Excessive Force (Force of Nature Series) (17 page)

BOOK: Excessive Force (Force of Nature Series)
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“You’re home.”
He nodded and kissed her hand when she ran it over his face. “You need a bath too. You smell like a wet dog.”

Reid growled at
her, and she laughed. He moved his head slowly so that he could watch her as she got off the bed. She was wearing one of his shirts again and no pants. His cock jumped to attention.

“Come here.” She turned to look at him over her shoulder.
“Come here and let me fuck you.”

Her giggle made him smile
, but he still wanted her. When she stood in front of the window in their bedroom, he could see that she wasn’t wearing a bra, and he hoped to Christ she didn’t have any panties either. He needed her right now.

“I think you’re still too weak yet.”
He rolled to his back and ran his hand over his thick cock, showing her just how weak he wasn’t. “I see. What if I told you that you have guests downstairs and that I only came up here to check on you and to dress.”

“Tell them to fuck off and then come back here and ride me.”
He wasn’t wearing any pants either, he realized, and pulled the sheet off his naked body. “Ride me and forget the people downstairs.”

He knew she was tempted
, and when she licked her lips, he fisted his cock and held himself up for her to see. She took a step toward him, and he moaned. Christ, when she touched him he was going to come, he just knew it.

Crawling up his legs had his cock leaking. She didn’t pause in her move up his body when she licked his crown clean.
Reid wrapped his hand in her hair and held her there long enough for her to suckle him for a few minutes.

“We don’t have time for this.” He nodded.
“It’ll have to be quick. You can’t dally because as soon as I have you inside me, I’m coming.”

“Me too.”
When she straddled him, he grabbed her hips and guided her onto him. She was slow, agonizingly so. When he was buried to the root inside her, she started to ride him hard and fast. He leaned up and pulled her shirt off. Taking her nipple into his mouth, she curled her fingers in his hair.

, Reid. Please. I need to feel you fill me.” He rolled her to her back and pounded deep. “I’m coming.”

She screamed out his name over and over as he came.
His body needed more from her, and when he nuzzled her throat, she gave it to him. Before he could think about what he was doing, fangs dropped in his mouth and he bit into her vein.

Hot spicy blood filled his mouth. The faster he swallowed
, the more he wanted. When she cried out again, coming tight around him, he lifted his head and looked down at her as he poured into her again.

Dropping down on her
, he rolled to his back, taking her with him. It had been quick, but no less satisfying. When she shifted over him, sitting up over his cock, he held her hips still as she moved slowly. If she kept this up, he was going to come again.

“We really do need to go downstairs.” She moaned when he pulled her tighter over him.
“There are all kinds of people that want to talk to us together.”

“They’ll wait or not. I could care less.” He sat up and suckled at her breast again before taking her mouth for a long drugging kiss.
“You come with me again and I’ll think about going down with you.”

She pushed back to the bed and put her hands on his chest.
Her breasts swayed to her movements as she rode him, and when she leaned back, filling her hands with her full breasts, he sat up again. As soon as she leaned into his shoulder, he moved his head, giving her what she’d given him earlier, and cried out when her teeth sank into his neck. Reid ran his fingers down her ass and found her tiny hole and slammed his finger deep. Her climax nearly took his breath away, and when he came too, stars burst behind his eyes. They both fell back on the bed and didn’t move.

His heart was beginning to slow when he felt someone touching his mind.
He was glad now that they’d not tried earlier because he was sure they’d have gotten an earful. It was Phil, and the man seemed to know what was delaying them.

“There are nineteen people here in your living room. Nancy has enlisted the help of a local girl to help make snacks
, and you, my good man, are pissing them off by having a romp in the bed with your mate.”

“Fuck off,”
he told the vampire. Phil laughed and asked him if they should expect them anytime soon.
“We’re getting up now. I needed her, and as much as I’d like to tell you it’s none of your business, I really needed her.”

“I understand. We’ll be waiting.”

Chapter 17


She was glowing. Austin wanted to talk to them both before everyone else did, and stood up as soon as they entered. But Jodie glowing startled him. CJ nudged him from behind, and he took a step toward them. Reid blocked him.

“Christ, you are too.”
Reid took a step back when Austin reached for him. He tried his best not to let it bother him, but pulled the man—because he was no longer a boy—into his arms. “I’m so sorry. More sorry than I’ve ever been for anything in my entire life. And trust me when I tell you I have a lot.”

“You hurt her.”
Austin nodded, unable to talk around the large lump in his throat when Reid spoke. “She was going to leave me and it would have been your fault.”

“I know
, and I promise to make it up to her. Forever if that’s what it takes.” Austin let him go to look at Jodie. “I’m sorry for hurting you. I’m sorry for treating you like you were nothing to any of us. And I’m sorry for being an ass for the better part of the time we’ve known each other.”

