Ex Nihilo Academy (8 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Watts

BOOK: Ex Nihilo Academy
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“How did you…? I say, my eyes widening in surprise and he
gives me a crooked smile. “It’s always Zaros. But believe me when I say that the Council is vicious and self-serving and you are sweet and pure and I would hate to see anything happen to you. I wish there was a way that you could stay
away from them and from all of this.” He stands up, pulling me with him and then surprises me by tucking me into his side.

“Why do you care?” I say and he presses his lips against my
forehead in response. His warm lips against my cold skin are like a shock to the system and I don’t know why but his presence is strangely comforting.

“Luca, were you talking in my head earlier?”

“You heard then?” He chuckles. “It doesn’t always work.”

“You mean the telepathy?” I ask and he nods.

“It’s not the same for everyone. I guess we have a natural connection.” His eyes glitter and I can’t tell if he’s teasing me.

“Are all vampires telepathic?”

“Yes, in varying degrees. It takes a long time to master to skill and I find that it’s easier to communicate with other supernaturals than with humans.”

“Try it now. Say something.” I challenge.

That dress you are wearing is too short.

“Try saying something a hundred year old man wouldn’t say.” I roll my eyes.

You have beautiful legs and I can see a lot of them in
the too-short dress that you are wearing.

“Better.” I bite my lip and he stares at my mouth with an unreadable expression. “Do you really think Darius would’ve tasted my blood?”

“Probably. It’s off limits so that makes it attractive and I hear that supernatural blood is a delicacy.”

“You haven’t tried it?” My mind immediately goes to Kennedy. He shakes his head no and I’m secretly relieved.

“Let me walk you back. If we stay here any longer you’ll miss the ferry.” He takes my hand and leads me toward the dock. I know it’s time to go but a big part of me wants to miss the boat and stay here with Luca all night.

“Sweet dreams, sweet Lily. I’ll see you in the morning.” His finger traces my jaw line and he leans in to plant a gentle kiss on my forehead before turning to go. As the ferry pulls out I wave at him from the deck, placing one hand on the spot between my eyes that’s still tingling from where
he touched it with his lips.


Chapter 9: Hit Me with Your Best Shot

FREAK. That is what is spray-painted across my locker in red the very next day. Kennedy and her brainless fairy posse are standing at the
end of the hall talking loudly and laughing and every few seconds she glances over her shoulder to sneer at me. I shrug and turn back to my locker. Maybe I am a freak but then technically so is she. I open the metal door, careful to avoid
the still-tacky paint, and throw my books in. Just as I’m thinking that I’ll have to go to the janitor at lunch to see if he has anything to remove the paint my locker door is slammed shut by a very angry-looking Luca.

“What is this? He growls, his eyes tracing over the five
dripping letters before flitting over to Kennedy and her group.

“It’s paint.” I say matter-of-factly and he glares back at me.

“I know that it’s paint. You don’t deserve this.” He
swallows, working his jaw.

“I’d like to think there are a lot of things in my life that I didn’t deserve but it doesn’t change the fact that they happened. It’s just a word and to be honest I don’t have the energy to care.” I look over at Kennedy
again and see that her smirk is quickly morphing into a glower as Luca and I talk.

“Well I think it’s ridiculous and juvenile and if I see anyone today with paint on their hands you are going to have to answer to me!”
He shouts loud enough for everyone in the hall to hear, including the fairies. Kennedy hugs her books to her chest and stomps off down the hall with her followers in tow.

“Thank you. I mean, that was totally and completely
embarrassing but thank you.” I say lightly and he frowns.

“It wasn’t my intention to embarrass you.”

“I’m kidding, Luca. Lighten up!”

“You are very different that what I’m used to Lily Hughes.”
The way his smooth voice curls around my name sends a ripple across my skin.

“Thanks?” The silence that stretches between us is charged and I find that I have to tear my eyes away from his.

“There is a party in the dorms tonight. On the third floor
in building two. You should come. If you’d like to that is.” He says, rubbing the back of his neck before turning on his heel and disappearing as quickly as he came.

