Exclusive (24 page)

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Authors: Eden Bradley

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica

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A mere twenty-four hours after Jolene and Drago
completed their mating ritual, plans were underway to rescue Carrie and take down Alex. Well past midnight, standing on the deserted pier that docked the Staten Island Ferry, Jolene had both her father and her mate by her side.
Gareth and Galen, the Slayers she'd met only a few minutes earlier, stood within hearing distance. Twins, both wore leather jackets that wouldn't be needed in the sixty-degree temperature, if not for their ability to conceal an arsenal of weapons. Blond with blue eyes, the two Slayers were not wholly vampire, but apparently part shape-shifter. Jolene didn't ask details as she might on another occasion. Right now, her focus was bringing Carrie home safely.
Drago glanced down at Jolene, his hands going to her shoulders, his voice and expression full of concern. “You okay?” The truth was, she wasn't all that okay. Everyone she loved stood in harm's way this night. “Nervous,” Jolene admitted. “I wish this was over.”
“You shouldn't be here,” he said, his expression grim. He'd tried to talk her out of coming, offering several plans that would eliminate her presence.
“We can't risk putting up red flags. It could cost lives. You know that.”
Someone spoke to Drago in his headset. He listened a minute and then eyed Riker. “We're a go. All teams are in position, here and offsite.” He listened a minute longer before adding, “Five hostiles in covert positions outside our immediate perimeter.” “You were right,” Riker commented dryly. “Alex didn't trust you.” “He wasn't about to risk me betraying him. Alex always takes out insurance.”
Jolene's nerves kicked into high gear. Five hostiles. Drago had three of his own men positioned in the shadows, prepared to deal with Alex's army. “We're outnumbered.” “A Slayer fights at a five to one ratio,” Riker commented.
are outnumbered.” Drago's hand went to his earpiece again, then, “Show's on. Four approaching with Carrie in their possession.”
Air rushed from Jolene's lungs. “She's alive.”
“And we plan to keep her that way,” Riker said, running his hand down the back of his daughter's hair before giving Drago a nod and moving into position.
Riker and the twins formed a row, facing off with Drago as if he were the enemy. The four vampires who would soon appear believed Drago to be their boss, directly beneath Alex. They would join Drago to stand against Riker and the twins.
Drago yanked a rope from his pocket and Jolene held out her hands. He wound it around her wrists, but didn't tie it off. When the time was right, she'd free herself with a practiced tug.
Positioned in front of Drago, a knife at her neck, Jolene could hear
her heart beating in her ears, feel each passing second like a year. The steel wall of Drago's hard body behind her offered her the only source of calmness. /
will never forgive myself for allowing you to be here for this, in harms way, to witness the blood that will be spilled this night.
Jolene could feel Drago's edginess, the nervous tension racing through his body, charging the air. She had to be strong for him, for all those involved. She sensed her response would impact Drago's state of mind, perhaps his performance in battle, so she chose her words with care.
Then stop talking, Slayer, and kick some ass so we can go home.
Though he didn't respond, she felt warmth flood her mind. She'd helped Drago as much as she could. Instinct told her he was focused on the battle before him.
For the second time in a short window of time, she had done what she'd never allowed herself to do. She'd handed control to another. Passed the power to Drago. She inhaled and let the lightness of that decision fill her. If they made it through this night, she would never face a challenge alone again.
Drago had never felt fear in battle before, but he felt
it now. Felt it for Jolene. Correction. “Terrified” more aptly described the wrenching pain in his gut. For the first time in his life, he had something to lose. But as the wind lifted her hair, the soft scent of his woman insinuating itself into his nostrils, he realized something else. He realized what he had never understood before this moment: A Slayer wasn't weaker when mated. Drago had a reason to fight he'd never possessed before. He had Jolene.
He watched the four vampires under Alex's command approach,
the ones he'd personally chosen for the mission. To them, he still
worked for Alex, still ruled their actions. He watched the vampires
come into view and motioned for them to join him. Dressed in a long
trench coat, Carrie walked willingly with her captives, controlled by their mental connection to her.
“Carrie!” Jolene screamed out the minute she saw her friend. Carrie acted as if she hadn't heard Jolene. “Carrie, please. Are you okay?” “Shut up,” Drago growled at Jolene, putting on a show, but hating every minute of it.
Riker took a step forward. “Tie her up,” he said, inclining his head at Carrie. “I know you control her mind. I don't want her trying to run off.” “Do it,” Drago ordered the vampire closest to him. Riker continued, “Jolene and Carrie will leave with my men so I know they're safe. Then, and only then, will I hand myself over.” “Not happening,” Drago said. “They stay until we finish this or there's no trade.”
“We both know you have no intention of letting me live,” Riker argued. “I won't have my daughter be a witness to my demise.” “I'll be gracious and do it without an audience,” Drago said, “but the women stay until you're secured.” He let the challenge linger in the air. He had to play this out in a way that wouldn't raise suspicion. “Deal or no deal?” He pressed the blade to Jolene's throat. “Does she live or die?” “Fine,” Riker conceded reluctantly. “But hand the women over to my men.”
With Drago's approval, one of Alex's men shoved Carrie forward and Gareth grabbed her. A second later, Jolene gasped as Gareth sunk his teeth into Carrie's neck. He had to take her blood in order to control of her mind, to steal it away from the other vampires. It would also allow him to read the location of the third slave camp. Now, the moment of pain for Drago. He had to let Jolene go.
Remember what I said. Stay close to Galen.
Stop worrying about me and focus on staying alive yourself, damn it.