“You’ve been more than an ass and you know it.”
Her words hurt, but she smiled at him. “I guess I can forgive you. But the next time I won’t be so—”

He jerked her to him and hugged her.
The growl from Reid didn’t bother him so much, but the one from CJ had him letting her go. She could be a little on the possessive side when she wanted to be. Austin put his arm around CJ and nodded. He had his family back now, and everything else in the world could fuck him. Austin Force was a happy man.

The man clearing his throat had him turning.
He positioned himself in front of Reid and Jodie and pushed his wife behind him. He didn’t know why he’d been summoned here, and he didn’t know these yahoos, but they were not going to harm what was his.

“I’m alpha here
, and this is my mate. I have no idea what you want with this couple, but I’ll have you know that to get to them you’ll have to go through me.” He glanced at his brother Dallas when he stood up.

“And me.”
The rest of them stood as well, pushing Reid and Jodie to the back. Each of them, including mates, said that in order to get to the couple they were going to have to go through them as well. Phil walked up to stand in front of Austin and nodded to his mother.

“This is all well and good
, but I believe that my mother has something to say as well. As does my father.” Phil asked them all to have a seat and nodded toward the chairs when Jodie kept her stance. She was a fierce looking woman, and he decided that he wouldn’t fuck with her if he were these guys.

“I’ll stand
, thanks.” Jodie put her hands on her hips and glared at the three men that were beginning to rise. “That’s far enough, thanks. Say what you have to say, then get the hell out of our house. We were having a nice little reunion when you showed up, and I’d like to get back to it.”

“We’ve come to…
.” The oldest man cleared his throat twice before he looked at the woman standing next to him. When she nodded, he began again, only to be cut off when Jodie spoke, pointing to the only woman in the group.

“She’s in charge. Let her do the talking.”
The woman smiled, and Austin had a feeling that it was a surprise to her to find humor in this. When she ask Jodie again to have a seat, she simply stood where she was.

“All right then.
We’ve come to thank you for your years of service to us. Some of the things that you did for us had been a failure for so many before you. And when you took out the mage, you did us an even greater service.”

Get to the point.” Austin had to cover his mouth when laughter threatened to erupt. The woman seemed taken aback by Jodie’s bold statement. “As I’ve pointed out, I have things to do.”

So you did. As you are aware, you and your mate took out the mage. And in doing so received his great power. Didn’t you?” Jodie didn’t blink, and nothing about her body said a word either. “I see. You’re not going to tell me anything are you? We’ve still come to offer you a job.”

Jodie sat down then, settling onto Reid’s lap and holding him. Austin looked at the three people still standing there and wondered what they’d do to them if she didn’t go and work for them.

“Perhaps I didn’t make myself clear. You’d be working for us
, and we’d pay you—”

“No, you explained yourself just fine.
And the answer is still the same. No. I don’t want to work for you.” The woman asked her why. “You are the ones that let this thing with the mage go on and on, knowing that he was killing other species. You didn’t do shit when he hurt my father, and less than nothing when he killed my mother. I had to live with a sadist son of a bitch for nearly all my life because you didn’t get up off your collective asses and do the right thing and bring him to heel. And don’t even bother telling me that you didn’t know. I can read your mind as well as you can anyone’s.”

“I can’t read yours.” The woman looked around.
“I can’t read anyone’s mind in this room. Are you doing that?”

Austin looked at Jodie and wondered if she was. She
, of course, said nothing to the woman and he doubted that she would. When the younger man stood up, he walked toward Jodie, and Austin stood up. He wasn’t sure what was going to happen, but he wasn’t going to hurt her.

“Take my hand
, Jodie.” She refused the man, and he looked at him. “Alpha, I’d very much like to give the young mage something if you’d allow it.”

“In the event you didn’t notice
, she pretty much does what she wants. As for giving her something? I don’t know that I would trust you either. She’s right in saying you’ve done nothing to help her, and now you want her to work for you.” Austin stood up and let a little of his wolf go. “I think it’s time you guys left.”

Hope stood up then and walked toward the three guests. “You’ve fucked this up royally
, haven’t you? Christ, why can’t you guys just do what you’re supposed to and leave all the mumbo jumbo out of it? Jodie, Reid, please come here.”

Austin went as well. If things got nasty
, then he was going to help them. There was no way he was going to sit by and let his pack be harmed by these people. When Hope turned and winked at him, he had a feeling she knew why he was there, and he felt better for it. She didn’t send him away.

“This is Lady
Marcum. She’s the head honcho in charge of magic in this realm. She and I and a few others came here together long ago, and I’ll tell you right now, she was a great deal less of a tight ass back then.” The woman huffed at Hope as she continued. “This is Lord Peterson. He, too, came with us to this world, and he was less pompous then, but he’s generally a good man. Peterson is in charge of managing the magic that vampires use. Though I bet it’s been years since he’s been out of his office to see to it. And this is Lord Titus. Titus is the son of a very wonderful couple who have since gone back to our world. Titus is the only one I trust.”

“Now see here. You
can’t talk to us that way.” Marcum sat back down hard after standing and screaming at them. Everyone turned to Jodie.