“What is this?” I hear Nissa’s high-pitched shriek from all
the way down the hall. “Who did this?” She rushes to my side, jabbing her finger at the writing on my locker.

“It’s okay, Nissa. It’s just paint and it’ll come off and Luca helped me out so… ”

“Luca Morello helped you out? Why?” She doesn’t look pleased.

“I guess he’s finally decided to be nice to me.” I try for nonchalant but I don’t think I have her fooled.

“Merde.” She grimaces.

“My thoughts exactly. Now let’s get to class.” I start walking but she reaches out and grabs my arm to stop me.

“I want to do one thing before we go.” She releases my arm and closes her eyes. Raising her fingers, she whispers something undecipherable
under her breath and suddenly all of the lockers in the hall simultaneously fly open, the force of the impact sending their contents to the floor.

“There, now I feel better.” I look around in awe at the
scattered papers, pens and books, calculators and spilled backpacks.

“Wow! That was some party trick.” I say and she slings an arm around my shoulders.

“There’s more where that came from. A little tip - never
underestimate the powers of a witch, Lily.” I glance over my shoulder, taking one last look at the chaos in the hall and think to myself that those are words to live by.

* *

I’ve never been to a dorm party before so I have no idea
what to expect. I’ve dragged Nissa along who tells me to expect crappy music, cheap beer and some serious making out and before I’ve taken two steps into the room I see that she’s right. A couple of werewolves sharing a double room have
pushed their beds against the wall and scattered pillows and blankets on the floor. Mellow house music is playing from a laptop and the room is lit by only a desk lamp and a handful of candles which the fairies are having fun lighting
with their hands then snuffing out. I take a seat in one of the wheeled desk chairs and when I look to my right I see that I’ve positioned myself uncomfortably close to a couple making out on the bed. I don’t know if it’s more awkward for me or for them. On second thought, they look fine; it’s
definitely more awkward for me.

“Now that you’ve seen a dorm party; can we go please?” Nissa surveys the room, her delicate nose wrinkled in distaste.

“I want to stay for a bit and meet some new people.” And, I
tell myself, if I happen to run into one person that’s been on my mind all day, well, then that’s just a bonus.

“Fine. Make yourself comfortable and I will go and get us a
drink. Mike’s room is down the hall and if I remember correctly he has a stash of somewhat tolerable wine.” She manages to make her way through the crowd of people camped out on the floor, most of whom I notice are vampires. As I look around the room I am struck by the strangeness of my situation. There is a
werewolf and a vampire over by the window. The vampire is demonstrating his superior strength by crushing garden rocks in his fist while the werewolf is reciting the digits of Pi from memory, making me wonder how long he’ll go
before he gives up. There is a troll in attendance and I’m disappointed to see that it’s not Zaros. This troll is wearing a gold chain and a muscle tank top with track pants and he’s sitting on the second bed whispering into the ear of
a witch. She looks totally unimpressed with his fortune telling skills - either that or he’s laying it on too thick. She says something to him, her lips curling up over her teeth and he stands abruptly and stalks out of the room. Huh, I guess even trolls can be douche bags. Nissa returns and hands me a
plastic cup filled with burgundy liquid. I take a sip then pucker my lips. Yep, wine is definitely not my thing.

“I think I’ll go and say hello to the emo-crew if you don’t mind. It’ll be frowned upon if I don’t at least acknowledge my moody and
brooding counterparts.” I watch her as she crosses the room to where a few witches are taking turns opening and closing the closet door with their telepathy. I notice that every time one of them takes a turn the door opens
slowly and shuts even slower and I wonder if they have any idea what Nissa is capable of. More vampires have gathered on the floor and in the center is a fairy named Fiona, who I recognize from my math class. She is leaning against
one of the vampires moaning in pleasure and her eyes are rolled back in her head. It looks like she is on drugs but I also notice that there are two round marks on her neck with two trails of blood slowly dripping down. My mind doesn’t process what is happening until I see the blue plastic cup that the vampires
are passing around. Luca said taking supernatural blood was restricted but I wonder if that is still true if someone offers it up? I try and imagine what Professor Winters face would look like if she walked in on all of this right

“Enjoying the party?” His voice is strong and smooth and every time I hear it I can’t help but feel a tingling in my belly. You would think that with repeat exposure I would become immune but it only seems to be
getting worse.