He would have laughed at her fiery attitude if the situation wasn't so grave. Reluctantly, he released her, and she rushed into her father's arms, a planned event. Riker hugged her and kissed her forehead. Following her script, she pleaded with her father. “You can't go with them. They'll kill you.” Riker didn't respond, a hard shell in place as he handed her off” to Galen who shoved her behind him, shielding her with his big body. Drago and Riker stepped forward, toe to toe, eyes locking as they silently counted down as planned. Giving Jolene time to get untied. One, two, three. At the same moment, Drago and Riker pulled weapons and turned on the four vampires. In each of Drago's hands, he gripped long, corkscrew-type circular blades designed to destroy a vampire's heart. Drago landed the point in the first vampire's heart before the male ever knew what had hit him, twisting it to destruction. He whirled around just in time to kick a second vampire solidly in the chest. His attacker stumbled and Drago took advantage of the moment, using his second blade to destroy the vampire's heart. Poised to attack again, Drago scanned, finding the battle done, at least for now. Riker, too, had been successful, killing his assigned opponents. Relief rushed over him as he found Jolene safe and by Carrie's side, Galen closely guarding her.
Drago started toward her right as Carrie collapsed against Gareth, who picked her up in his arms. Jolene yelped. “Oh, God. Did you take too much blood?”
Gareth gave her a hard look, as if he didn't like being accused of such a thing. “She's fine. I'll take her to the complex for treatment.” He eyed Drago. “I called in the location of the third slave camp to team three.”
Galen eyed the four bodies. “Perimeters secured. I'll do clean up here.” “Wait,” Jolene said. “I need to go with Carrie.”
Drago hesitated, hating the idea of letting her out of his direct protection, but knowing he needed to ensure firsthand that Alex was dealt with.
He eyed Galen. “Forget clean up. Take care of my woman.”
“And my daughter,” Riker chimed in.
Galen looked from one Slayer to the next. “Why do I think I just got handed the most dangerous assignment of my life?” “Because if anything happens to Jolene,” Drago said. “We'll kill you.”
“Oh good grief,” Jolene said, eying Galen. “Let's go before they get any more out of control.”
Drago pulled her close and kissed her soundly on the lips. “I'll never apologize for protecting you.”
“I know.” Her hand went to his cheek, her eyes tender. “Thank you for saving Carrie.” She brushed her lips over his. “Tike care of you now. For me.” She eyed her father. “And that goes for you, too.” Drago and Riker stood there, side by side, watching her departure, and Drago felt the oddest connection to the other male. A bond born of love for one woman, for Jolene.
And with that realization, Drago whispered the words to her mind, the words he thought he'd never say to another.
I love you, Jolene.
Jolene sat in the chair next to Carrie's bed, her gaze
fixed on the machine that showed her vitals, listening to the steady rhythm of the beeping, grateful for her friend's new chance at life. Though she had yet to wake up, the doctors assured Jolene that Carrie would be fine. Likely traumatized and in need of love and support, but fine, nonetheless.
Gareth occupied a chair in a far corner. He had been with the two of them the entire time during the twenty-four hours since their arrival, using duty as an excuse. Jolene got the impression he was here for Carrie, though, not her. Almost as if there had been some kind of bond formed when he'd touched her mind.
Pushing to her feet, Jolene walked to the window, her mind on Drago. Outside, the sun was on the rise, mountains surrounding them in a rainbow of greens and browns. The time apart from Drago, though short, felt like years. She needed the people she loved close and secure.
“He's fine,” Gareth said, from behind her. “They both are.” Jolene turned to face him. “I know.” She offered a soft, appreciative smile. “Thank you for the support. I just wish they'd get here.” Drago had made contact through their mental path, but not for hours now, and she hesitated to initiate another link, fearful she might distract him in some type of battle.
As if on cue, the door creaked and Drago appeared. Jolene rushed forward and threw her arms around his neck. “Oh, thank God. I was worried.”
Drago smiled and kissed her. “You feel so damn good,” he said, holding her close and lifting her feet off the ground. “I didn't know I could miss another person as I did you.” He settled her to the ground again and gave Gareth a nod.
“I'll stay with Carrie so you two can take some time,” Gareth offered.
Jolene thanked him and let Drago lead her to the hall. “My father?”
“He's fine. He's locking Alex up.”
“You brought him here?”
His expression turned grim. “I wanted to kill the bastard, but the council wouldn't let me.” He offered an apologetic look. “I guess I need to learn to curb my tongue.” “Why?” she asked. “I wanted you to kill the bastard, too.” Drago laughed and tugged her into his arms again. “You really are my mate, aren't you?”
“Was there a question?”
He brushed hair from her eyes with a tenderness that defied the harshness of his prior words. “None whatsoever.”
“Why is he here anyway?” She shivered. “I hate the idea of being near t h a t . . . that thing.”
“The FBI wants to connect the dots on a string of missing person's cases, all young females without families. The council agreed to help.”
“Oh. Well, that's good. That's really good. And the slave camps?
Did you save the women?”
“We did. The council sent in a team of doctors who will be evaluating and deciding how to best help each one.”
“Maybe I can help?” she asked, feeling deep inside this was a calling for her, a part of her destiny. “I have a unique understanding of what they faced with Alex.” Admiration filled his eyes. “That's an excellent idea. I'm sure there are many things you can do to help. We can talk with the council about it tomorrow.” He reached in his pocket and pulled out several keys. “You up for a little tour?”
“Of the complex?”
“No,” Drago said. “The council gave us our choice of three houses in a remote section of the complex. They thought we might want some immediate privacy while we decide what our future plans will be.” Excitement filled Jolene. She wanted a life here at the complex. She'd have Drago with her and her father nearby. “Yes. I'd love that.” Drago's eyes twinkled. “I figured we should try out the beds in each. You know, we have to have a good bed.” She laughed. “Why limit ourselves to the beds? I think we should try out all the rooms, too.”
Hand in hand, they walked toward the elevator, and for the first time in years, Jolene didn't feel alone. She felt complete.


