Evocation (17 page)

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Authors: William Vitelli

BOOK: Evocation
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He grabbed her hips and thrust into her. She cried out unconsciously in pleasure. He forced her to the brink of orgasm before he pulled out, only this time, he gave her no opportunity to recover before the paddling started again.

She lost track of how many times he did this to her, spanking her until she felt she would burst, then taking her roughly to the edge of orgasm. Everything, from the unceasing pain in her nipples to the sharp hard blows on her ass to the feel of his hard cock forced roughly into her, was an exquisite pleasure she could scarcely bear. She moaned and wailed and screamed incoherently, unable to speak or even to think.

At last, after he had pulled out of her and rained blows down in a cascade of sharp stings that felt like they would surely set her on fire, the orgasm could not be held back any more. She screamed as she came, the pleasure wracking her body even while he continued paddling. Her body jerked and twitched, and she pressed her hips up willingly to receive each stroke. Her pussy clenched in ecstasy until her juices dripped onto the rough wood floor.

When he finally stopped paddling, she hardly even noticed. She floated in a warm sexual glow for a long time, unconscious of her own moans. Even when Anthony unbuckled the straps around her ankles and unfastened the heavy wooden stock, she was still barely aware of what was happening. It wasn’t until he unclamped the clamps from her nipples, causing two white-hot points of fresh pain to blossom, that she started to drift back into full awareness.

He led her to the bed and helped her sit, his arms warm around her. “I think your body likes what I just did.”

She shivered slightly, intoxicated by the surging heat inside her, open to him in a way she hadn’t ever felt before.

Anthony smiled his lopsided little smile. Her body responded to every touch. He wound his fingers through her hair and pulled. She sighed in pleasure, eyes half-closed. His other hand slid up her body to squeeze her breast tightly. She moaned softly, pressing into him.

“Tell me about your fantasy, the one that made you come,” he said. His hand slipped down between her breasts, over her soft mound. Probing fingers found her clit. “Did it turn you on to think of strangers watching you? Did you like imagining them seeing you lean forward to let him rape your mouth?”

Her legs parted slightly to let his finger probe farther. “Yes,” she breathed.

“In your fantasy, did you want him in your mouth?”

“No! I couldn’t help myself. It was just…just the training. But they didn’t know that.” She moaned, very softly. “They all thought I was a filthy slut who deserved to be used for sex.”

His fingers moved in small circles, drawing a long gasp from her. “Does that turn you on, when people see you wanting it? Do you like being watched?”

“Oh!” Her voice was soft, breathy. “Yes. I like it when people see me like that. I like when they look at my body.” Her eyes closed. “Ohhhhh.”

“Are you a filthy slut who deserves to be used for sex?”

Her legs parted just a little bit wider. Wetness trickled from her onto soft leather. “Oh.” Her hand glided to her breast. Her fingers brushed very lightly across her aching nipple. “Yes,” she breathed. The fantasy replayed itself vividly in her mind. “Yes, I am.”

Anthony’s lips brushed gently across Eileen’s neck. His fingers stroked her clit, slowly, holding her there in that entranced state. Her sighs came faster, became little murmurs of pleasure. She felt drunk, lost within herself. “Mmm. That…ohhh!”

He stood suddenly, releasing her. It took a moment for her to realize he was gone. She blinked and looked up at him.

“Your punishment is finished.” His lips quirked up. “For now. But there is one more thing I want you to do.”

She watched him rummage through one of the bins. When he came back, he helped her stand. She leaned against him, arm around his waist, smiling dreamily to herself.

He brought her over to the wall near one of the windows. “Here. Take this.” He pressed something smooth into her hand. “Right here. I want you to write. Think of it as a testament, if you will.”


“On the wall. In nice big letters.”

She looked down, and realized she was holding a marker. “What do you want me to write?”

He grinned boyishly. “What you just said. I want you to write, ‘I am a filthy slut who deserves to be used for sex.’”