“The party? I guess so but it’s not really my scene.” I say, bravely taking another sip of the wine before spitting in back into the cup. Luca notices and suppresses a smile.

“What is your scene then, Lily?”

“I don’t really have one, unless you count yoga and surfing. And old movies. I love old movies.” As soon as I say it I think of my dad and my smile falters but if Luca picks up on it he doesn’t say.

“What about you? What do you like to do?” I ask looking at the ceiling, then at the bedspread, then at the floor. When my eyes finally land on him his gaze is so intense that it feels like my retinas are going to burn out.

“I have varied interests, but I’m much more interested in hearing about you.” I’m about to speak again when a pair of snow-white arms appear behind him and wrap around his chest.

“You didn’t tell me you were coming!” Kennedy is drunk and
thrusting her boobs into his back and I want throw the cup of wine in her face and I want to run and hide and be anywhere but here. “I would’ve saved some of the good stuff for you.” She giggles and leans over to nip at his earlobe.

“Kennedy.” He says flatly, removing her hands from around his waist. He doesn’t even look at her; he is staring at me when he speaks and it sends a rush of pleasure through me. “When did you get so boring? We used to have so much fun!” Kennedy huffs and takes his shoulders in her hands to
massage them.

“The operative word is ‘used to’ Kennedy.” He shrugs out of her grasp and shifts toward me and I can see the sting of rejection written all over her face.

“Once again you live up to your reputation, ‘Luca-the-Great’, Mr. ‘Another Notch on the Bedpost’. You have absolutely no respect for women!” I can see him fighting to keep his temper in check as he stands and turns toward her.

“No Kennedy, I have no respect for you - there’s a difference.”

“Oh, so you deny that you’re the one with commitment-phobia? You use people and throw them away when you get bored. What’s your longest relationship been, Luca? And don’t even think about using the whole ‘vampires
are complex’ angle again.” When he doesn’t answer right away she pounces.

“Exactly. That’s the problem - it’s not your vampire brain - you’re just an asshole!” She looks genuinely hurt and for a moment I feel bad
for her. People are staring and with the scene she’s just made I know they will be talking about it for days. She whirls around and runs from the room with her face buried in her hands. I try and step around Luca on my way to the door but
he blocks my path. The top of my head reaches just below his chin so I have to look up.

“I think I’m going to head out now.”

“You don’t seriously believe her, do you?” His tone is
pleading but I just shrug and shake my head.

“It’s not really my business but it seems like you lose interest in people pretty quickly.” He rubs his face in his hands and makes a pained sound.

“It’s not like that at all. If you stay I can explain.” I
cut him off before he can continue. “You don’t owe me an explanation, Luca. You don’t owe me anything.” I sidestep him and rush into the hallway to where I find Nissa talking to another witch.

“We need to go. Like, now.” I say, expelling a huge breath.

“You’ve seen enough?” She looks back toward the room curiously, one eyebrow arched.

“I’ve seen enough to last me a lifetime, thanks. Now can we
please just get out of here?”


Chapter 10: Here Comes the Rain Again

Another week has flown by and every muscle in my body still aches. I don’t know how much more of this training I can take and I don’t know how much longer I can avoid Luca before I finally cave. He’d been waiting in
the cafeteria for me and waiting to talk to me before class and I’ve managed to mumble excuses or duck into the bathroom every time. But my will power is quickly fading.

I’m in my room at the manor staring out my window at the
rain pounding against the house. I have never seen this much rain in my life. It’s coming down in sheets and filling up the empty flower planters below, and the house is silent except for the sound of it rapping against the metal eaves
troughs. I still don’t have a computer so I put on the old television in the corner for some white noise. A knock on the door pulls me from my daze and I open it to find Rowan standing in the hall.

