Evince Me (18 page)

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Authors: Lili Lam

Tags: #wattpad evince me notice me bebechinadoll watty awards tristan lise monhegan moonlight werewolf

BOOK: Evince Me
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'Actually Anya and I are
headed to dinner. Girls night out, you know.'
I sent
back feeling awfully guilty before remembering I needed to answer


"I'm actually headed over to Rustica to have
lunch with my best friend." I answered, not knowing what came over
me next. It's not something I'm proud of because I know Tristan
would definitely dissapprove. "Umm, do you want to join us?" I


Danny's eyes lit up at my suggestion. Then he
seemed to think about something before saying, "Really? Uhh are you
sure I don't want to impose." Waving him off for being silly I
linked my arm through his and tugged him towards the restaurant.
"Would I offer if I thought you'd be imposing? You and Anya will
get along just fine."


'Oh, ok I'm out with the guys
want us to meet up with you girls?'
Tristan offered,
crap! What do I say?


'Nah, you guys have fun. It'll
be nice just to have some alone time with Anya.'
lied not wanting him to find out I was in Danny's company, there's
no doubt in my mind he'll go on a warpath. But what's one meal with
a guy I'll never see again gonna hurt?


'Ok baby, so I guess I'll see
you at home. You two be safe ok? I love you.'
Tristan's voice floated into my head making me feel like a


Am I wrong for what I'm doing? I mean
technically I am having dinner with Anya. It's completely innocent
that I invited Danny along.
'See you at
home, I love you more.'
I responded before closing off
my thoughts to Tristan.


Rustica was completely packed inside. It made me
grateful that Anya suggested on getting out first to get us a
table. Danny grabbed a hold of my hand and led the way through the
crowd as we searched for Anya. I finally spotted her leaning
against the wall next to the bar area with an impatient look on her


Approaching her quickly, I waved my free
hand and called out for her. She sported a puzzled expression when
her eyes drifted to Danny's hands entwined in my own. Then her eyes
widened in a panic, she shook her head slightly. I took that as a
sign of
'I can't believe the wait...or
even I can't believe I suggested coming here'
This only made me smirk and roll my eyes at her.


The closer we got to her the more Anya shook her
head and did this funny thing with her eyes. What the heck's wrong
with her? Does she have a kink in her neck? As the crowd separated
a bit we reached Anya. My eyes squeezed shut in complete
understanding to her awkward behavior.


I had completely misread her warning signs. That
panicked look in her eyes should've clued me in that she was trying
to tell me something...something extremely important. It all hit me
at once, how could I have been so dumb…Rustica is never this


As I looked around carefully, familiar faces
were spread out everywhere in between the groups of people waiting
to be seated. If only I would have taken the time to notice my
surroundings instead of pushing my way through the hordes of
people, maybe just maybe I would've noticed sooner.


Tristan, being taken out by the guys. I mean
when do the guys go out? Anya suggesting we come eat and that I let
her out of the car first, which is something she never does by the
way. Probably so she could warn everyone of my arrival. This, this
was meant to be our bachelor and bachelorette party. I realized as
soon as I spotted Luke on her right side and Axel and Nicole off to
the other side.


"What the hell is this?" His voice boomed
angrily coming from the restroom area causing the crowded waiting
area to quiet down, it also caused me to cringe as I allowed my
hand to instantly drop from Danny's hold. Immediately, Danny was
shoved away from my side and in his place stood a furious Tristan.
I don't think furious is even the proper word to describe just how
angry he looked.


Tristan's eyes flashed from his normal gray to
an almost charcoal color. His chest heaved up and down rapidly as
he stood in front of me. I could see he was trying his hardest to
control his emotions...his wolf…to stop himself from shifting in
front of all these people and exposing our secret.


Tristan shook his head at me disbelievingly as a
pained look flashed by and that quickly it was gone. Letting out a
humorless chuckle, Tristan seethed. "It'll be nice just to have
some alone time with Anya?" Tristan threw my own lying words back
into my face. "If that's the case Lise then why is he here, holding
your hand no less? The guy I asked you to stay away from! Why can't
you ever just listen to me are you that dense?"