Her heart skipped a beat. Her body quivered. She pressed the marker to the wall. It left a wide, dark mark, stark against old paint.

As she wrote, shivers of pleasure rippled through her. She felt like a young child, doing something naughty and getting away from it. The words formed on the wall, in bold block letters several inches high.

“Good.” Anthony kissed her cheek. “Now sign it.”

She signed the message with a flourish, “Eileen Porto.” Seeing his last name after hers set off a small thrill inside her. She felt bound to him, her life closely entwined with his.

They both stood back to admire her work. “Read it out loud,” he said.

“I am a filthy slut who deserves to be used for sex. Signed, Eileen Porto.” The words felt alive as they left her lips.

“You will see that written up there whenever I punish you,” he said. “But we are done for now. Here, let’s go.”

He led her back downstairs. She felt intoxicated. Her body buzzed and hummed with every step. She floated right past her clothes without even thinking to pick them up.

Anthony brought her into the bedroom, where he gestured for her to lie down on the bed. She stretched out on her stomach, snuggling down into clean sheets. He undressed unhurriedly, lying beside her only after he had stripped nude. His hands caressed her back. She smiled lazily, still basking in the warm glow.

His hands slipped smoothly up and down along her body. She made small contented sounds beneath his touch.

Presently, he rolled her over on her side. His body pressed warm against her back. His hand moved around her to caress her breast, fingers wrapping around her bruised, tender nipple. She moved his hand away. “They’re sore.”

He rolled away from her for a moment. When he came back, he pulled her hands forcefully behind her back. Cold, unyielding steel touched her wrists. She heard the cuffs ratchet shut.

The last of the dreaminess fled as though he had splashed water in her face. “Hey!” she cried, struggling against hard metal.

“Shh.” He lay back down behind her. His hand crept over the side of her breast. “Shh. Don’t fight. Just relax.” His fingers pinched her nipple hard until she cried out.

His warm breath caressed her ear. “Yes,” he murmured softly. “Now you’re finally beginning to understand. You are mine. Your body is my property.” She felt him press tighter against her. His penis grew hard between her thighs. “I can do whatever I want to you. Even if you’re already sore. Shh. Just relax now. Take it.”

He pressed her shoulders down until she was bent over nearly double on her side. He threw one leg over her hips, holding her in place. His fingers clamped down tighter on her nipple. His hard cock pressed slowly into her. She screamed at the cruel fingers pinching her sensitive nipple and intensity of his slow, merciless penetration.

“Yes. That’s right.” His teeth grazed her earlobe. “I know it’s too much. Shh. Take it anyway.” His hand slid up to cover her mouth tightly, muffling the scream.

He took her like that, from behind, in long, slow thrusts. The weight of his body held her trapped, bent over uncomfortably, hands awkwardly cuffed behind her back. He felt huge inside her, even his slow thrusting overwhelming her wet and aching pussy. He kept his hand clamped over her mouth, squashing her scream. She felt trapped somewhere between pleasure and pain, her body unable to interpret what was happening to it, even when his breathing became ragged and thick hot come gushed up into her.

When he pulled out, she lay still on the bed, twitching slightly. She didn’t move when he left the room, or when he came back in. Not until she saw what was in his hand did she try to rise. “No! Please, no!”

“Sorry. Doctor’s orders.” He grabbed her ankles and used his grip to roll her onto her back. “Your training isn’t finished yet.”

She gasped when he pushed the training device up into her. Warm wet come squished out around it. He passed the belt beneath her and around her waist. She struggled feebly against him when he pulled her legs apart to run the band between them. The lock clicked.

When the device was firmly in place, he flipped her face-don to remove the cuffs She lay limply on the bed, not moving. Her pussy twitched around the hard round vibrator.

All of a sudden, it began buzzing harshly. She arched her back and screamed. Instantly, it switched off again. She writhed on the bed, panting. Anthony watched her calmly. “I know,” he said. “I know it’s hard. It’s OK. You don’t have to like it.” He watched her squirm for a while, smiling, before he turned and walked from the room.