“I thought you might be moping about in here.”

“I’m not moping, there’s just nothing to do.” I frown.

“I can fix that. Come with me.” He turns and I shrug and follow him. He heads across the foyer to the opposite wing where Niall and him
live and stops in front of the door at the end of the hall. He gestures for me to go in first and then follows after. The room is moderately sized and painted dove gray with dark hardwood floors. There are band posters framed on the walls
and an electric guitar hangs above the double bed. In the far corner sits a tattered red loveseat positioned in front of a giant flat screen TV.

“This is your room?” I ask and he nods tentatively.

“I like it.” I flop down on the red sofa and tuck my legs
under me. He stands awkwardly for a moment as if he’s unsure of what to do next, then joins me on the couch. “It’s definitely the room of a rock star.” I say, pointing at the framed Hendrix poster above the TV.

“What you mean to say is that it’s the room of a wannabe rock star.” He gives me a sideways smile and I shake my head.

“No, I really love it. It’s the nicest room I’ve seen in this cave of a manor house.” He ignores my jibe and flicks on the TV.

“I thought you might want to watch a film?” He asks and I’m silently thankful for the distraction from my loneliness.

“What did you have in mind?”

“ ‘My Left Foot’.” He says and I stare at him blankly.

“Come on, Daniel Day Lewis? Only one of the greatest Irish films ever made?” I shrug and he lets out a long sigh. “Oh sweet Lily, there is so much that I can teach you.” As soon as the words are out of his mouth he
turns crimson and I flush in response. I’m sure he didn’t mean it the way it came out but it brings a tension to the air that wasn’t there before. “I meant there’s so much that I can teach you about films.” He runs a hand through his
dark curls and clears his throat. “I’ll get popcorn.” I start to stand but he gently shoves me back down. “No! You stay and get comfortable. I’ll be right back.” Once he leaves I take the opportunity to look around. There is a bookshelf filled with band autobiographies and a few authors that I recognize
like Vonnegut and Tom Robbins, in addition to a few framed photos. One photo on his desk is of a young, raven-haired woman with the same deep-set blue eyes. I’m staring at it when he returns.

“That’s my ma right before she died.”

“She’s beautiful. How did she die?” I ask softly, unsure if he’ll welcome my question. He places a bowl of popcorn and two cokes on the low table in front of the sofa then looks my way.

“She died having me. Apparently it was difficult birth and I was too much for her to handle.” Though he says it neutrally enough I can hear the pain behind his words. I chew on my bottom lip.

“I don’t mean this disrespectfully Rowan but I’m sure it
wasn’t you that was too much to handle. I mean, you were just a baby, you can’t blame yourself.”

“Let’s just say I wasn’t your regular case.” He laughs harshly and I can read the change in his body language. He’s instantly more
closed off, more like when I first met him, so I change the subject.

“No pictures of your girlfriend?” He looks at me blankly. “Jenny?” I add and he frowns and turns back toward the sofa, ignoring my
question. I sit next to him and his fingers brush against mine when he hands me a can of coke and linger a little longer than they should. “Rowan, why were you so angry with me when I first came here? Did I do something to offend you?”

“I was an arse to you and I know I was. I’m sorry for that. It wasn’t you in particular. I just know that we are living very different lives and I didn’t think those lives would be compatible. In fact I still don’t.” His words sting and I shift away from him.

“Is it because of Ex Nihilo? You seem to have some issues with the school.” Or more specifically, with the students I think to myself but stifle the urge to say it out loud. He pauses thoughtfully for a moment before

“It’s this town and all the things that are wrong with it.”

“And you think the private school kids contribute to that? Why? Because you think most of them are wealthy and entitled?” My voice raises
and octave and I can hear myself getting defensive though I don’t know why. I’ve been harping on Ex Nihilo since I arrived but somehow it sounds worse coming out of his mouth.

“Honestly, Lily, I do have an issue with the school but not
for the reasons you think.” “Then tell me and help me to understand.” I exhale, frustrated and he stares at me like he wants to tell me something, then thinks the better of it.