"Don't you speak to her like that!" Danny
shouted from the crowd somewhere. He was being held back by Axel
and Max somewhere off to the side. "Nobody asked you, so it'd be
wise if you shut up!" Tristan answered through clenched teeth. I
could hear Axel telling Danny it'd be in his best interest to be


"He's right, you shouldn't be speaking to her
that way!" Anya bit out. Luke was hushing her telling her to stay
out of it. All it earned her was a nasty glare from Tristan who way
beyond the point of reasoning now. I do believe his wolf was in
control currently or at least it's what I hoped. The real Tristan
wouldn't speak to me this way.


Feeling like a complete lying sack of crap and
an utter idiot, I stood there quietly staring at the ground
blinking rapidly as I tried to fight back my tears. I deserved
every bit of this for my stupidity, all the yelling and the anger
was for a reason. I should have said hi and bye and then I wouldn't
be in this mess. Why couldn't I just be a good Luna and follow my
Alpha's orders? That's when it hit me, I'm not Luna material. I
never will be, maybe Jewel was right all those years ago.


"ANSWER ME DAMMIT!!" Tristan shouted causing me
to jump violently. He grabbed a hold of my arms and shook me
startling me. Never in the three years together has he ever spoken
to me this way. Matter of fact I don't think he's ever been this
angry with me, but for him to lay his hands on me?


"Trist man, let's all go home and discuss this."
Luke intervened trying to step in and end my embarrassment. Good
ole’ Luke, the calm Beta who manages to talk some sense into the
sometimes irrational Alpha. I didn't want to go home especially not
if he's going to continue acting like this.


No, no, no this is unacceptable. I wasn't doing
anything wrong. Sure, I admit fault for speaking to Danny and the
whole hand holding thing was innocent. Just so we wouldn't lose one
another in the crowd. For Tristan to speak to me...his supposed
Luna in front of all these people...members of our pact in that
disrespectful manner just pissed me off even more.


There's ways to handle situations and this
wasn't one of them. He could have pulled me to the side away from
everyone, and given me a chance to explain, but no he's here
putting on a show. Is this how an Alpha is to behave in public? I
highly doubt it!


In a way I was thankful my brother's weren't
here, although it made me wonder where they were. They'd so kick
Tristan's ass for being so rough with me. I don't understand what
it is about Danny that gets him so riled up to the point of using
violence on me.


Mustering all the strength I could, I ripped
myself out of Tristan's grip. I was through with his attitude. Not
uttering a single word I spun around, turning my back on him and
began to walk away. "Just where do you think you're going? Don't
you walk away from me, Lise!" Tristan yanked me back by my left


My right hand came flying out of nowhere right
across Tristan's face, stunning him and everyone in the room. I
heard a few gasps of surprise, I must have some sort of an early
death wish. Yes people, I've just slapped the Alpha. "Don't you
ever lay another hand on me again." My voice came out stronger than
I felt and with that said, I left the restaurant completely unsure
of where I was headed and most of all what was in store for Tristan
and I.

Chapter 20: The Truth


Tristan's POV


What in the hell, did she seriously just bitch
slap me? In a way it knocked some sense into me, but it also pissed
me off even more than I already was. One thing...one damn thing I
asked of her, to stay away from that scum and what does she do? She
disobeyed my request. Does my word not mean anything to her, do I
not mean anything to her?


As I watched the back of her blond hair rush out
of the restaurant something inside of me snapped back to reality.
Taking a step forward, I decided to chase Lise down and demand she
explain herself. A hand on my shoulder held me in place as Luke
leaned in close and said. "Trist, let her go. You need to give her
some space man."


Space? That's all I've been giving her as of
lately since becoming Alpha, I feel like we hardly get to see one
another. We don't get to spend as much time with each other as I'd
like. Maybe that's why I've been so overprotective of her. The
guilt I'm feeling from not being around Lise as much as I should
was beginning to get to me. It was eating away at me slowly.