Chapter 16


It was a long time before Eileen could collect herself enough to stand. The thought of putting clothes over her bruised, aching nipples was unbearable. She wandered out naked into the living room in a daze, to find Anthony placidly reading a book. “Hello, little whore!” he beamed. The vibrator started again, in a pattern of long and short bursts. She cried out.

“Stand up straight,” he commanded. “Shoulders back. Chin up. Breasts out. Or I will tie you up again.” His tone was stern, and his eyes flashed fire. She made a noise halfway between a whimper and a sob, but complied.

He kept her next to him on the couch while he read. Eileen’s body ached, overused and stretched to its limit. The vibrator tormented her without ceasing. Her pussy clenched painfully each time it started buzzing; every interrupted near-orgasm was torture. He ignored her as she suffered beside him, except to admonish her to sit straight with her shoulders back whenever she hunched over.

By the time he had finished reading, Eileen was moaning nonstop. He set down his book and smiled at her. “Wait here. I’ll make us dinner.”

She was so wrapped up in the torment the vibrator was inflicting on her aching sex and in the constant, throbbing pain in her nipples that she barely noticed him leave. She heard sounds from the kitchen. The vibrator suddenly went into overdrive, causing her body to squeeze down painfully around it. She screamed. An image, sharp and vivid, formed in her head: the supermarket clerk entering her roughly in the dirty space behind the store while a crowd of customers watched. Her hands flew unbidden to her breasts. She squeezed hard and screamed again.

When Anthony came back, he found her with her eyes closed, fondling her breasts and making a series of low whimpering noises.

“You know,” he said, “it would be easy to get a metal bra to lock over your breasts. It would keep you from having any more unauthorized orgasms from feeling yourself up. But I think I like keeping things the way they are now. Will you get so worked up you’ll just have to make yourself come, even though you know you’ll be punished? It will be so exciting to find out!”

She looked up at him helplessly, hands on her breasts, legs spread wide. Her body glowed with sweat. “Unnnngh!”

“Yes, I know. You’re such a filthy slut you’d love to just keep doing dirty things to your body, but it’s time to eat. Do you think you can quit masturbating long enough for dinner?”

Eileen felt the heat of shame rise on her face. She followed him into the kitchen, abashed, and sat at the small table.

Throughout dinner, Eileen didn’t say a word. Each time the vibrator inside her started to run, she let out a soft “Uh!” and forced herself to squeeze down on it until it stopped. Anthony watched with amusement.

When dinner was over, he walked over to her chair. “Stay there.” He turned her chair away from the table. Eyes glittering, he unzipped his pants.

“What are you doing?” A small nervous tremor crept into her voice.

“You’ve spent the evening masturbating. Now it’s my turn. I’m going to masturbate, too.” He grabbed her hair painfully tight. “I’m just going to use you to do it.”

He shoved her head down roughly. “No! Stop! I….ugk!” she cried.

He used her hair like a handle to force her mouth up and down over his cock. Her lips wrapped around him, and her tongue stroked the underside of his shaft, even while she grabbed his wrists and struggled to escape.

True to his word, Anthony used her as though she were nothing more than a sex doll. Eileen felt utterly dehumanized, as though she were simply a convenient object for him to use to pleasure himself, not really part of the process at all. Hot tears ran down her cheeks.

What would it look like, she thought, if someone came into the kitchen and saw him using her like this? Her thoughts went to the grocery store clerk. What would he think, if he saw Anthony using both hands on her head to stroke himself with her mouth, not even allowing her to offer him pleasure? The feeling of objectification grew stronger. Her pussy tingled. Would it turn him on to see Anthony using her this way, indifferent to her choking sobs? The vibrator, as if sensing her reaction, began to buzz. A jolt of pleasure rippled through her.