Six months later

With Jolene's unique insight into t h e ways of both human and vampire, the council had convinced her to serve as a liaison dealing with the two governments. A job she had taken reluctantly fast became the job of her heart.
Jolene sat at the conference table inside the offices of the council, Carrie beside her, reviewing the final details of the menu for the next night's charity event. Jolene had contracted with Carrie's new catering service to handle the event.
Her pet project, a children's hospital for both human and vampire research and treatment, was well underway. This charity event, hosted by the Vampire Council and the New York City Council, should offer the final funding needed to begin construction. “The headcount is off,” Jolene said, pursing her lips. “It's seven hundred and seventy people not six hundred and seventy.” She gave Carrie a concerned look. “This is a typo, right?”
Carrie's baby blue eyes went wide. “What? No. This is the number you gave me. I wouldn't make a hundred-person mistake.” Her pale face went paler. “Tell me you're joking because I am having a heart attack.”
Jolene tried to keep a straight face but she couldn't. She burst out laughing. “I couldn't resist. You are wound so tight I had to tease you.” “That was so not appropriate,” Carrie said, glowering at Jolene. “I was seriously freaking out.”
A knock sounded on the door and Gareth peeked in through the entrance. “Ready to go?” he asked Carrie. They'd hooked up as soon as Carrie started coming around for the catering event and had been inseparable for weeks.

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