At that exact moment, Anya and Nicole shoved
past me in a rush to catch up with Lise. Each of them threw me a
dirty glare over their shoulders. What, did I do something wrong?
Would the way I handled the situation be categorized as an
overreaction? Just seeing that bastard holding her hand sent my
blood to a dangerous boiling point again as I focused my narrowed
eyes on the root of the problem.


Nodding my head to reassure Luke I wouldn't
chase after Lise and that I was calm. I straightened up my posture
and calmly walked over to where Axel and Max had a hold of him.
"Bring him back to the pack house." I ordered, my fists clenched
tightly at my sides. I was using every ounce of control to keep
myself from ripping his head off. He better thank his lucky stars
we're out in a public place, there's no way I'd jeopardize exposing
us over a piece of trash like Danny.


When I arrived back to the pack house, things
seemed quiet...too quiet. "Where do you want him Trist?" Max asked
still holding onto Danny's arm to make sure he didn't try and run
away. "Just keep him in my study with you for a bit. I have a few
things to handle before I deal with him." I responded, already
halfway up the first flight of steps headed to my room.


Lise's car was parked outside in the driveway,
so she must have come straight from Rustica. The entire ride home I
tried to mindlink her to apologize, but she blocked me out. I admit
I shouldn't have embarrassed her in front of all those people, pack
members included. I felt like a real jackass after having a chance
to calm down and reach my moment of clarity. I was hoping she'd at
least give me the opportunity to ask her if we could talk things
out, but no such luck.

Running up the second flight that led to our
room, I just wanted to pull Lise into my arms and hold her. To tell
her I love her so damn much, and that I don't know what the hell I
was thinking. That I was sorry for being so rough with her and that
I'll never forgive myself for putting my hands on her. I'd promise
her it would never happen again for as long as we live.


Swinging open the bedroom door I came face to
face with an empty room. Where is she? Did I miss her on the first
floor, maybe she's in the kitchen. Running back downstairs I went
room to room until I came to a stop in the dining room. What I saw
there made my heart stop cold.


"Where's Lise?" My voice came out in barely a
whisper as I stared at a teary eyed Anya being comforted by Luke.
Standing off to the side next to the fireplace was Axel hugging an
emotional Nicole who stood there with tear streaked cheeks. The
four of them looked at each other and it was Luke who stood up from
the sofa.


"Anya...Nicole...where is Lise?" I managed to
get my tone of voice to sound as calm as possible. Deep down inside
I was falling apart. As Alpha I couldn't show them the pain I was
feeling, the lump in the back of my throat, the aching feeling in
my chest. Showing weakness in front of your pack is not an option,
though it is allowed in front of your Luna.


My Luna is my best friend. I can confide in her
with anything whether it my worries or my fears. Lise always
manages to calm me with something as simple as her warm touch or
the sound of her soothing voice to reassure me that everything will
work out. Except right now she's not around to stop the turmoil my
body is experiencing.


"Trist, she's gone man." Luke uttered four words
my brain refused to comprehend. Luke's hands held out in surrender
as he approached me with caution. A look of worry appeared on his
face as though he was scared I'd flip out and go crazy. He had
every right to be leary of my reaction. How do you think an Alpha
would react when told his Luna is gone?


My eyebrows creased in confusion as my brain
tried to decipher what he meant by gone? My head grew fuzzy and my
vision seemed out of focus as I desperately tried to remain
standing. Did she step out somewhere? "What do you mean she's
gone?" I asked dumbfounded. Maybe my heart was in denial, it didn't
want to think about losing Lise...not now, not ever.


"Gone!! As in not physically here right now...as
in not coming back...and it's all your god damn fault!" Anya
shouted angrily as she jumped up from the sofa and ran from the
room sobbing. Luke immediately ran after Anya, no doubt to console
her. Axel turned to Nicole whispering something in her ear before
she turned and scurried out of the room.

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