Exceptional (30 page)

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Authors: Jess Petosa

BOOK: Exceptional
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I wouldn’t even be writing these words if it weren’t for my dear friend Andrea, who urged me to push myself in my writing and move forward with my ideas.
Thank you for reading each and every draft and revision, and giving me your open and honest opinions.
To Alexis, for helping to edit my final drafts, and putting up with my constant questions and doubts.
And for sharing in my GIF obsession when we both needed something other than writing to talk about.
To BoSh, for being there for me through the ups and downs of the writing process, and for pushing me this far.
To my husband and children, for putting up with me during this long and tiring process.
Maybe now I’ll find some time to do the dishes.



Jess Petosa is a Philly girl transplanted to the middle of Amish Indiana.
Somewhere in between chasing two toddlers and meeting her one hundred books a year reading goal, she writes young adult fiction.

This is the first book in the Exceptional series.
You can expect the second book to be available in late 2012 or early 2013.
You can check her blog for more updates.



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