Eileen felt herself slipping into the same trance-like state she had felt when he was punishing her up in the attic. Her struggles quieted and stopped. A warm glow spread through her body. She felt herself surrender to him, becoming complicit in the way he was using her. The words she’d written on the wall echoed in her mind:
I am a filthy slut who deserves to be used for sex.

He moved her head faster, pushing her down on each stroke until she choked. Her submission deepened. Her hands fondled her breasts, fingers twisting her nipples harshly. The pain reminded her of how he had punished her, and how good it had felt to be in that place where she belonged to him.

The vibrator ran faster. She squeezed her breasts tightly, silently giving herself to Anthony, willing him to please himself with her. He grew thicker in her mouth.

When he came, she closed her eyes and accepted it compliantly. Warm thick jizz spilled from her lips. He pushed her head down harder. She felt him at the back of her throat, demanding. He twitched and spurted again. She gagged involuntarily. More come spilled out of her mouth.

When he was finished, he pulled from her mouth and wiped his cock off on the side of her face. She gazed up at him, pliant, willing, his semen dripping from her lips to splash between her breasts. He smiled.

“Do you like that, little whore? You like belonging to me?”

She nodded. The warm glow radiated through her. “Yes,” she said.

“Prove it,” he said.

The words sent a jolt through her. Suddenly, overwhelmingly, she felt willing to do anything he asked, no matter how painful or degrading, to show him how much she wanted him to use her.

“What do you want me to do?” Her voice was raspy.

He smiled. “Nothing you haven’t done already. A simple thing, really. So simple, I scarcely even bother to ask.”

Her breathing quickened. An odd emotion, very much like disappointment, squeezed her heart. She most fiercely desired to hear him ask her for some deeply humiliating, degrading act that would show him how much she was willing to give herself to him. “But…”

His smile grew wider. “You look so disappointed! Did you want to do something that’s not so simple?”

Eileen, eyes downcast, did not respond.

“Ah, well. It doesn’t matter what you want, does it? Here’s what you’re going to do. You’re going to do the very same thing you did this afternoon, before I got home. You’re going to fantasize about that lovely story you told me, and you’re going to fondle yourself while you do it until you come.” His grin became wolfish, feral. “This time, I’m going to watch. And when I see you come, I am going to know just how much you love being used as a fuck-toy. You’ll never be able to tell me you don’t like it again.”

Eileen blushed. “But…my breasts hurt,” she mumbled defensively. “And they’re messy.”

“I don’t care.” Anthony sat down next to her. “Do it anyway.”

Her heart beat fast. She brought her hands back up to her breasts. His semen, warm and slick, squished around her fingers. The feeling ordinarily disgusted her; now, it made her quiver. The dirtiness of it felt exciting, as if it were one more way she could show him how she felt.

The vibrator ran at a steady low him inside her. She closed her eyes and leaned back. The taste of Anthony’s semen lingered on her tongue. She returned to the imaginary scene behind the grocery store.

In her mind, the cashier who had dragged her out there chuckled at her eagerness. “You see?” he called to the onlooking crowd. “You see how much she wants it?” His hands held her head tightly. “Should I give it to her?”

A murmur rippled through the watchers. Eileen knelt in front of him on the ground, her tattered clothing hanging from her in shreds. He looked down at her. “You want my cock in your mouth, don’t you?”

She tried to protest. Her words were silenced by his hard erection, shoved forcefully between her lips. She choked.

The vibrator picked up speed. Eileen squeezed her breasts tightly, savoring the pain. She fondled and caressed herself under Anthony’s gaze, her skin slippery with come beneath her hands.

She imagined the cashier’s thick cock filling her mouth, musky with the taste of her own juices. She began to suck immediately, thoughtlessly, bobbing her head up and down the way she had been trained to do. She sobbed openly, but even the feelings of violation at the rape could not overcome her conditioning. Her tongue swirled around the invading penis.

“There, that’s right! I knew you wanted it!” he said. He released her head. She wanted to stop, but the training was much to strong for her to break; she could not pull herself away. She slurped on his erect shaft, all the conditioning she had undergone overriding her will completely. Her body shook with humiliation. All around her, the onlookers cheered her on.