“Let’s just watch the damn film.” He presses play and turns
the volume up loud.

“Well, whatever your reasons I’m just wanted to say that I’m glad that you changed your mind about me and I’m glad you want to be friends.” I add and he gives me a tight smile. “Friends.” He repeats, and his eyes shift
up to stare at the ceiling while he shakes his head. I ignore his strange response and pull the bowl of popcorn into my lap while we watch the movie in a comfortable silence. Halfway through it he slings an arm across the back of the
sofa and I rest my head on his shoulder. This time the sound of the torrential rain drumming against the window is soothing and I feel inexplicably safe in Rowan’s presence. It’s clear to me now that he has a lot of demons, I mean, what little boy believes that he is responsible for the death of his mother?
But there’s so much goodness in him that it’s like I can actually feel it radiating from him and enveloping me in warmth. It’s because of that warmth that I feel a little lost and empty when the movie ends and he pulls away and
stands up. I don’t want to go back up to my drafty, strange bedroom to toss and turn all night. Rowan must notice my unease because he sits back down quickly.

“Are you alright?” I nod quickly and wrap my sweater around
my body. He places his hand on my arm in a comforting gesture. “I forget how different it must be for you here. I can’t imagine how you must be feeling.”

“I hate it!” The words just come out and I burst into tears.
“I have no one and I’m not even sure what the rules are here. Niall is sweet but he’s not my guardian any more than you are. I know most teenagers would love this kind of freedom but it just feels lonely. I miss having someone waiting at home for me. I feel like I could fall off the face of the earth here
and no one would notice.” I know I’m babbling but I can’t help myself.

“I would notice.” He says it so quietly that I almost don’t hear him.

“I’m sorry.” I say, wiping my eyes. “This is your home and
I’m insulting it.”

“Don’t be sorry. I want you to trust me. You can always talk to me, whatever it is, whenever you feel comfortable sharing. It’s all still so new for you.” He wipes my eyes with the back of his hand. It is a sweet and
tender gesture that brings on a fresh batch of tears.

“It feels like a nightmare that I can’t wake up from.” I say honestly. “I opened my eyes one morning and they were gone. At the funeral the
lawyer told me that our place was already leased to someone else and that I was moving. A truck came and packed up the house and I barely had a chance to say goodbye to the few friends I had, not that they were that close of friends to begin with. My ‘so-called’ best friend Anna in the days after treated me like I
had leprosy. Like death was a disease she might catch just by being around me.” Rowan nods, while absently running his hand along my cheek.

“People can be funny with loss. They say the wrong thing or nothing
at all or it becomes about fixing you up rather than just letting you grieve.” He lowers his hand to find mine and squeezes it and it’s then that I realize how much we have in common.

“How was the funeral?” He surprises me by asking.

“It was outside in the forest on a beautiful sunny day. It was just me, our housekeeper Marta, her daughter and a minister and we scattered the ashes. It was what they would’ve wanted. ”

“I don’t remember my ma’s obviously.” His brows fold in. “But I know Niall would’ve done a good job.”

“You call him Niall?” I say, surprised.

“I’m a grown man, why not? Look, why don’t you stay here
tonight. Take my bed and I’ll crash on the floor. We can listen to music until we both fall asleep.”

“I can’t take your bed!” I protest, even though staying here and not going back to my cold, quiet room sounds like the greatest plan I have
ever heard.

“Damn right you can. I have a sleeping bag in the closet. Come on, I could use the company.” It’s pretty obvious that he’s perfectly content on his own and suggesting it for my benefit which only makes me want to
stay more.

“Thank you for understanding.” I knock him off balance when I throw my arms around his neck. His surprise reads on his face and he smiles widely, then ushers me over to his bed. I climb under his big gray comforter
and watch him unroll the sleeping bag. He places a pile of CDs at my feet and I choose a few to play, teasing him about being way behind in technology. The rest of the evening he has me laughing so hard that I barely notice the daylight as it starts to creep in through the slits in the blinds.


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