“She was
being a pain in the ass again.” When Jodie shrugged Marcum screamed at her to be let go and Jodie snapped her fingers. The woman disappeared. “I do want this over with, and she was not going to hurry along. Do I have to make myself clearer? I want to be alone with my mate.”

“The job would be working for me
,” Titus said with a great deal of humor. “I’m in charge of all magic as it pertains to all species. This would include vampires now that Peterson has decided to retire. His replacement will be trained by me.”

“Not me.”
Titus nodded when Jodie spoke. “Oh hell no. I’m not good with people and I hate them generally. Besides, in the event you didn’t notice, I have a new mate.”

“You do. And as such
, he will be employed as well. When he can. I understand that you’re a doctor.” Reid nodded and looked at Austin.

“When I get my test scores back
, I plan to work as doctor for the pack.” The man reached into his coat pocket and handed him an envelope. Austin handed it to Reid when he saw who it was from. When Reid opened it, he sat down. “I passed. I really passed.”

scored a perfect score is what you did.” Titus looked at him. “Alpha, with your permission I’d like to have young Reid work for you, but in his off time, it would benefit us greatly if he could advise on a few cases when needed.”

“You’ll have to discuss that with them.
As much as I’d like for him to do this for you, I’m not going to run his life. This is between the two of them.” Austin looked at Reid as he continued talking to Titus. “But I will tell you this, you’ll never have a finer man than this one, and if you can convince Jodie to work for you, you’ll never have to worry about her loyalties, nor her ability to carry out her job.”

“Thank you.
I’m well aware of their abilities and what they received from the mage. Even before that, I was willing to have them come and work and train with us.” He put out his hand to him, and Austin took it. “It’s a great leader that gives someone what you just did.”

felt the magic surge over him. It nearly took his breath away when he staggered back. When CJ touched him, he felt his run from him to her, and Austin looked at Titus. The man smiled and turned to Reid and Jodie.

“In a few days I will return.
Alone. We’ll talk about your options and how much I’d like for you to work for me.” He bowed low and stood up. “Is Marcum somewhere safe or do I want to know?”

Jodie grinned and didn’t answer.
Austin was afraid to know where she’d sent the woman and decided that he’d never piss her off again. She was one scary woman.


Reid picked up the last glass and set it on the tray. The guests, or whatever they’d been, had left over an hour ago, and Jodie had started to clean up almost immediately. He didn’t know what was wrong, but he could tell she was upset about something. When he entered the kitchen with the full tray, she was loading the dishwasher.

“I think we need to hire a cook.
Someone to clean up, too, I think. This house is a little too big for the two of us to keep up with.” He’d already hired a yard crew. After mowing for nearly five hours the first day, he’d not been able to make a dent in the yard. “Then I think we should consider having the pool worked on.”

“I’m pregnant.”
She didn’t stop loading the dishwasher as she continued. “I figured it out a little while ago when I was holding everyone’s mind safe. Hope did it. Not the pregnant part but the fixing me part. She did it without telling me.”

Reid sat down
, trying not to touch her. He’d learned that when she was thinking she did it better without him touching her. She was thinking really hard right now.

“She told me when Ethan took you. The day that I’d told you that I could tell you were in heat is probably the day
you conceived.” She nodded but didn’t comment. “I meant to tell you later, but it slipped my mind when you were riding me like a stallion.”

That had her pause putting a glass on the top rack of the machine. “Stallion, huh?
Maybe more like a nice horse, but stallion?”

He reached for her when she slammed the door shut
, pulling her onto his lap. “Perhaps you need another ride to make sure. Maybe you didn’t get the full effect.”

“You were in a hurry.”
She turned around and straddled his lap. She rode him now, their clothes making a delicious friction on his cock. When he cupped her ass and brought her closer, she moaned. “Are you going to hurry this time too?”

“Maybe this time
, but once I get you to the bed, I plan to take my time.” He sat her on the table and told her to lay back. Scooting his chair around, he pulled her pants off and touched the wet spot on her panties. “I’m hungry for you.”

“Please.” He tore her panties off and
buried his nose in her pussy. When she moaned again, he took a small nip that had her rising up off the table.

“I’m going to eat my fill of you first
. Then I’m going to fuck you right here.” She moaned as he bit into her thigh. “After that I’m going to take you to our bedroom, tie you to the posts, and have my way with you again and again before I slam my cock into you and spill my seed.”

Reid opened her nether lips and watched as her cream slid from her.
Licking her from gate to clit, he suckled on her clit until her fingers curled into his hair. He bit her thigh again.

“Don’t distrac
t me from my work.” She took her hands out of his hair and curled them around the edge of the table. When he seemed satisfied that she’d not touch him again, he went to work gorging himself on her. And she was a feast to be had.

Every time
she came, he’d think this was the last time. He needed to fuck her, be buried deep inside of her. But she’d moan again, shifting on the table so that he’d need to taste another part of her. When she put her feet up on his shoulder, Reid nearly came in his pants, the view of her this way nearly perfect.

BOOK: Excessive Force (Force of Nature Series)
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