Anthony watched her touching herself intently. She leaned back in the wooden chair, her eyes tightly closed, moaning. Her legs were spread wide, and her hands groped her breasts roughly. She seemed utterly lost in her fantasy, completely unaware of anything else. Sweat and come glistened on her skin.

Eileen imagined the cock swelling in her mouth. She moved faster, willing for him to come, praying that it would all be over soon.

The cashier had other ideas. “Stop,” he said. His hands caught her head. “Not like that. I want these people to see me come, so they will know how much you like it.” He pulled from her mouth. “Use your hands. Make me come. Show them how slutty you are.”

The vibrator revved faster. Eileen squeezed her breasts tightly and gasped. She pictured herself kneeling in front of him and wrapping her hands around his shaft. She tried to pull away as she stroked, but his strong grip stopped her. He brought her face down to the tip of his cock. “Stay right there.”

“No!” she protested. From somewhere in the crowd behind her, she heard a chuckle. Her hands slid up and down his shaft. “I don’t want—”

He cried out as he came. Thick gouts of semen spurted over her face. She sputtered, caught off-guard, and tasted the disgusting stuff on her lips. More tears flowed.

Eileen arched her back, so absorbed in the fantasy, she didn’t even feel the vibrator stop. Her fingers squeezed her nipples rhythmically. “Oh! Oh!”

She imagined her assailant jerking her abruptly to her feet. He turned her toward the audience, showing them the come dripping from her face. “I told you she likes it!” he said. His hands pulled her arms roughly behind her back. “See for yourselves. I will hold her while you all have her. Don’t hold back!” His lips moved close to her ear. “Beg for it. Tell them you want it.”

Anthony watched Eileen’s lips moving silently. She twisted her nipples harshly, over and over again. He leaned closer to her. “Tell me you’re mine,” he said. “Tell me this is what you want.”

In her mind, Anthony’s voice merged with the clerk’s. She tugged sharply on her nipples. Her pussy clenched. “I want it!” she cried. “I am yours! Don’t hold back!” Her back arched again. “Rape me! Use me, I need it! Oh God, please rape me!” She imagined the watchers drawing closer, some of them already unzipping their pants, crowding close while the cashier held her firmly. “I like it rough! This is what I need! Please rape me!”

The orgasm hit with such intensity that it took her breath away. When it had passed and she could finally breathe again, she opened her eyes to find him looking at her placidly. She blushed and lowered her gaze. The feeling of submission lingered in her post-orgasmic haze.

“Tell me what you were thinking about when you came.”

She shivered. “He…he defiled me with his…you know, his come. On my face. And then he…” Her voice grew hoarse. “Then he…he offered me to other people. He told me to beg for it.”

“You like that.” It wasn’t a question.

“Yes.” Butterflies swirled.

“You are a mess. Scoop that come off your tits.”

A flash of arousal passed through her. She ran her fingertips up between her breasts, scooping up the semen that still clung there.

“You know what to do.”

She nodded. “I…think so. You…” She flushed. “You want me to put it in my mouth.”

He took the compact remote control from his pocket. “And you know what else is going to happen.”

“You’re going to make me come again?”

“Yes.” His deep brown eyes watched her calmly.

He pressed a button. The vibrator started to buzz. She raised her fingers to her lips. Her tongue swirled around her fingertips, just as he had taught her. Face flushing, she pressed her fingers into her mouth, coughing just a little at the taste.

The vibrator ran more quickly. “Hnnf,” she said. She pushed her fingers deeper, until they touched the back of her throat. A powerful surge of sexual need, so strong it was nearly blinding, swept through her. She marveled at how easily, and thoroughly, her body had been programmed, even though the taste of his semen still disgusted her.

She clamped her legs together tightly. “Hnngh! Ughk!” Her taut nipples burned with pain. She rammed her fingers down her throat, trying to distract herself from the sharp, painful contractions between her legs.

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