony of your love for God and His world!"
Eve could not believe what she was seeing and hearing.
"I must go and get my husband," she said.
The animal acted as if it were getting up and then cried out in
pain and fell again.
"Please don't leave me," the serpent said. "Besides, your hus-
band even now is making his way here."
She knelt down to nurse the hurting paw. She found the thorn
and pulled it out.
"There," she said. "Now I will meet my husband."
"No, wait," said the serpent.
Many of the holy angels were converging on the garden. It
was as if they knew that a great contest was about to happen and
296          CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile           of Lucifer
they sensed that God's plan for earth was in the balance. They drift-
ed in, like snowflakes on the mountains, creating a white canopy
over the meadow. Like a flock of crows at a field of corn, Lucifer's
angels also gathered in the meadow. Whereas the holy angels gath-
ered in the Heavenlies, the fallen angels settled in and around the
great trees in the center of the garden. They mocked the angels of
the Lord with vile comments.
Michael and Gabriel arrived, setting off a clamorous assault
by Lucifer's angels, who screamed curses and oaths, particularly
cursing Michael. He simply ignored them. Kara arrived and saw
Michael. He went over to him.
"I see we will have to clear these rebels out of Eden after all,
Kara," said Michael.
"In a few moments, Archangel, it will be you and your angels
clearing out of Eden," said Kara smugly.

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